super jade

Chapter 164 Hurry up and punish the servants!

Li Yi's voice is not loud, but it has magic power, as if he said that the other party will definitely do it.

Sun Tai had been frightened by Li Yi's abnormal ability for a long time. After hearing Li Yi's words, he said in astonishment: "I, why did I commit suicide?"

"Yeah! Why did you commit suicide?" Li Yi said with a smile, "Because you want to commit suicide."

Sun Tai laughed loudly, and just about to speak, suddenly, his right hand raised up uncontrollably, holding the dagger in his hand, and stabbed at the murderer.Sun Tai's eyes widened, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him, and wanted to stop the dagger, but was surprised to find that his whole body was out of control at all.

"What's going on, why did I commit suicide?" Sun Tai couldn't think of the reason, he looked at Li Yi and said, "Boy, what kind of magic did you use?"

"What does it have to do with me if you want to commit suicide?" Li Yi asked back.

The dagger was getting closer and closer to Sun Tai, and it was about to pierce his heart. Sun Tai's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he shouted: "Little Wang, save me..."

Xiao Wang also wanted to save him, but he was seriously injured and couldn't stand up at all.

"Old Sun, I can't move." Xiao Wang figured it out. If he met a master, even if he could stand up now, he would not dare to save Sun Tai. Wouldn't that mean he would die early?

Su Mengxi's eyes widened. She glanced at Li Yi in surprise, and said in a low voice, "Did you move your hands and feet?"

Li Yi shrugged his shoulders, admitted it, and said, "Are you here this time to catch evidence of his drug trafficking?"

"Yeah!" Su Mengxi nodded and sighed, "This guy is very cunning. I searched for a long time, but I couldn't find those drugs."

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you. The drugs you want are in this suite." Li Yi took Su Mengxi's hand and walked quickly to the bedroom ahead.

On Sun Tai's side, the dagger had pierced his heart, his body trembled, and then he fell to the ground.On the chest, blood flowed out quickly, staining his clothes red in a blink of an eye, his face was abnormally pale, and his breathing became weak. At this speed, he would leave this world in a short time.

Li Yi ignored Sun Tai, took Su Mengxi to the bedroom, and opened a dark room.

After the dark room was opened, bags of white noodles appeared in sight, Su Mengxi asked in surprise, "How do you know there are white noodles here?"

"Don't forget my ability, so much white flour, you have to make meritorious service again!" Li Yi said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that! Sun Tai actually stored so much white noodles here. Even if you don't kill him, he won't be able to come out alive after entering the prison." Su Mengxi thought of something again, and changed the subject, "That's not right! I I also sensed the surroundings with my spiritual sense just now, why didn't I find this dark room?"

"Your cultivation base is too low, and the penetration range of spiritual consciousness is limited. It's normal if you don't find it." After Li Yi and Sun Hanyue were together, the power of spiritual consciousness in his body increased in speed, and the sensing range also increased from 500 meters to about a thousand meters .In addition, the spiritual power has also increased several times, and the ability to penetrate spiritual consciousness has been greatly improved, even a half-meter-thick steel plate can easily penetrate.

Su Mengxi nodded, and suddenly asked with a smile: "That's right, will you help me improve my spiritual power tonight?"

"Hey, why tonight, let's start now!" Li Yi hugged Su Mengxi in his arms, then went to the bed room in the bedroom, and pressed her under him.

Su Mengxi wanted to refuse but also greeted, said: "It's necrotic, aren't you afraid that someone will break in later?"

"It's okay, there are my people outside. Without my order, others can't come in." Li Yi quickly took off his clothes, "What are you waiting for, let's start!"

In this way, the two had a big battle in Sun Tai's luxury suite.

Three hours later, both of them were greatly satisfied, and the spiritual power in Su Mengxi's body increased a bit.

At this moment, Su Mengxi was lying in Li Yi's arms and said, "By the way, you haven't told me why you came here!"

"If I say, I know you are in danger and suddenly appear here, do you believe it?" Li Yi stroked Su Mengxi's hair and said softly.

Su Mengxi was very sweet in her heart, but she didn't believe this, and said, "Just brag! I was in danger before, why didn't you show up?"

"Uh... There was no such danger before, otherwise I would have appeared long ago." Li Yi said nonsense, "You are my woman, he cheated on you, of course I will show up to protect you as soon as possible."

"Okay! I know you love me, tell me, why are you here?" Su Mengxi said with a smile.

Li Yi didn't hide anything, and briefly explained the situation, saying: "That's it, I let someone abolish his son, but I didn't expect him to want to kill me."

Su Mengxi nodded suddenly, and said, "No wonder you appear here. It turns out that you are here to cut grass and roots." She paused, and then continued: "I'm living a good life recently! I live in a villa with a beautiful woman. Can't believe you didn't do anything. Say, did they both take it?"

"Well, do you want me to take them down?" Li Yi asked back.

"What do you mean I want it or not? Even if I don't want it, if you want to take them down, can I stop you?" Su Mengxi glanced at Li Yi's big guy, and said angrily, "Besides, you are so perverted, I can't satisfy you by myself, and I hope someone can help me solve my problems."

"Honey, I love you to death." Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Su Mengxi would be jealous because of this.

"You have loved me just now, and now I am yours. As long as you don't betray me, I will support you in whatever you do." Su Mengxi said quietly, "Isn't there a saying? Do what you want Love, love what you do."

"Uh...that's too evil." Li Yi smiled wryly.

Su Mengxi was startled, frowned and said, "Why are you evil?"

"You delete the two characters in the middle, and read it again." Li Yi smiled wickedly, and began to stroke Su Mengxi's twin peaks dishonestly with his right hand.

Su Mengxi is a smart woman, she knew the meaning in a blink of an eye, and shyly said: "You are necrotic, your thinking is too unhealthy."

"Hey! If I had a healthy mind, would we still be together?" Li Yi said.

Su Mengxi thinks about it too, if Li Yi is a gentleman, there is absolutely no possibility for them to be together.

Noticing that Li Yi's hand was touching all the way down, and she was about to touch her sensitive area, Su Mengxi hurriedly said, "No, we've already done it once."

"One time is not enough! Let's do it again!" Without waiting for Su Mengxi's answer, Li Yi straightened his waist and entered the depths of Taoyuan again.

I don't know how long it took, the sky had already dimmed, and Li Yi completed the final release.

Su Mengxi was already exhausted, feeling like all the bones in her body were about to fall apart, said: "I'm hungry, let's go eat together!"

The two got dressed and came to the living room, where Sun Tai was already lying in a pool of blood.

Xiao Wang is still curled up in the corner, his expression is slack, his eyes are dull.

Su Mengxi has regained her solemn look. She glanced at the living room, took out her mobile phone and made a call, "Where are you?"

"We're upstairs, Officer Su, how are you doing now?"

Su Mengxi was startled, and said, "Are you also on the top floor?"

"Yeah! We're right outside the door, there's someone stopping us from going in, and we're about to kill him!"

Although the voice on the phone was not loud, Li Yi stopped in surprise, but he still heard it. He hurriedly looked outside and said, "Your people are outside."

Su Mengxi hurriedly hung up the phone and walked out the door. On the promenade, three plainclothes policemen were confronting each other in a whirlwind.

Cyclone held a dagger in his hand, and the three policemen all held guns. Judging from their appearance, it seemed that they were about to shoot at any time.

At this time, seeing Su Mengxi coming out, the policeman who called just now said: "Officer Su, are you okay!"

"I'm fine, why are you here?" Su Mengxi asked.

"We saw that you didn't come down for a long time, and we were worried that something would happen to you, so we..." Zhao Long, the policeman, looked at Xuanfeng and said, "Should we shoot this man? He killed a lot of people?"

"It's all a misunderstanding, put the gun away!" Su Mengxi said.

The three policemen were stunned, looking at the unconscious subordinates around them, they really couldn't figure out why this was a misunderstanding.

Of course, what Police Officer Su said, they did. Zhao Long looked at Li Yi again, and asked subconsciously: "Officer Su, is he that Sun Tai?"

These policemen don't know the details of Sun Tai, they only know that he is a mafia boss in Huaixi City.

Su Mengxi almost didn't laugh out loud, she glanced at Li Yi, and said: "He is a friend of mine, he is his subordinate, Sun Tai is dead, go in and arrest them, and then bring them back to the Provincial Bureau .”

"Officer Su, aren't you going back with us?" Zhao Long said, "Brother Hong Gang is still waiting to cleanse you up!"

"If it wasn't my friend just now, I would have died here. Tell me, should I treat him to dinner and thank them?" Su Mengxi asked.

"That's it! Let's go and complete the task first." After Zhao Long and the others finished speaking, they walked into the luxury suite.

Li Yi took Su Mengxi's head, walked forward quickly, and soon entered the elevator.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Xuanfeng was very surprised, and secretly sighed: "The boss is the boss, there are beautiful women to accompany him everywhere, and he is also a policewoman..."

The two got into Su Mengxi's car, and Miss Su asked, "Where are you going?"

"It's my first time here, how can I know where the food is delicious?" Li Yi smiled wryly.

"Then let's find a random one! We'll go back after dinner." Su Mengxi started the car after speaking.

The two found a restaurant at random. After ordering, Su Mengxi asked, "Where's your subordinate! Do you want him to eat together?"

"Do you want him to disturb our meal?" Li Yi waved his hand and said, "I just sent him a text message and told him to go back."

After the two finished their meal, they did not leave Huaixi City. Because they were too tired, they found a hotel to rest.

Of course, double cultivation is essential. After the two held hands again, Su Mengxi took out her mobile phone and said, "I'll send a text message to report the situation here."

Li Yi had nothing to do, so he also took out his mobile phone. Looking at it, there were countless missed calls and text messages.

Some of them were sent by Bayongjie, mostly asking about his current situation, and the rest were all from Su Hanyue, the girl's words were full of worry.

Li Yi quickly returned to the telecommunications, telling her that there is nothing wrong here, and told her not to worry, and go back early tomorrow morning.

After sending the text message, Su Mengxi also came over. Seeing Li Yi holding the phone, she giggled and said, "Not bad! Sister Killer is all done?"

"Uh... how do you know?" Li Yi knew what was going on after he finished speaking.

"Don't forget, I also have a part of your ability. I accidentally sensed it just now." Su Mengxi was wearing pajamas, and when she smiled coquettishly, the two peaks on her chest rose and fell, forming a huge sense of shock.As long as a normal man sees it, he can't stand it. Li Yi's mouth is naturally dry.

"Okay! You actually peeked at my text messages with spiritual power to see how I will punish you." Li Yi smiled and hugged Su Mengxi in his arms.

Su Mengxi didn't break free, let Li Yi hold her, and said provocatively: "I like to be punished by you, officials, come and punish my servant!"

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