super jade

Chapter 301 I Bought You a New Villa

Li Yi had already sensed the other party's appearance with his spiritual sense, he smiled wryly, and said, "Why are you here?"

The person who entered the room was Su Mengxi. She snorted coldly and complained, "You didn't call me when you came back. If Xiao Yueyue hadn't told me, I wouldn't have known about it!"

"I didn't just come back. I wanted to go to your house to find you at night." Just as Li Yi said this, Su Mengxi suddenly twisted her waist, feeling a strong sense of comfort, and had to swallow the words in her mouth.

"Hmph! I'll tell you about my family later, please satisfy me first!" Su Mengxi hadn't done it for a long time, and she was galloping thousands of miles on Li Yi like a runaway little wild horse.

After a while, Su Mengxi gasped and said, "Come up!"

Li Yi pressed on the beautiful woman, and the big guy rushed in, entering the depths of Taoyuan and twitching quickly.

An hour later, Li Yi completed the final release, put his arms around Su Mengxi and said, "The spiritual power in your body has increased again."

"Let's not talk about this first, let me ask you, why did you make my house like that?" Su Mengxi returned home, and when she saw the house full of desolation, she was very angry.

"Uh...unexpectedly, didn't I ask someone to buy you a new villa?" Li Yi smiled wryly.

"I don't have the keys to the villa. I've been staying at Xiaoyueyue's house these days." Su Mengxi said without curiosity, "Where are the keys to the villa?"

"I'll give it to you later, it's not in my hands yet." Li Yi asked Zhang Xiaoliang to be in charge of this matter. He hadn't seen Xiao Liang yet, so he couldn't get the key.

At this time, Zheng Xia's voice suddenly came from outside the room, "Li Yi, are you sleeping?"

"Mom, what's the matter?" Li Yi's heart skipped a beat, he was really afraid that his mother would push the door in.

"It's okay, I heard the creaking sound of the bed, I thought the bed was broken!" After Zheng Xia finished speaking, she heard footsteps going away, apparently she had already walked away.

Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, remembering that the sound of the movement just now was indeed a bit loud, and smiled wryly: "How did you come in?"

"Hey! Your wife and I are half immortal cultivators now. Wouldn't it be easier and more pleasant to escape from them?" Su Mengxi changed the subject, "By the way, I have something important to tell you."

"Huh? What's the matter?" Li Yi asked.

Su Mengxi's answer made Li Yi's eyes widen, and she only heard her say: "My dad wants to see you."

"Gah?" Li Yi was stunned, and asked subconsciously, "What did he see me for?"

"I don't know, when do you have time?" Su Mengxi asked.

Li Yi caressed Su Mengxi Shuangfeng Mountain dishonestly with both hands, changing various shapes, and said: "Hey! He won't let us get married quickly!"

"Hmph! What's the difference between us now and getting married? You tell me when you have time first." Su Mengxi said angrily.

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow afternoon."

"Okay! I'll call at night and ask him to come tomorrow afternoon. This is the first time you've met, so don't let me go!" Su Mengxi reminded.

"Don't worry, I don't dare to release the pigeons of my future father-in-law even if I release pigeons!" Li Yi just said this, his face changed, because he heard Zhang Qianqian's voice.

"No, she's back, you go first!" Li Yi didn't want Zhang Qianqian to see their current situation.

"She still doesn't know about us?" Su Mengxi asked with her clothes on.

Zhang Qianqian did know about the relationship between the two, and Li Yi didn't hide it, saying: "Although she knows, it's another matter when she sees the current situation."

"Okay! I won't make things difficult for you. See you at night, Xiao Yueyue is still waiting for you!" Su Mengxi kissed Li Yi's cheek, then jumped to the window and left.

Zhang Qianqian came back from her evening self-study and saw Li Yi lying on the bed rushing over, "Husband, I miss you so much."

Li Yi held her in his arms, stroked her hair, and said, "I miss you too."

"Where do you miss me?" Zhang Qianqian asked happily.

Li Yi touched her twin peaks with his right hand, and smiled wickedly: "Of course I miss your body."

"Hmph! Bad guy, you know what you want." Zhang Qianqian quickly took off her clothes, only a pair of panties were left in a blink of an eye, and said with a smile, "It's hard to hold back these days! Wife, let me release the pain in your body ..."

"Nimma! I'm going to release again after I just released it!" Li Yi thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, so he could only bite the bullet and say, "Baby, come on!"

Zhang Qianqian had just arrived on the bed, and before she started having sex, she smelled a strange smell in the quilt, and said, "Honey, how long has it been since you took a shower?"

Li Yi cried out secretly, he actually forgot such an important thing, and said hurriedly: "It's been a long time!"

"I said why is there a strange smell in the quilt." Zhang Qianqian just said this, she suddenly shook her head and said, "No, it's not a strange smell, it seems to be that smell..."

" think too much! How can there be that smell?" Li Yi dodged his eyes.

"That's the smell." Zhang Qianqian said affirmatively, "You forgot, I used my mouth to make it out for you, and I will never forget this smell."

Li Yi was a little guilty, he was thinking, how to explain to Zhang Qianqian later.

However, Zhang Qianqian changed the subject and said with a smile: "I know, you just solved it with the fifth girl, right?"

"Oh! Yes, that's it. I couldn't help but solve it just now." Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the other party would see the clue.

"I'll be back at night, what are you doing by yourself? Masturbation hurts my body and delays my cultivation." Zhang Qianqian took off her inner underwear, and rode on Li Yi's body, twisting her delicate body.

I just tried this posture, and Li Yi was speechless for a while: Do these girls like riding horses?

After three hours of double cultivation, Zhang Qianqian was exhausted, and when Li Yi was released, she fell on the bed and fell asleep.

With a move of Li Yi's consciousness, a spell hit Zhang Qianqian's body, and the girl couldn't wake up all night under the tranquilizing spell.

After leaving home, Li Yi came to Sun Hanyue's villa. She had already slept with Bayongjie separately, and the two villas were not far apart.Although it was late at night, the villa was brightly lit, and it was obvious that the two women hadn't slept yet.Li Yi entered the living room through the back door. As soon as he entered, he saw two people getting up and walking towards this side.

"I thought you wouldn't come at night?" Su Mengxi kept sending out his spiritual sense to sense the surrounding situation, as long as Li Yi came in, he would be found.

"Husband, please accompany us tonight." Sun Hanyue has been waiting for this day for a long time, and when they meet in the afternoon, she wants to come with Li Yi in the car once.

Both women are wearing sexy uniforms, Su Mengxi is a bunny outfit, and Sun Hanyue is a professional uniform.

These two kinds of clothes are the ones bought online, they are quite revealing, especially on the chest where there is very little fabric, and the deep grooves can be clearly seen.

Su Mengxi's clothes are very distinctive, with a pair of bunny ears on her head and a small white tail on her buttocks.

At this time, Su Mengxi was tilting her ass, shaking her face at Li Yi, and said, "Honey, it's so itchy..."

"Husband is here to heal you." Li Yi strode up to Su Mengxi, tore off her panties, and the big guy suddenly took it out, and rampaged towards the Taoyuan.

Sun Hanyue was not idle either, she walked behind Li Yi, raised her head and kissed, her tongues intertwined.

This night, indescribably crazy, the two took turns to step forward, one after another.

I don't know how long it took, the sky lit up, and Li Yi couldn't rest here, so he used the teleportation technique to rush back home.

After a night of double cultivation, the cultivation base has improved a lot, and the spiritual power in the dantian has solidified and is always cohesive.

Li Yi knows that this is the process of cultivation from the Qi training stage to the foundation building stage. When the spiritual power in the body increases and forms a huge ball, as long as it breaks through, it can reach the legendary Jindan stage.However, it will take a long time for Li Yi, who has just arrived in the foundation building period, and he is not in a hurry to quickly break through his cultivation.

Back home, Zhang Qianqian woke up not long after falling asleep. She glanced at the time and said, "Honey, it's almost seven o'clock. Are you still going to school?"

"Go." Li Yi said vaguely.

"Then don't get up yet, I'll be late later." Zhang Qianqian said and was about to pull Li Yi up.

Li Yi struggled for a while, and was so tired that he just wanted to rest for a while, and said: "I'm sleepy, I'll sleep again."

"Ah! Are you still sleepy after sleeping all night?" Zhang Qianqian was surprised.

This sentence made Li Yi sleepless, yes!Zhang Qianqian didn't know about his going out, so how would he explain it if he didn't get up?

"Well, I mean I slept so soundly this time, let's go to school together!" Li Yi yawned, and slowly put on his clothes.

Zhang Qianqian frowned, doubtfully asked: "Did you really sleep last night?"

"Of course, maybe I haven't rested recently, and I'm seriously lacking in sleep!" Li Yi said nonsense.

No. 42 Middle School was the same as usual, with students coming in and out, but two unexpected guests came today.

Yang Xue led his subordinates to pretend to be a reporter again, and walked quickly to the teaching office. As soon as he got downstairs, he saw Cao Chuanlei coming.

"Mr. Cao, do you have time?" Yang Xue came over and asked.

Cao Chuanlei glanced at the sign on the opponent's chest and said, "Are you a reporter?"

"We are reporters from Tianchao TV, and we want to interview you about something." Yang Xue asked in very standard Mandarin.

"Could it be that I have done earth-shattering things recently, and the Celestial Dynasty knows about it?" Cao Chuanlei thought in his heart, but said, "Quickly adopt me!"

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Cao Chuanlei, the head teacher of Class [-], Grade [-]?" Yang Xue asked.

Cao Chuanlei tidied up his clothes, deliberately showed a charming smile, and said, "I am."

"Excuse me, is Li Yi a student in your class?" Yang Xue asked again.

Cao Chuanlei was startled, and hurriedly said, "Wait, are you interviewing me?"

"Of course, aren't we interviewing?" Yang Xue explained.

"No!" Cao Chuanlei frowned and said extremely depressed, "What did you ask Li Yi to do when you interviewed me? It's not an interview with him."

"Oh! In this way, although we interview you, the interview is about Li Yi." Yang Xuedao, "However, your interview will also be on TV."

"Damn it! I knew it wasn't a good thing, and I didn't want to interview me for a long time." Cao Chuanlei suddenly lost interest, and said dullly, "Hurry up! I have to go to class later. :"

"Excuse me, how is Li Yi's performance in school?" Yang Xue asked.

"He!" Cao Chuanlei didn't like Li Yi. Just about to say what was in his heart, he suddenly wondered if this was arranged by Li Yi, so he could only say against his will, "Student Li Yi is the pride of our class. The pride of our school, being Li Yi's head teacher is the greatest honor in my life..."

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