super jade

Chapter 306 Quickly Change My Kidney

Li Yi took pictures with the three women respectively, and received their marriage certificates. Before they could swear an oath under the national emblem, a scene that left him speechless appeared.

The hall of the Civil Affairs Bureau was full of people, some of them waved their hands in protest, and some of them were good people who watched the show.

What was even more speechless was that someone dialed the TV station, and several reporters ran over with cameras on their shoulders.

One of the reporters found the civil servant and interviewed him: "We just got news that some people here can get multiple marriage certificates. Is this true?"

The civil servant gave a wry smile. He really didn't know how to answer. Although it was true, the consequences of telling the truth would be disastrous.He can't tell the other party that these people have unusual identities, so they can get more marriage certificates!If he really said that, he would definitely not come to work here the next day, and he also said that he was a temporary worker.

"Well, there is no such thing, how can it be possible to obtain multiple marriage certificates?" The civil servant said affirmatively, "It's hearsay, it's definitely hearsay."

When he came, the reporter had already inquired about the situation here. He felt that the other party was not aimless, so he continued: "Since there is no such thing, can you explain the situation at that time?"

The civil servant felt dizzy. Just as he was about to explain, Li Yi walked over from the crowd and said, "It's actually like this. We filmed a program here just now, and we wanted to use this program to publicize the impact of bigamy on society. Huge impact. Just imagine how unfair it is to the rest of the men if a man has several women? How much family happiness will this destroy?"

Li Yi's words made sense, and many people applauded after hearing it. Some thoughtful people asked, "Since you are distributing promotional videos, why didn't you see the camera?"

"There are cameras, but they are only placed in a relatively hidden corner." Li Yi can indeed talk, and he said one thing, "Don't think too much, this is an accident. At the same time, I want to warn you, don't Do things that violate the law. Well, I still have something to do, you can interview others..."

After saying this, Li Yi forcibly rushed out of the crowd and ran to the car to join the three women.

Seeing Li Yi's embarrassed appearance, the three girls laughed, and Su Mengxi said: "Husband, it seems that this certificate is not easy to get! Don't come in person in the future..."

"Uh..." Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "If you come in person next time, those people will be scared to death again."

Everyone drove away in the Audi car, had dinner together, and Li Yi drove home.

Before reaching the door of the house, he received a call, and Li Yi had to give up and go back.

In an abandoned factory in Shuangfeng Development Zone, Wang Meng and a group of his subordinates gathered here.

"Huangmao, how many kidney sources did you find this time?" Wang Meng sat on a chair, smoking a high-quality Brazilian cigar.

"Young Master Wang, I have found more than a dozen kidney sources this time." Huang Mao replied, "I have had a physical examination. These people are in good health, and they can definitely be sold at a good price."

"Hmph! Another person who doesn't want his body for money." Wang Meng sneered, "You say, why do these people sell their kidneys for [-] yuan? What are they doing for it?"

"I heard that it's for an Apple phone." Huang Mao said, "Too many young people have lost their minds these days. For a mobile phone, they don't even want the happiness of their lower body."

"Haha! I think they are not out of their minds, but for their dreams. Everyone's pursuit is different, and their efforts are also different." Wang Meng began to talk about the truth, "Think about it, we can do illegal things for money, and they do it for money. Apple mobile phones will also give up the happiness of the lower body."

Huang Mao gave a thumbs up and said, "Young Master Wang, what you fucking said is too incisive."

"You're brilliant." Wang Meng glared at him, and said angrily, "Dr. Liu has arrived! Tell him to perform the operation quickly, and I have to make a deal later!"

Because the transaction involved a lot of money, the most important part was done by Wang Meng himself.

Huang Mao led a group of people into the factory. There were more than ten beds in the simple factory building, and a man was lying on it. These men were about the same age, all around 20 years old.These people have just entered the society not long ago. Most of them are lazy and want to get rich all day long. They have not yet realized the importance of kidneys to the body, and they think that losing a kidney is not life-threatening.

In fact, the kidney has a great influence on the body. If there are fewer men, the future happy life will be over.

These people were all given anesthesia and would not wake up in a short period of time, but for the sake of safety, in order to prevent them from suddenly waking up and seeing the doctor's appearance, they still wore black hoods on their heads and stuffed rags into their mouths. Even the hands and feet are bound.Not long after, a surgeon in charge came in. After he took out the scalpel and sterilized it skillfully, he came to a man.

Just after the operation, suddenly, the chief surgeon felt severe pain in his stomach, and he said to Huang Mao, "Xiao Huang, where is your toilet?"

"The toilet here is far away, just go out and find a place to solve it." Huang Mao said, "By the way, hurry up, Young Master Wang is still waiting to take it away!"

"Understood, I'll come as soon as I go." Not long after the chief surgeon left the workshop, there was a sudden cry.

Huang Mao and the others' expressions darkened, and they hurriedly ran out of the factory building, only to see the chief surgeon standing in the corner trembling.

What's even more speechless is that he didn't even lift his trousers, obviously he hasn't finished the big change yet.

"Old Liu, what's wrong with you?" Huang Mao asked in surprise.

"Snake, I saw a snake." The chief surgeon said in horror.

Everyone laughed, and Huang Mao sneered: "You are a surgeon who dares to operate on people, so why are you afraid of a little snake?"

"The person is lying there motionless, but the snake is a living thing!" The chief surgeon regained his composure, quickly lifted his pants and said, "What do you know, it's not a little snake, you'd be scared to death if you saw it."

"Don't tease us, did you see a big snake?" Huang Mao almost didn't believe it.

"Hmph! When you see it, you won't be able to laugh anymore. Come with me for the operation." The chief surgeon came to the factory building, and still walked towards the frontmost bed.

As soon as he took out the scalpel, the chief surgeon was stunned, because he found that the other person seemed to have gained a lot of weight.

"Hmm! Could it be an illusion?" The chief surgeon didn't think too much, he raised the scalpel and cut it down, skillfully took out the kidney and then sewed up the wound.

After finishing all this, the chief surgeon turned around and walked towards the second person. Just a few steps away, the person who had just taken out the kidney woke up with a whining sound from his mouth.Because the mouth was stuffed with rags, he couldn't scream at all, except for whining, he could only beat the head of the bed vigorously.

The chief surgeon frowned, and asked Huang Mao: "What's the matter? You gave too little medicine?"

"It's all the medicine you gave! Who knows why he woke up so soon." Huang Mao walked up to the man and slapped him on the head, trying to knock him unconscious.

But under such a great force, the other party was fine. Huang Mao became angry and said, "What's the name? The operation has been completed, and you won't get a dime if you call again."

The other party didn't seem to hear his words, the whining sound was even louder, and the hands tied on the bed were waving vigorously.

Under the huge force, the simple wooden bed wobbled, and if it continued like this, it would definitely fall apart.

The chief surgeon couldn't stand it any longer, he frowned, and said, "Comfort him quickly, if this continues, his wound will be torn, and he will definitely bleed to death, you don't want to cause trouble, do you?"

"Let's just give him an injection, and you continue with the operation." Huang Mao took out the needle and gave the man a shot in the buttocks.

With this injection, I thought the other party would be unconscious, but the result was unexpected.

The guy was still yelling, as if the anesthetic had no effect on him.

"Damn it, could it be that this guy has developed antibodies, and the anesthetic doesn't work anymore?" Huang Mao was surprised.

"Then increase the dose and continue the treatment." The chief surgeon said, "If you don't fix him, he'll yell, and I won't be able to continue the surgery."

"Okay, I'll continue." Huang Mao gave more than a dozen injections in a row, but the result was exactly the same. No matter how much the dose was used, the opponent was still safe and sound.

"Damn it! What kind of physique is this guy? With such a large anesthetic, even an elephant would have to sleep for a few days. How could he be fine!" Huang Mao was surprised.

The chief surgeon checked the time and said, "I'm going back later, come back another day!"

"No, Young Master Wang said that all operations must be done." Huang Mao waved his hand, and several younger brothers blocked his way.

"Hmph! You call him, and I'll talk to him in person." The chief surgeon said.

Huang Mao dialed Wang Meng's phone number, and he was connected not long after. Before he could speak, the other party said: "I know about your affairs, let him go back!"

"Young Master Wang, have you seen it all?" Huang Mao slapped him flatteringly, "You are really clever! Even in the office, you know what's going on here..."

"I'm by your side." There was an incomprehensible sentence on the phone, and then hung up.

Huang Mao didn't think much about it. After someone sent the chief surgeon away, they came to a wooden bed, "Boy, just now you ruined our boss' good deed, how do you think we will punish you?"

"Boss, let's beat him to death first, and help the boss vent his anger." One of the younger brothers suggested.

"Good idea, beat me to death." Huang Mao gave an order, and more than a dozen people clenched their fists at the same time, and punched each other hard.

After hitting, the black cloth on the opponent's face fell off, and everyone saw a familiar face.

At this moment, everyone was stunned, because what he hit just now was not someone else, but their boss Wang Meng.

"Wang, Young Master Wang..." Huang Mao's eyes widened. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. How could Young Master Wang, who was sitting in the office just now, come here?

It would be fine if he came here, but Wang Meng was the one who had the kidney removed and injected with anesthesia just now.

"Woooo..." Wang Meng's hood fell off, but his mouth was still stuffed with a rag, so he couldn't make a sound at all.

Huang Mao took off the rag with trembling hands, and said, "Boss, why did you appear here?"

"Bastard, you guys are slashing at me, Dr. Liu! Don't let him come back, and replace my kidney." Wang Meng was indeed in the office a moment ago. He had just smoked his cigar halfway, and suddenly felt dizzy. There was a sharp pain in the chest, and then I didn't know anything.When he became conscious, he felt that someone had stabbed him in the stomach, and then there was the sound of conversations from everyone.

No matter how stupid Wang Meng was, he knew that someone had operated on him, but what he got in exchange for constant shouting was injections of anesthesia and beatings.

"Wang, Young Master Wang, didn't you let Dr. Liu go?" Huang Mao asked.

"Go to your mother's head, don't you see that someone is messing with me, and that person imitated the order from my voice?" Wang Meng roared angrily, his eyes full of anxiety.He knows the importance of the kidney better than anyone else. If the thing is gone, the life of hugging left and right will be gone completely, and he will not listen to his body even if he wants to have a shot.

"Boss, don't worry, I'll call right away..." Huang Mao said and took out his phone.

"Fuck! Can I not be in a hurry?" Wang Meng roared angrily, "No matter what method is used, he must be driven back, even if he is tied, he must be bound here."

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