super jade

Chapter 152 Don't cry without seeing the coffin

Hong Rui hung up the phone, but he didn't dare to decide this matter in private, so he hurriedly called Li Yi.

Li Yi sneered when he heard that the person visiting was Sun Lei. This guy really didn't cry when he saw the coffin, and told him how to deal with it.

Sun Lei didn't know that disaster was imminent, he just wanted to take revenge on Liu Wei and others, so he drove to the Black Rose Bar overnight.

When he came to the bar, Sun Lei saw Hong Rui, nodded and bowed hurriedly, and said, "Brother Hong is indeed a good-looking talent. I wish I had seen it before I heard it. It's a small thing." Then, he took out a bank card and handed it over.

Hong Rui accepted it unceremoniously, and said: "Sun Lei from the Huaixi Gang, right! The reason why he came to look for me in the middle of the night is because of this little thing!"

Sun Lei didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, saying: "Brother Hong, to be honest, I encountered a little trouble today."

"Little trouble?" Hong Rui sneered in his heart, but said, "What kind of trouble!"

"Today I came to the province to find my old friend, but I didn't expect to meet her ex-boyfriend. He brought a group of people to my house, and one of them seemed to be capable. I was not his opponent, but I was beaten up by them instead. "Sun Lei said, "Brother Hong, you also know that my people are all in Huaixi City, so..."

Hong Rui suddenly slapped the table and got up, roaring angrily: "You are so brave, someone dares to attack you in my territory."

The sound of slapping the table was astonishingly loud, and Sun Lei was terrified. He hurriedly said, "Brother Hong, it's a trivial matter for me to be bullied. Isn't this slapping you in the face? Look..."

"Little grandson, you can go back with peace of mind!" Hong Rui secretly scolded him, but this guy hasn't heard it yet.

Sun Lei was secretly happy, and said, "Brother Hong, do you really want to help me out?"

"We are all brothers. What's your matter is not mine. Tell me! Who is that kid? I'll have someone kill him today." Hong Rui said arrogantly.

"That kid's name is Liu Wei, a student in Class 42 ([-]) of High School [-]." Sun Lei said in detail, "As for the two people he brought, I don't know their names, they seem to be students too."

Hong Rui nodded and said, "Go back first! Wait for my good news."

At noon the next day, Sun Lei came near the school. Instead of going in, he waited in a teahouse.

When school was over at noon, Liu Wei walked into the teahouse. When she saw Sun Lei, she asked, "Brother Sun, you sent me a message to come here to find you. What's the matter?"

Sun Lei took her hand and asked with a smile, "Your ex-boyfriend didn't come to school today, did he?"

Liu Wei didn't know why he asked this, but he still said truthfully: "He seems to be here, did I see him just now?"

Hearing this, Sun Lei was stunned, and said in surprise, "What did you say, he came to school?"

"Yeah! What's wrong?" Liu Wei asked puzzled, "Could it be that you asked someone to teach him a lesson?"

Sun Lei was full of doubts, but he didn't say it out. He waved his hands and said, "It's okay, you can go back to school first!"

After Liu Wei left, Sun Lei took out his mobile phone and made a call, and flatteringly said after connecting, "Brother Hong, I'm Xiao Sun, I don't know what happened yesterday..."

"Oh! Little grandson! I'm just looking for you! We couldn't find the place where the kid lives last night. We will start after school this afternoon. Do you have time to come and see?" Hong Rui said.

Sun Lei slapped his thigh excitedly. He knew that Brother Hong would not let him go, so he hurriedly said, "Yes, I have time."

"Okay, wait for my call tonight." Hong Rui hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Sun Lei showed an excited smile on his face. After drinking tea, he went to the ### center to take a shower, and then called two massage girls.

When school was over in the afternoon, Sun Lei answered a phone call and went to a construction site near the school.

Hong Rui did not come, but handed over the matter to Zhang Xiaoliang according to Li Yi's arrangement.

What happened yesterday made Zhang Xiaoliang quite depressed, and he was worried that he had nowhere to vent his anger!But encountered this.

Excited, Zhang Xiaoliang brought hundreds of people to wait here. When he saw Sun Lei coming, he said nonchalantly, "Are you that little grandson?"

Sun Lei's face darkened, isn't this a curse?He can pretend to be a grandson in front of Brother Hong, after all, he is the boss of Luyang District, but who is this guy in front of him, who dares to speak to him in such a tone?Thinking of this, Sun Lei became furious, and said coldly, "Who the hell are you, be careful with what you say."

"Fuck! I'll call you little grandson, what can you do to me?" Zhang Xiaoliang roared and threw the cigarette butt in his hand.

After all, Sun Lei is also the boss, and his reaction speed is not slow, so he dodged quickly and said, "Boy, what do you mean by that? Didn't Brother Hong tell you who I am?"

"I don't care who you are!" Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, "I only know that I received a mission just now, and I will teach someone a lesson later."

Sun Lei saw that the other party was making three shots, so he didn't bother to continue, and said: "I don't have the same knowledge as you, when will the person you want to teach come?"

"Come on, he'll come over later." After Zhang Xiaoliang finished speaking, he found a stool and sat down.

After about a few minutes, Liu Wei came here alone. He was slightly taken aback when he saw Sun Lei, and said, "Brother Liang, what did you call me here for?"

"Brother Hong asked me to teach someone a lesson, so I'm here now." Zhang Xiaoliang stood up and walked quickly towards Liu Wei.

Sun Lei frowned, why did he feel that something was wrong!Can't help asking: "Boy, the person you want to teach is here, why don't you do it?"

Zhang Xiaoliang had already walked in front of Liu Wei, he waved his hand and said, "What are you still doing, beat me to death."

Everyone knew who the person was going to beat, so they picked up the sticks in their hands and walked towards Sun Lei.

At this time, Sun Lei was still waiting to watch a good show and saw Liu Wei being beaten violently.

However, when he saw the crowd walking towards him, Sun Lei was stunned again, and quickly asked, "What are you doing? He is the one who wants to beat..."

The younger brothers didn't answer him at all, they raised their sticks and beat Sun Lei. After a few minutes, Sun Lei's bones were broken, and he fell to the ground and cried out in pain.However, the violent beating by the crowd was not over yet. Under the constant call of sticks, Sun Lei was dying after a while, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

No matter how stupid Liu Wei was, he knew what Li Yi had asked him to do here. He walked up to Sun Lei and said, "Boy, I heard you are also the boss of the underworld?"

This sentence was unspeakably ironic, Sun Lei could only pretend to be dead, otherwise he would be beaten harder.

"Can't hear what I said?" Liu Wei grabbed him, took a stick, and said coldly, "Since you're dead, I don't mind breaking your third leg!"

Sun Lei trembled, quickly opened his eyes and said, "Don't hit me, I'll give you money."

"Oh! How much can you give me?" Liu Wei found out for the first time that working in the underworld is very exciting. It can teach people and get money.

Sun Lei just wanted to survive, he gritted his teeth and said, "One million."

Liu Wei grows up and has never seen so much money. While excited, he was about to agree, but was interrupted by Zhang Xiaoliang's words.

"Crap! You fucking think we are beggars! What can we do with a million dollars?" Zhang Xiaoliang kicked Sun Lei away, and said to the little brother beside him, "Keep beating me..."

Liu Wei was speechless, 100 million was a big amount for him, yet Zhang Xiaoliang didn't like it.

However, since Zhang Xiaoliang has so much, he must have his reasons. Liu Wei watched the play happily, waiting for Sun Lei's answer.

Sun Lei was vomiting blood in his heart, wishing to scold all eighteen generations of Zhang Xiaoliang's ancestors, but he could only bite the bullet and say: "Brother, I know I was wrong, how much do you want?"

"If it's less than this number, you don't want to leave alive today." Zhang Xiaoliang stretched out five fingers.

Sun Lei gritted his teeth. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and said, "Okay, I'll have someone call you 500 million now."

"Fuck, who told you 500 million?" Zhang Xiaoliang stepped forward with two big mouths, and after beating Sun Lei dizzy, he said, "I said 5000 million..."

"Brother, brother, don't be kidding me. I'm the boss of a locality. How can I have so much money?" Sun Lei smiled wryly.

Zhang Xiaoliang snorted coldly, stepped on his chest, and said: "Young lady and I are crying poor, white flour is no longer sold in the provincial capital, don't you know? In those places under your hand, this thing is still sold as usual, every day The money you get in a month is several million, after all these years, you don't have tens of millions of property..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaoliang paused for a moment, and continued: "You may not have so much money in your hand, but your father was also the boss back then. Doesn't he have any money on hand? Now you have to call someone to transfer the money, or waste money." I lost your third leg, you choose yourself!"

Sun Lei's face darkened. He didn't expect that the other party even knew his father. He gritted his teeth and said, "Both of you, I advise you to stop when it suits you, don't go too far..."

"Why, do you think I'm afraid of your father?" Zhang Xiaoliang said disdainfully.

"Boy, although my father has abdicated for many years, he was also a well-known figure in the province back then. Even if your eldest bus sister sees him now, she should be polite. What are you?" Sun Lei had no choice but to He could only bring out his father. He wanted to scare the other party, but he didn't expect it to be self-defeating.

"Drink! You have nothing to do, but you use your father to scare us. Are we scared?" Zhang Xiaoliang laughed loudly, looking at Sun Lei as if he was looking at an idiot.

Sun Lei frowned, he didn't expect his father to move out, and said, "I want to call Sister Ba."

"Okay! You can fight now." Zhang Xiaoliang said indifferently.

Sun Lei took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found a number that he wrote down a long time ago but never dialed, and quickly dialed it.

Soon, the call was connected, and Sun Lei hurriedly said: "Sister Ba, I am the young grandson of the Huaixi Gang, and my father is Sun Tai. Today I was killed in your territory..."

As soon as he said this, he was interrupted by Bayongjie, who said impatiently: "That's it?"

"Sister Ba, I was killed in your territory..." Sun Lei repeated what he said just now, but he was interrupted again just now.

"I see. Didn't you just get bullied in my place?" Bayongjie snorted coldly, "If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

"Wait a minute, your subordinates taught me a lesson, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" Sun Lei said anxiously, "If you don't give me face, you must give my father face!"

"Then let your father come to me!" Bayongjie hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Sun Lei didn't expect such a result. He glanced at the crowd who were staring at him, and said bravely, "I have to make another call..."

"Okay! Go ahead!" Zhang Xiaoliang said indifferently.

After the call was made, but no one answered, Sun Lei's expression changed, and he called several times, but the result was still the same.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, Zhang Xiaoliang had something to wait for, and he had no time to wait here, so he waved his hands and said, "Don't hit me, you'd better enjoy it obediently!" He beat Sun Lei with a stick, especially between Sun Lei's legs, and kicked him several times in a row.

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