super jade

Chapter 173 My Fiance Is Him

The person who came suddenly was Jiang Kun. His father was worth billions, so he was naturally qualified to participate in this fundamental party, and he had been here for several years in a row.

"You're here too!" Li Yi said with a smile.

"Brother Yi, why didn't you come with your sister-in-law?" Jiang Kun also knew that it was difficult to bring a female companion to this party, but Li Yi's identity should be fine.

"I was also brought by others." Li Yi said and glanced at Bayongjie beside him.

As the young master of a rich family, Jiang Kun knows all about celebrities in the city. When he saw Bayongjie, his eyes widened and he panicked, "Ba, sister Ba..."

Bayongjie burst out laughing and said, "I'm not a tiger, why are you so afraid of me?"

"Sister Ba, I still have something to do, so let's go first." Jiang Kun left after finishing speaking. He went to the corner to wipe off his cold sweat. It turned out that the information his father had inquired about was true.Li Yi really has a relationship with Sister Ba. Judging from their appearance, the relationship is not ordinary?At this moment, he was even more sure that following Li Yi's footsteps was the right choice.

Although Bayongjie came to this party, she didn't know many of these young masters and ladies, and she didn't go to say hello to those people, and came to a sofa with Li Yi to sit down.

The two each ordered a glass of red wine, and Bayongjie took a sip and said, "Li Yi, do you want to meet the beauty tonight?"

"Think about it! Didn't I come here just to meet beautiful women?" Li Yi said with a smile, "Would you like to introduce me to a few?"

"I don't even know them, do you think I can introduce them?" Bayongjie said, "But I know their family backgrounds, so let me tell you first!"

"Did you see that girl? Her name is Zhang Li, her father is a coal boss, and that woman, her name is Fang Xiang, her father is the boss of a listed company." Bayongjie obviously had the information of these people long ago, and they were all precious. Speaking, "And that girl, isn't she beautiful! Her name is Liu Xiaolu, and her father is the owner of ** Bank, and her family is well-known in China."

Li Yi was slightly taken aback. She had known this girl for a long time, but she didn't expect to come here too.

Think about it too, her father is so powerful, how could he not come here?

Seeing Li Yi's momentary stupefaction, Bayongjie giggled and said, "Why, have you taken a fancy to this girl?"

"Yeah! I like it, but I don't know if I can get it." Li Yi said, taking a sip of red wine.

Bayongjie glanced at Liu Xiaolu, said with a smile, "She is the most beautiful of these girls, you have good eyesight, and my sister supports you." She paused, and then continued: "However, you want to chase her , The difficulty is not small, see the kid next to him? His name is Zhang Wei, and his father is the current secretary of the municipal party committee of ** City."

Both Li Yi knew each other, but he pretended not to know, and said: "The girl I want to chase, no matter how strong the opponent is, she must get down."

"It's domineering enough, my sister likes it." Bayongjie said.

"You like to have farts, the key is that the girl likes me." Li Yi said with a smile.

Liu Xiaolu was talking to her sisters, when Zhang Wei came over, those girls knew that Zhang Wei was pursuing her, so they found an excuse and walked away.

"Xiao Lu, I haven't seen you for a long time, how are you doing?" Zhang Wei walked over and asked.

Liu Xiaolu hated Zhang Wei very much, but she couldn't just drive him away, saying, "We have nothing to talk about!"

"I know you don't like me, so I really love you, can't you give me a chance?" Zhang Wei said affectionately, he is indeed an infatuated kind.

"Zhang Wei, I've already told you that I have a fiancé, why are you still talking about this?" Liu Xiaolu said.

Zhang Wei didn't believe that she really had a fiancé, he thought it was just an excuse, and said, "Where is your fiancé? If you bring him to show me, I will believe your words."

"He...he went abroad, and I haven't seen him for a long time." Liu Xiaolu said an excuse that even she didn't believe.

"That's right! I'm afraid that I won't come back after going abroad." Zhang Wei said with something in his words.

Liu Xiaolu frowned, and was about to find an excuse to leave when suddenly a group of people walked in.

The people who came in were Zeng Xiaofeng and his elder brother Zeng Zhicheng, and there were several people behind them, one of them was Zhang Zuo.

After everyone came in, they happened to see Jiang Kun, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met. The key is that both of them had a feud with Jiang Kun.

"Brother, he is Jiang Kun. I suspect that the bastard who made people beat me is him." Zeng Xiaofeng said fiercely, "If you hadn't taken me to the military for treatment, I would have lost my life."

Zhang Zuo was thinking about how to get Zeng Zhicheng to teach Jiang Kun a lesson!Hearing this, he hurriedly said: "Brother Zeng, that kid Jiang Kun is really nothing, he taught me a lesson last time."

Zeng Zhicheng was wearing a military uniform. Judging from the stars and stripes on his shoulders, his official position was not low, at least he was a major.

"I didn't expect that I haven't come to the party for a few years. Those little guys have grown up and dare to bully my brother." Zeng Zhicheng snorted coldly, gave them a look of don't worry, and said, "You grew up with me Big, you can be regarded as my little brother, since I am here this time, I will get all of your places back."

After finishing speaking, Zeng Zhicheng led the crowd towards Jiang Kun, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

At this time, Jiang Kun also saw the other party, and it was too late to escape through the crowd.

"Jiang Kun, right! Stop for me." Zeng Zhicheng strode up to him, and then grabbed his collar.

Most of the young masters who came here knew the identity of Zeng Zhicheng, and even if they didn't know, their faces changed after asking, and they all looked at Jiang Kun with sympathy.Those who have a good relationship with Jiang Kun hurriedly stepped aside, they didn't want to offend each other because of Jiang Kun.

One must know that Zeng Zhicheng was the tyrant here back then, because the family had high-level military officials, no one dared to fight against him, the young master's daughter was always polite when she saw him, even Wu Bin was the same when she saw him.A few years ago, Zeng Zhicheng went to the military for training and never came back. Everyone thought that he would never participate in such parties again. Unexpectedly, Zeng Zhicheng came back and came to find a place.

Of course Jiang Kun knew about Zeng Zhicheng. He had never met him before, but he knew that this guy had an extraordinary identity.

"Zeng, Brother Zeng..." Jiang Kun smiled wryly, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

"I have nothing to do with you, but my brother has something to do with you." Zeng Zhicheng glanced at Zeng Xiaofeng beside him, and snorted coldly, "I heard that you asked him to teach my brother a lesson, right?"

Jiang Kun was startled, obviously not aware of the relationship between the two, and hurriedly said: "Brother Zeng, that has nothing to do with me."

Zeng Xiaofeng immediately became unhappy, and slapped Jiang Kun, saying: "You just said it's okay, right! Then I'll hit you today until you say it's okay."

None of the young master's daughters around dared to step forward to stop them. If they stopped, Liang Zicheng with Zeng Zhicheng would also be married.

Wu Bin sighed, walked over bravely, and said, "Xiao Zeng, for my sake, forget it! You are not good at parties."

Zeng Zhicheng glared at him, then snorted coldly, "Wu Bin, get out of here, you have nothing to do here."

Wu Bin moved his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but finally swallowed the words in his mouth.

Zeng Zhicheng glanced at the people around him, and said arrogantly: "If you want to plead for him, stand up for me now, if not, go and drink."

Everyone was silent, turned around one after another, each doing their own things.

Others can be silent, but Li Yi can't do so. In view of the face of that villa, he has to leave, got up and walked towards Zeng Zhicheng.

Zeng Zhicheng was about to beat Jiang Kun violently, when he saw Li Yi approaching suddenly, he frowned and said, "Are you going to stand up for him?"

"He is my friend, of course I want to stand up for him." Li Yi is not afraid of the other party, let alone Bayongjie is by his side.

Zeng Zhicheng didn't glance at Wu Bin, wanting to confirm Li Yi's identity, he asked, "Who is he?"

"He is a distinguished guest brought by Sister Ba." When Wu Bin spoke, he deliberately emphasized the word "guest".

Zeng Zhicheng didn't know Li Yi, but he knew Sister Ba, because he also read the detailed information of the party participants when he came.Just like that, Zeng Zhicheng frowned. Although he was fearless, he didn't want to offend someone like Sister Ba. The reason was simple, she was a beautiful woman, and he wanted to pursue her.

"Hmph! For Sister Ba's sake, I won't teach him a lesson today, you just wait for me." Zeng Zhicheng glared at Li Yi, threw Jiang Kun to the ground, and then led everyone forward .

Zhang Zuo originally wanted to say, I have a grudge against this guy, but seeing Zeng Zhicheng leave, he could only swallow the words on his lips.

Jiang Kun stood up from the ground in embarrassment. He walked up to Li Yi and said, "Brother Yi, I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble."

"Since you have followed me, I won't let people bully you, otherwise, who would want to follow me in the future?" Li Yi gave him a look of don't worry.

Hearing this, Jiang Kun was moved for a while, and said, "Brother Yi..."

"Stop flirting with me, Qianqian still needs you to take care of her." Li Yi walked towards Bayongjie after saying this.

Just sitting on the sofa, Bayongjie smiled and said, "Has your woman been pursued?"

Li Yi followed Bayongjie's gaze, good guy, Zeng Zhicheng actually walked in front of Liu Xiaolu.

"Xiao Lu, long time no see. I remember the last time I saw you, you were still a little girl." Zeng Zhicheng glanced at Zhang Wei, and said in a commanding tone, "Go away..."

Although Zhang Wei was afraid of Zeng Zhicheng, if he left now, he would not be able to pursue Liu Xiaolu in the future, so he said bravely, "Brother Zeng, are you worried that I will pursue him?"

Zeng Zhicheng snorted coldly and said, "Aren't you pursuing him?"

"I'm pursuing Xiaolu, but she already has a fiancé, so it's useless for me to pursue her." Zhang Wei is very smart, he knows how to divert conflicts.

Sure enough, Zeng Zhicheng's expression changed after hearing this, and he said, "What are you talking about, she has a fiancé?"

"If you don't believe me, you can ask her." Zhang Wei said.

Zeng Zhicheng really didn't believe it, she looked at Liu Xiaolu and said, "You really have a fiancé?"

"Yes, I have a fiance." Liu Xiaolu hated Zhang Wei to death, but in this situation, she had to admit it, even if she offended Zeng Zhicheng.

"Hehe!" Zeng Zhicheng laughed suddenly, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "I really want to know, who is your fiance? Don't tell me, he's not here."

Liu Xiaolu has heard about Zeng Zhicheng's character and what he did a few years ago.If he doesn't find a fiancé now, Zeng Zhicheng will definitely pursue her in public. If the pursuit is successful, he will take her to the private room to do that. If the pursuit fails, he will also use various excuses to chat with her.

Liu Xiaolu doesn't want to stay with Zeng Zhicheng, who knows what will happen after entering the room?

At this moment, everyone looked at them, wanting to know how Liu Xiaolu would answer.

Seeing Liu Xiaolu's complex expression, Zeng Zhicheng knew the excuse the other party was making, and continued: "Call out your fiance! I believe the man you fancy is not an ordinary person."

Liu Xiaolu had no choice, and quickly thought of someone. She shook her lower lip and pointed to Li Yi who was not far away, "My fiancé is him."

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