super jade

Chapter 167 The Man's Most Wanted Way of Flying

On the other end of the phone, Du Haibo's father, Du Chengfeng, was stunned, and hurriedly asked, "What did you say, Xiaobo got dizzy from eating apples?"

"That's right! Young Master Du is vomiting blood, hurry up and get someone to take him to the hospital!" Wang Haisheng said, "We are still in the classroom now."

"How many apples did he eat?" Du Chengfeng was amazed, it was the first time he heard that eating apples could make people vomit blood.

"I don't know, there should be several hundred!" Wang Haisheng said.

Du Chengfeng frowned, wondering what was going on, and said, "You wait for me in the classroom, and I'll go right away."

Besides, on Li Yi's side, after sending Chen Xiaofei home, he came to Wang Shanshan's house.

The relationship between Wang Shanshan and Li Yi has been approved by her family. She took Li Yi's hand generously and said, "Today is Christmas Eve, where is the apple you gave me?"

Li Yi took out the apple from the storage bag, handed it to Wang Shanshan and said, "Here."

Wang Shanshan took the apple, like a happy little daughter-in-law, and said: "You have a conscience, remember to prepare apples for me."

The two chatted in the room for a long time, and when it was almost eleven o'clock, Zhang Guilian came over and said, "Xin Shan, your father and I are going back to rest, you should go to rest early too!"

"Well! I'll rest later." Wang Shan nodded and said.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Yi said, "Auntie, then I'll go home too."

What Zhang Guilian said just now was to hope that Li Yi would stay, and said: "It's getting late, why don't you stay!" After speaking, she glanced at her daughter.

Wang Shanshan's pretty face was flushed, of course she could hear the meaning of her mother's words, she bit her lower lip and said, "Yes! You can stay here tonight!"

Li Yi was stunned for a moment. The mother-in-law was so generous that she took the initiative to let him stay.

However, Li Yi can't stay, there are other things to do later!He hurriedly said: "Auntie, I don't want to stay here! It's hard to explain to my parents."

"They don't know you're together?" Zhang Guilian said, "It seems that we need to find a time when our two families get together to finalize your marriage."

"They know that we are together, but they don't know that we have reached this point." Li Yi bit the bullet and said, "Now we are still young, it is not easy to meet our parents!"

"Mom, don't see each other for now, it won't be too late to see you after we graduate from college." Wang Shanshan also felt that something was wrong, if we really met, what would Chen Xiaofei do?

Seeing that Li Yi continued to talk, he would definitely talk about the meeting of the parents of both parties, and said, "Auntie, I'll go back first."

Seeing Li Yi leave, Zhang Guilian took her daughter's hand and asked, "Why didn't you let him stay just now?"

"I, I let him stay, but his family can't explain it." Wang Shanshan said.

"It's not this, I mean, why don't you agree with the parents of both parties meeting?" Zhang Guilian is so smart, she changed the subject, "Do you have something to hide from me?"

Wang Shanshan's heart skipped a beat, she lowered her head and said, "No, no."

"You are my daughter, can't I see what you are thinking?" Zhang Guilian asked, "Tell me! What's going on?"

Wang Shanshan knew that this matter could not be concealed for too long, so he hesitated before saying: "Mom, in fact, besides my friend, Li Yi has another friend in school!"

Zhang Guilian seemed to know the result, and said, "That good friend of yours, Chen Xiaofei?"

"Ah! You got it." Wang Xing said in surprise.

"You guys are together all day, it's better to be alone, how could I not know." Zhang Guilian said angrily, "Besides, every time we talk about Li Yi, that girl's eyes are different. I also think that girl has a good impression of Li Yi, but I didn't expect you to be together."

Having said that, Zhang Guilian paused for a moment, and said, "You and Mom are honest, did that happen to them?"

Wang Shanshan also knew the meaning of her mother's words, and said shyly: "No, none of us."

"It's fine if you don't have one. Do you want to tell Mom that you want to compete fairly?" Zhang Guilian said, "You have to think about it. If one day she snatches Li Yi away, what will you do?"

Wang Shanshan shook her head and said, "No, Miss Xiaofei won't do this."

"Okay, I don't want to ask about your affairs. This is your choice. I hope you don't regret it." Zhang Guilian sighed, got up and left the room.

Wang Shanshan breathed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that her mother would insist on letting the parents of both sides meet, and she would be ashamed to see Chen Xiaofei again.

Li Yi got into Zhang Xiaoliang's car and came outside Bayongjie's villa. When Li Yi got off the car, he suddenly said, "By the way, my sister has something for you."

"Give me something?" Li Yi was stunned for a moment. Could it be that this girl has a crush on him and wants to give him a love letter?

Zhang Xiaoliang took out a big apple, handed it to Li Yi and said, "My sister said, thank you for the money you gave her. This is a Christmas gift."

Li Yi smiled wryly, took out an apple, and said, "Give this to him!"

Zhang Xiaoliang put the apple on the car, and then said something that left Li Yi speechless, "Brother Yi, what do you think of my sister?"


Li Yi's eyes widened. He stared at Zhang Xiaoliang for a long time and said, "Why are you asking this?"

"It's nothing, my sister said that no one chased her in the class, so I was surprised, she is so beautiful, how come no one likes her!" Zhang Xiaoliang's tone was more like talking to himself.

"The two young masters have been beaten to the ground. It would be strange if someone chased her!" Li Yi thought so in his heart, but said, "Beauties will always be chased by someone, don't worry."

"It's true, he is still a student, not suitable for dating." Zhang Xiaoliang said with a smile, "Even if he wants to fall in love, I will let her find someone like Brother Yi."

Li Yi just got out of the car, and almost fell to the ground after hearing this, and staggered towards the villa.

When they came to the villa, the two beauties were watching TV and eating apples on the sofa. Bayongjie glanced at Li Yi and said, "You still have time to come to my place on Christmas Eve, didn't you go to accompany your big and small wives?"

"Playing with me, don't I have something important to ask Hanyue?" Li Yi looked at Sun Hanyue and said seriously, "Pack up your things, I have a task tonight."

"Mission, what mission?" Sun Hanyue was stunned.

"I'll talk to you later." Li Yi said.

Bayongjie rolled his eyes and said, "You didn't use the mission as an excuse to take Hanyue out ###!"

"If you think so, let's go out together later!" Li Yi smiled badly, his eyes deliberately staying on Bayongjie's huge twin peaks.

"Cut, don't take advantage of my mother, I'm not interested." Bayongjie waved his hand.

Soon, Sun Hanyue put on her night clothes and came out, holding some tools in her hands.

The two left the villa, and after the car drove out of the villa, Sun Hanyue asked, "What mission are we performing tonight?"

Li Yi smiled and said, "You really still have a mission?"

"Ah! No mission?" Sun Hanyue snorted coldly and said, "Then you let me dress like this?"

"I don't say that, do you think Sister Ba doesn't doubt it?" Li Yi said.

Sun Hanyue smiled wryly, and said: "Sister Ba is so smart, do you really think she can't see it? I guess she already knew that we were together, but she just didn't want to say it." She paused, then said: "That's right. , take me out to do something so late, if you want, we can do it in the villa."

"Well, remember the Zhuyan Pill I said?" Li Yi said, "I'll take you to get it tonight."

"My good husband, you are too good at tossing people!" Sun Hanyue said depressedly, "You will bring it to me tomorrow, why bother to get it now?"

"You will know when the time comes." Li Yi said an address and asked Sun Hanyue to drive there.

An hour later, the two came to a community.

Sun Hanyue parked the car, looked around and said: "This community looks pretty good, don't tell me, this is where you practice alchemy?"

"I said it just now, and I'll find out later." Li Yi took Sun Hanyue into the elevator, and then came to the door of a room.

When she rang the doorbell, Sun Hanyue was stunned and said, "Isn't this your home?"

Before Li Yi answered, the door of the room opened, and a delicate body threw herself into Li Yi's arms, and said coquettishly, "I miss you so much, why are you here so late?"

No matter how stupid Sun Hanyue was, she knew what was going on, and said awkwardly: "Li Yi, why did you bring me to her house?"

The woman in Li Yi's arms was Su Mengxi. She was stunned when she heard the voice, and hurriedly got out of Li Yi's arms, and said in surprise: "Sun Hanyue, why are you here?"

"Ahem! You are all my women, so it's normal for me to meet you!" Li Yi hurriedly dragged the two women into the room, he didn't want to be seen by outsiders.

After entering the room, Li Yi asked Su Mengxi to take out Zhuyan Pill, and said, "Tonight is Christmas Eve, so we won't eat apples, let's eat Zhuyan Pill first!"

"Okay! Let me eat first!" Su Mengxi wanted to eat Zhuyan Dan for a long time, but Li Yi didn't nod. He was too busy recently, so he forgot about it.

Seeing that Su Mengxi had eaten, Sun Hanyue also picked up the cup and poured some water, and then swallowed it.

After taking the elixir, the two looked at Li Yi at the same time, and Su Mengxi said, "Husband Li Yi, did you bring her here in the middle of the night to eat Zhuyan elixir?"

Don't look at Sun Hanyue's usual cold look, I don't know if it's because of jealousy or something, and said: "My husband! Can you accompany me tonight?"

Li Yi felt a little dizzy, and the two women got more energetic when they first met, and coughed lightly: "Well, tonight is Christmas Eve, let's drink something!"

Both women know that Li Yi is going to drink, but they can think of what will happen after drinking.

If they were alone with Li Yi ###, they would all be happy, but the three of them lay together, and it was embarrassing to think about it.

The two looked complicated, obviously they didn't want to be like this, Li Yi felt that this would not work, and sighed: "If you don't drink, then I'll go home first." He brought Sun Hanyue here tonight, just to fulfill the man's most wanted drink. If you want to fly, you will be excited when you think about the legendary double flight.

"No, let's drink!" Both women said at the same time, not wanting Li Yi to leave.

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Li Yi's mouth. He came to the cabinet, picked up the red wine, and quickly poured three glasses of red wine.

Handing two glasses of red wine to the hands of the two women, Li Yi looked solemn and said slowly: "You are all my women, I hope that we will live in harmony forever. To commemorate the first meeting, To commemorate this special day, we will not return home drunk tonight."

In the following time, the three of them drank a lot of wine. After drinking, the heating in the room was turned on again, and they took off their coats while drinking.

Su Mengxi didn't wear much at all, only a thin pink pajamas, and she could vaguely see the pink dots on her chest.

She suddenly walked in front of Li Yi, and said softly: "Honey, I feel so uncomfortable, touch me here."

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