super jade

Chapter 171 Your Daughter Is in a Relationship

Hong Rui is also responsible for the security of this shopping mall. Most of the people here are Li Hu's subordinates back then, and many of them have met Li Yi.Coincidentally, the two people in front of them happened to have met Li Yi, and they knew that Li Yi was now the boss behind the Tiandaozong, and his status even surpassed that of Sister Ba.

Just like that, when the two saw Li Yi, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Thinking of what they said just now, the faces of the two of them became extremely ugly, and they had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over.

Just about to call Brother Yi, suddenly, Li Yi came over, patted them on the shoulder and said, "You two, why do you need to come, I won't leave."

"Uh... yes! How could you leave?" one of the boys said.

"Don't tell me who I am, you just stand by the side." Li Yi lowered his voice.

"Well! Okay, we'll stand here." The two security guards stood aside after speaking.

Sister Zhang was very surprised when she heard the conversation between the three of them. She didn't think much about it, and was checking and accepting the goods taken out of the warehouse.

Soon, dozens of boxes of mobile phones were counted. Sister Zhang looked at Li Yi and said, "There are fifty mobile phones here. Did you pay for these mobile phones first?"

"I want a thousand units, and you just come up with this. How can I pay for it?" Li Yi asked back.

Sister Zhang snorted coldly, and said disdainfully, "I don't think you can afford the money!"

"Don't worry, as long as you can produce the goods, I can afford the money." Li Yi pulled the two beauties, walked to the side stool and sat down.

Seeing Li Yi's leisurely look, Sister Zhang was so angry that she walked up to the two security guards and said in a coquettish voice, "Both brothers, that kid just bullied him, please help me out!"

She thought that after saying this, the other party would do what she said, but the other party's answer made her very depressed.

The two who were still lustful just now suddenly became sanctimonious, and one of them said solemnly: "Sister Zhang, we are only responsible for helping you watch him not to leave, but we did not promise you to help you vent your anger."

Another person also said: "You don't do business. People are customers. Customers are God. Do you know that?"

Sister Zhang was stunned for a while, and it took a long time to recover, and said: "You guys, don't you want to have dinner with me tonight?"

"We have a lot of things to do at night! How can we have time to have dinner with you?" The security guard sneered, "Even if you are with us at night, we don't have time to accompany you."

"You..." Miss Zhang is so angry!He glared at the two of them bitterly.

About half an hour later, nearly a thousand mobile phones arrived from major shopping malls. After counting, Ms. Zhang said, "The mobile phone you want has arrived. When will you pay me?" After finishing speaking, she showed an optimistic look. From the look of the show, it seems that Li Yi can't afford so much money, which is worth millions.

Li Yi escaped from his arms and opened it, handed it to Sister Zhang and said, "Swipe the card!"

Sister Zhang was about to call the police and arrest Li Yi. When she saw the card handed over, she sneered, "Do you have so much money?"

"If you don't check it, how do you know I don't have so much money?" Li Yi sarcastically said, "Don't dress like a poor person in the past. If you dress brightly, do you get the money right?"

"You..." Sister Zhang glared at Li Yi, took the card and swiped it, and then asked Li Yi to enter the password.

After Li Yi entered the password, it showed that the transaction was successful. Sister Zhang's eyes widened. She couldn't believe that the other party could really come up with so much money.

"You two beauties, choose which color you like first!" Li Yi called Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei to get their phones.

Neither of the girls expected that Li Yi really bought so many mobile phones. Now that he bought them, Chen Xiaofei generously took a silver-gray mobile phone.

Wang Shanshan also chose a silver mobile phone, Li Yi's is gold, he thinks silver and gold match well.

Of course, the two women also have another idea, that is, gold represents men, and silver represents women.

After the two girls finished choosing their mobile phones, Wang Shanshan smiled wryly when he saw that there were still so many mobile phones, "Do you want to take all these mobile phones back?"

"You can give some to your uncles and aunts, and leave the rest to them!" Li Yi glanced at the two security guards not far away, and motioned for them to come over.

The two hurried forward, and one of them whispered, "Brother Yi, do you have any orders?"

"Give these mobile phones to Hong Rui and ask him to send them to the brothers." Li Yi lowered his voice.

The two security guards were taken aback for a moment, then excitedly said: "Okay, okay!"

Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei took a few more boxes of mobile phones, and Li Yi took them up to the second floor to buy clothes.

When going upstairs, Chen Xiaofei's eyes were full of doubts, and she said, "Do you know those security guards?"

"I met with their boss and asked them to take those phones back and buy them." Li Yi didn't tell the truth, after all, it was too scary to tell his identity.

Wang Shanshan was very smart, quickly took Chen Xiaofei's hand, and changed the subject: "Miss Xiaofei, what clothes shall we buy later?"

Chen Xiaofei is so smart, she smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I know it even if you don't tell me. I knew you knew people in the society after I helped Shining solve the problem last time."

Li Yi smiled awkwardly, and said: "If I am a mixed society, do you still love me?"

"I believe you are not that kind of person, even if you are, I love you." Chen Xiaofei gave him a look of don't worry, then changed the subject, "Li Yi, I don't care what you do, but you have to promise me, thousand You must not do illegal things, you have to consider our future."

Li Yi hugged Chen Xiaofei in his arms and said, "Don't worry, I won't do such a thing."

"Well! I'm relieved." Chen Xiaofei was worried that he would come and go too quickly, and said with a smile, "Since my husband is so rich, I won't be polite later."

Besides, when Miss Zhang saw the security guard taking the phone away, she couldn't bear it anymore and said, "Big Mao, Xiao Mao, do you know that kid?"

"Sister Zhang, for the sake of what you did with us, let me tell you, he is a powerful existence that you cannot offend." Da Mao sneered.

"A powerful existence that I can't offend?" Sister Zhang asked in surprise, "Is he higher than Brother Liu?"

Brother Liu in Sister Zhang's mouth is just a small headline in this area, and it is a few blocks behind Li Yi.

Da Mao snorted coldly, and said, "Don't talk about Brother Liu, even Brother Rui would call him Brother when he saw him."

"His status is so high?" Thinking of what she said just now, Sister Zhang's face became quite ugly, and she said in a trembling voice, "Isn't his status second only to Sister Ba?"

"Don't make random guesses, I can only tell you that Sister Ba will be polite when she sees him." Xiao Mao said affirmatively.

"Then what to do, I offended him, will he trouble me?" Sister Zhang was at a loss, her face was full of regret.

Da Mao waved his hand and said, "He doesn't want to trouble you, if he wants to, can you still stand here safely?"

After Li Yi took the two beauties to buy clothes, they had dinner together, and then sent them home.

Wang Shanshan already knew about Li Yi's situation. Seeing that her daughter brought back so many things, she naturally didn't say anything.

Chen Xiaofei couldn't do it anymore. As soon as she came home, her mother Zhang Na was stunned and said in surprise: "Xiaofei, where did you get so many things? My God, these clothes cost more than 1000?"

When the two beauties were shopping, they didn't look at the price at all, as long as they thought it looked good, they bought it. In fact, many clothes cost thousands of dollars.

Chen Xiaofei didn't expect the things she bought to be so expensive. If she knew she wouldn't take them home, she could only bite the bullet and say, "Today is not Christmas, my friend gave it to me."

"Your friend?" Zhang Na quickly thought of someone, and asked tentatively, "Your classmate!"

"Yes! He is my classmate." Chen Xiaofei nodded. Although Li Yi and her were lovers, they were also classmates.

Zhang Na obviously thought wrong, and said with a smile: "Students should communicate more in private, the relationship between you is not bad!"

"It's okay!" Chen Xiaofei didn't want to say more, she took the clothes and walked into the room.

Zhang Na chased after her and continued to ask, "Is the child from the Du family not disfigured?"

Hearing that child from the Du family, Chen Xiaofei was stunned. She gave a wry smile and said, "Mom, what are you talking about with him? I haven't spoken to him for a long time."

Zhang Na looked at her daughter in surprise, then pointed to the clothes, and said in astonishment, "Didn't he buy them?"

"He and I are just friends, can he buy this for me?" Chen Xiaofei asked back.

Zhang Na was confused, she didn't remember that there were such rich people among her daughter's classmates, and couldn't help asking: "Who is that, do I know him?"

"I know." Chen Xiaofei said.

Zhang Na was even more surprised. After thinking for a long time, she didn't know who the other party was, and asked, "Have I met him?"

"Mom, stop thinking about it, he is Li Yi." Chen Xiaofei was annoyed by the question, so she simply said it.

"What? Li Yi bought these things for you?" Zhang Na screamed something bad, and quickly asked, "Xiaofei, are you with her?"

"I, I..." Chen Xiaofei lowered her head, her pretty face flushed slightly, she regretted saying that.

Seeing that her daughter's expression was not right, Zhang Na became even more worried, and said, "Aren't you guys asleep?"


Chen Xiaofei's eyes widened, and she said depressedly: "Mom, what are you thinking? How could I be with him."

"If not, why did he buy you these things?" Zhang Na asked, "Li Yi's family conditions are average, where did he get the money?"

"Mom, don't ask. Li Yi's family has no money, but he has money. Did the money get stolen? What are you worried about?" Chen Xiaofei said depressingly.

Seeing that what she said was useless, Zhang Na came to the living room and said to her husband who was reading the newspaper: "Master, your daughter is in love, go and talk about her."

Chen Ping put down the newspaper in his hand, and said, "She's already in her third year of high school, and it's normal to fall in love."

"Huh?" Zhang Na was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise, "Didn't you object to your daughter dating before?"

"Yeah! I used to object to her falling in love. I was afraid that she would affect her studies, but now her grades have been very good, and she has steadily improved. Every time she can get a score of 650 or more, I have nothing to worry about." Chen Pingdao, "Besides, we have met the boyfriend she is looking for. If there is no Li Yi, I'm afraid I'm gone."

"I think Li Yi's family conditions are not good. If they get together, what will Xiaofei do in the future?" Zhang Na said worriedly.

"I don't know how his family is, but I know that I like that kid very much. If he is my son-in-law, I will be very satisfied." Chen Ping said with a smile.

Zhang Na was speechless, and said depressedly: "How can you be such a father that you actually support your daughter in dating."

"Haha! I'm not supportive. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss such a good son-in-law?" Chen Ping saw his daughter coming out of the room, waved to her, and said, "Xiaofei! Dad supports you and Li Yi is together, don't delay your studies! If you have time, call Li Yi and let's have a meal together."

Chen Xiaofei was stunned, as if she didn't expect her father to say such a thing, she said in a daze, "This is not good!"

"What's wrong, I've already admitted this son-in-law, don't you admit that he is your boyfriend?" Chen Ping said with a straight face, "If you don't want to be with him, I'll call him and let him He will not pester you in the future."

"Ah! Don't, I'll tell him about it." Chen Xiaofei said nervously.

Chen Ping smiled, and continued: "That's right, it's the Gregorian New Year in two days, remember to call him here."

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