super jade

Chapter 330 Chrysanthemum Hurts Everytime After Drinking!

Chen Jiaojiao suddenly applauded and said, "Brother-in-law, tell me quickly, I like listening to jokes the most."

"Let's say that a person came to the forest and lost his way, and accidentally came to a cave with seven small beds in the cave." Li Yi said slowly, "This person just thought, could it be that I have become Snow White? The seven dwarfs in the fairy tale? But when the seven came at night, he realized that was not the case."

This is not a joke at all, it looks more like a story, Chen Xiaofei frowned and said: "Aren't those seven little people dwarfs?"

"Of course not, guess who it is?" Li Yi asked.

Chen Jiaojiao giggled and said, "I see, seven little ants."

"Uh... do you think ants need a bed?" Li Yi shook his head.

Chen Xiaofei waited for the girls to think for a long time, but they couldn't figure out the answer. Wang Shan said, "Li Yi, don't be fooled. Who are those seven people?"

"Gourd baby!" Li Yi replied.

The girls were speechless for a while, this joke is too cold!

Chen Xiaofei glared at Li Yi, and said angrily: "Does this joke have something to do with Du Haibo and others?"

"Think about it, what does Calabash Baby mean?" Li Yi asked mysteriously.

"Gourd baby, rub baby with each other?" Chen Xiaofei understood in a blink of an eye, her pretty face blushed slightly, "Hmph! Don't make such jokes in front of children from now on."

Wang Shanshan and Zhang Qianqian also figured it out, smiled embarrassingly, and didn't speak.

Only Chen Jiaojiao couldn't understand the meaning of the words, and kept asking: "Brother-in-law, what is the meaning of this joke!"

"Actually, that means..." Li Yi was interrupted by Chen Xiaofei before he could say an answer.

Chen Xiaofei glared at Li Yi again, and said sharply: "Don't say it." Then she looked at Chen Jiaojiao and said, "Little sister, you will understand when you grow up."

"Sister, I'm already big, just tell me!" Chen Jiaojiao begged, holding her hand.

Chen Xiaofei waved her hand and said, "How old are you, you are still a child."

"Huh! I'm really big." Chen Jiaojiao pursed her mouth, glanced at her immature breasts, and said angrily, "If you don't believe me, let my brother-in-law touch me, mine is not too small."


Chen Jiaojiao had said this for the second time, Chen Xiaofei almost ran away, raised her fist and said: "Don't say any more, let's go there to gather!"

Not long after Li Yi and the others left, two people were having sex in the cave, and suddenly found that the person on the bed flashed, and his appearance changed dramatically.

Just now, she was still a pretty girl, but she suddenly turned into a man, and this man was their boss, Du Haibo.

Wang Haisheng's body trembled, and the twitching big guy stopped. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Xiao Hei, am I dazzled? He seems to be the boss."

"You're out of your mind! Didn't the boss just leave?" Xiao Hei snorted coldly, "Hurry up, I'll go after you are done! Don't delay my good work!"

Wang Haisheng looked at the person on the bed again, but no matter how he saw it was Du Haibo, he said, "Xiao Hei, just take a look!"

"Okay, let me take a look. If you kid tricks me, I won't let you go." Hu Duocheng raised his head to look, and his mouth opened wide.

"Boss, boss, why are you here?" Hu Duocheng gasped, suddenly looked at the place where Wang Haisheng was twitching, and said in astonishment, "Look down..."

Wang Haisheng looked down, hey, I'll go, how can the deep place become a man's chrysanthemum?

"Is he really the boss?" The thought came to the minds of both of them at the same time, Hu Duocheng reacted quickly, opened the other's pants, and then searched on the thigh.

Not long after, the two saw a birthmark the size of a thumb, and their faces became quite ugly.

Du Haibo also guessed that the two of them saw his identity, he hesitated and yelled loudly, his eyes seemed to say: "You two bastards, don't untie me yet..."

Hu Duocheng walked towards Du Haibo tremblingly, quickly pulled out the stinky socks from his mouth, and said, "Boss, boss, why did you get here?"

"Fuck! You two are courting death, aren't you!" Du Haibo roared angrily, "You still ask me how I got here, didn't I get kidnapped by you two bastards?"

"Boss, we tied Chen Xiaofei!" Hu Duocheng said puzzled.

"Chen your mother's head, I was tied up by you, and you are still pretending to be confused?" Du Haibo scolded angrily, "Quickly let me go, I will kill you today..."

Hearing this, the two dared not obey the order. Wang Haisheng gritted his teeth and said, "Boss, are you really going to kill us?"

"I'm stupid! You blasted my ass, can I let you go?" Du Haibo's heart was bleeding, this was not the first time he was fucked, the last time he was cheated by Wang Meng when he was plotting against Chen Xiaofei.

Wang Haisheng shrank his pupils and said, "Boss, you came up with this plan, so don't blame us!"

"My plan was so perfect, but you made it like this, you wait to see the King of Hades!" Du Haibo was annoyed at the thought of being unable to get out of bed for a few days after being raped last time.

Hu Duocheng hesitated for a moment, and was about to untie Du Haibo, saying: "Boss, calm down..."

Wang Haisheng grabbed him and said, "You are crazy, the boss wants to kill us!"

"No! The boss was joking with us." Hu Duocheng was out of his mind, and he didn't think Du Haibo would kill them because of this.

"No! You can't untie it!" Wang Haisheng looked at Du Haibo and said, "Boss, it's okay for us to untie you. You must promise us not to trouble us afterwards."

"You kid is threatening me?" Du Haibo said angrily.

"Boss, this is not a threat, but a negotiation." Wang Haisheng said, "Besides, you can't blame me for this matter. I saw you were very happy just now, don't you feel comfortable?"

"Fuck! I'm comfortable on your mother's head, are you comfortable being fucked?" After Du Haibo scolded angrily, he also calmed down. The two really can't be blamed for this matter. Li Yi must have seen through his plan and used it It was only through the tricks that the two mistook him for Chen Xiaofei, so they said, "Okay! I won't trouble you afterwards."

"Boss, this is what you said. I have evidence here." Wang Haisheng did not know when he took out his mobile phone and secretly recorded the audio.

After Hu Duo was untied, Du Haibo regained his freedom. He quickly put on his clothes, kicked Wang Haisheng, and roared, "You idiot, next time you execute the plan, remember to use your brain more."

Wang Haisheng was kicked flying by this kick and landed on the ground three meters away. He said with a pale face, "Boss, didn't you say you don't want to trouble us?"

"I'm here to teach you a lesson, who made you lose your mind?" Du Haibo snorted coldly after venting his anger, "Did someone come to you just now?"

"Yes! You came to see us just now." Hu Duocheng was afraid that Du Haibo would take his anger out on him, so he quickly explained what happened just now.

Du Haibo kicked Xiao Hei again, and roared angrily, "Fuck! He has no brains and neither do you. I'm tied up here, how can I talk to you?"

"Uh...boss, that man looks like you and speaks like you!" Hu Duocheng said aggrievedly.

Du Haibo didn't continue to scold, he had to figure out the reason of the matter, and said, "Tell me, what kind of clothes was that man wearing just now?"

"A blue T-shirt with a little Teemo on it!" Hu Duocheng slapped his thigh and said, "Yes, it's Teemo. I've also played League of Legends, so it must be a million dollars..."

"That person must be Li Yi, and he also has a dress like this." Du Haibo clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth, "Li Yi, you wait for me, this matter won't just be left like this."

"Boss, do we still want revenge?" Wang Haisheng felt a little guilty, who knows if the next plan will end in failure.

"Of course I want to take revenge, and I want to take revenge on him severely." Du Haibo said angrily.

Wang Haisheng didn't want to participate in this plan anymore, and said, "Boss, can you stop us from carrying out the mission this time?"

"Hmph! I didn't expect to count on you either. After you do what I say, I'll meet that kid myself." Du Haibo left with the two of them after speaking.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when it was time to assemble, all the students came.

The homeroom teacher, Cao Chuanlei, seemed to have drunk a lot, walked over staggeringly, and said, "Du Haibo, count the number of people, everyone is here!"

"Mr. Cao, Du Haibo is not here." One of the students said.

"Not here? Where did he go?" Cao Chuanlei said to Chen Xiaofei, seeing that everyone didn't know, "Come and order!"

There were not many students in Class [-] and [-] of Senior High School. After a few glances, Chen Xiaofei knew what to expect, and said, "Mr. Cao, except for Du Haibo, Wang Haisheng and Hu Duocheng, everyone else is here."

"It's strange, where have they gone?" Cao Chuanlei was about to call Du Haibo when he saw three people walking towards this side slowly.

Two of them supported one in the middle, and that person was limping when he walked, it was not Du Haibo, whoever it was.

"Young Master Du... Du Haibo, where have you been? Everyone is waiting for you!" Cao Chuanlei asked.

"Old Ban, I went climbing just now, so I came late." Du Haibo saw that everyone was looking at him with strange eyes, especially Li Yi's mouth was still smiling, and he was afraid that the other party would reveal his situation, so he hurriedly explained, "I was playing on the mountain just now, and I accidentally fell down, so it's not convenient to walk."

Cao Chuanlei nodded, and just about to speak, Li Yi suddenly said: "Squad leader, it doesn't seem to be the case!"

"Hmph! What if it's not like this?" Du Haibo asked.

"In this way, I will tell a joke to everyone, and everyone will know what's going on after listening to it." Li Yi said.

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xiaofei and the others were speechless, looking at him as if saying: You told jokes and said you were addicted.

Chen Jiaojiao thought that Li Yi was still talking about the joke just now, but she still hasn't figured out the joke, so she couldn't help asking: "Brother-in-law, is it still the story about Snow White and the seven gourd babies?"


All the students were startled, they really couldn't understand, what is the relationship between Snow White and Calabash Baby?

Li Yi shook his head, he coughed lightly, and said: "It's not the story, this story is about two good friends in the forest, one is a fox and the other is a little rabbit. One day the fox invited the little rabbit to drink, and he couldn't drink enough The little rabbit got drunk, and then gave him to that. After a few days, the fox asked the little rabbit to drink again. Do you know what the little rabbit said?"

This story existed a long time ago. Many male students have heard of it, but most of the female students can't understand the meaning of the words.

Just like this, many female students were quite curious, and someone asked: "Li Yi, what did Xiaotu say?"

"Little Rabbit said, don't go, every time after drinking, the chrysanthemum hurts!"

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