super jade

Chapter 168 It's scary for a woman to be jealous

Su Mengxi took the initiative to take Li Yi's hand, put it on her chest, and stroked it gently.

With such excitement, Li Yi's lower body quickly reacted, and he hugged Su Mengxi in his arms and kissed him.

Sun Hanyue also drank a lot. When she saw the two of them doing this in front of her, she immediately became jealous. She couldn't be compared to Su Mengxi.The time with Li Yi is not long at all. If you don't do something now, you will have no status in Li Yi's heart in the future. Taking a step back, even if you have status, your status is not as good as that of Su Mengxi.

Thinking of this, Sun Hanyue drank the red wine in the glass in one gulp. Stimulated by the alcohol, she quickly came to Li Yi's body and hugged him from behind.But she found that it was useless to hold Li Yi like this. The two were still kissing. When she gritted her teeth, she put her hand on Li Yi's waist, then unbuttoned her pants and quickly stretched them in.

This was the first time that Sun Hanyue held Li Yi's big guy. She was so surprised that she felt like shrinking back, but thinking of the idea just now, she quickly stroked it.Touching and touching, she felt that her hands were full of sticky liquid, and she knew that Li Yi had a reaction, and the speed of stroking increased.

Li Yi was so comfortable that he almost didn't cry out. If this continues, he will definitely not be able to bear it.

In order to quickly enjoy the two beauties, Li Yi hugged Su Mengxi with one hand, and embraced Sun Hanyue with the other.

Li Yi's current strength is amazing, and it is not a problem to hug the two beauties at the same time. He quickly walked into the bedroom with them, and then threw them on the soft Simmons bed.After finishing all this, Li Yi quickly took off his clothes and pounced on him like a ferocious little beast.

Although the two of them drank a lot of wine and their consciousness was a little fuzzy, they both knew what to do next.

Whoever can be with Li Yi### for the first time proves that the status is the highest. Not to be outdone, Su Mengxi said, "Honey, I know you love me the most, right?"

"Hmm! I love you." Li Yi replied vaguely while holding Sun Hanyue.

"Since you love me, come with me once!" Su Mengxi pulled Li Yi over, then rode on him, and said, "I like your big guy the most."

Sun Hanyue was preparing to have a relationship with Li Yi###, but Li Yi was dragged away by Su Mengxi, and immediately became angry, and hurriedly said, "Honey, don't you love me?"

"Love, you are all my favorites." Li Yi replied.

"Huh! Since you love me, why don't you be with me? I feel so uncomfortable now." Sun Hanyue said, also riding on Li Yi's body.

Both beauties are around Li Yi's waist, and neither of them can stand in a stalemate with Li Yi### for a while.

At this moment, the most uncomfortable thing is Li Yi. The two beauties are in front of him, but they can't do that with them.

At this moment, Li Yi couldn't help wondering if it was a wrong decision to call them together.


Li Yi coughed lightly, and said awkwardly: "Well, if you continue like this, no one will be able to double cultivate with me."

"Husband, you promise to be with me first, and I'll go down, how about it?" Su Mengxi knew that there was no point in arguing like this, so she looked at Li Yi with a smile.

"Well! I promise you." Li Yi said helplessly.

Sun Hanyue suddenly became unhappy, and said unrelentingly: "Then what about me! I will let you spoil me first."

"Okay! I'll pamper you first, let's go!" Li Yi rolled his eyes, it's scary for a woman to be jealous.

Just like that, the two stood up one after another. Su Mengxi took Li Yi's hand and said, "Husband, didn't you tell me that you like big ones?"

It has to be said that Su Mengxi's twin peaks are really big, and Sun Hanyue is much smaller than her.

However, Sun Hanyue's figure is a bit better than Su Mengxi's. She twisted her slender waist and said, "Husband, you also said that the most important thing for a woman is her figure. My figure is very good, right?"

Su Mengxi glanced at her body and said, "I'm no worse than you!"

"It's not bad, but there is still a gap." Sun Hanyue said provocatively.

"Hmph! What's the difference? My twin peaks are bigger than yours, why don't you tell me?" Su Mengxi couldn't believe it, she couldn't handle Sun Hanyue.

"It doesn't seem to be much difference! You and Li Yi have been together for a long time. If I had been with him a long time ago, under the nourishment of happiness, I am afraid that you are even older now." Sun Hanyue said relentlessly.

"That's not necessarily the case, some women don't care how much they touch." Su Mengxi raised her eyebrows.

The two women and beauties were jealous, and they didn't care about Li Yi. This made Li Yi very depressed, and said with a wry smile: "You two, can you stop arguing."

"Don't talk." The two women said at the same time, "Don't interrupt the man when the woman talks."

Li Yi really didn't know how to deal with the current situation. He felt more tired than killing people, and said, "Well, do you think it's interesting to go on like this?"

The two women were startled, yes!Is it interesting to go on like this?

Su Mengxi frowned and said, "Then what do you think should be done?"

Li Yi thought for a while, and said to the two women: "So, let's draw cards, and whoever has the highest card will start first, how about it?"

"Okay! This is a good idea." Su Mengxi agreed without even thinking about it. She has the ability to see through.

"I also agree with this method." Sun Hanyue also thought it was fair, if she knew that Su Mengxi had that ability, she would definitely be depressed to death.

Just like that, Su Mengxi took out a deck of cards, quickly spread them out, and said, "You come first!"

"Go ahead! This is your home." Sun Hanyue said politely.

"I am the host, you are the guest, there is no reason why the host comes first." Su Mengxi knew that she would not lose, so naturally she would not be the first to draw a card. If the draw is too small, wouldn't it be wrong to lose?If you draw too much, as long as you are not a fool, you will suspect that there is something wrong with the cards, which is why she didn't draw first.

Sun Hanyue glanced at the cards, and after making sure that she hadn't done anything, she randomly drew a card.

After opening it, it turned out to be an eight of hearts. Sun Hanyue smiled wryly and said, "It's your turn."

Su Mengxi knew what she got, so she pulled out a nine of hearts, opened it and said, "I'm sorry, mine is bigger than yours, I'd like to bet and admit defeat."

I don't know if it was intentional, but when Su Mengxi said it, he deliberately emphasized the big characters.

Sun Hanyue is not an unreasonable person, and she is willing to admit defeat. Since she lost, she simply stood up and said: "You guys start first! I will go to the living room to watch TV for a while." After speaking, she put on her clothes and walked out.

Su Mengxi made sure she was watching TV, smiled slightly, and said, "I knew you were the best for me."

"No way, I can only draw cards to decide just now." Li Yi smiled wryly, "However, you ruined my good deed, what should we do if we can't be together now?"

"Hmph! You still want the two of you together, let's talk about it after making him comfortable to serve!" Su Mengxi lay down on the bed with a smile like a victorious general.

Li Yi has been thinking about Shuangfei, how can it end like this?He puts up the big guy and goes on a rampage.

In an instant, Su Mengxi felt his body was completely filled by the big guy, and said in surprise: "Are you crazy, you went in so deep?"

However, what made her even more depressed was yet to come. After entering, Li Yi sprinted like a crazy beast, reaching the deepest point every time, and the speed was getting faster and faster.Such a perfect sprint, Su Mengxi's body couldn't bear it at all, and he was out of breath after only a few minutes.

Su Mengxi waved his hand and begged for mercy: "I can't do it, I really can't do it."

"Baby, how can this work? It's just the beginning!" Li Yi knew that if he wanted to take down the two girls at the same time, he had to put Su Mengxi down first, and then bring Sun Hanyue in.

Su Mengxi just wanted to say, isn't there Sun Hanyue outside?But when he thought of the two women serving Li Yi together, he changed his mind and said: "Go on! I can still persist."

Within a few minutes, Su Mengxi felt that all the bones in her body were about to fall apart, and said helplessly, "Go find her! If this continues, I don't think I'll be able to get up tomorrow."

"You really asked me to find her?" Li Yi said and hit her violently several times.

"Go!" Su Mengxi replied weakly, she was too tired to speak.

Li Yi pulled out the big guy and walked quickly to the living room. Sun Hanyue was startled and said, "It's over so soon?"

"It's not released yet! Mengxi can't hold on any longer, so I'll let you replace her." Li Yi came to her and took off her clothes.

"Really?" Sun Hanyue smiled and said, "Is she so poor in physical fitness?"

Saying this, Sun Dameimei thought in her heart, even if I am not physically fit, I can still last for more than three hours!

Of course, this is true under Li Yi's normal impact. If it is as impacted as before, it would be good if she can persist in a novel.

Li Yi hugged Sun Hanyue in his arms, and went straight to the bedroom. Miss Sun suddenly became unhappy, and hurriedly said, "Can't we do it in the living room?"

"That's too troublesome. If you can't hold on, she can still go up." Li Yi smiled badly, "Do you want to see me running back and forth non-stop?"

"Hmph! Miss Ben can hold on for three hours, can she?" When Sun Hanyue said this, she had already entered the room.

When Su Mengxi heard this, she quickly understood what was going on, and couldn't help but said: "If you can hold on for three hours, he will belong to you tonight."

"That's what you said." Sun Hanyue lay flat on the bed with her legs spread wide and said with winking eyes, "Husband, come on!"

Li Yi threw himself on Sun Dameimei, straightened his spear, and went straight to the depths of Taoyuan.

The speed of the impact was also very fast, and under the intense stimulation, Sun Hanyue even had a feeling of suffocation, and soon she was out of breath, and begged for mercy: "Husband, what medicine did you take today to become so powerful? Ah! I can't do it anymore, you slow down, I can't hold on for long if this goes on."

Not only did Li Yi's speed not slow down, but it became faster, and the sound of crackling echoed in the room.

A few minutes later, Sun Hanyue couldn't hold on any longer, so she could only bite the bullet and say: "Honey, I want to rest for a while, you can let her replace me first!"

"No problem!" Li Yi hurriedly pulled out the big guy, then put it into Su Mengxi's body, and sprinted quickly.

The next scene was in stark contrast to the previous fight with Li Yi ###, the two women became modest and wanted to rest for a while.

"Husband, I'm tired, go pamper her!"

"No, husband, I know you are the best, I want to rest for a while."

"You're necrotic. I told you I wanted to rest. Why do you want me?"

"Hey, husband, you know how to bully me, so why don't I let you go to her?"


I don't know how long it took, the sky brightened, and the two women fell into a deep sleep.

Li Yi smoked a cigarette and lay comfortably on the bed. He glanced at the sleeping beauty and said with a bad smile: "Now you know the consequences of jealousy! I can't cure you?"

At this time, the mobile phone rang in the living room, and Li Yi hurried out to answer the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Li Yi asked with a smile: "Big beauty, why are you calling me so early?"

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