super jade

After Chapter 162, help me collect information!

Xuanwo ran to Li Yi, took his hand and said, "Master, when will you teach me magic?"

Li Yi was completely speechless, this guy is really weird, he coughed lightly: "We'll talk about it after you perform well."

"Then how can I perform well?" Xuanwo continued to ask.

Xuanfeng couldn't stand it any longer. He glared at his younger brother and said sharply, "You go to eat first! He and I still have important things to discuss."

"Oh! That's fine!" Rotary Wo hung its head, and continued to eat with some reluctance.

Cyclone brought Li Yi to a dark room. He turned on the computer, called up some information, and said, "Here's everything about him, let's see it first!"

Li Yi moved the stool and sat down, looked up quickly, and quickly grasped all of Sun Tai's situation.

Unexpectedly, Sun Tai was even richer than he imagined, and his savings over the years turned out to be billions, most of which came from flour.

After reading it, Li Yi turned to look at the whirlwind, and said, "You are fine later!"

"It's okay, is there anything else?" Cyclone asked.

Li Yi knew that he left once halfway, and knew what he had done, and said slowly: "Since I let you surrender, of course I hope you will do things for me. I think you have a lot of computers here, and you should be very good at collecting intelligence. Why don't you help me collect information in the future, how about it?"

Li Yi doesn't know whether the Whirlwind Organization is good at collecting intelligence. Sun Hanyue told him these things, and he also wants to use the Whirlwind Organization to do these things.

"No problem, just give me a call if you want to investigate someone's situation in the future." Cyclone agreed bluntly, "However, please don't interfere with the daily work of the Cyclone organization."

"I can promise you this." Li Yi nodded.

In the following time, the two said something, and Li Yi was satisfied with Cyclone's answer.

When the conversation was about the same, Xuan Feng changed the subject and said, "What shall I call you from now on, boss?"

"Since you know my identity, just be like them and call me Brother Yi!" Li Yi stood up and said, "You can drive me to Huaixi later."

The two walked out of the room and came to the training hall. The whirlwind changed his previous appearance and sneered, "Brother Yi, I don't think you need to go to Huaixi City. I'll take you to a place."

Li Yi frowned, and was about to answer, but Xuanwo said, "Brother, you can't send him away, I haven't learned magic yet!"

"Shut up." Cyclone glared at his younger brother, then looked at Li Yi and said, "Do you know where I'm going to send you?"

"You want to send me to see Hades!" Li Yi replied.

Xuanfeng was stunned, and snorted coldly: "Since you know, do you still need me to send you off in person?"

"This is the first time and the last time." Li Yi's voice was not loud, but cold and ruthless.

Hearing this, Xuanfeng's body trembled, but he did not change his decision. He continued: "Li Yi, I don't think you will shed tears when you see the coffin. Today you don't want to leave here alive." After speaking, he took out a handle from his arms The gun pointed at Li Yi's eyebrows, and said: "Brothers, kill him for me..."

Hundreds of black-clothed killers suddenly walked out around them. They took out their pistols at the same time and pointed at Li Yi's eyebrows.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot.

I don't know who will shoot first. Hundreds of killers turned the board at the same time, only to hear the sound of swishing, and the bullets flew towards Li Yi's eyebrows quickly.

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Xuanfeng's mouth. With so many bullets, even a martial arts master would be beaten into a hornet's nest.

However, not long after Xuanwo's smile appeared, it stopped on his face.

Because he was surprised to find that Li Yi had disappeared, disappearing from sight like a ghost.

"Where are people!" Xuanfeng felt a little bit in his heart, and hurriedly looked around, but he didn't see Li Yi's figure.

The same is true for the rest of the killers. They have seen a fast and strong man, but they have never seen anyone who can dodge bullets.

Just when everyone was looking for Li Yi, Li Yi appeared behind the whirlwind and said: "I just said, this is the first time and the last time."

"You, you..." Cyclone's eyes widened. He could imagine that if Li Yi had shot just now, he would have turned into a corpse.

"They are not my opponents, and neither are you." Li Yi suddenly raised his right hand and pointed to a person not far away.

The next moment, the man fell to the ground in response, and even snored after falling.

Seeing such a scene, everyone was dumbfounded, looking at Li Yi as if they were looking at a monster.

"Who the hell are you?" Whirlwind was horrified again and again. He thought Li Yi was a master of martial arts, but he didn't expect to be so powerful that it was frightening.

"It doesn't matter who I am, as long as you can do things for me with peace of mind." After Li Yi finished speaking, he turned and walked out of the training hall.

Xuanfeng gritted his teeth, followed the past bravely, and said, "How many people do we need to bring to Huaixi City?"

"One of you is enough, I only need one driver." Li Yi replied.

Soon, the whirlwind drove a car and took Li Yi to Huaixi City.

Huaixi City is located in the north of ** City, and it only takes an hour to get on the highway.

When they arrived in Huaixi City, the sky was already bright, and the whirlwind drove the car directly to Sun Tai's villa.

When the two came to the villa, they didn't knock on the door, and the whirlwind kicked the interior of the room away.

In the living room, a woman in a maid's outfit screamed, covering her chest with her hands, and said in horror: "You... who are you?"

That woman was Sun Tai's favored woman last night, she looked like she was in her 20s, her appearance was not bad, she could barely be considered a beauty.The maid outfit worn by the woman was obviously custom-made, and it looked very tempting, especially since there were only two pieces of fabric on the chest, which could not cover the huge twin peaks at all.

What's even more exciting is that this woman is not wearing underwear yet, and she can vaguely see the black forest on her lower body.

Li Yi was not interested in such a woman at all. He only glanced at her and asked, "Where is Sun Tai?"

"Who is Sun Tai, and who are you?" the woman asked.

"It's the owner of this villa, your grandson, where is he?" Xuanfeng took out a dagger from his arms, and quickly walked towards him.

The dagger was only an inch long, but it was extremely sharp, and the light shone on it, emitting a cold light.

The woman was terrified when she saw the dagger, she sat down on the ground and begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, you can do whatever you want with me, please don't kill me..."

"Hmph! I'm not interested in a guy like you. Tell me, where is Sun Tai?" Xuanfeng said coldly.

"He's out for a meeting, I don't know where it is," the woman replied.

Cyclone looked at Li Yi and said, "Brother Yi, do you want to kill her?"

"No, let's go!" Li Yi sensed the interior of the villa, and Sun Tai was indeed not here.

Cyclone hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said, "Do you really believe what she said?"

"I don't believe her words, but that guy is really not there." Li Yi walked out of the villa after speaking.

Huanfeng didn't know why Li Yi was so sure, but he followed him out. After the two got into the car, he said, "Brother Yi, I suspect he is in Huaixi Building."

"You know his situation better than me, let's go now!" Li Yi nodded.

Turning on the navigation, the whirlwind drove towards the Huaixi Building quickly. When he was about to reach the building, he asked again: "Are we here just to kill him?"

"Killing him is the first, and the second is to annex the gang." Li Yi must take revenge. Since Sun Tai wants to kill him, he can't let the other party go.

Cyclone secretly marveled that Li Yi was a ruthless character. He had some sympathy for Sun Tai, who was not good to offend, and even Li Yi was offended.

The car came to the front of the building, and after parking, the two entered the building and went straight to the top floor of the building.

Walking out of the elevator, I saw more than a dozen younger brothers standing in the corridor. After everyone saw Li Yi, one of them sternly shouted: "Who are you?" After speaking, he took out his pistol.

If there is no pistol, the whirlwind can deal with these people. He looked at Li Yi and said, "Brother Yi, you should come!"

As soon as these words came out, these younger brothers burst out laughing, and one of them said: "Who do you think you are! Could it be Transformers, invulnerable?"

"I think they are Oldman, who can kill little monsters."

"No, Batman suits them, look at their bears."


Li Yi didn't seem to hear what everyone said, so he continued to walk forward, and in a blink of an eye he came to a younger brother.

The little brother obviously didn't expect that the other party would dare to come over when everyone pointed their guns at him, and said sarcastically, "Boy, are you not afraid of death?"

"Get out!" Li Yi raised his right foot, only to see the shadow of his leg flickering, and the opponent flew out in response.

Seeing Li Yi making a move, all the younger brothers hurriedly turned the machine, trying to kill him.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that Li Yi disappeared from their eyes. Just when they were wondering why Li Yi disappeared, there was a sharp pain in the back of his head, and then he passed out.With just a few breaths, Li Yi solved all the younger brothers. He didn't kill everyone, but just knocked him out.

Seeing such a scene, the whirlwind not far away was even more horrified by Li Yi's strength. Thinking of what happened in the morning, he was sure that if he did it at that time, he would be like everyone else.It's just that he can't imagine what kind of supernatural power Li Yi has cultivated, and why he can knock everyone down in the blink of an eye?

Could it be that he is from the legendary ancient martial arts family?

Cyclone didn't have time to continue thinking, he quickly walked to Li Yi and said, "Brother Yi, shall we go in now?"

At this moment, his attitude was obviously much more respectful than before, it was respect from the heart.

Just as Li Yi was about to nod his head, he suddenly sensed something and said, "You wait for me here, no one is allowed to enter without my order."

"Okay!" Cyclone knew Li Yi's ability, wouldn't it be easier and more enjoyable to kill Sun Tai, who didn't know martial arts?

The luxury suite on the top floor of the building is where Sun Tai works and smuggles. Of course, he also plays with women here.

Apart from Sun Tai, there are two other people in the suite at the moment.

One of them was a man in his 30s, with a thick back and a black suit, who could be seen as a bodyguard at a glance.

The other person was a young woman, and she was an extremely beautiful woman. She was sitting on the sofa and said, "I have already given you my goods. When will you give me the money?"

"Miss Su, you came all the way here, not for this little money!" Sun Tai squinted his eyes and said, especially looking at the woman's thigh a few more times.

"Oh! I'm not looking for money, why did I come to you?" Miss Su asked with a smile.

Sun Tai took a deep puff of his cigar, suddenly changed the topic, and said sharply: "You came here from ** City, isn't it just to catch me back?"

As soon as these words came out, Miss Su's complexion changed drastically, and she quickly returned to normal, and said: "Old Sun, I don't understand what you said, I have never been to ** City at all."

"Miss Su, Officer Su, Su Mengxi, do you fucking think I'm an idiot?" Sun Taishen said, "Although your makeup skills are good, you can't hide it from me..."

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