super jade

Chapter 163 I really think you are an idiot

The woman who appeared in the luxury suite was exactly Su Mengxi who came from ** City. She received a task about smuggling white noodles, and finally investigated Sun Tai. She found that Sun Tai smuggled a lot of white noodles. Moreover, a large number of whites have been transported to Huaixi City recently.

However, Su Mengxi was still late. After she arrived in Huaixi City, the transaction was completed.

In order to seize the evidence of Sun Tai's smuggling, Su Mengxi decided to go to battle in person and complete a deal with Sun Tai.

But she didn't expect that the exquisite makeup was useless at all, and she was still recognized by the other party.

Su Mengxi quickly realized a problem, and said calmly: "Mr. Sun, I really want to know, how did you find out my identity?"

"Since you admit it, I'll tell you!" Sun Tai sneered, "I have someone in your police station, and your every move is under my control."

"So that's it!" Su Mengxi stood up and said, "Since I can't convict you, I can only start from other places. I hope you can recognize me next time."

Just as Su Mengxi was about to leave, Sun Tai suddenly walked up to her and stopped her, "Officer Su, do you think you can leave after coming here?"

"What do you want to do?" Su Mengxi raised her vigilance and subconsciously touched her waist.

"If I had done it before, I would have killed you at most, but now, I have changed my mind." Sun Tai said, "You also know that my son has been abolished recently, and he has no children. I don't want to see the Sun family No offspring. I think you are pretty, so why not be my woman and give me a son."

"You are quite courageous, you dare to make such an idea." Su Mengxi sneered, "If I want to leave here, you and your subordinates can't stop me at all."

"Really?" Sun Tai waved his hand and said, "Xiao Wang, show him some color."

The bodyguard named Xiao Wang let out a low cry, raised his fist and went towards Su Mengxi, and came to her in the blink of an eye.

Since Su Mengxi got together with Li Yi, not only has he become a cultivator, but his speed and strength have also been greatly improved. He doesn't take such bodyguards seriously at all.Su Mengxi gave up drawing the gun and punched with her right hand, facing the opponent's fist.Then, the fists of the two collided, and under the tremendous force, Xiao Wang's body flew upside down and fell heavily to the ground.

After landing, Xiao Wang's face was pale, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, obviously seriously injured.

"You..." Sun Tai's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the master hired with a lot of money would be seriously injured in one blow. He hurriedly asked, "How are you?"

"Boss, I'm fine." Xiao Wang wanted to stand up, but found that the bones in his waist had been broken.

"Trash!" Sun Tai snorted coldly, then looked at Su Mengxi, and said with a smile, "Officer Su, I didn't expect you to have such skills, this is exactly the woman I need..."

"He's already seriously injured, who's next?" Su Mengxi looked around as she spoke, but she didn't see anyone hiding nearby.

Sun Tai laughed loudly, waved his hands and said, "Don't look, there is no one else here, and besides, I don't need to do anything."

Su Mengxi's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Do you want to do it yourself?"

"Of course not. I put mist in the room, and it's colorless and odorless. If you don't move, the mist won't affect your body, but when you shot just now, the mist has already merged into your blood , in just a few minutes, you will lose your strength and lie in my arms obediently." Sun Tai laughed loudly, looking at Su Mengxi as if looking at a plaything.

Su Mengxi's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly sensed the situation in his body, and indeed found some toxins.

"What should I do?" Su Mengxi hesitated for a moment, and quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, trying to use her spiritual power to expel the toxin from her body.

Sun Tai frowned, apparently not knowing what she was going to do, and said, "Don't tell me, you are still a cultivator, and you want to sit cross-legged with me to practice."

Su Mengxi didn't answer her, because she was surprised to find that the toxin could not be excreted from the body at all.

After only a few breaths, his whole body became numb and weak, and he didn't even have the strength to pick up the dagger.

Seeing the effect of the medicine, Sun Tai walked over with a smile, and said, "Beauty, don't struggle anymore, today you are destined to be my Sun Tai's woman..."

"Don't come here." Su Mengxi wanted to stand up, but found that it was impossible.

"I advise you not to shout, there are all my people outside, even if you shout your throat, no one will come to call you." Sun Tai said and took off his coat.

Su Mengxi knew that he couldn't escape, the only way now was to kill him with spiritual power.

But after killing the other party, she couldn't escape. If Sun Tai's men really messed up, she could only explode with spiritual power.

These thoughts flashed through her mind, Su Mengxi thought of a person, and secretly said: "Husband, we can't be together in this life, and I will be your woman in the next life." At the moment of killing, there was only a bang, and the door of the room was suddenly kicked open.

At this moment, both Sun Tai and Su Mengxi looked up at the door of the room at the same time.

After seeing the other party's appearance, Sun Tai was stunned, but Su Mengxi was overjoyed and said, "Are you here?"

"Well! I'm here." Li Yi came to Su Mengxi in a flash, then hugged her in his arms, and said angrily, "Who asked you to come here alone?"

Sun Tai looked complicated, he looked at Li Yi and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm his man." Li Yi hugged Su Mengxi to the sofa, looked at Sun Tai coldly, and said, "I don't know how your son is doing?"

"I see, you are also a policeman." Sun Tai said so, but he wondered in his heart, is there such a young policeman?

However, Sun Tai didn't continue to think about it, but said: "Do you know my son?"

"Your son is useless, don't you want to avenge him?" Li Yi smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you will never have the chance to take revenge in your life."

Sun Tai didn't understand a word Li Yi said, and snorted coldly, "Who the hell are you?"

"You want to kill me, but you still ask who I am?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Sun Tai was startled, and said, "Are you from Bayongjie?"

"I'm not his man, but I'm the one who abolished your son." Li Yi took out a dagger from his hand and said, "By the way, where is your video recorder?"

"Why do you ask this?" Sun Tai frowned and said sharply, "Who are you?"

Li Yi didn't answer his words, but walked to the cabinet not far away, opened a drawer and said, "Even if you don't tell me, I know where it is."

Sun Tai was stunned. Seeing Li Yi take out the video recorder, he said, "Who are you? How do you know where the video recorder is placed?"

"Not only do I know where the video recorder is, but I also know where your condom is." Li Yi put the video recorder on the table, then turned on the recording function, and walked towards Sun Tai step by step.

Sun Tai took a few steps back subconsciously, and said: "You, what do you want to do." Then, he shouted to the door: "What are you still doing, why don't you come in."

No one answered his words, Sun Tai's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Did you kill them?"

"They have fainted, I advise you to do as I said, otherwise you will die a miserable death." Li Yi walked up to Sun Tai, handed him the dagger, "Take it!"

"Huh?" Sun Tai's eyes widened. He even suspected that he had heard it wrong. He took the dagger and said, "Give me this, can I kill you?"

Su Mengxi was also very puzzled, what is Li Yi doing, why did he give him a dagger?

The bodyguard even thought that Li Yi was no different from an idiot, how could he take the initiative to hand the dagger to others.

However, none of the three expected that what Li Yi said next made them completely speechless.

"I'll give you the dagger because I want to see you commit suicide." Li Yi said with a smile.

Sun Tai glanced at Li Yi in surprise, and immediately couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "Boy, you think I'm an idiot! If you give me a dagger, will I commit suicide?"

Li Yi walked to the sofa, hugged Su Mengxi in his arms, and said, "I really think you are an idiot."

"Hmph! Then let me ask you, what are you doing with the video recorder on the table?" Sun Tai asked, "Do you want to record my suicide process?"

"You're smarter than an idiot, I really think so." Li Yi nodded.

Sun Tai believed that the other party was an idiot, and said, "Okay! I also want to see how you make me commit suicide."

"What did I ask you to commit suicide?" Li Yi shrugged his shoulders and said, "Besides, how could I know when you want to commit suicide?"

Su Mengxi didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yi's gourd. Out of curiosity, she lowered her voice and said, "Li Yi, what exactly do you want?"

"Hey! Kiss me once, and I'll tell you." Li Yi smiled badly.

"That's what you said." Su Mengxi knew Li Yi too well. If she didn't give him some benefits, she would definitely not tell her.

Both of them have done what should be done with Li Yi, and what should not be done, but it is the first time to kiss in front of others.Su Mengxi really wanted to know the reason. She hesitated for a moment, and kissed Li Yi's cheek lightly. After the kiss, she blushed and asked, "Tell me now!"

"I just want him to commit suicide, and then take a picture, which proves that his death has nothing to do with us." Li Yi replied.

Hearing this, Su Mengxi was speechless, it was no different from not answering, she pouted and said, "That's it?"

Li Yi nodded, and was about to answer when suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and a bullet went straight to the back of Li Yi's head.

Sun Tai laughed out loud, and said with a ferocious laugh: "Boy, you can die."

However, just halfway through the laugh, Sun Tai couldn't laugh anymore, and his eyes widened in surprise.

Because at this moment, he saw Li Yi standing there unharmed, unharmed.

If this is the case, Sun Tai will not be surprised, at most he thinks that the opponent's marksmanship is too bad.

What really surprised him was that Li Yi seemed to open his eyes on his back, and grabbed the bullet flying towards him with his right hand.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Sun Tai couldn't believe that a person could catch a bullet flying at high speed with his bare hands.

The bodyguard was even more stunned. He only had one thought in his mind: Nima, is this still a human?

Li Yi kept the bullet on the ground, clapped his hands, and immediately asked: "Old Sun, should you commit suicide?"

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