super jade

Chapter 161 Your Little Money Is Not Enough

Xuanfeng snorted coldly, and said: "The task has not been completed, and the money you gave is not enough."

"What?" Sun Tai was stunned again, he even wondered if he heard it wrong, and said, "You're not joking with me, are you! Isn't 5000 million enough?"

"If I say it's not enough, it's not enough. The person you want to kill is a bit tricky, and you have to pay more." Cyclone said coldly.

"I said brother, when we first talked about the price, you didn't say that you would add money." Sun Tai was a little annoyed, he felt that the other party deliberately cheated him of money.

"Let me ask you, do you want to kill that woman?" Xuanfeng didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, and went straight to the point, "If you don't want to, then forget it."

"Forget it, what do you mean, can I get back the money I gave you?" Sun Tai felt that this killer organization was not reliable, and planned to choose another family after getting back 1000 million.

Xuanfeng sneered, and said: "If you give up the mission voluntarily, the money will not be returned to you."

Sun Tai didn't care about the 1000 million, since the other party didn't want to give it, then forget it, and said: "Just treat it as a lesson for me to spend money on! The 1000 million will be given to you."

After finishing speaking, Sun Tai was about to hang up the phone, but at this moment, the other party said: "I forgot to tell you, if you voluntarily give up this mission, you will leave a bad review in the killer organization, and you will go to Contact other killer organizations, and they won't accept your mission anymore."

"What, there are still bad reviews?" Sun Tai was furious, it was the first time he heard that there were bad reviews for voluntarily giving up the mission.

"Brother, don't joke with me, I'm not an ordinary person, don't threaten me with such words." Sun Tai obviously didn't believe the other party's words.

"Since you don't believe it, then go and contact other killer organizations!" Cyclone hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Sun Tai snorted coldly, quickly dialed a number, and asked, "What kind of plane are you doing? The killer organization introduced this time is too unreliable. I gave them money, and it's fine if they don't complete the task. They even want to blackmail you." My money." Then, he simply said the scene just now.

On the other end of the phone, the other party was silent for a while, and said, "Old Sun, don't get excited, I'll call and ask."

After about a few minutes, Sun Tai's cell phone rang again, and he picked it up and asked, "Zhang Xiaobo, did you ask clearly?"

"Mr. Sun, I just asked, the person you want to kill this time is not young, and that little money is not enough." Zhang Xiaobo replied.

Sun Tai frowned, and scolded angrily: "A big sister of the underworld is also called a lot?"

"Ba Yongjie really doesn't have much ability, but she has a master by her side, who is said to be a gold medal killer, do you think that money is enough?" Zhang Xiaobo sighed, "Old Sun, for the sake of friends for so many years Come on, I advise you to give some more money! Otherwise, you don’t even want to find other killer organizations.”

"So, they want to ban me?" Sun Tai said depressed.

"You have already been drawn into negative reviews, which is no different from being banned. Even if you find other killer organizations, they will not accept your mission no matter how much money you pay." Zhang Xiaobo replied.

Sun Tai was even more depressed, it took so much effort to kill a person, he said, "You want me to contact them?"

"If you want to ask your son for revenge, you can only contact them again. If you don't want to, then forget it." After Zhang Xiaobo said this, he hung up the phone.

Sun Tai took out a cigar and smoked it. He was in a complicated mood, he didn't want to spend so much money, but also wanted to avenge his son.I don't know how long it took, but he finally decided to take revenge. He can earn money after the money is spent. If he can't avenge his son, even if he is in hell, his ancestors will not forgive him.

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, Sun Tai picked up his mobile phone and dialed the number of Xuanfeng.

After the call was connected, Xuanfeng snorted coldly and sarcastically said, "Have you figured it out?"

"I figured it out, let's talk! How much more will be added." Sun Tai asked.

"Not much, one hundred million is enough." Xuanfeng said, "I have already investigated your identity. To you, this amount of money should be nothing!"

Sun Tai seemed to have known that the other party would make a big mouthful. In order to avenge his son, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, [-] million is [-] million. After completing the task, I will send you the money."

"Wrong, this [-] million is a deposit, and after completing the task, another [-] million will be given." Xuanfeng said.

Hearing this, Sun Tai was so angry!Immediately roared: "What did you say, boy? In addition to the 1000 million, do you want another [-] million?"

"Of course, you can choose not to pay. If you think about it again, I'll give you time, but the next time you call me, it won't be the price." Huofeng said with a strong attitude, and it can be heard from his tone , there is no possibility of negotiation.

Sun Tai really wanted to hang up the phone immediately, but thinking of what Zhang Xiaobo said, he said with restraint: "Okay, I will pay the money, when can you kill him?"

"Within today, he can be killed, and the money will be sent as soon as possible." Cyclone hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Sun Tai threw the phone away angrily, put on his clothes and walked out of the bedroom.

On the other side of the whirlwind, he laughed coldly, and said to himself: "What an idiot, in order to avenge his son, he is willing to pay [-] million yuan. With this much money, it is enough to hire a god-killer." After finishing speaking, He quickly found out the night clothes and the assassination equipment. To be safe, he decided to do it himself.

It was late at night, and the bustling city was quiet, but there was a car driving on the highway at an extremely fast speed.

Three hours later, when the sky had just turned pale, the black car stopped outside Bayongjie's community, and Xuanfeng came out in night clothes.He quickly observed the terrain, and then his figure flashed, and he lived over the wall like a ghost. After a few flashes, he came to the villa where Li Yi was.

Xuanfeng already knew the situation in the villa from his younger brother. He knew that there were three people living in the room, two women and one man. It would not be difficult for Bayongjie and another woman to assassinate, but the real tricky one should be the man.Cyclone was going to kill Li Yi, as long as the other party was dead, killing the other two was only a matter of minutes.

When he came to the bottom of the villa, the whirlwind jumped up and landed firmly on the railing outside the bay window. His strength was great. Although there was a big gap between him and Li Yi, for these iron railings, he could easily unscrew.A few minutes later, Cyclone opened the window and quietly sneaked into the room while escaping the dagger, trying to kill him in his sleep.

However, after the whirlwind entered the room, a scene he did not expect appeared.

There was not even a person on the bed in the room. The other party seemed to know that he would come and left early.

"Where is the person?" Cyclones frowned, and walked quickly to the door, wanting to search for it in another room.

However, as soon as he walked to the door, he felt someone tap his shoulder, and at the same time a man's voice rang in his ears, "Are you looking for me?"

Xuanfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly turned around to look, and saw a young man through the moonlight.

This man's age is really too young, at most seventeen or eighteen years old, it's hard for Xuanfeng to imagine him as a master, so he hurriedly asked: "Who are you?"

"The person you want to kill is me. If I guess correctly, you are the boss of the Whirlwind Organization!" Li Yi looked indifferent, as if he was not worried that the other party would attack him.

Cyclone frowned, as if he didn't expect the other party to guess his identity, subconsciously asked: "Are you the magician my brother said?"

"Oh! It seems that your younger brother treats you well, and even told you this identity. Most people don't know that I am a magician." Li Yi said with narrowed eyes.

Xuanfeng snorted coldly, glared at Li Yi, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, if you have the ability, you can make the dagger in my hand disappear."

"You don't seem to have a dagger in your hand." Li Yi walked to the door of the room and turned on the light in the room.

Under the light, everything in the room can be seen under the eyes, Xuanfeng subconsciously looked into the hand, but saw a scene that made people unbelievable.The dagger he was holding just now turned into a kitchen knife. If it was a real kitchen knife, it would be fine, it was still a textile made of wood.

"Nimma, when did he change?" Xuanfeng's face changed drastically, and he looked at Li Yi and said, "Who are you?"

"The person you want to kill." Li Yi said, walked to the sofa and sat down. He took out a cigarette and handed it to the other party, and said, "Do you want one?"

Xuanfeng is a smart man, he didn't make a sneak attack, he took the smoke and said, "I'm not asking you this, with your strength, you should not be an ordinary person."

"As I said, I am a magician, the greatest magician in history." Li Yi started talking nonsense, "Because I am relatively low-key, most people don't know my identity."

Xuanfeng was about to go crazy, but the other party talked nonsense for a long time, and said: "I didn't ask you this, I mean..."

"I know what you want to ask me, but I won't tell you." Li Yi felt that the nonsense was almost over, he glanced at the whirlwind, and changed the subject, "You are not my opponent, I didn't kill your brother , just to see you. There are two choices now, either surrender to me, or die here."

"Do I have a choice?" Cyclone said unwillingly, "If you want me to submit to you, you must prove to me that your strength is stronger than mine!"

"Do you still need proof?" Li Yi smiled and said, "You don't have any weapons to kill me anymore."

Cyclone hurriedly touched his body, and soon found that all the pistols on his body were gone. He looked at Li Yi as if he was looking at a monster, and said in amazement: "You, how did you do it."

"I can take your things away, and naturally I can turn you into a corpse." Li Yi's voice was not loud, but he was very sure.

Xuanfeng was really convinced, and gritted his teeth: "Okay, I surrender to you, you can let me go now!"

"Who killed me? If I guessed correctly, it should be Sun Tai!" Li Yi went straight to the point, "I want his details now."

"His information is all in the headquarters, if you want, you can only go there." Xuanfeng said so, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Okay, now you drive me there." Li Yi agreed without thinking about it.

The two left the villa, the car went straight to the highway, and arrived at a factory in Lin County an hour later.

The factory is just a deception, there is a huge basement underground, this is where the whirlwind organizes training.

Li Yi followed Xuanfeng into the basement, and as soon as he entered the door, he encountered Xuanwo who was eating noodles.

After Xuanwo arrived at Li Yi, he stood up excitedly, and shouted excitedly: "Brother, you are so kind to me, you even invited the magician here..."

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