super jade

Chapter 188 This Man Stinks To Death

Li Yi didn't expect such a big commotion. Su Mengxi knew about it, and he didn't deny it, saying: "I did this, how did you know?"

"Zeng Zhicheng is not a cat or a dog. He disappeared suddenly. I don't know." Su Mengxi said in detail, "You may not know that the Zeng family has a very high status in the country, and many members of the family are high-level military officials. , especially the old man of the Zeng family, he is also an existence that covers the sky with one hand, even if the big boss of the country sees him, he should be polite."

"So powerful?" Li Yi finally realized that the person who offended this time was a bit big.

"If it wasn't for his special status, do you think that after he disappeared, all the police officers in the city would be dispatched to look for him?" Su Mengxi said solemnly, "I don't know how the conflict between you and him is, but I hope you can Calm down, it's best to teach him a lesson and let him go, of course, if you really want to kill him, I will support you."

This is a couple, this is a couple, no matter how big things happen, the other party will support silently.

Li Yi was a little moved, he didn't want to implicate Su Mengxi, and said: "If I don't let him go, what will happen?"

"We will definitely continue the investigation. If there is no result in the investigation, all the police officers in ** City will have to be replaced. This is still relatively light. If that guy dies, we will all be sent to a military court." Su Mengxi changed the subject. Said, "By the way, I heard that the bureau has sent people here, as if they want to arrest Bayongjie. If she is taken away, don't even think about coming back safely."

For the first time, Li Yi realized that his current ability could not compete with those powerful families.

"Do you think this will work?" Li Yi said what was in his heart.

Su Mengxi was stunned, and said: "No, if I really save him, even if I save him accidentally, those people will suspect me. At that time, let alone meritorious service and promotion, if they don't arrest him and torture him Not bad. You also know that the military is quite crazy in doing things, even if my father talks, I'm afraid it won't be able to keep me."

"If it doesn't work, forget it, I let them teach them a lesson and let them go, so it's okay!" Li Yi said depressedly, he didn't like the feeling of being unable to grasp the situation.

"That's fine. It's best to let him go before twelve o'clock." Su Mengxi said.

In the following time, the two talked some more, and Li Yi gave up calling the whirlwind, but drove the car in front of the distribution of the whirlwind organization in ** city.A few days after the Wrath of the Whirlwind Organization was established, Li Yi went straight to a factory building in an abandoned factory on the outskirts of the only ** city.

Before entering, Li Yi found a black cloth to cover his face.

Zeng Zhicheng and the others were lying on the ground like dead pigs. Their faces were pale, their breathing was weak, and they were exhaling more air than inhaling. Judging from their tattered clothes, it was obvious that they had been beaten badly just now.When everyone saw Li Yi coming in, just about to speak, Li Yi waved his hand, motioning them to talk aside.

When he came outside the factory building, Xuanfeng hurriedly asked, "Brother Yi, why are you here?"

"If you don't come, you can't do it. This kid has a lot of background, so don't kill him." Li Yi said.

Xuanfeng was stunned, and said: "Just let him go like this?"

"Keep beating me later, as long as you don't kill me, throw it on the road in the city center before twelve o'clock." Li Yi said.

"I know how to do it." Cyclone said.

Li Yi was silent for a while, and continued: "After you leave him behind, you should leave here too! Remember, don't perform missions any more recently."

Xuanfeng also investigated the situation of Xuanfeng. He felt that the other party was not a big threat, and said: "Brother Yi, you are too careful! Even if the military wanted to investigate, it would be difficult to find us."

"You underestimate the military too. If they really want to investigate, as long as you are still in the Celestial Dynasty, don't try to escape their pursuit." Li Yi said in a deep voice, "Whatever I say, you can do whatever you want." Do, I don't want to hear the news of your arrest in a few days. You also know that once you enter there, you will never come out alive."

Xuanfeng's body tightened, and he said, "Brother Yi, I understand."

Li Yi explained some more things, then drove away and went directly to Bayongjie's villa.

As soon as I came to the villa, I saw countless men in plain clothes hiding around. Judging from their figures, they were all masters.

Li Yi did not drive the car outside the door of the villa, but parked in the underground garage, using Shunpo magical powers, and entered the villa like a ghost.As soon as he entered the villa, he saw Bayongjie and Sun Hanyue sitting on the sofa. The two looked gloomy and sighed from time to time. They obviously knew that there were experts hiding around and would arrest them at any time.

Sensing a person suddenly appearing in the living room, the two were very vigilant, and Sun Hanyue even touched the pistol at his waist.

When he saw that the person who appeared was Li Yi, Bayongjie breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Why didn't you say hello before you came?"

"I want to say hello too, but aren't you afraid that the phone will be monitored?" Li Yi said seriously, "If they really want to arrest you, they will definitely find evidence. Phone monitoring is the best evidence."

"Ah! Then I called you just now?" Bayongjie said nervously.

"When you called me, they hadn't done anything yet, but now it's different." Li Yi said, "Everyone outside the villa, you have found out!"

Sun Hanyue nodded and said, "These people are agile, they should be the masters of the military."

"They will definitely attack me before twelve o'clock. When will you let them go?" Bayongjie thought of something after finishing speaking, and asked, "Is there a monitor nearby?"

"No." Li Yi had already sensed the surroundings with his spiritual sense, and no monitor was installed.

Bayongjie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the feeling of being pricked by needles made her very uncomfortable.

"Don't think too much, just do what you have to do, I will definitely release him before twelve o'clock." Li Yi took the remote control, turned on the TV leisurely, and started watching.

Bayongjie rolled his eyes and said, "Are you still in the mood to watch TV?"

"Anyway, if they don't catch me, why should I worry?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"You..." Bayongjie was so angry!Depressed, "I was taken away by them, don't you worry?"

"You are not my wife, why should I worry?" Li Yi said jokingly.

"Hmph!" Bayongjie glared at Li Yi, then looked at Sun Hanyue, and said, "Aren't you worried that she will be taken away?"

"This is different. She is my woman, and I won't let anyone take her away." After finishing speaking, Li Yi hugged Sun Hanyue beside him in his arms.

Sun Hanyue was stunned for a moment, apparently she didn't expect Li Yi to admit their relationship in front of Bayongjie, her pretty face blushed immediately.

"You finally admitted it?" Bayongjie was also surprised.

"So what if I don't admit it, with your intelligence, can't you see that we are together?" Li Yi smiled badly, "If something happens, Han Yue and I will go to rest first."

"You did that in broad daylight, and you were still in my villa." Bayongjie snorted coldly, "Can't you consider my feelings?"

"Or, you come with me too." Li Yi said with a smile.

Sun Hanyue rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "Yes! The three of us feel more together."

Hearing this, Bayongjie was speechless for a while, looked at Sun Hanyue as if she didn't know her, and said, "You've only been with her for a few days, and you've been spoiled by him?"

"Hehe! It doesn't seem too bad." Sun Hanyue said with a smile, "If you and Li Yi are together, I'm afraid you will become worse than me."

"Come on, I'm not interested!" Bayongjie waved his hand and said, "If you think about that, go upstairs quickly, don't make out in front of me, I'm making trouble."

Li Yi carried Sun Hanyue up to the second floor, and as soon as they entered the room, the two embraced and started fighting.

It was night, and the cold wind was blowing, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Today's ** city is completely different from the past. Even in the middle of the night, there are still countless policemen patrolling the streets.

It's all because of one person, the grandson of a high-ranking military officer, who suddenly disappeared in ** City.

On a section of Mengcheng North Road, three police officers were patrolling when suddenly, a cry of help came from not far away.

"anyone there?"

"Help! Help me..."


The sound is not loud, sometimes there is no sound, and the roadside vehicles keep passing by, if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

Hong Gang took two policemen to look around, but after looking for a long time, he didn't find anyone around.

"Zhao Long, did you see someone?" Hong Gang asked, "I seem to hear someone shouting for help, did you hear that?"

"Brother Hong, there is no one here in the middle of the night. How could someone call for help? You must have heard it wrong." Zhao Long pointed to the trash can not far away, and said, "If there is someone, they must be hiding there In the trash can next to it, think about it, it’s so cold, who would hide there?”

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the three of them changed. Hong Gang realized something, and hurriedly said, "Come on, let's go over there and have a look."

The three of them walked quickly to the trash can, which was as high as half a person, and they were placed side by side on the side of the road, there were about seven or eight of them.

When he came to the trash can, Hong Gang opened the lid and looked inside. As soon as he took a look, he smelled a foul smell. He pinched his nose and waved his hands: "What's in it? It smells terrible, you guys Give me a detailed inspection." After finishing speaking, he walked aside and took a big breath of fresh air.

The two of them didn't want to stick their heads in either. Zhao Long kicked a trash can without thinking about it.

As soon as the trash can fell on the ground, he heard screams, Zhao Long was startled, and hurriedly searched in a pile of trash.

Soon, a young man was seen curled up in one of the trash cans. The man was unkempt, his clothes were torn, and blood could still be seen vaguely.Looking at his face through the light of the street lamp, I can't believe it, what kind of face is that, as if he just ran out of a coal pile, it's not dark, there is no human appearance at all.

"You, are you a human or a ghost?" Zhao Long asked in surprise.

"Help, help..." The man passed out after saying this.

Zhao Long just wanted to put his hand on the other party's nose to see if the other party was dead, but he almost couldn't spit out the stench from the other party's body.

"Brother Hong, come over and have a look, there is someone here." Zhao Long pinched his nose and said.

Even if Hong Gang didn't go there, he knew the situation there, and said, "Aren't you going to wake him up?"

"This man stinks to death, how do you want me to save him?" Zhao Long thought to himself, but said to another person, "Zhang Zhe, come here and help him up."

"Zhao Long, you are joking with me!" Zhang Zhe waved his hand, "I think it's better to call an ambulance and let them take it away!"

Hong Gang nodded, and was about to take out his mobile phone to make a call, when suddenly, a voice came from the pager at his waist.

"Attention all departments, just received information that Master Zeng and others may be suspects were thrown into the trash cans in the city, please pay attention to the nearby trash cans, please pay attention to the nearby trash cans. Let me know again, Master Zeng and others may be suspects It was thrown into the trash cans in the city, please pay attention to the nearby trash cans, please pay attention to the nearby trash cans..."

Hearing this, the three of them were stunned, and when they came to their senses, they scrambled towards the trash can.

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