super jade

Chapter 170 Do You Think I Can't Afford It?

It was almost noon when Su Dameimei and Sun Hanyue woke up faintly, and both of them were stunned when they opened their eyes.

Seeing each other lying on the bed with no clothes on, Sun Hanyue exclaimed, "You, why are you sleeping here?"

Su Mengxi's reaction was much calmer, she smiled and said: "This is my home, of course I will sleep in my own bed."

Thinking of the madness last night, Sun Hanyue was very depressed, and said coldly: "Where is Li Yi! Where did he go?"

"Today isn't the weekend, of course he's going to school." Su Mengxi took out the clothes from the cabinet and quickly put them on.

Sun Hanyue also wanted to wear clothes, but she found that the clothes were torn when she was crazy last night. She hesitated for a while before saying: "Can you help me buy clothes?"

"I have some clothes I just bought here, but I haven't worn them yet. Would you like to try them on?" Su Mengxi took out some clothes and put them on the bed, then said, "We are about the same size, you should be able to wear them."

Sun Hanyue tried it on, and it was just the right size. After she got dressed, she said, "Thank you, I'm going back." She found the torn clothes and wanted to take out the car keys from inside, but found that the keys were gone. Call Li Yi and say, "Did you take my car keys?"

She said so, and couldn't help but wonder when Li Yi learned to drive.

"I have driven the car away. Let Su Mengxi take you back later!" Li Yi was in class, and hung up the phone after saying this.

Sun Hanyue is so angry!Thinking about what happened last night, I don't know how to face Su Mengxi, so I can only bite the bullet and say: "Well, can you send me back later?"

"I'm in a hurry to go back and do something, let's have dinner together later!" Su Mengxi said and started cooking.

Sun Hanyue didn't want to stay here for a moment, so she smiled wryly and said, "Forget it, I still don't want to eat."

Su Mengxi walked in front of her and said, "Do you still mind what happened last night?"

"Do you not mind?" Sun Hanyue asked back.

Su Mengxi was very open-minded. She shook her head and said, "Why do you mind? We are all Li Yi's women, and things like this will happen frequently in the future."

"Ah! Happens often?" Sun Hanyue was a little dizzy. Would the three of them still be like this in the future?

"Yeah! You didn't realize that Li Yi's body is different from ordinary people. You have been with her for too short a time, and you haven't possessed spiritual power yet. When you have spiritual power, you will find that you can't live without him." Su Mengxi continued , "Not only that, your needs will become greater and greater. As long as you can double cultivate with him, let alone three people, you are willing to have more people."

"What is spiritual power?" Sun Hanyue asked in surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"Damn it, you've already taken Zhuyan Pill, don't you know that Li Yi is a cultivator?" Su Mengxi didn't hide anything, anyway, Sun Hanyue would know about these things soon, so she explained in detail, Then he said, "That's it, if you ### a few more times with him, you can also become a cultivator."

"So that's the case." Sun Hanyue nodded suddenly, and couldn't help asking, "Why are you telling me these things?"

"We are all Li Yi's women. In the future, Li Yi will be accompanied by many beautiful women. I want to stand on the united front with you. Do you understand what I mean?" Su Mengxi said.

Sun Hanyue shook her head, but she didn't understand a word, and asked, "What is a united front?"

"Let's put it this way! Let me ask you, do you want to be with Li Yi forever?" Su Mengxi is a smart woman who knows how to plan ahead.

"Think!" Sun Hanyue nodded.

"Since you think about it, we will definitely meet with Li Yi's big and small wives in the future. What if they object to us being with Li Yi?" Su Mengxi said, "If we stand on the united front and help each other, even Li Yi's big and small My wife knows our identities, as long as you help me and I help you, he dare not leave us, because once we leave one of them, the rest will leave him too."

Sun Hanyue was stunned, she didn't expect Su Mengxi to think of this, and said, "You, aren't you her eldest wife?"

"I'm considered a big wife?" Su Mengxi smiled wryly, she knew who the big wife in Li Yi's heart was.

Sun Hanyue frowned and said, "Isn't it? I heard Li Yi say that you are his first woman."

"That's right, I was his first woman, but his first girlfriend wasn't me, but the girl named Chen Xiaofei, and the two of them were together a long time ago, but that level of relationship didn't happen. "Su Mengxi said, "So! His eldest wife is Chen Xiaofei, and I can only be regarded as his third wife and fourth wife."

"If you are the third wife, who am I?" Sun Hanyue said worriedly.

"Now you know why I said those words just now!" Su Mengxi said, "We will be good sisters from now on, so even if Li Yi's eldest wife knows our existence, she will have to admit our identities."

Sun Hanyue thought for a while and said, "Okay, I promise you."

After school in the afternoon, Li Yi and Chen Xiaofei found Wang Shanshan together, and the three walked out of the school together.

The classmates in the school, seeing the closeness of the three, were envious, especially the male classmates, wishing that Li Yi was themselves.

On the way out of school, Li Yi handed a box to Wang Shanshan and said, "This is a Christmas present, do you like it?"

Wang Shanshan took it over, glanced at Chen Xiaofei, and saw that she was smiling slightly, so she knew that she also had a gift, and said, "What kind of gift is this?"

"Xingying, you'll know if you open it and have a look." Chen Xiaofei said.

"Okay!" After Wang Shanshan opened it, he was stunned when he saw the diamond necklace and ring, and couldn't help but ask, "Li Yi, why are you giving us this?"

"Hee hee, what else can we do, of course we want us to marry him." Chen Xiaofei said.

Wang Shanshan's pretty face was flushed, she lowered her head and said, "We're still in school, so it's too early to talk about marriage!"

"It's just a Christmas gift, not a marriage proposal. Don't listen to Xiaofei's nonsense." Li Yi took them to Bayongjie's car, and said after getting in the car, "Let's go shopping first, and then we will go shopping together." How about dinner? By the way, do you want to call your uncle and aunt?"

"Aren't we coming back at night?" Wang Shanshan asked.

"Uh... come back, I'll take you back after dinner." Li Yi also wanted to spend the night with the two beauties, but the key is that there are important things to do at night.

"In this case, there's no need to call. Anyway, I go back after studying late every day." Wang Shanshan said.

Chen Xiaofei also nodded, and said, "Yes! You don't need to make a phone call."

Li Yi drove to a nearby shopping mall. This shopping mall is amazingly large and has everything you need. As long as you can see anything on the market, you can buy it here.After parking the car, the three of them went straight to a mobile phone store. When they came to the store, Li Yi pointed to the mobile phone on the counter and said, "Look at whatever you want."

There are so many mobile phones in the mobile phone counter, whether it is a high-end Apple or ordinary mobile phones.

Wang Shanshan is usually very frugal and doesn't like to spend money casually. When she saw the price of Apple mobile phones, she hurriedly said: "These mobile phones are too expensive, let's buy something else!" She knew that Li Yi was very rich, so let alone A thousand yuan mobile phone can be taken out even if it is tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, but she just feels that it is not worth spending thousands of dollars to buy a mobile phone.

At this time, the eyes of the lady in front of the cabinet were full of disdain, and she said: "I want to buy a cheap one. There are counterfeit phones here, which are very suitable for students like you."

Li Yi was upset when he heard this, and Chen Xiaofei frowned even more, and couldn't help but said: "Who said we can't afford it anymore."

The lady at the counter didn't know that my aunt was here, or something, she was very grumpy, and said sarcastically, "Can you afford this kind of high-end mobile phone?"

Li Yi hates this kind of snobbish woman the most, but he often encounters it, and asks: "Miss, do you think we can't afford these mobile phones?"

The face of the counter lady changed drastically, and she said, "Who are you calling Miss?"

"Then what do I call you? Can't I call you aunt?" Li Yi didn't like him at all. For such a woman, he could be worthy of her without saying anything ugly.

"Hmph! A group of poor students still want to buy high-end mobile phones. It would be shameful if they can't afford them." The counter lady said coldly, looking at Li Yi with sarcasm in her eyes.

"I want to ask you, how many 5s do you have here?" Li Yi asked.

"Why do you ask this, don't tell me, you can afford it." The counter lady glanced at the clothes of Li Yi and others, and knew that they were all poor people.

"It's my business that I can't afford it. Don't you sell it when I buy it?" Li Yi asked back.

The son of the counter lady's eyes turned, thinking of a way to embarrass Li Yi, and said: "So, how many mobile phones can you buy?"

"I'm afraid I bought too much, you don't have that much here." Li Yi replied.

The lady at the counter snorted coldly, looked at Li Yi like an idiot, and said, "I really want to know how much you can buy?"

"A thousand units, do you have one?" Li Yi directly said a scary number.

The lady at the counter was stunned. This guy really dared to say, "Yes, can you afford it?"

"You get the goods first, and I will buy them when I see them." Li Yi also lost his temper and wanted to teach the other party a lesson.

Seeing that he didn't want to make matters worse, Wang Shanshan pulled Li Yi's sleeve and said, "Li Yi, I think it's better to forget it, let's go buy it elsewhere!"

Chen Xiaofei didn't want to leave, she felt that Li Yi did the right thing, and said, "We'll buy it here and see if she can take out so many mobile phones."

The lady at the counter glanced at Li Yi and said, "What if I take out so many mobile phones and you can't afford them?"

"You can call the police and let the police deal with it." Li Yi replied.

The lady at the counter is waiting for this sentence!She said coldly, "You said this, I'll let them deliver the goods right away, I hope you don't find a chance to run away."

"Don't worry, I won't run away. I'll buy whatever you get." Li Yi is not short of money now, let alone a few million things, even tens of millions.

After the lady at the counter made the call, she called two more security guards to prevent Li Yi from leaving.

After the two security guards knew what happened, they said to the lady at the counter: "Miss Zhang, don't worry, if they run away, I will break his legs."

"That's right, if you dare to make trouble here, I will never let him leave." Another security guard also said.

The lady at the counter smiled charmingly, and said to the two security guards: "Then I would like to thank you first, and I will treat you two to dinner tonight, how about it?"

"No problem, we are happy to accompany you." After the two security guards said this, they walked towards Li Yi, wanting to say a few ugly words to vent their anger for Sister Zhang.

However, after seeing Li Yi's appearance, the two were completely dumbfounded, and had to swallow the words that came to their lips.

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