super jade

Chapter 305 Why Can He Get Multiple Marriage Certificates?

Su Jianguo seemed to know that Li Yi would make this request, so he agreed without thinking, "No problem."

"Can you decide this matter?" Li Yi asked.

"Of course, isn't it the kind that the country still recognizes if you have obtained multiple marriage certificates?" Su Jianguo said, "I just need to make a phone call."

"Then, am I not old enough to receive it?" Li Yi asked again.

Su Jianguo was slightly taken aback, and said, "Do you want to receive it now?"

"I want to get it now, what if the country doesn't recognize it in a few years?" Li Yi said, "Since bigamy is not a problem, age is not a problem either!"

Su Jianguo didn't agree immediately, he thought for a while and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Thank you uncle, we can talk about the mission now." Li Yi smiled happily, as long as he agreed to this matter, he had to try even the most dangerous mission, otherwise he would really be sorry for the country.

Su Jianguo looked solemn, and got down to business: "You also know that our country's military is not developed, and there is still a certain gap with Europe and the United States. These technologies have always been in their hands. It will take a long time for us to catch up. Now The situation in the South China Sea is in crisis, the Western powers have not given our country a good face, and the chief executive has been in a bad mood, so..."

"You want me to steal high technology?" Li Yi knew what he meant no matter how stupid he was.

"Hehe! In fact, it can't be said to be stealing, but to learn from each other." Su Jianguo said seriously, "Although this task is very dangerous, it is not very difficult for you. I hope you can sneak into the United States and steal those confidential information. .How many people and what things you need, the country will satisfy you.”

"I only need one person." Li Yi said.

Su Jianguo glanced at Li Yi in surprise, and said, "Who?"

"Your daughter Su Mengxi." Li Yi's answer made the other party's eyes widen.

Su Jianguo obviously couldn't understand what Li Yi wanted Su Mengxi to do, and said: "She's just a policeman, and she hasn't been trained, so it's not suitable for her to go!"

"She has to go. If she doesn't follow me, this task cannot be carried out." Li Yi must take a woman to go. What if the spiritual energy is too consumed and cannot be replenished?Is it possible to find a woman in the United States to double cultivate?He is not very interested in European and American women, Su Mengxi is the most suitable candidate, and he is also helpful in the task.

Although Su Jianguo couldn't think of the reason, he still agreed: "No problem, what else do you need?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. You send the information to Su Mengxi, and I will study it again." Li Yi did not forget the business, and said, "By the way, when can I go to get the marriage certificate?"

"I'll make a call, you wait." Su Jianguo called out his internal cell phone and made a call, "Do you remember what I said last time? He agreed, and you will let me go."

"I'll change the internal information right now, he can go to get a marriage certificate at any time." The other party replied.

"Hmm! Can he get it anywhere?" Su Jianguo asked again.

"As long as it's the Civil Affairs Bureau, it's fine."

After hanging up the phone, Su Jianguo nodded to Li Yi and said, "Li Yi, if you can complete this task, you will be the hero of the country..."

In the following time, the two talked again, and Li Yi left.

Just after getting out of the elevator, Su Mengxi came over and said, "Are we done talking?"

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded, took her hand and walked towards the underground parking lot.

The two got into the car, Su Mengxi couldn't wait to ask: "What did you talk about?"

"Hey! Your father agreed to us being together, and said that we should get a marriage certificate!" Li Yi smiled badly, "Be happy! Do you want to come first?"

Su Mengxi didn't believe this, and said: "You and I go to get it, what will they do?"

"Of course I got them all." Li Yi replied.

"Don't brag, a person can only get it once, unless you get it after divorce." Su Mengxi didn't believe it.

Li Yi shook his head and said: "They are them, I am me, don't you believe it?"

"The rights given to you by the state?" Su Mengxi thought of the key question, but still felt that it was impossible. This was the first time he had heard that the state had compromised in this regard!

"They want me to steal things, of course they have to agree to my request." Li Yi said.

Su Mengxi frowned, and quickly asked, "What did they ask you to steal?"

Li Yi briefly explained the content of the conversation. This is not a secret, and it won't be long before Su Mengxi will know.

"Are you crazy, you called me when you went to America to steal something?" Seeing that Li Yi didn't seem to be joking, Su Mengxi said seriously, "What are you taking me for?"

"Let you be a hero for a while." Li Yi said with a smile.

"Hmph! Is that so?" Su Mengxi didn't believe it.

"Uh..." Li Yi said, "Actually! I need a secretary when I perform tasks, and you are the most suitable candidate."

Su Mengxi seemed to have guessed this earlier, and said angrily: "Are you trying to tell me that my secretary does more things than others?"

"Huh?" Li Yi was taken aback, not understanding the meaning of the words.

"That is to say, if you have something to do as a secretary, if you don't have something to do as a secretary." Su Mengxi complained.

Li Yi has heard this before, he smiled, touched Su Mengxi's thigh with both hands, and said: "If there is anything else, I will be the secretary first..."

"It's not serious. By the way, when are we going to carry out the mission?" Su Mengxi was a little excited. She had never been an agent, but she yearned for it, and wanted to experience the feeling of stealing state secrets.

"Wait for your father to send the information, I'll study it and go." Li Yi changed the subject, "Do you want to get a marriage certificate? If you want, let's go now."

Su Mengxi doesn't care when she comprehends the marriage certificate, nor does she care if she has a title or not. Seeing Li Yi's impatient look, she guessed, "Are you afraid they will lie to you?"

"This is my only request. If they lied to me, wouldn't it be in vain?" Li Yi stepped on the accelerator, and the Audi car drove towards the hotel like lightning.

On the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau, Li Yi called the two women respectively, "Xiaolu, wait for the Civil Affairs Bureau on Mengcheng Road, I'll wait for you here."

Liu Xiaolu had just finished her afternoon tea, she was taken aback when she heard this, and said, "What are we going there for?"

"Idiot, of course I have to get a marriage certificate." Li Yi said, "I'm almost there, so hurry up and remember to bring your household registration book and ID card with you."

Liu Xiaolu was overjoyed, and hurriedly agreed: "Okay, I'll go right here."

After hanging up the phone, Li Yi turned on Sun Hanyue again, and said what he had just said again.

Sun Hanyue giggled, her answer was completely different from Liu Xiaolu's, and said, "Honey, are you kidding me?"

" you think I'm joking?" Li Yi asked.

"You haven't turned 22 yet, so even if we go, we won't be able to get a marriage certificate." Although Sun Hanyue has never been married, she knows a little about marriage laws.

"Hey! What if I tell you that you can get it?" Li Yi asked back.

Sun Hanyue still didn't believe it. She frowned and said, "Since you want to play, I'll play with you once. You tell me the address first, and I'll drive there."

An hour later, the four of them appeared in front of the Civil Affairs Bureau. Liu Xiaolu and Sun Hanyue were startled when they saw each other.

"Honey, you're right! We're going to get a marriage certificate, what are you bringing them here for?" Liu Xiaolu asked in surprise.

Sun Hanyue is very smart, she rolled her eyes and said, "Don't tell me, we will get a marriage certificate together."

"Congratulations, you guessed it right, let's get it together." Li Yi said with certainty.

"Oh, I'll go, can they let me take it?" Liu Xiaolu asked in surprise.

Su Mengxi was the only woman who knew the inside story. She held Li Yi's shoulder and said with a smile, "You'll know if you can go in."

The two women didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Li Yi's gourd. Seeing that he didn't seem to be joking, they followed him to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

At this time, there was a middle-aged man and woman in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and the woman kept asking, "Have you and your wife completed the marriage formalities?"

"It's over." The man replied.

"Is it really over?" the woman asked again.

The man was a little guilty when he was asked, and said: "It should be done!"

The woman just wanted to talk, but she saw Li Yi and others coming, and said coldly: "Husband, look over there, this is the first time I see a wedding with friends?"

"'s really strange, is he 22 years old?" the man asked in surprise.

"What are you looking at, we will be here soon." The woman pinched the man, took out the household registration book and ID card, and said to the civil servant in front of the counter, "We are registering for marriage..."

The civil servant took the ID card and typed a few times on the computer, then frowned and said, "Sorry, you can't get married."

"Why?" the woman asked.

"This gentleman hasn't divorced yet, so you can't do it for the time being." The civil servant didn't even look at them, and said to Li Yi behind, "The next couple..."

Li Yi and others came over, and just about to take out the household registration book, the civil servant asked, "Wait a minute, are you here to register your marriage?"

"What are we doing here if we don't get married?" Li Yi asked back.

The civil servant moved his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to ask something, but in the end he didn't say anything, and said to Li Yi and the others: "Stay here for those who are married, and wait there for those who are not married."

Li Yi and others didn't leave, but the civil servant got angry and said, "Didn't you hear what I said?"

"We are all here to get married." Li Yi snorted coldly.

"Where are their boyfriends?" the civil servant asked back.

"I am." Li Yi took out his ID card and handed it to the other party. Su Jianguo promised him that he could register for marriage even without the account book. This is a privilege.

"Hehe! Are you kidding me!" The civil servant sneered three times, and when he saw Li Yi's grade, he was furious and said, "Are you kidding me?"

"I don't have time to play with you, go through the formalities quickly." Li Yi said with a firm attitude.

"Since you don't give up, then I'll show you that you are not old enough to register for marriage." The civil servant took out his ID card and scanned the machine, then typed a few times on the keyboard, "Now you are giving up..." As soon as he said this, he saw an unbelievable scene. There was such a sentence in Li Yi's personal file.

National special personnel, there is no age limit for marriage registration.

"Ah!" The civil servant couldn't believe his eyes, rubbed it a few times, and the computer still displayed such a sentence.

Li Yi also saw that sentence, and said calmly: "Hurry up and handle it!"

No matter how stupid the civil servant was, he knew that the other party was unusual. He glanced at the three women, not daring to offend him, and said, "Little brother, are they all registered to marry you?"

"Give him your ID card." Li Yi said to the three women.

The civil servant took over the ID card, still in surprise. He had been a civil servant for more than ten days, and this was the first time he heard that one man could marry three women.The civil servants took everyone's ID cards and tapped on the computer, and soon saw a message that Li Yi actually had the right to bigamy. He was curious, what is the origin of these people?

"Four, I'll apply for your marriage certificate right now, and go over there to take pictures first." The civil servant said respectfully.

Seeing such a scene, the couples waiting to register for marriage were dumbfounded. The woman couldn't help shouting just now: "I protest, why can he get multiple marriage certificates?"

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