super jade

Chapter 329 Let me tell you a funny chapter

This afternoon, everyone took a walk along the lakeside scenic spot and chatted about the happy things that happened recently.

Du Haibo also woke up from a coma, but when he remembered what happened in the afternoon, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"This bastard actually put sharks in the lake, I can't spare him." Du Haibo said angrily.

"Boss, how did he transport such a big shark?" Little Black Hu Duocheng was puzzled, "Even if we have a grudge against Li Yi, you can't frame him!"

"Shut up, I'll say it's him." Others don't know Li Yi's strength, but Du Haibo knows it all too well. The young master of the Zeng family told him all this.

"Then, what should we do now?" Hu Duocheng asked.

"Hmph! Did he think that I would give up pursuing Xiao Fei? He was wrong." Du Haibo looked at the two and said, "Do you know how to conquer a woman?"

"It's easy, just take her away and force her to go." Wang Haisheng said.

"Bullshit! I did this last time, what happened? Not only did it fail, Xiaofei now hates me." Du Haibo snorted coldly, "This is a strong attack, I'm talking about outsmarting."

"I see." Hu Duocheng raised his hand and said, "Put her in a vegetable state, so that she can sleep next to her every day, and conquer whenever she wants."

"I'm stupid, I said outsmart, can you understand what I mean?" Du Haibo raised his hand in shock.

Hu Duocheng rubbed his head and said, "Boss, you better think about it!"

"Hmph! I know you guys can't figure it out." Du Haibo was silent for a while, and said slowly, "To conquer a woman, let her fall in love with you first."

"But Chen Xiaofei loves Li Yi, how could she fall in love with you again?" Wang Haisheng was puzzled.

"This is the crux of the problem. You have thought about why she fell in love with Li Yi, because it was because I failed to attack and Li Yi saved her, so she fell in love with Li Yi." Du Haibo said.

"Boss, it's not right! I remember they were together a long time ago." Wang Haisheng interrupted.

"That's not the point. The point is to be a hero to save the beauty." Du Haibo said, "Wait a while you pretend to be vicious, and then go kidnap Chen Xiaofei, and I'll go secretly to save her..."

"Boss, is this plan reliable?" Hu Duocheng asked depressedly.

Wang Haisheng also felt unreliable, saying: "This is against the law, what if we are taken away by the police?"

"What are you afraid of? There are people above me, and the police won't take you away." Du Haibo said, "As for whether this plan is reliable, let me answer you this way. Is there a time when my plan is unreliable?"

"Uh... your plan has never been successful." Wang Haisheng thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, and said, "Boss, can we kidnap her under Li Yi's nose?"

"Leave Li Yi to me, you can go there at ease." Du Haibo said the detailed plan.

Li Yi and others were walking by the lake. Suddenly, Du Haibo ran over and said, "Li Yi, I have something I want to talk to you about. Is it convenient for you?"

"Are you talking to me?" Li Yi didn't know what medicine this guy was selling in his gourd, so he nodded and said, "Okay! If you have anything to say, just say it!"

"It's not convenient to talk here, let's talk over there!" Du Haibo pointed to a gazebo not far away.

"Okay!" Li Yi followed Du Haibo to the pavilion.

Du Haibo secretly winked at the two of them. Not long after they left, the two masked men walked towards Chen Xiaofei and the others.

"Robbery, hand over all your money." Hu Duocheng said holding a dagger.

"We have no money!" Wang Shanshan said.

Chen Xiaofei clapped her hands and said, "You guys are so brave, you dare to rob us."

"Stop talking nonsense, it's fine if you don't take money, you come with us." Hu Duocheng said and walked towards Chen Xiaofei.

Chen Xiaofei took a few steps back subconsciously. Just as she was about to speak, she saw Du Haibo running over suddenly, "Hey! You guys don't want to live anymore, and even robbed my girlfriend, I will kill you..."

No matter how stupid everyone was, they knew that this was a play Du Haibo acted and directed. Otherwise, as Du Haibo, how would he have the courage to fight against gamblers?

However, everyone guessed the beginning, but they couldn't guess the ending.

In the next scene, everyone was dumbfounded and wanted to know what happened.

"Why did you run behind us?" Hu Duocheng said something that everyone couldn't understand, and then quickly walked towards Du Haibo with a dagger.

"What are you doing talking so much nonsense with him? Hurry up and arrest him." Wang Haisheng said.

Du Haibo was startled, and when the two approached, he hurriedly lowered his voice and said, "What are you doing, didn't I let them see me and punch me a few times, and then take her away?"

"Hit your head, we are here to catch you." Hu Duocheng subdued Du Haibo, and then took out the rope to tie him up.

Seeing such a scene, Chen Xiaofei frowned and said, "Which one are they playing?"

"I think Du Haibo let us see him kidnapped and wanted to win our sympathy and let us rescue him." Wang Shanshan said with a wry smile, "I didn't expect someone to come up with such a stupid way."

Hu Duocheng and Wang Haisheng quickly took Du Haibo away under the eyes of everyone, and then took him to a mountain a few miles away.

At this time, Li Yi followed up and said mysteriously: "Do you want to know what they are doing?"

"We don't want to know what they are doing, but what's going on?" Chen Xiaofei asked curiously, and she also guessed that Li Yi had made a move secretly.

"It's very simple. I cast an illusion on Du Haibo. In the eyes of Hu Duocheng and Wang Haisheng, his current appearance is Xiaofei's appearance." Li Yi is so smart, Du Haibo took him to the pavilion, and then found an excuse to leave first, And tell him not to leave, then he will know what this kid is going to do.

"I said they were going to arrest me, why did they turn around and kidnap Du Haibo again, so that's how it is." Chen Xiaofei asked again, "Li Yi, when did you learn illusion?"

Before Li Yi answered, Chen Jiaojiao heard the strangeness and said in surprise, "Brother-in-law, do you know illusion?"

These secrets are only known to the women around Li Yi. Chen Xiaofei and Wang Shanshan only know a little bit, but they understand that these things cannot be told to outsiders.

Chen Xiaofei coughed lightly, and said, "Well, it's nothing, let's go and have a look!"

"Yes! I also want to know how they will treat Du Haibo." Wang Shanshan also changed the subject.

Chen Jiaojiao was upset, pouted, and said, "Hmph! You didn't tell me?"

The two women really didn't want to say it out, but they were not wary of her, they were more wary of Zhang Qianqian.

"It's nothing serious, I'll tell you tonight." Chen Xiaofei whispered a few words into the little girl's ear, the girl smiled happily and clapped her hands, "Old sister, don't lie to me!"

The crowd followed all the way to the hill, and seeing them enter a cave, Li Yi said: "You wait for me here, I will go to the cave to have a look first."

"Brother-in-law, I will go with you." Chen Jiaojiao volunteered.

" stay here! There are things inappropriate for children." Li Yi waved his hand.

Chen Jiaojiao frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "I'm not a child anymore, and if a few grown men get together, something unsuitable for children will happen?"

"Little sister, don't make trouble, your brother-in-law will tell us what happened inside." Chen Xiaofei grabbed the little girl and motioned Li Yi to hurry over.

The cave is not big, only a few square meters, and there is a wooden bed in the cave.

Du Haibo was tied up on the bed with a stinky sock stuffed in his mouth. He couldn't speak at all, he could only falter and yell non-stop.

"Where did the boss go, why isn't he here?" Wang Haisheng asked.

Hu Duocheng shook his head and said, "Wait a little longer! Maybe the boss will bring security later."

After waiting for another 10 minutes, but still not waiting for Du Haibo, Wang Haisheng went out of the cave and made a phone call, only to find that the other party's phone was turned off. He said depressedly, "Damn, the boss turned off the phone."

"Fuck, you are stupid! Calling now, wouldn't it make people know that we are in the same group." Hu Duocheng snatched the phone and deleted the call history.

At this time, footsteps came from outside the cave, and they looked up, only to see "Du Haibo" walking over.

"Boss, why are you here alone?" Wang Haisheng asked in a low voice.

The person who came was Li Yi, who had already changed into Du Haibo's appearance, and imitated his voice and said: "The plan has changed, you will deal with her later."


As soon as this remark came out, both of them were stunned. Wang Haisheng was puzzled and said, "Boss, did you ask us to take care of her?"

"That's right, I'll go in and save her after you do it." Li Yi said in a commanding tone.

"Wait, boss, she is your sweetheart, you let me do it?" Wang Haisheng shook his head like a rattle, he couldn't do this.

"Hmph! When you guys are going to do it later, I will shoot secretly. Although I let you take advantage of it, but this video is in my hands, and I can control her for the rest of my life." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "Think about it, she must Afraid that I will publish the video, I can ask her to be with me, wouldn't that be better?"

"Boss, you are so awesome, you can think of this method, I admire you so much." Hu Duocheng thought of something after the flattery, and changed the subject, "Boss, are we really waiting?"

"Hold this, wait for the real guns to do it." Li Yi handed them a box with condoms inside.

Hu Duocheng agreed, but Wang Haisheng still felt it was wrong, and said, "Boss, he can do it alone, I'll just forget it!"

"What are you afraid of, kid? I'll give you 300 million afterwards to make sure you're fine." Li Yi knew that although these two people had some money in their families, they didn't have much money in their hands. 300 million was a big number for them.

Sure enough, Wang Haisheng hesitated, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll do it!"

The two returned to the cave, and quickly took off Du Haibo's shirt without saying a word.

"I'm stupid, this is an airport! It's too peaceful, it's no different from mine." Hu Duocheng said depressedly, "I think she looks big in clothes, why does she look like a man?"

"Boss asked us to fuck her, and it's not for fun, what are you looking at?" Wang Haisheng took off his pants, and suddenly his eyes blurred, and a woman's body appeared.He took out the cover, put on his overalls, and stuffed it into Du Haibo's ass, but found it quite difficult to get in.

"Damn it, it's too difficult to get into! Is it like this everywhere?" Although Wang Haisheng has played with many women, he has never played with a single place. He thinks that it is not so difficult to get into even a woman!

"You kid can't make a mistake, right! Did it get in your ass~ eye?" Hu Duocheng reminded.

Under the severe pain, Du Haibo had tears in his eyes, wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound, wanted to stop but was tied up again.

Li Yi knew that there was no need to look any further. He walked to the foot of the mountain and came to the place where Chen Xiaofei and others were.

"Brother-in-law, what happened inside?" Chen Jiaojiao asked curiously.

Li Yi smiled wryly, but he didn't know how to start it. He coughed lightly: "Well, let me tell you a joke! You will understand after listening."

Chen Xiaofei and Wang Shanshan rolled their eyes, and the former said depressedly: "It's that kind of joke again!"

"No, I promise, this is a pure joke." Li Yi's voice was not loud, but he was very sure.

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