super jade

Chapter 313 Did You Even Play With My Woman?

Little Boot's face changed drastically, and he quickly explained: "Kabi, listen to me, it's not what you imagined."

"Okay! I'd like to hear from you what's going on with these photos." Kirby roared angrily.

"Your wife actually came to me first. We got drunk that night, and then we got together." Little Bute explained, "I swear, we only had that one time."

"One time is not enough, how many more times do you want?" Kirby lost his mind in anger, and was about to shoot and kill the other party.

At this moment, President Obama stood up and said, "Calm down, both of you. We are going to discuss the theft right now. If we continue arguing like this, others will see it as a joke?"

"Hmph! Butt, wait for me." Kirby put away his gun, he had to listen to what the president said.

Obama secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the two would fight, and said to Butt: "Go ahead and put the photos, don't make any mistakes this time."

Little But touched the cold sweat on his forehead. He took these photos himself and put them in the computer. How could others get them?However, this time he was careful. He searched for the photos about the Hexagon Building from the hard drive, clicked on them, and told everyone about the situation at that time.

"This photo shows the situation of the theft. The safe was opened and there was no alarm. It can be seen that the other party is a master. I don't know how to cut off the alarm system." After explaining the first photo, Little Bout clicked on several more , when the fifth photo appeared, everyone was stunned.

The photo shows a young and beautiful blonde woman wearing a seductive dress, and a man stands behind the girl.

The man was naked, hugged the woman from behind, and stroked her twin peaks with both hands.

Obama roared, jumped up suddenly, and said angrily, "Little Bout, can you explain to me what's going on?"

Little Bout's face became even more ugly. This woman is Obama's lover, and many officials know about it.

I thought that no one would know that I had a romantic night in the bar and played with the president's woman, but I didn't expect the photos to be exposed again.

"President, I..." Little Bout didn't know how to explain it, not to mention that he really did it, so there was no way to explain it.

"Okay! Little Kirby, you even played with my woman?" Obama didn't draw his gun, but walked up to Little Boot quickly, and punched him in the face.

This punch was so powerful that he was about to hit Little Butt on the ground, Little Butt hurriedly covered his face and said, "President, don't hit me, I know I was wrong..."

"Do you know that if you make a mistake, it's over? Today I will beat you to death." Obama clenched his fists and roared.

"President, please don't hit my man." An admiral stepped forward. He and Bout had been together for a long time, and everyone knew in private that they were back-to-back.

"Bart, it's none of your business. I'm going to teach your man a lesson." Obama said angrily.

"No, hitting him is equivalent to hitting me. I don't care how many women he plays with outside, but he is my man." Bart strode forward in front of Little Butt.

Obama's expression changed, and he said, "You want to fight me?"

"Obama, others are afraid of you, but Bart is not afraid of you, and our family is not easy to bully." Bart insisted forcefully.

"President, don't be afraid of him, the two of them will go together." Kirby had a bad temper, and he raised his fist to hit Bart.

"You dare to hit me?" Bart roared and punched Kirby.

In the black palace, there was a mess immediately, the high-level people shot one after another, and everyone was beaten up with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Li Yi and Su Mengxi have already left here and went to the military factory not far away. This is not a place to produce fighter jets, but a secret base for developing the latest fighter jets.The two successfully entered the interior of the base, searched for a long time, but did not find any relevant materials.Li Yi thought of a possibility that the range of divine consciousness distribution was greatly increased and spread all the way to the ground.

Soon, a hidden underground dark room was discovered hundreds of miles underground. This dark room can be taken down by elevator, but after reaching the ground, there are layers of metal walls. If there is no password to open the door, even missiles cannot enter it Destroy here.Li Yi used the same method to open the door from the inside, and then destroyed the internal monitoring and alarm equipment.

The darkroom is astonishing, as big as a football field. There are countless safes in such a large room, and each cabinet stores blueprints and models of a fighter jet.Li Yi was also polite, took out all the drawings and models, and handed them to Su Mengxi for confirmation.

Su Mengxi glanced at it, her eyes widened immediately, and she said in surprise, "This is a blueprint of a fighter jet. Unexpectedly, Lao Mei has developed this thing."

"It seems that I found the right one this time. Let's take all the things here!" Li Yi put all the blueprints into the storage ring, and took Su Mengxi to perform invisibility and leave.

A few minutes later, the surveillance personnel discovered that there was a problem with the camera in the dark room. When they came down, they found that they had encountered robbers.

The person in charge immediately called the Black Palace, but at this time, the inside of the Black Palace was still in a mess, and no one answered the phone at all.

After thinking about the ringing of the phone for a long time, Obama, who had already been beaten into a panda eye, picked up the phone and said, "Who?"

"President, it's not good, the blueprint of the No. x R&D base has been stolen." The person in charge panicked.

"What?" Obama asked in surprise, "How did they sneak into the underground defense chamber?"

"I don't know, all the blueprints here are lost, please order the president, what should we do now?" the person in charge asked.

Obama knows what it means to lose these blueprints. No matter which country gets them, the military strength of the other side will increase several times. If these fighters can be developed, their combat effectiveness will be enough to threaten the United States.As soon as Obama gave the order, another punch came from the back, and he was knocked to the ground immediately after he couldn't reach his defense.

"Bastard, what are you fighting for? The robbers are on the move again, this time stealing blueprints and models of fighter jets." Obama yelled at the crowd present.

As soon as these words came out, there was silence in the Black Palace, and everyone showed signs of anxiety.

"What should I do, should I send someone to investigate?"

"Those people must not be far away, let's start a carpet search!"

"President, give the order!"


Such voices kept ringing out. Obama touched the face that was hit, and snorted coldly: "You still know me as the president. Who remembered that I was the president when I was hit just now?"

"President, this matter is of great importance, let's deal with it first!" Bart stood up and said.

Obama also knew that the overall situation should be the top priority. He glanced at the crowd and quickly issued an order, "Send the Navy Seals and Delta Force to conduct a comprehensive search for the whereabouts of these people."

"President, it's a bit of a fuss!" Bart asked.

"Hmph! These people are extraordinary. Your people may not be able to find them. I will send all the agents." Obama said.

That night, Li Yi went to several military bases and stole a lot of information.

In the end, the two came to the place where the United States reserves gold. Many people know that there is a lot of gold here, but the key is that no one can enter.Because there are countless most advanced password doors in the world, it is almost impossible to enter without knowing the password.

Li Yi entered smoothly, and when he saw countless gold bricks shining brightly under the light, he couldn't be more excited.

"Wow! There is so much gold here." Su Mengxi was also amazed, it was the first time she saw so much gold.

"Gold from many countries is here, of course there are more, take them all!" Li Yi knew that time was limited, and put the gold into the storage bag as quickly as possible.

A storage ring couldn't put so much gold in it, so Li Yi used three rings in a row before taking the gold away.

The two didn't know that when they stole the gold, the Black Palace was once again in chaos.

As soon as Obama connected more than ten phone calls, the content was exactly the same, and all of them were stolen news, "I'm so stupid, these people regard our country as their back garden, and they can steal it at will?"

A few minutes later, when Obama learned that the gold had been stolen, he jumped up all day and said loudly, "Come here, prepare the car, I want to investigate in person..."

That night, the Peanutton Newspaper received a hard drive with a video on it.

The reporters were stunned after watching this video, and they didn't know who said first: "Can this be reported?"

"Why can't it be reported that the United States is a democratic country, and the president's virtue should have stepped down long ago." After finishing speaking, the reporter typed a headline on the homepage of the website, with text and pictures attached, "The secret that the president and high-level officials have to say, they How many men and women are there in private!"

Once the news was released, the United States became more chaotic, and many reporters went to interview the president and high-level officials.

The dignitaries are so busy with the theft, if they don't have time for the reporters, let their subordinates send them away, or keep them out of the door.

The reporters naturally believed that there was no fiction in this matter, and the president and politicians had no face to explain it.

Ever since, the following news all reported similar things, and some people even made slogans for the president to step down.

Li Yi and Su Mengxi didn't care about the chaos in the United States, because the outbound planes were blocked, foreigners were not allowed to leave the United States and other orders were issued, and the two could only choose to smuggle.Arriving at a cruise ship arranged by Xu Shichang, the two entered the cabin and began their days of drifting on the sea.

The speed of the cruise ship was very slow, and it took more than ten days to return to the country. During this time, the two of them had been doing double repairs in the room crazily.

It's no wonder that a lot of spiritual power was consumed some time ago, and he must not return as quickly as possible.

After this period of double cultivation, the spiritual power in Li Yi's body has increased again, the spiritual power in the dantian has been completely solidified, and then merged together, the aura on his body has also increased several times, and there is a faint possibility of breakthrough.Su Mengxi's cultivation has also reached a bottleneck, and he can no longer break through. Li Yi knows that if he breaks through again, he can reach the legendary foundation-building stage.

"Husband, how can we break through?" Su Mengxi was very excited. She knew that every time a cultivator breaks through a level, his cultivation will improve a lot, and he will be able to comprehend more powerful supernatural powers.For example, one can only control objects in the Qi training stage, and one can fly with a sword in the foundation building stage. If it reaches the Jindan stage, it will be even more remarkable, and can easily soar between the heavens and the earth.

Li Yi smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, "I don't know, maybe I'll break through if I relax."

"Then let's go for a walk on the deck!" Su Mengxi changed into a white dress, took Li Yi's hand and walked to the deck.

Because in the evening, many people on the deck came out for a walk, and most of these people were smuggled tourists.

Among the crowd, a middle-aged man in a suit came over and said to Su Mengxi: "This beautiful lady, my name is Ma Xiangdong, can I have dinner with you?" It's not that he didn't see Li Yi, but He automatically ignored it, because he felt that Li Yi was very young and should be Su Mengxi's younger brother.

Having completed the task so smoothly, Su Mengxi was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

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