super jade

Chapter 187 This is your flesh and blood

Li Yi smiled wryly, Zeng Zhicheng is really talented, and even found a pregnant woman.

However, a few minutes ago, Li Yi had already sent a text message to Xuanfeng, asking him to bring someone to depose Zeng Zhicheng, and now all he has to do is delay the time.Li Yi ran the train with his mouth full, and he was naturally good at acting. He scratched his head and said, "Sorry, I forgot which woman you are?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was startled, Chen Xiaofei and Chen Jiaojiao were also the same.

Both women could see that this was a frame-up, which was similar to the situation just now. They thought Li Yi would deny it, but they didn't expect to say this.

After Chen Jiaojiao was briefly surprised, she couldn't help asking: "Brother-in-law, is she really your woman?"

"Maybe! I have too many women, and I don't remember if she is one of them." Li Yi believed that Chen Xiaofei would be able to hear what he said.

Chen Jiaojiao suddenly gave a thumbs up, and said bouncingly, "Brother-in-law is great, I have children."

"Hey! It's okay!" Li Yi said with a smile.

After hearing the conversation between the two, the other party was even more speechless, and didn't even know how to answer for a while.

After a while, the pregnant woman adjusted her mood and continued: "Li Yi, you can still laugh now, don't you really want our mother and child?"

"I said, tell me who you are now, and I'll think about whether you are my woman." Li Yi replied.

The pregnant woman gave a wry smile, and sighed, "I told you, you don't know. You were drunk that night, and I'm afraid you don't remember me." Having said this, she paused, and continued, "You don't remember me." It's okay, it doesn't matter if you don't recognize our mother and child, this is your bone, you don't even want your own flesh and blood?"

No matter how stupid Chen Xiaofei was, she could see that Li Yi was acting, and said, "Well, if he is really Li Yi's child, we will definitely admit your identity."

Hearing this, the pregnant woman was stunned again, and couldn't help but said, "Aren't you angry?"

"Why should I be angry?" Chen Xiaofei said, "I'm still too young to give birth to Li Yi. You help me give birth to him. It's too late for me to thank you!"

The pregnant woman was completely speechless. This was completely different from the imagined conversation. She said, "He has many other women besides me, and you don't care?"

"Having more women is a proof of a man's strength. The more women she has, the happier I am. Why should I care about these?" Chen Xiaofei said indifferently.

"But what if he doesn't want you in the future?" The pregnant woman said again, and he found that this task was more difficult than he imagined.

"Why would he not want us?" Chen Xiaofei said, "If you really have his flesh and blood in your belly, I believe he will marry you."

Li Yi secretly marveled that Chen Xiaofei is also a master of acting, and said: "Yes, if it is really my child, I will definitely be responsible to the end. If you are willing to follow me, from now on, all expenses will be mine. If you want to be alone You can also raise them, I will give you 1000 million."

The pregnant woman was dumbfounded, she just hired an actor temporarily, she had never seen 1000 million before, and hurriedly said: "You, will you really give me 1000 million?"

"Of course, the premise is that the child must be mine." Li Yi said affirmatively.

The two people around the pregnant woman were also a little excited, and one of them said, "Seeing how young you are, can you really come up with this money?"

"If you want, I can give you 1000 million now." In order to delay the time, Li Yi said as much nonsense as possible.

The young man obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Okay, give me the money now."

"You haven't proved that the child is mine." Li Yi said.

"Do you still need to prove it?" The young man said, "My sister is still a virgin, and she will have a child after following you. Who else could it be if it wasn't your child?"

"It makes sense, but I still want to see the test results." Li Yi said.

"Hmph! You don't even recognize your own child, sister, let's go." The middle-aged man said and was about to help the pregnant woman leave.

Pregnant women can't go, the task is not completed yet!Quickly waved her hands and said: "Forget it, I believe he is not such a person." She looked at Chen Xiaofei, and continued: "Little sister, you have to think clearly, there is no future with her, if you are like me now, how Explain to your family? Can you still go to school?"

"If I really have children, I will give up my studies, not to mention that my parents also want to have grandchildren soon." Chen Xiaofei said.

Chen Jiaojiao was a crazy girl, fearing that the world would not be chaotic and said: "Yes! I also want to have a child, so that the two children can grow up together in the future."


The pregnant woman felt that her head was a little big. She really didn't know what to say. She gritted her teeth and said, "If I get married, I have a request. I will be the big one, and they will be the young one."

As long as you are a woman, you don't want to be small. Women think that this sentence will definitely have an effect.

However, Chen Xiaofei said indifferently: "No problem, you can do well."

"Gah?" The pregnant woman asked subconsciously, "You really don't care?"

"The eldest wife has to worry about family affairs all day long, and she is very tired. I think the younger wife is easier to be pampered." Chen Xiaofei replied.

"But the little wife has no status, so you don't care about that?" the pregnant woman continued to ask.

"What do I want status for? Since I choose to be with him, these things have long been forgotten." Chen Xiaofei waved her hand indifferently.

The pregnant woman was dumbfounded. She tried all the methods she could think of, but the task was still not completed.

In the woods a kilometer away, Zeng Zhicheng and others were sitting in the car, watching the situation with binoculars.

Seeing that everyone was talking all the time, Chen Xiaofei was not angry at all, Zeng Xiaofeng said: "Brother, it seems that you can't do it this way."

"It should be possible!" Zeng Zhicheng said with no idea, "You think, as long as they are normal women, they will definitely be angry when they find out that their boyfriend has a child."

"I know that." Zeng Xiaofeng smiled wryly, "I'm afraid they are not normal women."

"Brother, look, they seem to have left." Zhang Zuo said suddenly.

Zeng Zhicheng picked up the binoculars and looked, but no, the three of them turned and left without knowing what Li Yi said.

"Damn, let's go now?" Zeng Zhicheng was so depressed that he snorted coldly, "A bunch of trash, they can't even do this."

What did Li Yi say to the pregnant woman?

It's actually very simple, Li Yi told them, you go to the paternity test first, and call me after you're done.

Having talked to this point, what else can the three of them do, they can only leave in despair.

After seeing the three of them leave, Chen Xiaofei laughed and turned backwards, and said, "Li Yi, that's so interesting, that guy Du Haibo is an idiot, he actually thought of this way to break us up."

"Who is Du Haibo?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

"The monitor of our class has pursued me before. After I was with your brother-in-law, he never gave up and even made trouble for us." Chen Xiaofei thought it was Du Haibo who did it, and said coldly, "That guy is an idiot , Every time we trouble us, it ends in failure, I didn't expect to find an actor this time."

"Hee hee! Brother-in-law is so powerful, if he can deal with brother-in-law, sister will not choose brother-in-law." Chen Jiaojiao said.

Li Yi counted the time, and the whirlwind and others were coming soon, saying: "Let's go! Let's go back first."

"Yeah!" The three got into the car, and the car drove straight out of the park.

On Zeng Zhicheng's side, the three of them were so depressed, he snorted coldly and said, "Let's go too!"

However, just as he was about to start the car, more than a dozen men in black suddenly came over, and the leader knocked on the window and said, "Open the door."

Zeng Zhicheng frowned, he could feel the murderous intent on the other party, opened the window and said, "Who are you?"

"You played with my woman, who do you think I am?" Cyclone said according to Li Yi's request.

"What did you say? I played with your woman? Who the hell are you!" Zeng Zhicheng was amused, isn't this the way he played just now?

Xuanfeng snorted coldly, pointed to the van not far away, and said, "It doesn't matter who I am, come with us!"

Zeng Zhicheng glanced at the other party with disdain, and said arrogantly: "It's not that I'm bragging, no one in ** city dares to take me, Zeng Zhicheng, and neither can you."

"Really?" Cyclone suddenly took out a pistol, pointed at the opponent's forehead, and said, "Can I do it now?"

Zeng Zhicheng's face changed drastically, apparently he didn't expect the other party to have a gun, so he quickly gave Zeng Xiaofeng a look and said, "Okay, I'll go with you."

The three got out of the car, Zeng Xiaofeng was just about to draw his guns to attack Xuanfeng, suddenly, more than ten people pulled out their guns and pointed at them at the same time.

You know, private individuals are not allowed to carry guns these days, and everyone has guns, obviously not ordinary people.

Zeng Zhicheng knew that he had met someone on the road, his face darkened, and he said, "You should know my identity, even if you take me away, you wouldn't dare to do anything to me?"

"Stop talking nonsense, let me ask you if you want to go?" Xuanfeng snorted coldly.

"Go, of course." Zeng Zhicheng didn't move to resist, he knew it was a pointless struggle, "I really want to know why Sister Ba did this, because of that kid?"

"I've said it all, you played with my woman, it has nothing to do with Sister Ba." Xuanfeng said.

"Okay! Unless you kill me, I won't let you go." Zeng Zhicheng threatened, "My father knows this, and he will definitely kill you the most in the world."

Li Yi and the others came to the community of Chen Xiaofei's house, and just after parking the car, they received a call.

After answering the call, Li Yi's expression changed, and he said, "I still have something to do, so I won't go up."

"What's wrong?" Chen Xiaofei asked worriedly.

"Do you remember what happened just now? My friend has found the mastermind behind the scenes. I'll go over now." Li Yi knew that if he didn't use this excuse, Chen Xiaofei would definitely ask.

"Brother-in-law, go quickly! It's best to kill them all." Chen Jiaojiao clenched her fists and said.

Chen Xiaofei frowned, she didn't like fighting, and said, "Be careful on the way, we'll go back first."

Seeing the two girls leave, Li Yi got through the phone call just now, and hurriedly asked, "Sister Ba, what did you say just now?"

"Li Yi, let me ask you, did you get Zeng Zhicheng away?" Bayongjie asked, "Just now the military region asked me for someone, and his attitude was very tough."

"No way! Has the military region been alarmed?" Li Yi was a little speechless, and said, "If I don't let you go, will they take you away?"

"Hmph! I knew that this matter has something to do with you kid. Apart from me in ** City, you are the only one who dares to do this." Bayongjie said in a deep voice, "Zeng Zhicheng's family is not ordinary, many of them are high-level members of the military region. They Although there is no evidence that I did it, you will still take me away, you know that it will be difficult to come back safe and sound after this trip."

Li Yi didn't answer right away, he thought for a while and said, "How long do they ask you to release?"

"Before twelve o'clock tonight." Bayongjie said, "Just teach me a lesson, don't kill me."

"I see, don't worry, I will let him go before twelve o'clock." Li Yi hung up the phone, and just about to call Cyclone, the phone rang again.

As soon as it was connected, Su Mengxi's voice came from the phone, "Tell me, did you take Zeng Zhicheng away?"

"You also know that I did it?" Li Yi smiled wryly.

"My good husband, besides you, who else in ** city has such great ability?"

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