super jade

Chapter 307 Boss, Your Kidney Was Eaten by a Dog

After the call was connected, Huang Mao said loudly, "Old Liu, where are you?"

"I'm almost home, what else can I do?" asked Liu Huang, the chief surgeon.

"Our boss said, no matter where you are, hurry back to me." Huang Mao scolded angrily, "Just now you opened up the wrong person, now you have to change it back."

"Did you drive the wrong person?" Liu Huang suddenly became unhappy, and snorted coldly, "That is the person you are looking for, what does it have to do with me?"

"Even if it has nothing to do with you, I have to change it now, can you understand me?" Huang Mao asked.

Liu Huang thought for a while and said, "It's okay to exchange it back, you have to pay double the price."

"Fuck, you robbed!" Huang Mao scolded angrily.

"If you don't give it, I'll forget it." Liu Huang was about to hang up the phone after speaking.

Huang Mao is so angry!Threatened: "If you don't come, don't want to see your son every day."

"If you dare to do this, I will tell you about you." Liu Huang has the other party's handle, and he is not afraid of threats. "Smuggling kidneys, you will all be locked up."

"Damn it! You threatened us, do you know who my boss's father is?" Huang Mao roared angrily.

The two of you talked endlessly, Wang Meng couldn't wait any longer, and said angrily: "Fuck, have you finished talking, and still won't let him come back?"

"Boss, he asked for double the price, but I didn't agree." Huang Mao said complacently.

"When is this and you still don't agree?" Wang Meng was furious, how could he find such an idiot subordinate, "No matter how much money he wants, he will get it back."

Huang Mao didn't know what he said was wrong, he could only do what the boss said, and said, "Old Liu, I have good news for you, the boss has agreed to your price."

"Okay, wait for me there, I'll be there in a while." Liu Huang said.

Half an hour later, Liu Huang arrived on time. When he saw that the person lying on the bed was Wang Meng, he was startled and said, "Young Master Wang, why did you get here?"

"It's not because of you, hurry up and get the kidney back." Wang Meng said angrily.

"The kidney is in the box, I'll go get it now." Liu Huang walked to the box, just took out the kidney, suddenly a figure came quickly, and before he could show him what it was, the kidney in his hand disappeared.

Liu Huang was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly ran to the door of the factory building, only to see a big wolfdog running out with a kidney in its mouth.

"Yellow hair, chase after me..." Knowing the consequences of not being able to replace Wang Meng's kidney, Liu Huang hurriedly ran out of the factory building.

Huang Mao and the others didn't know what happened. When he chased him out, he saw Liu Huang cornering a wolf dog.

"Fuck it, the boss asked you to get the kidney, what are you doing chasing the wolf dog?" After finishing speaking, Huang Mao noticed the wolf dog's mouth, and said in surprise, "I'll fuck it, why did the boss' kidney get into its mouth gone?"

"I'm still asking you! How come there are wolf dogs here?" Liu Huang said angrily.

"I don't know where the wolfdog came from!" Huang Mao was also anxious, and hurriedly asked, "What should I do now, should I take back the boss' kidney?"

Liu Huang shook his head and said depressedly: "You are so fucking stupid! If we go to grab it, it will think that we are grabbing its food, and what will it do if it eats it?"

"Then what do you say, is it going to be a stalemate?" Huang Mao asked.

"No, once the kidney is taken out for too long, it will break if you don't replace it. You should quickly think of a way." Liu Huang said, "Or you can climb up to the wall and knock the wolf dog out from above."

Huang Mao looked at the three-meter-high courtyard wall, and was speechless immediately, and asked, "Can we climb up?"

"If you don't want to see your kidneys being eaten, just climb up for me. This is the only way." Liu Huang reminded.

Huang Mao was also worried to death. He waved his hand at his opponent, and one of his subordinates climbed up with difficulty.

The subordinate had just grasped the iron rod, and before he had time to jump off to attack the wolf dog, the wolf seemed to know that someone was sneaking from above, suddenly swallowed the kidney in his mouth, and then quickly ran away.The speed of this wolfhound was astonishingly fast, and with a flash of black shadow, it disappeared from everyone's sight. No one knew where it went.

"Old Liu, it was eaten, what should I do?" Huang Mao jumped up, his face changed drastically, and he no longer knew what to do.

"Hmph! What else can I do? Go back and tell Young Master Wang to figure out a solution for himself!" Liu Huang knew he couldn't stay here, so he left after saying this.

Huang Mao had no choice but to bite the bullet and go back to the factory building. Before he could say anything about the situation there, Wang Meng asked, "Where's the kidney?"

"Boss, let me tell you a big news, don't get excited." Wang Meng said tremblingly, "Well, boss, your kidney was eaten by a dog..."

"What did you say?" Wang Meng asked in surprise.

"Boss, when we were taking the kidney just now, a dog suddenly appeared and was eaten by it." Huang Mao briefly explained the situation at that time.

Wang Meng is so angry!Under the attack of anger, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

"Boss, boss..."

Everyone didn't notice that a figure above the factory quickly left and disappeared into the night in a blink of an eye.

Back home, Li Yi asked Bayongjie to collect evidence of Wang Xianzhong's violation of law and discipline, and then made a phone call to his future father-in-law.

"Li Yi! What's the matter with calling me so late?" Su Jianguo asked.

"I have a lot of evidence that Wang Meng and his father Wang Jianguo committed crimes. I wonder if they can be arrested?" Li Yi has decided to eliminate harm for the people, so he will not let them go.

"You're talking about that kid from the Wang family, right? I know about him, but the Zeng family protected the Wang family, and it's not easy for the higher-ups to attack them. This matter involves too many interests." Su Jianguo paused, then continued. , "If you really want to bring them down, I have a way. After you make a contribution this time, take the initiative to talk to the chief about it."

"Will nobody care about their crimes?" Li Yi asked in surprise.

"It's not that no one cares about it, but that there's no way to manage it." Su Jianguo sighed, "I can only help you with this. You must do what I say."

"Okay!" Li Yi hung up the phone helplessly.

That night, in the provincial hospital, Wang Meng and Du Haibo lived in the same room.

The two troubled brothers gathered together and talked about their respective experiences. At the end, Du Haibo scolded angrily: "That kid Li Yi must have done it, otherwise how could there be wolf dogs in the factory for no reason?"

"I know he did it, but we can't find evidence. He did it when you ate wood, right?" Wang Meng glanced at Du Haibo's mouth, which was completely swollen like two huge sausages. Hate him, don't you want to kill him? Did you think about my proposal last time?"

"Hmph! Even if I let him go, he won't let us go. The person you're looking for this time is fine!" Du Haibo gritted his teeth and said, he wished he could kill Li Yi now.

"No problem, these people are foreign masters, as long as we lure Li Yi away, we will definitely be able to arrest them." Wang Meng said with certainty.

Now that Du Haibo has made his decision, of course he needs to understand the details, and said: "As far as I know, Li Yi has arranged experts outside the school to secretly protect Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei. If we do it outside the school, I'm afraid that even if we succeed, Li Yi will not You will know immediately that it is too dangerous to do so."

"Then what do you want to do?" Wang Meng asked.

"How about this, let's do it in the classroom, and let those people kidnap me and them." Du Haibo frowned.Explaining the plan in his heart in detail, "As long as we kidnap them and wait for the place we arranged, Chen Xiaofei will be mine, and Wang Shanshan will be yours."

"Hmm! This plan is good. When Li Yi's subordinates know that the woman they love has been kidnapped, we will have sex with them long ago, haha!" Wang Meng said excitedly, "I want to know now, Li Yi learned that her woman was kidnapped by us. What kind of mood will I feel after playing with it, even if I die, it's worth it..."

"No, as long as Li Yi is in pain, I will give him my life." Du Haibo clenched his fists.

The next morning, when Li Yi got up, he received a mysterious call and drove to the Jingkai District.

Du Haibo did not recover from his injuries, but was discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule. After he entered the school, countless people stared at him.

It's no wonder that Du Haibo's mouth is no different from two huge sausages, it looks very funny.

Du Haibo wanted to go back more than once, but thinking of this plan, he said to himself, "Chen Xiaofei is my woman at night, and this little effort is nothing."

When they came to the classroom, Liu Wei and the others laughed when they saw Du Haibo's appearance, and the rest of them couldn't stop laughing too.

Liu Wei walked up to Du Haibo, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Squad leader, what did you eat last night, and why did you eat your mouth like this?"

"Hey! What else can I eat, I must have poop." Zhang Chao said with a smile.

Xiao Hei and Wang Haisheng came over, they glared at Zhang Chao, and the former said: "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I ate too much chili last night." Du Haibo explained.

"I don't think it's chili!" Liu Wei said with a smile, "I must have gone to find a hot girl. That girl is so hot that it will make your mouth swell."

"Viagra is right, why are you swollen?" Zhang Chao laughed.

Du Haibo snorted coldly, ignored their words, and lowered his head to read the book.

Liu Wei did not intend to give up, walked up to him, imitated Du Haibo's voice and said, "Students, I am Du Haibo, your big class monitor. I have been thinking about a question these years, how can I have a cool and loud voice?" Nickname. Until today, I didn't think of it, everyone please call me Brother Sausage..."

"Ha ha!"

As soon as this remark came out, the class roared with laughter, and Zhang Chao ran to the door of the classroom and shouted loudly: "Do you want to watch Brother Sausage, watch it for free..."

Many students from other classes gathered around and watched from the window, chatting and laughing one by one, as if they were watching orangutans in a zoo.

Du Haibo wanted to jump out and curse more than once, but finally held back and waited for the bell to ring for class.

Finally, when it was time for class, the head teacher Cao Chuanlei did not show up after a long time. Just when everyone thought the head teacher would not come, more than a dozen people in black clothes walked in with submachine guns in their hands.The leader held a gun and said in unproficient Chinese: "Don't talk, or I will kill him with one shot..."

At such a scene, everyone was stunned, not knowing where these people came from.

"Tie them up for me as hostages." The robber pointed at a few people, and the people he pointed to were Du Haibo, Wang Shanshan, and Chen Xiaofei.

"Who are you and what are you going to do?" Chen Xiaofei stood up and asked.

The other party didn't answer her, and several people walked up to her, stunned Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei one after another, and then took them out of the classroom.

"Don't hit me, I won't resist." Du Haibo raised his hand and said.

"take away."

The robbers came and went quickly. After only a few minutes, these people left with Wang Shanshan and others, leaving behind a classroom of surprised students.

"Damn, who are they, is it a robbery exercise?"

"You're stupid! Didn't you see that they really knocked Vice Squad Leader Chen out, maybe they were robbed?"

"Nimma! Our students are poor, how much money can they rob us?"

When everyone was discussing, someone called the police, but no one noticed that Zhang Qianqian had already walked out of the classroom and quickly dialed Li Yi's mobile phone number.

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