super jade

Chapter 174

Everyone looked up subconsciously, and when they saw that the person Liu Xiaolu was pointing at was Li Yi, their expressions were quite complicated.

Some people were depressed, some sympathized, and most of them looked like they were watching a good show.

On the sofa in the corner of the party, Du Haibo and Wang Meng sat together, and what they expected finally happened.

Wang Meng laughed. He took a sip of red wine and said, "I didn't expect that! They actually did it. Tell me, will Li Yi be beaten down later?"

"Does it need to be said? Brother Zeng has been trained in the special forces. Even if Li Yi has a few tricks, he is not Brother Zeng's opponent." Du Haibo said with certainty.

Wang Meng nodded, agreed with this, and said, "You're right, I'm looking forward to Li Yi's lifeblood being abolished, so that he can't rob women with me."

"If Li Yi is abolished today, Wang Shanshan is yours, and Xiao Fei can return to my arms." Du Haibo fantasized beautifully.

The two talked in a low voice, no one paid attention to their side, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Yi.

Li Yi was equally astonished. He didn't expect that the girl was referring to him, but he figured it out in a blink of an eye.This man named Zeng Zhicheng has a very high status in ** City, no one dares to come out against him, and just now, he was the first person who didn't give brother Zeng face, if he encountered such a thing, he would choose this way.

After thinking about this nod, Li Yi was also relieved. He stood up and walked towards Liu Xiaolu step by step.

Zeng Zhicheng didn't think Li Yi was Liu Xiaolu's fiancé, so he sneered and said, "Boy, I advise you not to go into the muddy water, you understand what I mean."

Of course Li Yi understood, but he pretended not to understand, and asked: "If your woman was pursued by someone back then, would you be indifferent?"

"Is she your woman?" Zeng Zhicheng asked back.

Li Yi laughed, looked at Zeng Zhicheng as if he was looking at an idiot, and said, "Is there something wrong with your ears, do you want me to take you to see a doctor?"

Zeng Zhicheng's face changed slightly. No one dared to speak to him in such a tone before, and it was still in such a scene. He said coldly: "Boy, please be careful with your words, this is not a place where you can act wild." He paused, He continued: "If you apologize to me now, for the sake of Sister Ba, I can pretend that nothing happened."

"Apologize? Why should I apologize?" Li Yi also sneered, "First, she is my woman. If you pursue my woman in front of me, of course I have to say a few words about you. Also, my fiancee just now Didn't you hear what he said? If you don't believe me, I can ask him to say it again. "

"Okay! I also want to hear her admit it again." Zeng Zhicheng looked at Liu Xiaolu, his eyes were full of warning, obviously trying to encourage Liu Xiaolu not to talk nonsense.

Things have suddenly developed to this point, and Liu Xiaolu has no way out. If she denies Li Yi's identity now, what will others think of her?

Just like that, Liu Xiaolu didn't even think about it, she took the initiative to walk in front of Li Yi, and said, "Brother Zeng, I didn't lie to you, he is really my fiance."

Li Yi had a bigger burden, he hugged Liu Xiaolu in his arms, showing an intimate look, and immediately looked at Zeng Zhicheng, "What else do you have to say now?"

Zhang Wei, who was chasing Liu Xiaolu just now, moved his mouth a few times, as if he had something to say, but finally gave up.

Zhang Wei really wanted to ask Liu Xiaolu, your fiancé has gone abroad, why did he appear here?

If he said this, it would be easy to expose Liu Xiaolu's lie, but after he said it, he would also lose the chance to pursue Liu Xiaolu.Since you won't get any benefits after speaking out, and you might offend Zeng Zhicheng and the man in front of you, why did you speak out?It's better to pretend that you don't know anything, and see how Zeng Zhicheng handles this matter.

Zeng Zhicheng's face was quite ugly, his brows were full of anger, and he sneered and said, "I didn't expect that! I haven't seen you for a few years, and you already have a fiancé. I really want to know whether your fiancé is approved by the family, or is it your own choice?" It's decided! If it's the latter, I believe he is also the so-called fiancé!"

As soon as this remark came out, many young masters and young ladies nodded their heads. This is absolutely true.

For the descendants of a big family like Liu Xiaolu, it is impossible to decide on their marriage privately, they must get the permission of their parents, otherwise they will be together in private, because of the interests of the family, it is impossible to become a husband and wife in the future.Zeng Zhicheng is quite smart, and he hit the point in one sentence, which can be said to hit the nail on the head.

Liu Xiaolu frowned. She took a deep breath and said, "Brother Zeng, if my parents agree to this marriage, what happened today will be over?"

Zeng Zhicheng nodded without thinking, "That's right!"

"Well, I'll call my father right now, and I hope you keep your word." Liu Xiaolu took out her 5s phone from her bag, and quickly dialed a number.

Soon, the phone was connected, and my father's voice came from the phone, "Xiao Lu! Your mother and I are having dinner! What's the matter?"

Because Liu Xiaolu pressed the speakerphone, everyone present could hear the voice on the phone.

"Dad! Do you still remember the person who saved my mother last time?" Liu Xiaolu didn't know what to do. After all, it's been a few months, and her father is very busy every day, so he probably has forgotten it.

If it was something else, Liu Zhengfeng would have forgotten it a long time ago, but the other party is his wife's savior, so he would never forget, "Why are you asking this, of course I remember him."

"Father, I found him." Liu Xiaolu said quickly without waiting for her father to answer, "Didn't you say that if I found him, you would let me marry him?"


On the other end of the phone, Liu Zhengfeng was stunned. He said to himself, "Did I say that?"

Because the voice was very low, the phone side could hardly hear it, but the wife who was sitting opposite to eat could hear it clearly, and said, "What are you talking about?"

"Oh! Xiaolu called just now." Liu Zhengfeng held down the phone and said briefly, "Tell me, did I agree to their marriage?"

Fang Na was so excited that she quickly picked up the phone and said loudly, "Daughter! We promised you this marriage. When will you bring him back to see?"

Hearing this, Fang Na secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was really afraid that her parents would not agree to it, so she said, "Dad, Mom, I'll take him home tonight."

"Okay! We'll wait for you at home tonight, come back early!" Fang Na hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Zhengfeng looked at his wife and said, "Honey, the marriage has been decided in this way, how should we explain to the old man?"

"You! Didn't you see that your daughter is in trouble?" Fang Na glared at her husband, and said angrily, "That man is an expert outside the world, so how can he be found so easily by my daughter? Even if he is found, do you think he Will you marry our daughter? I am willing, but they may not agree."

Liu Zhengfeng thought for a while, his wife's words made sense, and said: "You are right, but what if he agrees?"

"If the benefactor really agrees, it can only be said that your Liu family's ancestral grave is smoking." Fang Na smiled and said, "I believe the old man will agree to such a good thing."

Liu Zhengfeng didn't continue talking on this topic. He thought of something, and hurriedly asked: "You just said that your daughter is in trouble. Didn't he go to the party? Could something happen there too?"

"You forgot, that boy from the Zeng family is back, and I heard that he is pursuing your precious daughter." Fang Na said, "I think Xiaolu doesn't want to agree to him, so she made such an excuse."

Besides the party, Liu Xiaolu hung up the phone, looked at Zeng Zhicheng and said, "Brother Zeng, you heard what my parents said, he agreed to our marriage."

As long as you are not a fool, you can see a clue from the conversation just now. Of course, Zeng Zhicheng can also hear that there is no such marriage at all, and Liu Xiaolu's parents agreed temporarily.Of course, in this case, it's not easy for Zeng Zhicheng to expose it in person, after all, everyone heard the conversation on the phone.

Zeng Zhicheng is very smart, he said with a smile: "In that case, then I congratulate Sister Xiaolu."

"Brother Zeng, in fact, this marriage was decided by me alone. The reason why my parents agreed was because he had saved my mother's life, and I am a person who repays a debt of gratitude. At the beginning, I swore that if anyone could save me Mother, I will marry him." After Liu Xiaolu explained this, things became reasonable.

But she didn't think about it, because of this explanation, things became more complicated.

Everyone also nodded in amazement. Everyone wanted to know how Li Yi saved Liu Xiaolu's mother.

As the saying goes, there is no impenetrable wall. Many families have obtained some information on why Liu Xiaolu's mother woke up.

Of course Zeng Zhicheng also knew about this, he didn't think that Liu Xiaolu had met an outsider, he thought it was just an excuse made by the Liu family.However, in the current situation, if you make good use of this excuse, you can not only humiliate the other party face to face, but also continue to pursue Liu Xiaolu.

Soon, an idea quickly formed in Zeng Zhicheng's mind. Zeng Zhicheng looked at Li Yi and said, "Brother, you seem to be capable of saving your aunt!"

"It's better to be a bit clever than to hang your teeth." Li Yi said indifferently, his deep eyes could not tell what he was thinking.

Liu Xiaolu's heart skipped a beat. She had already guessed what Zeng Zhicheng wanted to do, so she quickly grabbed Li Yi's shoulders and said, "Brother Zeng, I want him to find a place to have a few drinks alone. Let's leave first!" He wanted to pull Li Yi away, but he was stopped by Zeng Zhicheng after a few steps.

"Little Lu, why are you in such a hurry to leave!" Zeng Zhicheng looked at Li Yi and said, "I just like fighting. It's rare to meet such a friend. Of course, I have to make two gestures."

"Brother Zeng, he's just a doctor and doesn't know martial arts, so let's forget it!" Liu Xiaolu said.

"Xiaolu, I also know why your mother woke up. It is said that you have obtained a panacea, and how can the people who refine this kind of medicine be ordinary people?" Zeng Zhicheng said in a loud voice on purpose, so that everyone around I could hear it all, and suddenly changed the topic, "Don't tell me, he is an actor you hired temporarily."

Liu Xiaolu really wanted to say that I found her temporarily, but she couldn't say it in this situation.

"I think, everyone also wants to see, who is this brother, who can actually wake up a person who has been in a coma for many years." Zeng Zhicheng looked at Li Yi again, and said word by word, "Boy, if you are a man, just make gestures with me." Twice, if you admit that you are an extra, I won't embarrass you, just get out of here."

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Li Yi, wondering how he would answer.

Liu Xiaolu felt a little regretful, she shouldn't have used Li Yi as a shield, and she gritted her teeth, ready to help Li Yi out of trouble.

However, the moment she wanted to speak, an unexpected scene appeared.

"I'm a pure man, and Xiaolu can prove it for me." Li Yi sighed for a long time, deliberately showing a helpless look, "I really don't want to compete with you, because I'm afraid that I will beat you to death if I miss the next time." Seriously injured, and I have to pay the medical bills, it’s not worth it.”

"Of course, if you want to be beaten, I can only do it for you."

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