super jade

Chapter 300 Small Fish and Shrimp Can Be Killed

Chen Xiaofei smiled coldly, and said solemnly: "Du Haibo, you should give up your heart! Don't say that Li Yi is not dead now, even if he is dead, I will not marry you."

Du Haibo sighed secretly. His purpose of coming this time was not to pursue Chen Xiaofei, but to confirm whether Li Yi was dead. He said, "Xiaofei, why don't you understand that Li Yi is already dead."

"Let me tell you the truth, Li Yi won't die, even if you die, he won't either." Chen Xiaofei knew some of Li Yi's abilities, and she didn't think Li Yi would die.

"Well, let me ask you, has Li Yi contacted you recently?" Du Haibo asked again, "Look at these newspapers, they are all authoritative newspapers, and they can't report randomly."

Chen Xiaofei didn't go to pick up the newspaper, and said, "If you come here today and just say this, you can leave."

"Xiaofei, why don't you believe my words?" Du Haibo asked.

"Get out, I don't want to see you." Chen Xiaofei walked to the door and opened it.

Du Haibo saw that there was no result if he continued to ask, so he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go, and you will know that Li Yi is dead in a short time."

After Du Haibo left, Zhang Na walked up to her daughter and said, "Is Li Yi really dead?"

"Mom, why don't you believe his words, Li Yi can't die." Although she didn't receive a call from Li Yi these days, Chen Xiaofei knew that Li Yi was going to perform a mission.

"I'm just asking, what's said in this newspaper is solid, it doesn't seem like nonsense." Zhang Na looked at her husband and said, "Don't you know the editor-in-chief of the newspaper? Just give him a call."

"En! I'll make a call." After Chen Ping made the call, his face changed slightly.

Zhang Na knew her husband too well, so she hurriedly asked, "Is this true?"

"No, they said they didn't report these things, it might be false." Chen Ping said so, but walked to his daughter's room.

After knocking on the door, the door opened, Chen Xiaofei looked at her father and said, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

"I have something I want to talk to you, is it convenient for you?" Chen Ping asked.

The father and daughter walked into the room, and after sitting down, Chen Ping asked, "Aren't you worried that it's true?"

"Dad, you didn't see that Du Haibo deliberately caused trouble, how could Li Yi die?" Chen Xiaofei didn't believe it at all.

"Then let me ask you, hasn't Li Yi been to school recently?" Chen Ping asked again.

"No, he has something to go out recently." Chen Xiaofei replied, she felt that these things should be disclosed to her parents.

Chen Ping frowned and said, "You don't know where he went?"

"Dad! You also know Li Yi's current identity. He is the chairman behind the scenes of Tiandao Pharmaceutical. There are many things waiting for him to deal with!" Chen Xiaofei said, "Li Yi's current grades don't need to study in school at all. After reading all the university courses, even if you don’t read books for a few years, you can still be admitted to the top universities in China.”

Chen Ping also knew these things, he was silent for a while, and asked again: "I called my friend just now, and he told me that the incident was true."

"Huh?" Chen Xiaofei was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "What did you say?"

"The incident reported in the newspaper is true. The plane really had an accident, and Li Yi died in the air crash." Chen Ping said, "He also told me that this matter is of great importance. Yi, and some people in ** City do not believe that Li Yi died, so they blocked the news."

"The Zeng family?" Chen Xiaofei wondered, "Why did they retaliate against Li Yi?"

"I'm going to ask you now. You are his boyfriend. He didn't tell you these things?" Chen Ping said, "Also, do you know who blocked the news for him?"

Chen Xiaofei really didn't know about these things, she shook her head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know either."

"It seems that he has an unknown secret. I also want to know now whether Li Yi is really dead. If he dies, we will be in danger." Chen Ping worried.

"Dad! Why are we in danger?" Chen Xiaofei was puzzled.

"You don't know about the officialdom. Recently, the Wang City Committee has been bothering me and trying to get rid of me." Chen Pingdao, "I was still wondering why this guy dared to attack me, but now I want to understand Li Yi has been helping me secretly before, but now that he is gone, these people have no scruples."

"Li Yi won't die, so I'll call him right now." Chen Xiaofei's heart skipped a beat. Although she didn't want to believe it, she knew it was possible.

A busy tone came from the phone, but no one answered, Chen Xiaofei suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Could it be that what the newspaper said is true, Li Yi is really dead?" Thinking of Li Yi's death, Chen Xiaofei could no longer control her inner emotions, her eyes were full of tears.

Seeing tears were about to fall, suddenly, a familiar voice came from the phone, "Xiaofei, are you looking for me?"

"You bastard, why did you answer the phone?" The tears in Chen Xiaofei's eyes fell down like a faucet that could not be turned off, and flooded her world in the blink of an eye.

"Uh... I just got off the plane and got your call." Li Yi's cell phone was lost after falling into the sea. This phone was newly bought by Sun Hanyue, and even the number was just reissued.

"Are you okay!" Chen Xiaofei calmed down, her words were full of worry.

"It's okay, you saw those reports! They are all lies. As for the reason, I will explain to you tomorrow." Li Yi replied.

"Well! See you at school tomorrow." Although Chen Xiaofei was full of questions, she also knew that it was not the right time to ask questions.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ping looked at his daughter and said, "Li Yi is not dead?"

"He didn't die, and he said that those reports are all lies, let's not believe it." Chen Xiaofei briefly explained the content of the call.

Chen Ping looked solemnly, as if he was talking to his daughter, or talking to himself, "It's fine, it's fine..."

Besides, Li Yi got off the fighter jet, left the military airport, and then got into Sun Hanyue's car.

On the Audi car, Li Yi hung up Chen Xiaofei's phone, and said straight to the point: "Tell me what happened during this period, I want to know what's going on with the Zeng family."

"Sister Ba and Su Mengxi suppressed all the reports in **, but Wang Meng's father, Wang Xianzhong, has put pressure on the newspaper to report these news in the past few days. People from the Zeng family have also arrived, and they have visited their uncles and aunts. You must go home tonight." Sun Hanyue briefly talked about what happened recently.

"As long as I show up, the rumors will be self-defeating." Li Yi clenched his fists and snorted coldly, "I didn't expect them to go to my parents, those little fish and shrimp can be killed."

"Who are you going to attack?" Sun Hanyue said.

"Let's attack Wang Meng first! This guy is getting more and more courageous, and he has done illegal things during this time!" Li Yi saw Wang Meng on the fighter plane, and really wanted to launch a missile to kill this guy. Blow up.But after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, he gave up again. It was easy to kill him, but it was too cheap to kill him this way.

Sun Hanyue has been investigating Wang Meng's situation, and said truthfully: "Wang Meng has been very courageous recently, because he owes hundreds of millions. Recently, he not only smuggled white noodles, but also smuggled human organs. I heard that he has been doing the kidney business, cheap Buy kidneys, and then sell them to others at a high price to make huge profits."

"Oh! He actually smuggled kidneys." Li Yi said with a devilish smile on the corner of his mouth, "You go and arrange it, I want him to reap the consequences..."

After hearing Li Yi's plan, Sun Hanyue was taken aback and said, "Isn't this too cruel?"

"This method should be used to treat such people." Li Yi said in a cold voice.

Sun Hanyue nodded her head and said, "But if you do this, you will have a complete falling out with the Wang family."

"I dare to offend the Zeng family, so why are you still afraid of the Wang family?" Li Yi said solemnly, "If I don't get rid of his father and son, the city will never be safe and healthy."

Half an hour later, Li Yi returned home, and saw his parents sitting on the sofa as soon as he entered the door.

Li Jinhai has been smoking, and the ashtray is full of cigarette butts. When he saw his son, he hurriedly got up and asked, "Li Yi, are you okay?"

"Dad, I'm fine." Li Yi replied.

Li Jinhai had a lot of questions to ask, but when he saw that his son was fine, he smiled slightly and said, "It's fine, remember to bring spare batteries when you go out in the future."

Before going out, Li Yi told his father that Li Xiaoliang bought him a mobile phone and told them the number.

" phone doesn't have a spare battery." Li Yi replied.

"Xiao Liang bought you a counterfeit mobile phone! That mobile phone just won't work." Li Jinhai said, "Don't use your mobile phone, use mine!" He said, taking out a mobile phone and handing it to his son.

Li Yi glanced at it, then was speechless, and said, "Dad, my mobile phone is the same as yours."

"You're also an Apple 5s?" Li Jinhai said depressedly after seeing his son's phone, "Your typical counterfeit phone, you can't even open the back cover."

"Dad! Can you open the back cover of your phone?" Li Yi was surprised.

"Of course, this is the latest mobile phone in the Apple series, with dual SIM cards and dual standby, and three spare batteries." Li Jinhai said as he opened the back cover and took off the SIM card, "Give me the SIM card, and I'll replace it for you." , you can use this mobile phone in the future! Now that your family is rich, don’t take fake mobile phones to school, your classmates will laugh at you when they see it.”


Li Yi was completely speechless. He really wanted to ask his father, where did you buy the mobile phone from?

However, he moved his mouth a few times but didn't ask, and finally returned to the room with the counterfeit mobile phone.

At that moment just now, Li Yi felt a strong father's love. His father took out the "baby" mobile phone to exchange with him for him. How could he refuse?

Back in the room, Li Yi was so tired that he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

This sleep was very sound, in a daze, I vaguely heard a knock on the door, and then I felt someone hugging me.

Just as Li Yi was about to open his eyes, suddenly, the giant dragon went out to sea, and the big guy tightened, as if being held in his mouth.

"Qianqian, are you back?" Li Yi closed his eyes and enjoyed it. This is his room. Who would dare to do such a thing except Zhang Qianqian?

After the blowjob was over, the other party took the initiative to sit on his body, constantly twisting her sexy body.

Li Yi yelled softly, raised his hands to touch the opponent's twin peaks, and found something was wrong when he touched them, Zhang Qianqian's twin peaks were not that big.

"Aren't you Qianqian?" Li Yi thumped in his heart, and hurriedly sent away with his spiritual sense.

At the same time, the other party's voice sounded in the ear, with coquettishness and dissatisfaction in the words, "My good husband, is your family Qianqian so proactive?"

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