super jade

Chapter 314 You Can't Understand My Life

Ma Xiangdong was very excited, as if he didn't expect the other party to agree so quickly, and said: "Miss Beauty, do you really agree to have dinner with me?"

Su Mengxi didn't answer her directly, but pretended to be helpless and said: "I have no problem, but I'm afraid his brother will disagree." After speaking, he glanced at Li Yi beside him.

"Oh! He's your younger brother!" Ma Xiangdong waved his hands and said disapprovingly, "What do kids know? Let him play on the boat by himself."

Su Mengxi shook her head and said, "But he's not a child anymore."

"He's just a high school student, at most a half-grown kid." Ma Xiangdong said, "It's inconvenient to take him with us when we eat, right?"

"What you said makes sense, but his brother disagrees with that sentence." Su Mengxi repeated what he said just now.

Ma Xiangdong thought he had heard it just now, and when he heard this again, he frowned and said, "He still has a younger brother?"

"Don't you have a younger brother?" Li Yifan asked back.

"Of course I have a younger brother. His name is Ma Xiangjie, and you don't even know each other." Ma Xiangjie still didn't understand the meaning of the words.

"So you are Ma Xiangjie's brother, and you are also from Tianma Airlines?" Li Yi didn't expect that Yuanjia Road was narrow, so he could meet people from Ma's family.

"Hehe! You even know about Tianma Airlines!" Ma Xiangdong looked at Su Mengxi and said, "Beautiful lady, don't you think it's an insult to eat with me?"

"You are not qualified to eat with him, my brother will not agree." Li Yi sneered.

Ma Xiangdong was angry, he felt that the other party was just looking for trouble, and said: "Boy, does it have anything to do with whether your brother agrees with me to find her for dinner?"

"She's my woman, do you think it matters?" Li Yi said and hugged Su Mengxi in his arms.

"What, she is your woman?" Ma Xiangdong's eyes widened. He finally knew why the other party kept saying that his younger brother disagreed. It turned out that this younger brother was not that younger brother.

"Ma Xiangdong, right! I heard that your Tianma company is so arrogant that you don't even let others board the plane." Li Yi snorted coldly, "Go back and tell your father that your company's good days are over."

"Who are you?" Ma Xiangdong asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I can bring down your Tianma company." After speaking, Li Yi walked towards the deck ahead with his arms around Su Mengxi.

Coming to the front of the deck, the two looked at the endless sea, Su Mengxi said: "Why didn't you punish him just now? This doesn't suit your style!"

"A small character, I don't have time to play with him." Li Yi said.

"This time you become a national hero, and a group of people will be unlucky." Su Mengxi suggested, "Why don't you buy Tianma Company! Then Yao Min will not be able to escape from your grasp."

" really want to take her down?" Li Yi was surprised.

"She is a beautiful woman, don't you have any interest?" Su Mengxi giggled, "Besides, she is a stewardess, is there any temptation in her uniform?"

"Hearing what you said, I'm really interested." Li Yi said with a smile.

At this time, a huge island appeared in front of it. The sea scenery was beautiful, and birds could be seen flying vaguely.

"It's not bad here, I don't know which country's territory it belongs to." Li Yi said in a deep voice.

"Are you interested in this place?" Su Mengxi said, "If I'm not wrong, this should be the territory of the United States. Do you want to buy this place?"

"I want to buy an island, I don't know if they agree or not." Li Yi replied.

"There are always opportunities, and it depends on human efforts." Su Mengxi said a meaningful sentence.

Speaking of Ma Xiangdong, he returned to his room and called his younger brother, saying, "Did you receive the WeChat message I sent you? Who is that kid?"

"Damn, how did you meet him?" Ma Xiangjie asked in surprise.

"I didn't go to the United States to discuss business. I couldn't come back there by plane, so I came back by boat, and I happened to meet them on the boat." Ma Xiangdong said depressedly, "I thought I met a beautiful woman and wanted to go up to strike up a conversation, but I didn't expect that the other party would still be there. Boyfriend, you haven't told me who he is yet!"

"Who else is it? This woman is Su Mengxi, and that man is Li Yi." Ma Xiangjie replied.

"Fuck me, he is Li Yi!" Ma Xiangdong said, "Didn't you always want to kill him? This is the open sea, how about I help you."

"Thanks, if you don't want to be eaten by sharks, you can help me!" Ma Xiangjie said sarcastically.

"Fuck, what do you mean, do you doubt my ability?" Ma Xiangdong said, "I have been trained in the special forces, just that kid, I can knock it down with two hits."

"Brother, do you really think you are awesome?" Ma Xiangjie said, "Didn't you read the recent news! No matter how awesome you are, can you be better than America?"

"What do you mean?" Ma Xiangdong asked puzzled.

"The United States has been messed up recently. It is said that many secrets have been stolen." Ma Xiangjie said, "When I inquired about the information, Li Yi went to the United States to carry out a secret mission a short time ago."

"What, you said it was Li Yi's work?" Ma Xiangdong asked in surprise, "Is this news reliable?"

"I'm not sure, but the Zeng family tried to kill him several times, but failed to kill him even with missiles. You are not in China recently, so you don't know how powerful that kid is." Ma Xiangjie said, "By the way, he recognized you ?"

"As soon as I mention your name, he will know my identity." Ma Xiangdong smiled wryly.

Ma Xiangjie's heart skipped a beat, and he roared angrily, "I'm ignorant of you, why are you mentioning my name?"

"What else can I do? I just want to show off my financial resources. How did I know I met them?" Ma Xiangdong said depressedly, "He asked me to send a message to my father, telling us Tianma Airlines to be careful."

"Damn! If he really did what happened to America, we will be in danger. The country will definitely sacrifice our family in order to use him." Ma Xiangjie worried.

"Then what should we do?" Ma Xiangdong asked nervously.

"Hmph! What else can I do? You provoked it, you go and solve it!" Ma Xiangjie finished talking and hung up the phone.

At around ten o'clock that night, many people were asleep. Li Yi and Su Mengxi had just laid down when there was a knock on the door outside the room.

Opening the door, Ma Xiangdong came in and said, "Both of you, you slept quite early."

"You came to us to talk nonsense?" Li Yi asked back.

"Li Yi, we are all smart people. I know that you did what happened to America." Ma Xiangdong said what he meant, and said, "I won't tell the top management of America. If you let Ma's family go, we will never violate the river. ?”

"What if I don't agree?" Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hmph! Are you not afraid of my informant?" Ma Xiangdong threatened, "You know the national strength of the United States, once you are designated as a terrorist, you will be hunted down all over the world."

"Okay! I hope you can speak out." Li Yi said nonchalantly, "It's getting late, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, you can go out."

"You, you wait for me." Ma Xiangdong glared at Li Yi, and left the room resentfully.

Su Mengxi leaned on Li Yi's chest and said, "Don't kill them?"

"Don't you think this is an opportunity?" Li Yi asked back.

"What chance?" Su Mengxi's eyes were full of puzzlement.

After Li Yi explained briefly, Su Mengxi suddenly realized, and said: "This trick is too great. If the Ma family really tells it, it will really be over this time."

More than ten days later, when Li Yi returned to China, he was received by the head of Tianchao No. [-].

No one knew what the two talked about in private, but after the conversation ended, the domestic high-level officials reshuffled the cards.

The Wang family collapsed, Wang Xianzhong was imprisoned by shuanggui, and many officials of the Wang family were dismissed.

Not long after, the top executives of the Ma family were arrested, and the shares of Malaysia Airlines were auctioned.

Some officials went down, and another group of officials came up. The most incomprehensible thing was that a small district head in ** City instantly became the top leader in the province and the secretary of the provincial party committee.Those in the know knew that this person was in the favor of a certain mysterious person, but those who didn't know thought that the other party was fawning on a certain high-ranking official.

Many years later, the retired Chief No. [-] wrote in his memoirs that when we met for the first time, he showed a different aura. Growth also confirms this sentence.I vaguely remember that at the end of the conversation that year, he said a word to me, which I still can't forget.

"I will give you what the country needs, and I will do more things for the country, because I am a Chinese, and I can't forget the humiliation a hundred years ago. However, I am a person with clear grievances and grievances, and I know what must be done. Do, those who trouble me must disappear."

After Li Yi returned to China, because the domestic situation was stable and no important information was investigated abroad for the time being, he lived a simple and comfortable life.Attending classes during the day, staying with Su Mengxi and others at night, and not making much progress with Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei, the two insisted on going to university before they could be together.

Time flies, and a few months have passed in a blink of an eye, and it is June again, and it is time for the college entrance examination.

Before the exam, Liu Wei and Zhang Chao found Li Yi, and the former said, "Brother Yi, which school are you going to take this time?"

"Go to university!" Li Yi replied.

"Uh... With your grades, it's okay to be admitted to Tianchao University of Science and Technology. Why did you enter ** University?" Liu Wei was puzzled.

Zhang Chao also said: "If I were you, I would go to the University of Science and Technology, which is the top university in China."

"You guys are stupid! There are all academic masters there, and the girls are all at the level of dinosaurs. Do you think I can be happy if I go in?" Li Yi rolled his eyes straight.

"It's true, but we also want to go to the same university as you." Zhang Chao said.

"What about you?" Li Yi looked at Liu Wei and said, "You want to go to college too?"

"You need to have a diploma in the mixed world. Brothers who don't have a college degree don't accept it." Liu Wei laughed and said, "Boss, our grades in the ** University are a bit hanging, can you help us?"

"No problem, tell me the classroom you are in, and I will give you the note after learning." Li Yi agreed.

"Brother Yi, you are so kind, I love you so much." Liu Wei said excitedly, "Well, this is the classroom where our girlfriends are, don't go wrong."

Li Yi glanced at it, and was speechless immediately, and said, "Three?"

"Hey! That's my girlfriend Chenchen, so you can help me by the way!" Liu Wei said with a smile.

On the day of the exam, Li Yi was the busiest person. After finishing the test papers, he had to run to the other three exam rooms. The key is that these three exam rooms are not in the same place.I wanted to ask Su Mengxi for help, but this girl recently went out to carry out a mission, so he could only send notes back and forth by himself.In order to let Liu Wei and others get good grades in the test, Li Yi answered the questions surprisingly fast, and finished writing in less than half an hour.

On the morning of the first day, after Li Yi finished writing the paper, he was going to the podium to hand in the paper.

One of the invigilators came over and said sharply, "This is a classmate, what are you doing?"

"It's finished, hand in the paper!" Li Yi replied.

The teacher snorted coldly and said, "I handed in the paper within half an hour. This is the college entrance examination. Are you worthy of your parents and the teacher's training if you don't study hard?"

Hearing the truth, Li Yi was a little bit dizzy, and he also said a meaningful sentence, "Teacher, I understand everything you said, but you can't understand my life."

Li Yi put the paper on the desk and left. The teacher took a look at the paper and snorted coldly: "Students like this are the failure of the country..." Before he could say the last word, he widened his eyes. He squinted his eyes, because he was surprised to find that all the questions in the paper were correct, and none of them was wrong.

After a long time, the invigilator sighed, "I really don't understand your life."

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