super jade

Chapter 166 Eat until you vomit blood

Words spoken are like water poured out, how can they be taken back?

Du Haibo wanted face very much. If he denied what he said just now, how would the students in the class think of him?

Just like that, Du Haibo gritted his teeth and said, "I'll eat all the apples later."

"That's fine, as long as you can eat all the apples, Xiao Fei will accept your gift." Li Yi knew that he had to give this guy some sweetness, otherwise he might not be able to eat it.Last time about Liu Wei, Li Yi wanted to trouble Du Haibo, but he has not been busy recently, and he couldn't find a reason to retaliate against him.

Du Haibo also wanted to make Li Yi look bad. If he gave Chen Xiaofei an apple in front of Li Yi, he would feel that no matter how many apples he ate, it would be worth it.

"Does what you say count?" Du Haibo said and glanced at Chen Xiaofei.

Chen Xiaofei didn't know what Li Yi wanted to do, but she knew that Li Yi would not harm her, and said: "What he said is equal to what I said."

At this time, the bell for evening self-study rang, and the head teacher Cao Chuanlei didn't come for some reason.

I don't know if it was because of what Li Yi said just now, many students picked up the apples and ate them, otherwise they wouldn't be able to finish them tonight.

Li Yi didn't receive many apples. He was reading while eating. Suddenly, a notebook came over.

Since he thought about it with his toes, he also knew that it was Chen Xiaofei who sent it. After opening the notebook, the beautiful characters came into view.

"What do you want to do! What if he really finishes eating?"

Li Yi picked up a pen and started to write, then handed it to Liu Wei, and passed it on.He felt that he should buy a mobile phone for Chen Xiaofei, otherwise it would be too inconvenient to pass it around like this, and people might peek at it.

After Chen Xiaofei read the words in the book, she was half skeptical, so she picked up the book and read it.

Classmate Du Haibo was eating an apple with big mouthfuls. Looking at the dozens of apples in the drawer, he felt a little dizzy, but in order to make Li Yi and Chen Xiaofei look bad, he gritted his teeth and had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue eating.It has to be said that Du Haibo ate apples very fast. When he ate the last apple, an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, waiting for the bell to ring for the end of get out of class.

Finally, when it was time for get out of class to end, Du Haibo picked up the apple and quickly walked to Chen Xiaofei's seat.

The students in the class knew about their bet, and looked over there one by one, looking like they were watching the show.

Chen Xiaofei looked nervous, seeing Du Haibo approaching, she didn't know how to deal with it.

After a few steps, Du Haibo came in front of Chen Xiaofei, and the moment he opened his mouth, a scene he didn't expect appeared.

Outside the classroom, more than a dozen people suddenly came and shouted into the classroom: "Du Haibo, come out."

Du Haibo was startled, and just about to dismiss the other party, one of them said: "Brother Du, you don't want to see us, do you?"

Seeing the other party's chatter, Du Haibo snorted coldly, walked to the door of the classroom and asked, "What can you do with me?"

"Brother Du, this is the apple I gave you. I wish you a happy Christmas Eve."

"This is my heart, thank you for helping me last time."

"And mine, Brother Du, remember to come and play with us when you have nothing to do in the future."


More than a dozen students forcibly stuffed apples into Du Haibo's hands one after another, and the last one was even worse. He even took out a clinker bag from his pocket, put the apples in the bag, and handed it to him.This scene took a long time to say, but in fact, it only took a short 1 minute from when they appeared to when they left.

Before Du Haibo could even react, those people left one after another. Looking at the bag of apples, his head felt bigger.

Walking in front of Chen Xiaofei again, before Du Haibo opened his mouth, Chen Xiaofei said: "After you finish eating these apples, I will accept your gift..."

Du Haibo nodded helplessly, and had to eat apples again during class.

After eating more than a dozen apples with difficulty, Du Haibo couldn't bear it anymore. Now he had a feeling that as long as he smelled the apples, he would vomit.

Du Haibo didn't know how to spend the evening self-study in the second period. When class was over, he walked to Chen Xiaofei's seat again.

This time Du Haibo was smarter, and when he came to his seat, he said, "Xiaofei, this is a gift from me."

"Have you finished eating your apples?" Chen Xiaofei asked.

"It's over. If you don't believe me, you can go and have a look." Du Haibo replied.

However, the thing that made Du Haibo speechless happened again. Just after he finished speaking, some students from the next class ran in.

"Hai Bo, this is my gift, please accept it."

"This is my wish, brother Du, you can't refuse!"

"Brother Du, you have collected so many apples, you have to give me face, I put them on your table."


The last person was even worse. He put the apple in Du Haibo's drawer and said loudly: "I heard that if you refuse to accept other gifts on Christmas Eve, you will have bad luck the next year."

These students came and went quickly like the wind. When they left, Du Haibo's desk was filled with apples again.

Seeing these apples, Du Haibo's face became quite ugly. He is not a fool. If the first time was a coincidence, someone must have tried to frame him the second time. Even if you think about it with your ass, you still know who framed him.Du Haibo snorted coldly, walked out with Xiao Hei and Wang Haisheng, went to the next class and found the person who gave the apple just now.

After arresting one of the students, Du Haibo roared angrily, "Why the hell did you give me an apple?"

"Someone asked me to deliver it." The classmate replied.

Du Haibo knew this earlier, and snorted coldly: "Are you his son? Do you just give it away if someone asks you to?"

The classmate was unhappy when he heard this, and said with a straight face: "Du Haibo, what you said is too much, why can't I give you an apple?"

Wang Haisheng saw that he couldn't find out why he kept asking this question, so he took out 100 yuan and said, "Brother, can you tell me who asked you to give these apples?"

"I don't know who that person is, it seems to be someone from outside the school." The classmate said because of the 100 yuan, "The man said, give me 100 yuan for an apple, you think I can't give it to you?" deliver?"

Du Haibo suddenly realized that this was the case. After letting go of that classmate, he said to Xiao Hei: "Don't take this class, get me some apples for Li Yi."

"Okay!" After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he left with Wang Haisheng.

Back in the classroom, Du Haibo was no longer eating apples, he just wanted to make Li Yi look ugly.

After the third period, a group of people entered the classroom and went straight to Li Yi's seat.

"Brother Yi, this is our little idea."

"Happy Christmas Eve, Brother Yi, this is a gift from me."


After dozens of people gave the apples to Li Yi, they left.

With a cold smile on the corner of Du Haibo's mouth, he walked over quickly and teased, "Li Yi, can you finish eating these apples?"

"Why can't I finish it?" Li Yi asked back, "Can you finish it?"

"If you can finish eating, I can finish eating." Du Haibo shouted arrogantly. He knew that there would be more apples coming later.

Although there is evening self-study in No. 42, and there are four periods, the teacher will come for the first three periods, and the fourth period is free reading.

Just like this, some students in the class left, while others stayed to watch the show.

"That's what you said, let's eat together!" Li Yi took out the apple and ate it.

Du Haibo saw this, although he didn't want to die, he still gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will eat too."

Sure enough, a few minutes later, many people ran into the classroom and put the apple on Li Yi's desk.

While eating the apple, Du Haibo sneered in his heart and said, "Li Yi, since you want to play with me, then I will play with you today and see who will vomit first..."

As soon as this idea appeared, more people entered the classroom and brought in baskets of apples.

Seeing several big baskets of apples, Du Haibo was dumbfounded, and said, "Who are you?"

"We are in Class Three ([-]) of Senior High School. The students in our class collectively want to give Brother Du an apple, please accept it!" One of them left after speaking.

The other baskets of apples were also given out collectively by other classes. After Du Haibo heard this, he almost didn't vomit blood. He thought he was ruthless enough, but he didn't expect Li Yi to be more ruthless than him.If you continue to send it like this, Li Yi will fall down first without eating to death. He hurriedly called Xiao Hei on his mobile phone and said, "You can ask someone to send a few more baskets, yes, in the name of the class."

"Boss, I can't deliver. The apples outside the school are all sold out." Xiao Hei replied.

"What, it's sold out?" Du Haibo asked hurriedly, "Forget it when it's sold out, bring over the apple in your hand, and then lead someone to block the door."

In the following time, no one gave any apples, and the battle of apples continued in the class.

Li Yi was eating an apple on the surface, but after eating it, he used his spiritual power to convert it into energy and digested it quickly.

Du Haibo didn't have this ability, so he ate it bite by bite, and he couldn't taste the taste of the apple at the end.

When the bell rang for the end of the fourth quarter, Li Yi ate the last apple and said, "Squad leader, I've finished eating, your speed is too slow."

The classmates watching around were dumbfounded, because Li Yi ate apples so fast, like eating buns, he ate one in a few mouthfuls, and after eating more than 100, the speed remained unabated.Looking at Du Haibo again, his face turned red, and he hiccupped after every bite, as if he would die if he ate any more.

Li Yi sensed Du Haibo's physical condition, walked over, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I'll go first, if you don't want to eat, you can choose not to eat."

Just now, Chen Xiaofei has been sitting beside Li Yi, watching him eat apples, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Li Yi was about to leave, she stepped forward and took Li Yi's hand, walking happily outside the classroom.

On the way, Chen Xiaofei hurriedly asked: "Li Yi, you have eaten so many apples, are you okay?"

"Isn't it just more than 100 apples! You can eat a few hundred more." Li Yi said with a smile, "Besides, if you don't eat more, how will I send you home later!"

Chen Xiaofei glanced at Li Yi, made sure that he was fine, giggled and said, "You like apples so much, I'll buy you more tomorrow."

Besides, on Du Haibo's side, looking at the baskets of apples, he suddenly became furious, and he spit out a mouthful of blood under the blow of anger.As soon as the blood was vomited, the apples in his stomach were also vomited out, and the classroom was full of unpleasant smells. The students had to hold their noses and ran outside the classroom, only Xiao Hei and Wang Haisheng were by his side.

Du Haibo vomited for a while, then suddenly his body shook and he passed out.

"Young Master Du, how are you?" Xiao Hei hurriedly supported Du Haibo, motioning him to call quickly.

Wang Haisheng took out Du Haibo's mobile phone and dialed his father's number. The first sentence he said was, "Uncle, something is wrong. Your son fainted from eating apples."

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