super jade

Chapter 160 This mission is too easy

Li Yi took off his clothes at an astonishing speed. The big guy was already hungry and thirsty, and couldn't wait to enter the depths of Taoyuan.

"Tell me first, and I'll give it to you after I finish." Although Sun Hanyue was lying on the bed, she clamped her legs tightly, not giving Li Yi a chance.

"Idiot, because there are surveillance cameras in the living room and corridor, can I come in from here?" After Li Yi finished speaking, he quickly opened the legs of the beautiful woman, which was much easier than opening the anti-theft window.

Bayongjie installed a monitoring device in the villa, and it was still a needle-hole camera that was difficult to find, but it was still sensed by Li Yi.As the saying goes, when things go wrong, there must be demons. Li Yi doesn't believe that Bayongjie will take Sun Hanyue to lie to the street for no reason. He must have someone press the monitor when he is lying on the street.

Just like this, after Li Yi entered the villa, he sensed every move in the villa.

"So that's the case." Sun Hanyue nodded suddenly, then closed her eyes, enjoying the process of ###.

After two ###, this girl knows the taste, and she also thinks that it is a wonderful thing to do between men and women.

Li Yi's hungry and thirsty big guy kept hitting Sun Hanyue's body. After a while, apart from the panting sound of the beautiful woman, there were also fearful voices in the room.Sun Hanyue soon reached the point of excitement, and just when she was about to reach the highest point, Li Yi stopped suddenly.

This made Sun Hanyue so depressed that she quickly grabbed Li Yi's shoulder and said anxiously: "Don't stop..."

"Hurry up! People are so uncomfortable, don't stop."

"Good husband, please take me! I beg you."


After Sun Hanyue yelled a few times, she found that it had no effect, and Li Yi even pulled out the big guy that made her comfortable.

Feeling empty inside the body, as if suddenly lost the most important thing, Sun Hanyue is so angry!Jiaochen said: "What are you going to do?"

Li Yi made a booing gesture, lowered his voice and said: "You keep shouting."

Sun Hanyue was so angry that she snorted coldly, "You don't mess with me anymore, what else should I be called?"

"Someone outside is monitoring here. It may be a killer. I want to go out." After saying this, Li Yi put on his clothes, and then disappeared into a phantom.

Seeing Li Yi's ghostly speed, Sun Hanyue's eyes widened. She didn't even see how Li Yi left.

However, thinking of what Li Yi said before leaving, she gritted her teeth and cried out with a flushed face.

Outside the villa, a young man was standing under a three-meter-high viewing tree.

The man's whole body was wrapped in black clothes, with only a pair of eyes exposed.He was holding a monitor in his hand, and he was wearing earphones to sense the situation in the villa. When he heard Sun Hanyue's cry, he laughed evilly, "I thought this task was so difficult, but I didn't expect it to be A pair of adulterers ###."

"Since this task is so simple, we don't have to wait until tomorrow night, we can start when the man is released." The killer Xuanwo originally wanted to inquire about the situation first, and then find a good time to do it, but he did not expect to encounter such a scene .But what he didn't expect was that what he said at the moment was under Li Yi's induction.

A few minutes later, Sun Hanyue was tired. She felt that Li Yi had succeeded, so she stopped.

Xuanwo thought that the two of them were done, just took off the earphones, and wanted to walk into the villa.

Suddenly, someone patted him on the shoulder, and then he heard a voice, "Brother, where have you been?"

"Murder." After Xuanwo said this, she suddenly froze, and while turning around, she quickly touched her waist.

"Who are you?" He drew out his pistol and pointed at the other person's forehead.

It was Li Yi who suddenly slapped him on the shoulder. He smiled and looked at him, and said, "You want to kill me with this?"

"Why, do you think a pistol can't kill you?" Xuanwo sneered, he felt that the person in front of him was no different from an idiot.

However, the next moment, Xuanwo realized that the real idiot was him.What he held in his hand was not a pistol at all, but a clinker model that was exactly the same as the pistol.Xuanwo was stunned, and hurriedly looked for him, but he couldn't find the pistol after searching for a long time. What made him even more depressed was that the dagger and other tools used for assassination also disappeared strangely.

"Are you looking for this?" Li Yi moved his wrist, and suddenly there was a pistol in his hand like a magic trick.

The pistol still had the symbol of Cyclone stopping, Xuanwo was stunned, and said, "Why is my gun in your hand?"

Li Yi felt that this guy was really stupid, how could the Whirlwind organization send such an idiot, and said with a smile: "I forgot to tell you, I am a magician."

"Huh? You're a magician?" Xuanwo excitedly said, "Your magic tricks are too good, can you tell me how you transformed my pistol into your hand?"

"Yes, but you have to tell me one thing." Li Yi asked.

Xuanwo was startled, but still nodded and said, "What's the matter?"

"What are you doing here?" Li Yi asked.

Xuanwo's eyes flashed with hesitation, but thinking of the other party's magical ability, he replied: "I have accepted a mission to come here to kill people."

"Which killer organization are you from?" Li Yi continued to ask, "Who asked you to kill?"

This time, Xuan Wo didn't answer, and said: "I can't tell you, if I sell the client's information, my brother will definitely kill me when I go back."

"Since you don't tell, then I can't tell you." Li Yi said helplessly.

Xuanwo seemed to want to learn. He moved his mouth a few times, and finally said something that Li Yi didn't expect, "After someone else comes to complete the task tomorrow night, can I come here to find you? If you can teach me, I will teach you I'll give you all the money on my body." He said, and took out a wad of money from his pocket.

Li Yi took a look and was completely speechless. None of the money was worth one hundred yuan, but all of them were five yuan and ten yuan, and there were even a lot of steel coins.Seeing this, Li Yi really didn't know what to say. Is this guy really a killer?Not to mention IQ, even the money on his body is not right, why is this the only thing?

"You only have this little money?" Li Yi asked.

"Oh! I still have a card." Xuan Wo took out a card and handed it to Li Yi, saying, "However, I don't know the password. My elder brother got it for me."

Li Yi smiled wryly. This guy was so cute and silly. He waved his hand and said, "Go back first! Come find me tomorrow night."

"Don't you want money?" Xuan Wo asked.

"No more." Li Yi left after finishing speaking.

Xuanwo didn't chase after him, he patted his head, and quickly walked out of the community.

I have to say that apart from being a bit stupid, Xuan Wo is really good at martial arts, and leaped to the road outside the community after a few dodges.

Li Yi hesitated, did not follow, and finally chose to return to the room.

In the room, Sun Hanyue was lying on the bed. When she saw Li Yi coming back, she hurriedly asked, "Is the killer done?"

"It's done." Li Yi briefly explained the situation just now, then took out the pistol and handed it to the other party, saying, "Have you seen this sign?"

"This is the symbol of the Whirlwind Killer organization. How could he carry a pistol with the symbol on his body?" Sun Hanyue frowned and said, "I have heard of this killer organization. It is said that it was run by a pair of brothers. A level master, his younger brother is also a gold medal killer level, it is said that there is something wrong with his brain, he seems a bit silly, the person you met just now may be him."

Speaking of this, Sun Hanyue paused for a moment, and said: "He failed in his mission, and he will definitely send someone tomorrow. Are you still letting him go?"

"This guy is so stupid and cute. Even if I keep asking, he may not tell me. Besides, do you think he knows where the killer's headquarters is?" Li Yi shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Why don't we wait for a normal person to come tomorrow and we will catch him If you use it later, you should be able to ask where their headquarters are."

Sun Hanyue had already guessed what Li Yi was going to do. While surprised, she couldn't help asking: "You want to take down this organization?"

"I have wiped out a killer organization, and there are more organizations waiting for me. Wouldn't it be better to subdue them first and let them be used by me?" Li Yi said with deep eyes, "Even if they don't want to follow me, I also want to use this opportunity to let the domestic assassin community know that I cannot be offended."

Knowing Li Yi's ability, Sun Hanyue smiled and said, "Do you want to tame them like you tamed the Maple Leaf Organization?"

"Hehe! I'm not interested in men, not to mention that their organization can't find a top-quality proprietress like you!" Li Yi took off his clothes in a few strokes, and pressed on the beautiful woman Sun again.

Speaking of Xuanwo, he replied that after arriving at B Hotel, he made a phone call and said, "Brother, the mission failed. I have more important things to do. Go find someone else to carry out the mission!"

On the other end of the phone, Cyclone frowned and said, "What did you say? The mission failed?"

"Yes! If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first." Xuanwo said.

"Wait, why did the mission fail? Could it be that the other party is a master?" Xuanfeng was very puzzled, knowing that his younger brother's skill is enough to complete this mission.

"Oh! I didn't see the opponent's appearance, but I feel that he should have no fighting power." Xuanwo replied.

Cyclone was stunned again, and said angrily, "Can't you complete the mission without combat power?"

"Brother, I told you, this time I voluntarily gave up on the task, and there are important things waiting for me tomorrow night." Xuan Wo briefly explained what happened just now.

"I see." Whirlwind was not stupid, and he knew that the magician was a master in a blink of an eye.

"Brother, what is the password in my bank card? I have to give some money to learn art from my teacher!" Xuanwo said foolishly, "I took out a lot of money just now, and I feel that Master is unhappy and doesn't seem to want the money. You Tell me the password, and I will take three hundred and give it to him later, and Master will tell me how to change other people's things into his own hands as soon as he is happy."

"You idiot, how can there be a magician who can change things like this, he must have taken your things away when you eavesdropped on the beauty's screams." Cyclone thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it out, but said, " Brother! Your money can’t be moved, and elder brother will marry you a wife, don’t you want a wife?”

"Yes!" Xuanwo replied immediately.

"That's right, don't ask for the password. If the senior magician wants to accept you as a student, he definitely doesn't care about the money." Xuanfeng persuaded the other party not to ask for the password with good words. When he hung up the phone, he He took out another mobile phone and made a call, and when the call was connected, he asked, "Your name is Sun Tai, right?"

"You are?" On the other end of the phone, Sun Tai, who was sleeping with the beautiful woman in his arms, wanted to scold someone, so he called him in the middle of the night and told him not to sleep.

"I was organized by the whirlwind," whirlwind said.

Sun Tai was startled, then thought of something, and said ecstatically, "Brother, have you completed the task so quickly? I'll have someone transfer the money to you later."

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