super jade

Chapter 302 I heard you like to eat wood

Yang Xue frowned. He knew it was impossible to continue asking, so he said: "According to the information we got, Li Yi had already died in an air crash, and no similar news has been reported in ** City. The purpose of our visit this time is to I just want to find out the story of Li Yi's life and death, can you cooperate with us to tell the truth?"

"What, he's dead?" Cao Chuanlei jumped up excitedly, grabbed the microphone and said, "You don't know, this guy Li Yi is full of bad water. It's fine for him to pick up girls at school and bully the teacher. In one sentence In summary, he is now the bully in school, the moth in class..."

"Are you sure that's the case?" Yang Xue was overjoyed, he was just waiting for these words!

"I'm his head teacher, and I know everything about him best... Uh... Actually, I was joking just now, Li Yi is still a good student."

Yang Xue was taken aback by this sudden change, and said, "Teacher Cao, what did you just say?"

"I said that although Li Yi has some bad habits, he is still a good student. Let's talk about his study first! He is the first in the whole grade, and can score more than 700 points every time. It is normal for such a student to fall in love. things." Cao Chuanlei said, "As the saying goes, if you match men and women, you won't be tired from studying."

Yang Xue was completely speechless. He came here this time to tell the news of the death of Li Yi, the school leader, but to report negative news about Li Yi, but he didn't expect the other party to change his words after a few words.At this moment, Yang Xue hesitated, whether to continue the interview, or find someone to make fake news? "

Just when Yang Xue was hesitating, Cao Chuanlei waved his hand suddenly and said: "I have to leave beforehand, you can find another teacher to interview!"

Seeing the other party leave, Yang Xue didn't hold back, turned to Yang Xiong and said, "Let's go, let's go to the principal."

Just after saying this, Yang Xue's eyes widened, and he finally understood why Cao Chuanlei changed his words.

At this time, Cao Chuanlei had already run into the office, and he said with lingering fear: "Damn, you want to lie to me! He's not dead at all. Fortunately, I reacted fast enough just now, otherwise I would have been played by those bastards." With that said, he walked to the window, waiting for the good show to come.

"Brother Yang Xue, long time no see." Li Yi had seen the situation here a long time ago, and heard what they were talking about.

"Uh... Li Yi, why are you here?" Yang Xue's face became quite ugly. Didn't it mean that Li Yi died?

Li Yi smiled slightly, and said something in his words: "You have been very lucky recently! After interviewing my parents, come to the school to interview them again, why not interview me in person!"

"Well, there's nothing to interview, let's go first." Yang Xue was very afraid of Li Yi, he knew the opponent's strength, if he didn't leave, he would never think about leaving here.

"Don't go! I have prepared a show, don't you want to watch it?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"No need, we really have to leave." Yang Xue didn't dare to stay here, winked at Yang Xiong, and quickly walked out of the school.

However, not long after leaving, a group of people rushed in, and the leader scolded angrily: "It's them, hit me, beat me to death..."

No matter how stupid Yang Xue was, he knew that these people were coming for them, so he hurriedly said, "What do you want to do?"

The leader was Hong Rui, the local boss. He rushed over with dozens of brothers as soon as he received the order, and said with a cold snort, "You cheated us of so much money, do you want to run away?"

"Me, when did I cheat you of money?" Yang Xue regretted not bringing anyone here, if he brought dozens of brothers, he could handle it easily.

"Still sophistrying, you are liars." Hong Rui waved his hand, and said fiercely, "Kill these two bastards to death..."

"Wait, we are reporters, you will go to jail for beating me." Yang Xue quickly took out his press card and asked Yang Xiong to call the police.

Hong Rui glanced at the press card, smiled, and said, "You think we are idiots?"

Yang Xue looked down, and when he saw that the press card was not his photo, but a beautiful woman in revealing clothes, his face became even uglier.If this is the case, forget it, the three big characters on the press card are gone, and it turns out to be written on the four characters of special services.Nima!Yang Xue scolded angrily, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that Li Yi had done something secretly.

"Beat!" Dozens of brothers rushed over and beat Yang Xue violently, his head was bleeding in the blink of an eye.

In the office, Cao Chuanlei was frightened for a while, and tremblingly said: "It's too bloody, too violent, you two are so courageous, you even bothered him, isn't this courting death?"

The crowd fought for more than ten minutes, and the school's security guards came, and these talents walked away.

The security guards were all under Hong Rui's subordinates, and they didn't dare to trouble each other. When they came, they had received orders from their superiors.

Yang Xue was covered in blood and stood up staggeringly. Just as he was about to leave, another group of people came.

This time it was the police, a police car came over, Yang Xue hurriedly shouted: "Comrade police, we have been beaten, you must arrest those criminals..."

However, before this sentence was finished, Yang Xue had no choice but to swallow the following words.

The reason is very simple, because it is none other than the police officer Su Mengxi who got them in last time.

Su Mengxi came over, and asked with a smile, "Did you commit a crime again just after it was released?"

"Officer Su, please respect our profession. We are journalists." Yang Xue said without fear. Behind him was the Zeng family, and the other party did not dare to do anything to him without evidence.

"Reporter?" Su Mengxi laughed, snorted coldly, glanced at the reporter ID card on his chest and said, "I think you are chickens!"

"We are not chickens, no, we are not ducks." Yang Xue hurriedly put away his ID card.

With a wave of Su Mengxi's hand, several policemen snatched the video camera from Yang Xiong's hands, and said, "If you say no, then it's no good. We need to see what's being filmed here."

Yang Xue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the cameras were all taken in the past few days, and they had no right to take him away after seeing them.

The camera was turned on, and one of the policemen looked at it and said affirmatively, "Officer Su, it's full of pornographic and violent liars."

"Hmph! What else do you want to say?" Su Mengxi asked sharply.

"Wronged, we were wronged." Yang Xue hated Li Yi to death, and he really wanted to know when the other party changed the memory card.

Su Mengxi ignored his words, turned around and left, "The witnesses and evidence are all there, take them away."

Just like that, poor Yang Xue was taken back to the police station not long after he was released.

Let's talk about Li Yi's side. After watching this scene, he walked to the classroom and threw the memory card into the sewer on the way.

In the classroom, Du Haibo, who came earlier, still hadn't forgotten what happened last night. He walked up to Chen Xiaofei and said, "Xiaofei, did you sleep well last night?"

Chen Xiaofei glared at him, then snorted coldly: "Are you annoying, I don't want to see you."

"Xiao Fei, Li Yi is really dead, don't you think about me?" Du Haibo said.

"Get lost!" Although Chen Xiaofei was a lady, she would get angry when she was angry.

Du Haibo saw that this was not going to work, he gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaofei, Li Yi is dead, no one will protect you, sooner or later you will be my Du Haibo's woman."

Chen Xiaofei is so angry!Angrily said: "Li Yi is not dead, you are not far from death."

Du Haibo snorted coldly and said, "If he's not dead, I'll eat the table."


At this time, Li Yi's voice suddenly came from the door, and all the students showed expressions of watching the show.

Du Haibo's body trembled, and he quickly turned around to look. When he saw Li Yi approaching, he said in a trembling voice, "You, you are not dead..."

"You want me to die so much!" Li Yi walked over with a smile, patted the desk, and said, "Even if I want to die, I have to watch you eat the table before I die!"

As soon as this remark came out, the class burst into laughter, and Liu Wei booed: "Squad Leader Du, I'm curious, how can you eat such a big desk!"

Zhang Chao also laughed and said, "The desks are all made of wood. Can you digest it after eating it?"

"Huh! Li Yi, you wait for me." Du Haibo glared at Li Yi, and walked out of the classroom angrily.

Li Yi came to Chen Xiaofei's side, hugged her in his arms like no one else, and said, "How are you doing?"

"Hmph! Where did you die this month?" Chen Xiaofei asked without curiosity.

Wang Shanshan also missed Li Yi, after all, he hadn't seen each other for a month, and said, "Honey, where have you been recently?"

"I'll explain to you after school." Li Yi said.

Du Haibo walked out of the classroom, and he called Wang Meng, "Young Master Wang, Li Yi is not dead, I saw him just now."

"I know about this, Shao Zeng asked you, do you want to kill him?" Wang Meng asked.

"You can kill him?" Du Haibo didn't believe it. "You know his strength, let alone all of us, even if we find a few hundred people, we can't kill him."

"We can't kill him, but we can make him commit suicide." Wang Meng said a plan, and then smiled, "Young Master Du, this is a good idea!"

"Is the risk a bit high? If we can't kill him, we will all die." Du Haibo worried.

"Don't worry, I need financial resources and manpower here, and there are many brothers, so you can say whether to do it or not!" Wang Meng said, "This is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone."

"I'll think about it for a few more days!" Du Haibo said.

Wang Meng hung up the phone, and the phone rang again. After he connected, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master Wang, we have found a few good kidney sources, and the price they offered is very high. Is this business acceptable?"

"Nonsense! You are a fool if you don't earn money. You arrange for a doctor to have an operation at night." After Wang Meng finished speaking, he hung up the phone. He glanced at the direction of Class [-] and said coldly, "Li Yi, your boy fell into the sea If you don’t die, your life is really big. This time Zeng Shao came for real, I’ll see how you can escape from his grasp.”

Just as Du Haibo was about to go back to the classroom, a group of young people blocked his way, and one of them said: "You are Du Shao!"

"Who are you?" Du Haibo asked.

"We are people from Zeng Shao, and Zeng Shao has something to talk to you about." The man who spoke just now said humanely.

The Du family is just a small business family, and with his identity, he never saw Zeng Shao at all. Recently, it has been Wang Meng who has been making connections.

Du Haibo was overjoyed with such an opportunity now, and said, "Now?"

"Go now if it's convenient for you." The young man said.

"Okay, I'll follow you." Du Haibo followed the crowd into the van, and he was suspicious when he got into the van. As Zeng Shao, his subordinates still drive the van?

"Guys, are we really going to see Master Zeng?" Du Haibo asked suspiciously.

"Don't talk nonsense, Young Master Du asked us to keep a low profile, do you know what a low profile is?" one of them said sharply.

Du Haibo didn't dare to talk nonsense. These people knew that they had a bad temper at a glance, and if they beat him to death, they would only consider it bad luck.

Half an hour later, Du Haibo was opened into an abandoned factory. As soon as he entered the factory, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on a big chair in front of him.

"Master Zeng." Du Haibo walked over full of doubts. He thought he would meet at a big hotel, but he didn't expect to come to such a place where no shit.

"Young Master Du, we've been waiting for you for a long time." The man on the chair suddenly turned around, and changed the topic, "I heard that you like to eat wood, so I specially asked someone to prepare some for you today."

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