super jade

Chapter 344 What brand of jelly is this?

Li Yi did not answer his words, but looked at Jiao Tianze who was unconscious on the bed, and said, "Let me ask you, is 350 billion more important, or your son's life?"

"What are you going to do?" Jiao Tianze's face darkened, and his subordinates hurried to the bed.

"I don't do anything, and your son can't wake up." Li Yi narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want 350 billion now, or your son's life?"

"Are you threatening me?" Jiao Tianze said coldly.

"No, this is not a threat, but an exchange." Li Yi said sternly, "As long as you promise me, forget it, and I will let your son wake up."

Jiao Tianze smiled coldly and said, "Do you have this ability?" After speaking, he winked at his subordinates.

The three of them stepped forward at the same time, waved their fists, and hit Li Yi.

"Be careful!" Wang Tiantian shouted.

Li Yi's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly raised his right hand, only to see the shadow of the fist flashing, and the three of them fell to the ground one after another, with serious injuries.

"They are not my opponents. I don't want to say what I just said a second time." Li Yi said sternly.

Jiao Tianze's expression changed, he realized that he had encountered a master, and said, "Who are you?"

These people are the masters he hired at a high price, and they won all battles. Unexpectedly, they were knocked down by the opponent in the blink of an eye, and they were unable to get up.

"You gave me 100 billion some time ago, didn't you forget?" Li Yi asked.

Jiao Tianze finally heard Li Yi's identity, gritted his teeth and said, "So it's you."

"Okay, let's talk about the conditions just now!" Li Yi said, "I know you have a master under you, who seems to be called Xiao Huang, and you expect him to save your son, right!"

Jiao Tianze really thought so, he snorted coldly and said, "Let's see."

"Take your son away! I don't even bother to kill him, remember what I said, if he can't wake your son up, I will cancel the money for him to wake up." Li Yi said solemnly.

"Hmph!" Jiao Tianze glared at Li Yi, asked his subordinates to carry his son away and left.

In the room, there were only three points left, Wang Yide looked at Li Yi, and said, "What's your name?"

"Uncle Wang, do you remember me?" Li Yi asked.

"Are you a killer?" Wang Yide really couldn't remember, he didn't investigate Li Yi's situation recently, and Li Yi didn't look like this in the investigation back then.


Li Yi was completely speechless, what did this guy think, and said with a wry smile: "Okay! Just treat me as a killer!"

"Are you and my daughter okay?" Wang Yide's heart skipped a beat. He could see that the relationship between the two was unusual.

Li Yi didn't talk nonsense, hugged Wang Tiantian in his arms, and said, "She is my girlfriend now."

Wang Yide was confused again, and asked his daughter: "Don't you like Li Yi?"

"He is Li Yi. We have been together since we met last month." Wang Tiantian rested her head on Li Yi's shoulder, as long as Li Yi was by her side, she would not be afraid of the sky falling.

Wang Yide suddenly realized, and said: "I didn't expect it! You turned into a killer. I heard that you were very good at fighting when you were in junior high school. You really beat the world."

"Uncle Wang, I'm here this time, and I hope you promise us to be together." Li Yi said.

Wang Yide sneered and said, "Do you think that if you save me this time, I will promise you to be together?"

"You used to look down on me because my family had no money. Now that I have money, do you still refuse us to be together?" Li Yi asked and answered.

Wang Yide shook his head and said, "It's not about money, but about your ability. No matter how much money you have, if you don't have the ability, I still won't marry my daughter to you."

"I don't have the ability to be rich?" Li Yi also lost his temper and said, "My ability is greater than you imagined now."

"Yes! You are a killer. Others are afraid of you, but I am not." Wang Yide said with a firm attitude, "I still say the same thing, I want to marry my daughter, show your ability."

"Don't worry, I will let you marry your daughter to me." Li Yi grabbed Wang Tiantian's hand and said, "Let's go..."

"Stop for me." Seeing the two leaving, Wang Yide quickly chased downstairs.

Li Yi didn't stop, when he walked outside the door, he said, "If you have the ability, you can stop us from leaving here."

"Come on, stop them." Wang Yide shouted to the bodyguards in front of the door.

Those bodyguards all saw Li Yi's back just now, and no one stopped him. They knew that even if they shot, they couldn't stop him.

Li Yi smiled, took Wang Tiantian's hand to get into an Audi car, and drove away like lightning.

Wang Yide is so angry!To one of the bodyguards: "Sun Tai, why don't you stop him?"

"Old, master, can't you see that he is a master?" Sun Tai tremblingly said, "You also said just now that he is a killer, even with that murderous aura, we dare not stop him..."

"Trash, you are all trash!" Wang Yide said angrily.

Besides, on Li Yi's side, the two were sitting in the car, Wang Tiantian smiled happily, and said, "You still took me to elope."

"No, this is not elopement, I'm taking you out for a few days." Li Yi said mysteriously.

"Ah! You won't take me back to ** City!" Wang Tiantian was a little disappointed, "We are so boring here, aren't you afraid that my dad will find someone to arrest you?"

"It's good that he can handle his own affairs well, and the Jiao family will not let him go." Li Yi investigated Jiao Tianze, and this guy is someone who must take revenge.

Of course, only when the opponent's strength is lower than him will he take revenge. If he is as strong as Li Yi, he will bear it.

Just like the last time he was cheated of 100 billion, this guy knew he couldn't find Li Yi, so he had to give up.

"Isn't my dad in danger now?" Wang Tiantian worried.

"The Jiao family didn't dare to come here. They would take revenge secretly at most. Your father can't stand it anymore. If we show up again, won't he be able to see my ability?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Wang Tiantian is also a smart girl, she knew Li Yi's purpose in a blink of an eye, and said, "Where shall we go at night?"

"Let's go to your father's hotel! He knows where we are going and is at ease." Li Yi said, "I have opened all the rooms, and I will go there after dinner."

Wang Tiantian blushed, as if she knew what was going to happen tonight, and said, "Wait to the pharmacy!"

"Are you sick?" Li Yi said.

"No, I'm not sick." Wang Tiantian's cheeks turned redder, she lowered her head and hesitated, "We'll do that at night, don't you want to buy a condom?"


Li Yi was speechless immediately, and said: "Even if you do it, you don't need it!"

"You are not afraid of having a child!" Wang Tiantian blushed, "If you want a child, I will give birth to one for you."

"Didn't I say before that when your father promises us to be together, are we going to be there?" Li Yi also wanted to be with Wang Tiantian, but remembering what happened back then, he had to prove to Wang Yide that your original decision was wrong .

"Ah! I still have to wait, how long will I have to wait?" Wang Tiantian said in disappointment.

"Soon, a few days at most." Li Yi suddenly sensed something, laughed, and said, "Even if you want to, we can't do it today!"

"Why?" Just after Wang Tiantian finished speaking, she suddenly felt a heat in her lower body, and said in surprise, "How do you know that I'm coming to my aunt today?"

"Hey! Because I'm a fairy." Li Yi said with a smile.

Wang Tiantian didn't believe it, and said, "Just blow it up! If you are a fairy, how many auntie tablets do you think I have in my bag?"

"Three." Li Yi said.

"How do you know?" Wang Tiantian was stunned. She felt that Li Yi was fooled, and said, "All those brands?"

"It's all small umbrella cards." Li Yi replied.

This time, Wang Tiantian felt that Li Yi seemed to be able to guess her question, and said, "By the way, you haven't told me why those spells made him unconscious?"

"Hey! When we are together, I will tell you everything." Li Yi smiled.

That night, Li Yi and Wang Tiantian returned to the hotel, and Jiao Tianze returned to Macau with his son.

As soon as he got home, he called Huang Dexi over. He sat on the bed feeling for a long time, and finally shook his head and said, "Old Jiao, I can't cure the young master's illness."

"What, you can't cure it either?" Jiao Tianze asked in surprise.

"His illness is very strange, and I can't see the reason." Huang Dexi said, "But I can sense that there is a trace of divine power in his body, which should be caused by a strange person."

"Hmph! It's the kid who lied to me last time for 100 billion. This time I insist on killing him." Jiao Tianze gritted his teeth and said, "I'll call him to come to Macau later, no matter what the price is, you have to kill him." .”

"This is easy to handle. I have a foreign friend here. He is a master vampire, and he is enough to kill that kid." Huang Dexi said affirmatively.

"You go to him first, I'll call that kid right now." Jiao Tianze took out his mobile phone and made a call, "You come to revive my son, I don't want the money."

"I don't have to go in person, you just do what I say." Li Yi said.

"How?" Jiao Tianze asked.

"There is a paper bag in your son's coat pocket, just take it out and feed him the contents." Li Yi said.

Jiao Tianze did as Li Yi said, and there was indeed a paper bag in his son's jacket pocket. After he opened it, a foul smell reverberated, and he quickly covered his nose and asked, "What the hell is this?" He looked at it. At first glance, it was viscous liquid, yellow all over, no matter how you looked at it, it looked like stool.

"You feed it first, and I'll tell you later." Li Yi said, "Of course, if you don't want your son to wake up, you can choose not to feed him."

"Okay! I'll trust you just once, if my son doesn't wake up, you're all going to die." Jiao Tianze endured the smell, and fed the food into his son's mouth with a spoon.

After feeding, Jiao Tianze asked, "Can you tell me what that is now?"

"Actually, you should have guessed it. It's poop. Remember to ask your son how it tastes later." Li Yi hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"You..." Jiao Tianze was so angry!Just about to wash his hands, he saw his son wake up and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Feng'er, how are you doing?"

"Dad, where am I?" Jiao Yufeng opened his eyes in a daze. He felt a viscous liquid around his mouth. Poop in my room? Why do I get the smell of poop in my room?"

Seeing his son eating poop, Jiao Tianze felt nauseated, frowned and said, "It's okay, you rest for a while, I'll call you again in the evening..." After finishing speaking, he hurriedly ran to the bathroom.Just when he ran to the door, he heard his son talking to himself. When he heard it clearly, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"Just now what I ate seemed to be jelly, and it tasted pretty good. I'll ask people to buy more and keep it at home."

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