super jade

Chapter 157

After Li Yi opened it and saw the text on it, he was speechless again.

"I'm going to have a meeting later, so I won't talk to you for now, I'll find you when I have time."

After saying this, the profile picture of the other party dimmed, and it was obvious that he was offline.

Li Yi smiled bitterly, this girl really thinks she is a rich woman, how can she go to a meeting in the middle of the night?

This thought flashed through his mind, but Li Yi didn't take it seriously. There are so many strange women these days, no matter how much they brag, it's normal.Li Yi just took it as a joke, turned off the computer and prepared to go to bed, but before going to bed, there was one more thing to do, and that was to go to the toilet.

There is no bathroom in the room, which makes Li Yi very depressed. His spiritual consciousness spread out, and he can see the situation in the villa. Except for the master bedroom where Bayongjie is located, there is a bathroom, and the other two are public bathrooms.Helpless, Li Yi could only walk out of the room and came to a bathroom on the second floor.

While whistling, suddenly, the door of the room opened, and a woman broke in.

Li Yi shook his hand, almost peed on his pants, and looked up subconsciously.

At the same time, the other party also saw him, exclaimed, and was about to run out of the room.

The villa was unusually quiet, and the other party's exclamation was surprisingly loud, even Bayongjie who was sleeping heard it.

Because the key is the time, the killer will come at any time, Bayongjie hurriedly ran out, and said anxiously: "Han Yue, what happened?"

The woman who broke in suddenly was none other than Sun Hanyue. After she came back, she simply changed her clothes and went to the bathroom, ready to take a shower, but unexpectedly, a man came to the villa where no man had ever come. And the other party is still there ###.What's even more frustrating is that she didn't even see the other person's appearance clearly, but instead saw an extremely ugly big guy.

That's why Sun Hanyue exclaimed, and after she exclaimed, she also saw the other party's appearance.

Hearing Bayongjie's question, Sun Damei was very embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "It's nothing, I'm taking a shower, and I saw a cockroach just now..."

"A killer like you is afraid of cockroaches?" Bayongjie was a little incredulous.

"Of course I'm scared. I can only kill people, but I can't kill cockroaches." Afraid that Bayongjie would come over, Sun Hanyue quickly closed the bathroom door and said, "Sister Ba, why haven't you rested yet?"

Bayongjie took a look at Sun Hanyue, and when she was sure that nothing happened, she yawned and said, "I fell asleep, didn't you wake me up?"

"Oh! So that's how it is!" Sun Hanyue said, "Then I'm going to take a bath."

"Wait a minute." Bayongjie walked over quickly.

Sun Hanyue was taken aback, didn't she want to go into the bathroom?If you went in, wouldn't you see Li Yi in the bathroom, and hurriedly said, "What's the matter, Sister Ba?"

"It's okay, I'll go first, you can come in later." Bayongjie said.

Sun Hanyue knew that Li Yi was inside, so she must not let her in, and said, "Isn't there a bathroom in your room?"

"Isn't this by the way?" After Bayongjie finished speaking, he opened the door and went in.

Seeing Bayongjie take off her pants, Sun Hanyue wanted to stop her, but she didn't know how to speak, so she looked up into the bathroom.

This public bathroom is very large, and there is a layer of cloth in the shower area, presumably Li Yi is hiding behind.

Bayongjie didn't take a closer look at the situation in the bathroom, and walked out directly after finishing the work, saying: "By the way, I forgot to tell you that Li Yi offended someone recently, and the other party will probably send a killer to kill us, you Be careful. When you remember to shout, Li Yi will come to save us."

"Wait, Li Yi offended someone else, why did the other party kill us?" Sun Hanyue was speechless, even if she was Li Yi's woman, as the saying goes, a wife and children are not as bad as a wife!Besides, she and Li Yi have only been together for a few days. How does the other party know that she is Li Yi's woman? What's going on?

"Didn't you come back from your mission two days ago? I forgot to tell you, the thing is like this." Bayongjie said briefly, and then said, "That's it, that guy Sun Tai thinks I didn't stop this He blamed everything on me, so he wanted to kill me..."

"So that's the case! But even if the killer comes, is it useful for me to call Li Yi?" Although Sun Hanyue saw Li Yi, she had to ask this question, otherwise the other party would be suspicious.

"Li Yi will live here recently, he will protect us." Bayongjie giggled and said, "If you want to take him down, this is a good opportunity!"

Knowing that she was joking, Sun Hanyue simply smiled and said, "Sister Ba, let me give you this opportunity!"

"Okay, I'm going to rest! Be careful when taking a shower, don't let him see it!" Bayongjie walked into the room after finishing speaking.

"I've been watched by her, so I'm afraid of being peeped?" Sun Hanyue thought so in her heart, but she still wanted to go to the bathroom.

After entering the door, I saw Li Yi coming out from behind the curtain, and said in a depressed voice, "I said, you didn't say a word when you ###, you just scared me."

" did I know you would come in." Li Yi smiled wryly, if he hadn't finished urinating, he might be scared out of trouble.

"Why did you come here? How do you explain to your uncle and aunt?" Sun Hanyue is already Li Yi's woman, and now she does everything for his sake.

Li Yi didn't hide it, and said truthfully: "They have already done it."

"Since this is the case, then I don't worry, you go out first! I'm going to take a shower." Sun Hanyue held the clean clothes in her hand and immediately put them on the hanger.

"Aren't you going to wash together?" Li Yi asked with a smile.

Sun Hanyue glared at him, and said angrily: "Whoever wants to be with you, get out quickly." She pulled Li Yi's shoulder and pushed him out.

As soon as the door of the room was closed, Li Yi heard a clicking sound, apparently locked.

"Stupid girl, do you think it's hard to get me by locking it?" Li Yi just wanted to open the door with the power of spiritual consciousness, but gave up. If he can't do anything now, Sun Hanyue might not take a bath in a fit of anger.It's better to wait and go in when Sun Damei is halfway through washing. Wouldn't it be possible to do whatever you want?

Thinking of this, Li Yi turned and walked into the room, and deliberately heard footsteps when he walked.

Sun Hanyue did put her head on the door, eavesdropping on the situation outside, and only started to undress when she was sure that Li Yi had left.

A few minutes later, Li Yi quietly walked out of the room and went straight to the bathroom.

Li Yi didn't go this time to peek at the beautiful women taking a bath. The drunken man didn't care about drinking, but between his legs.

Think about taking a bath with a beautiful woman, and then ### while taking a bath, the excitement is indescribable.

As soon as he walked to the door of the bathroom, he heard the sound of running water coming from inside. Li Yi was so excited when he thought of the beautiful woman taking a bath, and the big guy became shamefully hard.The power of spiritual consciousness unlocked the door, and Li Yi gently pushed the door open and went in. When he saw Miaoman's figure behind the curtain, he quickly took off his clothes, then walked over, and hugged Sun Dameimei from behind.

This hug made Sun Hanyue stunned, and hurriedly opened her eyes to look.

When she saw that the person behind her was Li Yi, she was so angry that she said coquettishly, "Why are you here again?"

"Hey! I haven't tried the mandarin duck bath, why don't we do it once?" Li Yi said so, but the big guy rubbed between Sun Dameimei's legs.

Under the constant friction, Sun Hanyue also felt it, and said coldly: "I didn't expect you to like to play tricks."

"How about it, do you want to come again?" Li Yi kissed Sun Hanyue's earrings, which made her numb, and said softly, "Sister Killer, don't you want it?"

Sun Hanyue knew that she couldn't refuse, not to mention that she also felt that this was very exciting, so she let it go, saying: "Stop talking nonsense, hurry up if you want, don't delay my shower."

"We can take a bath while doing that." Li Yi hugged Sun Hanyue tightly, the big guy entered deeply from the back, and slowly ### got up.

While enjoying it, Sun Hanyue turned her head and kissed Li Yi's lips, and soon immersed herself in the beautiful melody.

In the bathroom, there was the sound of Sun Hanyue's panting, as well as the slapping sound of physical contact.

About an hour later, Sun Hanyue was out of breath, leaning on the wall with both hands and said: "Li Yi, I can't do it anymore, why don't you come out!"

"I've said it all, it won't work without three hours." Li Yi said, "Did you forget what I said?"

Sun Hanyue remembered what Li Yi said at the time, and the manager at that time, and said depressedly: "You are such a pervert, why don't we go to the room and do it!"

"Go now?" Li Yi was also worried that Sun Hanyue's body would not be able to bear it. The two of them stood for more than an hour. Such a large amount of physical exertion, even a killer could not bear it.

"Yeah! Lay on the bed for as long as you want." Sun Hanyue replied.

Li Yi pulled the big guy out, and after the two simply washed the soap bubbles off their bodies, they went to get dressed.

However, at the moment when they were getting dressed, something happened that made them speechless. Footsteps came from outside the room.

Sun Hanyue tensed up, looked at Li Yi quickly, and said in a low voice: "Who is here? It can't be the killer!"

Li Yi exuded his spiritual sense and sensed it. When he saw the other party's appearance, he smiled bitterly and said, "It's still a beautiful killer."

"Ah! Is it really a killer?" Sun Hanyue hurriedly picked up her clothes and put them on, and said anxiously, "Hurry up and put on your clothes, first subdue her."

Li Yi grabbed her hand and said: "Don't wear it, it's too late, the person who came over is Sister Ba."

"What did you say? Sister Ba is here? Didn't you just say the beauty killer?" Sun Hanyue thought of the current situation of the two of them and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Sister Ba came to spoil our good deeds, so what is she if she's not a killer?" Li Yi hurriedly picked up his clothes, and pulled Sun Hanyue behind the curtain.

At this moment, Bayongjie's voice came from outside the room, "Han Yue, have you washed yet?"

"Uh, not yet..." Sun Hanyue replied.

"Why didn't I hear the sound of water?" Bayongjie wondered.

Sun Hanyue thought for a while, and said a reason that even she didn't believe, "I was using shower gel just now, so I turned it off."

"That's it! You don't mind if I go in and take a bath with you!" Bayongjie finished speaking, and walked in quickly without waiting for Sun Hanyue's answer.

"Of course I mind." Sun Hanyue thought so in her heart, but she couldn't refuse, so she could only bite the bullet and say, "The place here is too small, it's crowded when two people stand together."

"It's okay, so I can wipe the shower gel for you, and you can help me too!" Bayongjie said and took off her clothes. In a blink of an eye, she was naked and was about to walk this way.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

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