super jade

Chapter 175 You Are My Fiancee

In the hall of the luxurious party, Li Yi's voice echoed, and everyone was stunned when they heard this.

Everyone couldn't imagine that Li Yi, an extra, had the courage to be so arrogant?

Of course, there is only one exception, and that is Bayongjie.

She is well aware of Li Yi's ability, even if a master of the special forces comes here, he is not Li Yi's opponent, let alone a little Zeng Zhicheng?

After a brief surprise, Liu Xiaolu hurriedly pulled Li Yi's hand, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

Everyone saw this move, and they all believed that Li Yi was an extra invited by Liu Xiaolu.

Think about it, if an extra dared to say such arrogant words, wouldn't that slap Zeng Chengzhi in the face?

Zeng Zhicheng was indeed slapped in the face, and it was a resounding slap in the face. He laughed angrily and said, "Okay! I haven't met an opponent for a long time. If you can really beat me, even if you cripple me, I won't let you down." You don’t need to pay a dime for medical expenses. If you can’t do it, you can’t leave here alive today.”

After finishing speaking, Zeng Zhicheng moved his muscles and bones, and his legs took a figure-of-eight step, showing a posture ready to strike.

"Everyone heard it! This is what he said. If you are really beaten by me later, don't ask me for medical expenses." Li Yi's voice was not loud, still arrogant.

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, let's do it!" Zeng Zhicheng said coldly.

Everyone quickly stepped aside, revealing a large open space, Liu Xiaolu bit her lower lip, and finally chose to trust Li Yi.

Liu Xiaolu is very accurate at seeing people. He doesn't think Li Yi is like a person who is aimless. Since he dares to say this, he must have some skills.

"If I shot first, you would be a useless person, so come first!" Li Yi said arrogantly.

"Okay! I'd like to see how you scare me to death." Zeng Zhicheng snorted, clenched his fist with his right hand, stepped forward, and went straight to Li Yi.

As expected of Zeng Zhicheng, who was born in the special forces, the speed of his shots was astonishingly fast, and he came to Li Yi in an instant.

This punch can be said to be very powerful. If it really falls on Li Yi, Li Yi will be disabled even if he does not die.

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Yi, and they all wanted to know how he could avoid it.

However, what happened next was beyond everyone's imagination.

Instead of dodging, Li Yi stepped forward and grabbed the oncoming fist.

The next moment, Li Yi firmly grasped Zeng Zhicheng's fist, only to hear a slap, followed by the sound of bones breaking.


Zeng Zhicheng screamed and stepped back a few steps. Looking at his fist again, it was already swollen.

"You, you..." Zeng Zhicheng knew that the bone in the back of his hand had been broken, and it was crushed.

If he hadn't experienced it himself, Zeng Zhicheng would never have believed that a single person's strength could be so great.

"Brother, are your fists made of cabbage? It's too brittle!" Li Yi said calmly, as if he really broke a cabbage just now.

Zeng Zhicheng resisted the sharp pain coming from his fist, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

"Didn't I just say that I am her fiance." Li Yi replied.

Zeng Zhicheng didn't believe Li Yi's words at all, but he couldn't find a reason to refute them. What was even more frustrating was that he was not Li Yi's opponent at all. The opponent could make him powerless with a single blow. With such strength, even if they Officers couldn't do it either.Could it be that he is a member of an ancient martial arts family who has cultivated powerful martial arts?

In the current situation, this is the only way to explain it. Although Zeng Zhicheng is unwilling, he has to admit that the opponent is very strong.

"Boy, I've written down what happened today. I hope that you will be as strong when we meet next time." Zeng Zhicheng glared at Li Yi, turned and walked out of the hall.

Zeng Xiaofeng and others also left, and the elder brother was defeated, wouldn't it be embarrassing for them to stay.

The way Jiang Kun looked at Li Yi changed, as if he was looking at a god, a powerful existence that could not be resisted.

At the beginning, Jiang Kun only thought that Li Yi had some skills, but he didn't expect Zeng Zhicheng, who was born in the special forces, to be his opponent.

The party fell silent, and everyone hadn't recovered from the scene just now.

The same is true for Liu Xiaolu. After a brief surprise, she was the first to run to Li Yi's side and whispered, "Thank you."

"Thank you for what I did, aren't you my fiancee? This is what I should do." Li Yi said with a smile.

Liu Xiaolu's pretty face flushed, but she couldn't refute, and said, "Can we find a place to talk alone?"

Just as Li Yi was about to nod, Bayongjie came over with a wine glass, raised it and said, "Cousin, brother and sister, let me toast you first, I hope you will grow old forever." After speaking, he took a big sip.

Li Yi also had a glass of wine and said, "Thank you, don't forget to give it to me."

Of course Bayongjie knew the meaning of the words, smiled slightly, and said: "You are indispensable, but you still have to work hard."

"The revolution has not yet succeeded, of course I will continue to work hard." Li Yi said with a smile.

Liu Xiaolu didn't understand a word of the conversation between the two, she blinked her eyes and said, "Ba, Sister Ba, I want to have a few words with him alone, do you think it's okay?"

"Yes! You have been to the world of two people!" Bayongjie said.

Liu Xiaolu blushed, holding Li Yi's shoulder, and walked quickly to the private room outside the hall.

As soon as the two left, the people in the party couldn't bear it any longer. They gathered together in small groups and started discussing in low voices.

"Damn it, that kid is too perverted! With just one move, Zeng Zhicheng will be destroyed."

"That's right! Zeng Zhicheng is a master of special forces, he's too weak!"

"I don't think all the special forces are experts. Brother Zeng must have gotten in through connections. He doesn't usually have much training."


Du Haibo and Wang Meng were also dumbfounded. The result just now was completely different from what they had imagined.

After a long time, Wang Meng took a deep breath and said, "***, Li Yi is so strong?"

"Fuck! Brother Zeng is too useless, he can't beat Li Yi." Du Haibo said depressed.

"Li Yi has some skills! He and Sister Ba are very close, I don't think I can take the initiative to trouble him?" Wang Meng is a smart man, he knows how to retreat in spite of difficulties.

"Yes!" Du Haibo nodded, and said in agreement, "It seems that if you want to kill him, you can only find an opportunity."

Besides, Li Yi, after he and Liu Xiaolu entered the private room, they sat on the chairs.

Liu Xiaolu took a deep breath before slowly saying, "Thank you for what happened just now, but I hope you can forget everything after today."

"This is not good!" Li Yi frowned, "You are my fiancee, how can I forget you?"

"You, you don't want to rely on me!" Liu Xiaolu was obviously angry, and said with a gloomy face, "You heard what I said just now, it was all true, that man really saved my mother, I swear I want to marry him. Unfortunately, that person is not you, even if you help me tonight, I can't be with you. "

Li Yi was about to speak when suddenly the phone rang, and he picked up his hand to see a text message.

"If you want 1000 million, you must take her down, at least prove to me that you are together."

Seeing the content of the text message, Li Yi smiled wryly, then looked at Liu Xiaolu, and asked word by word: "What if I am that person?"

"You?" Liu Xiaolu smiled with disbelief on her face, "I suspect that you don't even know how he rescued my mother."

"What if I know?" Li Yi asked.

"It's impossible for you to know." Seeing Li Yi's solemn expression, Liu Xiaolu didn't look like he was joking, and said, "If you are, I will marry you..."

"That's what you said." Li Yi looked solemn, and said slowly, "He gave you a spell, and you used that to save your aunt, right?"

Liu Xiaolu was stunned, she obviously didn't expect Li Yi to say this, and said in a daze, " did you know?"

"I said, that person is me." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said.

After a brief surprise, Liu Xiaolu came to her senses. She shook her head with a smile and asked, "Did Zhang Wei tell you, or did you hear it from others?"

"If this cannot be proved, how do you want me to prove it?" Li Yi said.

Liu Xiaolu originally wanted Li Yi to tell the details, but Zhang Wei was there at the time, so the other party might know, so she said, "If you can show me a spell, I will believe you."

"Okay!" After speaking, Li Yi took out a spell from the storage bag, and handed it to the other party.

There are many such spells in the storage bag. After killing Xiao Fei last time, Li Yi realized that these spells are good things to save life, and made a lot of them privately.Among them, the flame talisman is the most. The one that Li Yi gave Liu Xiaolu just now is a top-quality flame talisman, which is enough to form a football-sized flame.

Seeing the spell, Liu Xiaolu was stunned again. She took a deep breath and said nervously, "Do you know how to use it?"

"Throw it at the person you want to kill, and then say go." Li Yi replied.

Hearing this, Liu Xiaolu was very excited. She grabbed Li Yi's hand and said excitedly: " are really him, you didn't lie to me?"

"What am I lying to you for?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"Then why did you admit your identity to me, but refused to see me at the beginning?" Liu Xiaolu asked.

Li Yi had his own reasons for doing this. He was silent for a while, and said: "At the beginning, the relationship between me and you was only an interest relationship. I sold things and you gave me money. Why should I see you?" He paused and said again : "I'm surprised that you chose me today, and I offended many people because of you. If I don't admit it, wouldn't it be a big loss?"

"It's a big loss?" Liu Xiaolu couldn't understand the meaning of the words, she felt that Li Yi didn't suffer a loss!

"Think about it! I taught that kid a lesson, and he will definitely trouble me in the future. Wouldn't I be at a disadvantage if I was beaten for someone I don't know, and for nothing?" Li Yi said rationally, " What's even more depressing is that after I was beaten, you still won't be grateful, let alone marry me."

Liu Xiaolu burst out laughing. She felt that Li Yi said that she was pitiful, and said: "You want to say that you are not worth being beaten for me. If you admit your identity, even if you are beaten, it is reasonable. Because you really It's my fiancé, and he can be with me through this, right?"

"It can be understood in this way." Li Yi nodded.

"Okay! I take back what I just said. From today on, you are my fiancé." Liu Xiaolu tilted her head and said, "By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

"My name is Husband." Li Yi said.

"Husband, I have something very doubtful..." Liu Xiaolu just said this before she realized it, and said angrily, "If you are dead, you will know how to bully me..."

"How can I bully you, you are my fiancee, it's normal to call me husband!" Li Yi said with a wicked smile.

He didn't know why he admitted his identity, maybe because of the reason just mentioned, or maybe because of the bet with Bayongjie.Of course, there is another reason. Liu Xiaolu is a rare beauty, and she is as beautiful as Chen Xiaofei and others. Wouldn't it be a pity to miss this kind of beauty?

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