super jade

Chapter 156

That night, Li Yi came to Bayongjie's villa. Sister Ba's villa is very large. Except for the underground car room, there are [-]% upstairs.The first floor is the living room and kitchen, and the second and third floors have eight-key houses, study rooms, and gymnasiums.Bayongjie didn't know that he had too much money and was too lazy to go up the stairs, so he installed an elevator in the villa.

This is the second time Li Yi has come to the villa. The last time he was carried in after being unconscious, he didn't look carefully at the surrounding environment. After seeing it, he was immediately stunned by the super luxurious decoration.The LCD TV in the living room is 80 inches in size, and it is the same type. Bayongjie is sitting in front of the TV, watching the soap opera of Bangziguo.

"Damn it, you're too prodigal! This renovation will cost at least a few million!" Li Yi sat on the sofa and couldn't help sighing.

Bayongjie giggled and said, "Do you still care about the money with your current wealth?"

"Of course I care, who would think too much money?" Li Yi said with a smile, "I have so many wives, and they are still waiting for me to support them!"

Bayongjie couldn't stop laughing, she turned forward and backward, and said, "You have so much money, let alone three wives, you can support no matter how many women you have."

Li Yi was slightly taken aback. After counting, he now has four women. Except for Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei, the other two have had relationships with him.Since Bayongjie mentioned three women, it can be seen that she didn't know anything about Sun Hanyue.Li Yi radiated his consciousness and sensed the situation in the villa, but he didn't find Sun Hanyue's figure, and said, "Where is Hanyue! Where did she go?"

Bayongjie turned around suddenly, stared at Li Yi, and saw him trembling for a while.

"What are you doing looking at me like this, are you falling in love with me?" Li Yi asked subconsciously.

"Do you think I will fall in love with you?" Bayongjie asked back.

Li Yi frowned and said, "Since you haven't fallen in love with me, why are you staring at me like this?"

"What did you call her just now? If I haven't heard of it, you can call her Hanyue!" Bayongjie tutted, "Such an intimate name, there must be some secret between you."

Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't believe that Bayongjie knew what happened between them, so he simply said: "Yes! We are indeed together, and we have been together for a long time."

Sometimes when you tell a lie, the other party often believes it, but if you tell the truth, the other party doesn't believe it.

Bayongjie was just joking about Li Yi, seeing him answering like this, smiled and said: "Don't brag, Hanyue is a killer, can she be taken down by you?"

"Didn't you say that just now?" Li Yi smiled and said, "If I call her Hanyue, it means we are together, then I will call you Xiaojie in the future."

Bayongjie rolled her eyes, waved her hands and said, "Come on, you should keep calling you your wife for such a nasty name! I can't bear it." She paused, and then continued: "Han Yue went out to perform a mission, I guess You came back very late, tell me, how did you persuade your family to live here?"

There is no need to hide this matter, Li Yi told the truth, and then said: "That's it.

Bayongjie smiled and said, "You are so good at talking, you actually told your uncles and aunts to study."

"I'm doing it for you too. If I don't say that, will they let me out?" Li Yi said depressed.

In the following time, the two talked about something that was not nutritious. Bayongjie thought of something and said, "By the way, I have already let someone develop the mine in Yunxi Province."

"How about it, do you have all the ores I mentioned!" Li Yi asked.

"Well! You have everything you said. Those gold mines are enough to recover the cost. As for diamonds and jade, I plan to make them into jewelry." Bayongjie briefly talked about the plan, then looked at Li Yi and said, "You are also The major shareholder of the company, do you need a batch of jewelry after they come down?"

"What do you think! I have so many wives, everyone should have a copy!" Li Yi knows that women like shiny things, and they didn't have the money to buy them before, but now they are not only rich, but also from their own company, of course not. polite.

"I don't think three copies are enough!" Bayongjie said with something in his words.

Li Yi froze for a moment, and said, "I only have three wives, how many more do I need?"

"You don't have many wives, but you have quite a few relatives!" Bayongjie said, "If you want to marry them home, you still need the consent of your mother-in-law. Don't you plan to give them some?"

Li Yi didn't think of this before, but now that he thinks about it, he nodded and said, "What you said makes sense, I'll leave this matter to you!"

Unknowingly, the two chatted for more than an hour. Seeing that it was getting late, Li Yi yawned and said, "Where do I sleep at night?"

"Nonsense, of course I slept in the guest room, do you still want to sleep with me?" Bayongjie said angrily.

Li Yi smiled badly, and said: "It's rare to live with a beautiful woman, and I hope something can happen."

"If you want something to happen, go to your Xiaofei and Shining. If you can't help but call the beautiful policewoman over, I don't have time to play with you." Bayongjie changed the subject, "Yes Now, this is not the day of living with a beautiful woman, but the day of living in a villa with a beautiful woman, or in other words, the days of protecting a beautiful woman."

"Oh, let me go, do you have a rich imagination?" Li Yi couldn't help but said, this girl can think of so much.

"Hehe! This can't be called rich imagination! Wasn't there a movie some time ago called the day when I lived with the stewardess?" Bayongjie likes watching TV very much, especially soap operas, "It is said that the movie is a novel. Adapted from this novel, now this type of novel is very popular, why don't you write one too!"

"Your suggestion is good, I can think about it." Li Yi said seriously, "It's easy to write, but there is a lack of vegetarian dishes. You must cooperate with me."

"Materials?" Bayongjie was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked, "How do you want me to cooperate?"

"Think about it! The days of the villa with the beautiful woman, now there is a villa, there is a beautiful woman, but the storyline is not there, so let me write it, and I sit on the sofa and chat with the beautiful woman, isn't it boring?" Li Yi said, " You also know that men like exciting things, so..."

Li Yi deliberately didn't finish the sentence. He believed that Bayongjie's IQ would be able to understand the meaning of the words.

Of course Bayongjie could understand, she smiled and said, "What do you want to happen to us?"

"Of course, the more that one, the better. Only real experience can write a sense of substitution, and it looks real." Li Yi said with reason.

Bayongjie suddenly laughed, looked at Li Yi and said, "I found that you are very good at talking."

"Aren't I right?" Li Yi did run the train with his mouth full, but he didn't think he was talking nonsense this time.

"You just said that if you want to write a novel to be more realistic, you must do such a thing, right?" Bayongjie saw Li Yi nodding, and continued, "You said those masters who wrote fairy tales, don't they also Ever practiced immortality? They kill people every day in their novels, so don’t they kill people in reality?”

"This..." Li Yi was speechless, this girl reacted too quickly!

Bayongjie seemed to know that Li Yi couldn't answer, so he said sternly: "I can't answer it! Novels are all fiction. If you really want to write it, you can just fabricate it out of thin air. If it doesn't work, I can tell you a way. You lie on the bed and close your eyes, and the stories in your dreams are very real."

It was the first time Li Yi said that he couldn't beat Bayongjie, so he was naturally a little unwilling, and said: "If you are willing to let me put you on the bed in my dream, I can consider this proposal."

"Go to hell!" Bayongjie picked up a pillow and threw it over, and said angrily, "There is Hanyue besides me in the villa, why don't you dream of her?"

Li Yi didn't answer immediately, but stared at Bayongjie's chest, and said with a smile: "Your is bigger than hers, I think it's more exciting to do that."

"Hmph!" Bayongjie felt that if she continued to speak, she must be the one who suffered. She got up and said, "I'm going to rest. Your room is the first one on the left on the second floor."

After Bayongjie left, Li Yi was not in the mood to watch TV, so he got up and walked into the room.

The layout of the room is very particular, in addition to a bed, there is a wardrobe, and even a computer desk and computer are prepared for him.The big white bed is European style. Li Yi took a look and was very satisfied. He glanced at the time, and he got on it for a while before it was twelve o'clock.

Li Yi hasn't been on QQ for a long time, and the number in front of him was that Liu Wei applied for for him when he was in junior high school, to chat with her.Later, she left the school and left his world forever. Li Yi became decadent, drinking and fighting all day long, and never went there again.

Counting the time, it has been more than three years. After Li Yi logged in to QQ, he found that everything was very strange. He recalled the bits and pieces of the year and felt uncomfortable for a while.After Li Yi glanced at QQ, he found that except for the messages from Liu Wei and others, he could no longer see other news. After watching the news for a while, he was about to go offline when a message popped up.

Li Yi clicked on it subconsciously, and when she saw the other party's name, she was completely speechless.

"I'm a little rich woman!!!"

Nima, this name is also powerful for him!

Depressedly, Li Yi clicked on the other party's information column, and found that the other party did not fill in the other information except age, and the age was written as 17 years old, which was about the same as him.Li Yi didn't think that such a big girl could be a rich woman, but after seeing the other party's question, she couldn't help but reply.

"Handsome, why don't you rest at this late hour?"

"Yes! Am I waiting for the rich woman to find me?"

After typing this sentence, Li Yi laughed. Isn't this a situation where you are idle and looking for someone to talk nonsense?

The world of the Internet is like this, illusory and illusory, they don't know each other, they can say whatever they want, and they can do whatever they want.

Soon, the other party replied.

"Are you waiting for me?"

Li Yi was speechless again, she really regarded herself as a rich woman, since the other party is so interesting, then play with the other party.

"I am indeed waiting for you, are you rich?"

"My money is not much, only a few hundred million!" I am a little rich woman.

"Then how much money can you give me a month if you take care of me?"

"That depends on your performance. If it's good, all my property will be yours." I am a little rich woman.

The more Li Yi went on, the more he felt like nonsense, and he quickly typed a sentence on the keyboard.

"That's good! Tell me a time, let's meet!"

"I'm not in the same city as you, so I don't have time to find you now." I'm a little rich woman.

"How do you know we're not in the same city?"

"Heck! I found out that you have a problem with IQ. Isn't it written in your information that you are in ** City?" I am a little rich woman.

Li Yi actually forgot about this matter, and besides, Liu Wei filled in the information at the beginning, and he didn't know it.

"Since you are rich, it shouldn't be a problem to fly to see me!"

The other party didn't answer. Li Yi waited for about 5 minutes and still couldn't wait. Just when he wanted to play Q, he heard the sound of ticking from the earphone again.

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