super jade

Chapter 345 It's Not About Money

An hour later, Huang Dexi brought a foreigner to Jiao Tianze's villa.

Everyone sat down, Huang Dexi glanced at each other, and introduced: "Jiao Lao, let me introduce something, this is the American superstar, Mr. Nicolas Cage."

"Actor?" Jiao Tianze frowned and said, "Old Huang, what are you doing with an actor here? Do you want me to invest in making movies?"

Huang Dexi smiled awkwardly, and said, "Old Jiao really knows how to joke. Mr. Nicolas Cage is an actor on the surface, but he is actually an agent and killer."

"Oh! So that vampire friend you mentioned is him!" Jiao Tianze also has a certain understanding of vampires, he knows that he is a strong European cultivator.

Nicolas Cage's expression darkened, he looked at Huang Dexi, and said, "Mr. Huang, what does this mean?"

Vampire families seldom tell others their identities. One is because they are afraid that revealing their identities will cause panic, and the other is that they are afraid that their enemies will find out and hunt them down.

"Mr. Nicolas Cage, this is a friend I have known for many years, and I can trust him." Huang Dexi said, "You must have heard of his identity, the God of Gamblers in Macau, and he is not short of money."

Hearing this, Nicholas Cage's expression improved a bit, and he said, "You called me this time, let me kill you for you?"

"Well! A kid from mainland China, who is also a strange man like him, let's make a price!" Jiao Tianze is not short of money, as long as he can kill Li Yi, he can not only recover the lost 100 billion, but also annex Wang Yide's family property , this is a business that only makes money but not loses, why not do it?

"Hmph! Stranger beings are nothing to me. The one-buy price is 8000 million." Nicolas Cage said.

"This, isn't it a bit much?" Huang Dexi thought he could win it with a few million, but he didn't expect the other party to ask for 8000 million.

Nicolas Cage waved his hand and said, "Not many, this is the Celestial Dynasty. I'm not familiar with the place, so killing people is very dangerous."

"Okay, 8000 million is 8000 million. I'll have someone call you the money later." Jiao Tianze didn't care about the little money, he wanted Li Yi to die.

"Sweet, I like to deal with cool people." Nicholas Cage failed in his mission and should have gone back, but he was not reconciled and kept secretly investigating Li Yi's situation.Some time ago, he heard that Li Yi came to Macau once, so he chased him. He wanted to find out where Li Yi had gone, but what happened today happened.

However, Nicolas Cage is not stupid, he suddenly thought of something and said: "Wait, please show me that person's information first!"

Jiao Tianze has been investigating Li Yi's situation recently, but all kinds of information show that Li Yi is just a student. His secret identity is too complicated. He has a very different relationship with the underground power sister Ba, and he is the boss behind Tiandao Pharmaceutical and Tiandao Aviation.What surprised him the most was that he also had a group of killers, who even had connections with the top officials of the country.

Because of this, Jiao Tianze couldn't take the initiative to retaliate against Li Yi, so he could only ask someone to assassinate him.

Nicolas Cage took the information and looked at it. As soon as he saw the photo, he couldn't read it anymore, and said, "Old Jiao, you are kidding me!"

Hearing this, both of them were startled, Huang Dexi asked, "What's wrong?"

"I can't kill this person, please be smart!" Nicholas Cage waved his hand, he didn't say that Li Yi stole state secrets, but said, "His power in ** City is extraordinary, such a Master, I will never come back after going to ** City, I will not accept this task."

"Mr. Nicolas Cage, don't worry, we know that he is very good in ** City, but he is not in ** City recently, I heard that he went to Tianfu City." Jiao Tianze said.

"No matter where he is, I will not accept this task." Nicolas Cage is not short of money. The reason why he agreed to this before was to let the family see that besides acting, he can also make money in other ways.The money earned is donated to the family, and the family will look at him with admiration, and maybe it can improve his cultivation.

"Mr. Nicolas Cage, with your ability, you should be able to kill him!" Jiao Tianze said seriously, "If not, you can make a price!"

Hearing this, it was like being slapped in the face. If he could kill Li Yi, he would have done it long ago. Why wait until now?Thinking of what happened last time, Nicolas Cage felt the same in his heart. Not only did he fail the mission, he was also knocked out of his teeth. If he didn't make some contributions to the family and let the elders fix it, he would never be able to improve his cultivation in this life.

"Old Jiao, why don't you understand, it's not about money." Nicolas Cage said depressedly.

"Well, I'll offer [-] million, you go and kill him." Jiao Tianze stretched out three fingers.

Nicolas Cage still shook his head and said, "I know Mr. Jiao is very generous. As I said just now, it's not about money. It doesn't matter how much you pay."

"What's the problem?" Huang Dexi asked.

"I don't want to go or not. This person's cultivation base is too high, and I'm not his opponent." After Nicolas Cage said this, he walked out the door without looking back.

The two glanced at each other, neither of them stopped them, they could understand the meaning of the words.

It is almost difficult for a killer to say that he is not someone else's opponent, but the other party not only said it, but also took it for granted.

So there is only one possibility, Li Yi's cultivation level is really higher than that of Nicolas Cage, and it is much higher.

"Old Jiao, what should we do now?" Huang Dexi asked.

Jiao Tianze took a deep breath, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said slowly: "I didn't expect that! This person's cultivation level is so high, it seems that he can't be killed. However, we can't kill him." But he can take revenge on Wang Yide, you go arrange the manpower and carry out the next plan."

That night, Wang Yide received a call, and all the companies under him were retaliated by gangsters.

Those people rushed into hotels and factories, beat people when they saw them, and ran away after beating them.

This has been the case for several days in a row, no one dared to come to work, no matter whether it was a hotel or a factory, they had to close their doors.If things go on like this, the loss to the company will be particularly great. What is even more frustrating is that calling the police is useless. After the police arrested some people, another group came again. They couldn't hit anyone and destroyed the factory equipment.

Wang Yide's hair was getting gray in a hurry, and when he didn't know what to do, he received another call that made him vomit blood.

All the companies he had previously cooperated with stopped cooperating, and the bank began to let him repay the loan.

A month ago, Wang Yide joked that Du Chengfeng offended someone who shouldn't be offended, but he didn't expect it to happen to him now.

In desperation, he could only call to borrow money, but no one dared to lend him money.

In the end, Wang Yide called Du Chengfeng, and said straight to the point: "Brother Du, big brother is short of money recently, can you lend me some money?"

Du Chengfeng was startled, and said sarcastically: "You are so rich, you still need to ask me to borrow money?"

"My cash flow is not good, so you can lend me some!" Wang Yide said.

Du Chengfeng snorted coldly, and said: "You think I'm a fool! Your son-in-law is so rich, and still needs to borrow it for me? I don't have time to spend with you!" Then he hung up the phone.

"Son-in-law? Did he mean Li Yi?" Wang Yide hesitated, and finally dialed his daughter's phone, "Tiantian, is Li Yi with you?"

"Yes! He's taking a bath, do you have anything to do with him?" Wang Tiantian asked.

Wang Yide's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that they are together, but thinking of what happened recently, he sighed, "Can you ask him to help me?"

"Dad, you finally found him?" Wang Tiantian was overjoyed, and said, "He said, he can help you, but you must promise us to be together."

"You ask him to help me first. If he can really handle this matter well, I will promise you to be together." Wang Yide didn't believe that Li Yi could do it, he just had the attitude of giving it a try.

"No problem, I'll tell him right now." Wang Tiantian hung up the phone and said to Li Yi who had just taken a shower, "My dad just called to ask you to help."

Li Yi wiped off the water from his head, and said: "The weather here is really hot, you have to take a shower when you go out."

"Hehe! You're not used to it, we wash three times a day in summer." Wang Tiantian changed the subject, "Did you hear what I just said?"

"When you called just now, I asked them to help, wait for the good news!" Li Yi said mysteriously.

"Uh... Listening to your tone, it seems very simple?" Wang Tiantian was surprised, and she became more and more curious about how powerful Li Yi is.

"Those people trouble your father because they are worried about the Jiao family's revenge, and they don't want to implicate themselves. I have already asked Sister Ba to come here to rectify the underground forces. I will also send people to buy those companies." Li Yi After briefly talking about the plan, he smiled and said, "Do you still find it difficult now?"

Wang Tiantian gasped, unable to believe her ears, and said, "How much does it cost to buy all the companies that my dad cooperates with?"

"Not much, just hundreds of billions." Li Yi has too much money in his heart to spend. Recently, Bayongjie laundered as much as trillions of dollars. He also handed over this matter to Bayongjie.

"You, how do you have so much money?" Wang Tiantian just finished asking, she pouted again, and said, "Hmph! You won't tell me until my father promises us to be together again!"

Li Yi pinched her little face and said, "No, I'll tell you now."

"Say it now?" Wang Tiantian was puzzled.

"Your father will promise us to be together. If he doesn't agree, his company will be over." Li Yi held Wang Tiantian in his arms, stroked his hair gently, and talked about the time when we were together He said this until late at night, and when he finished speaking, he said, "Are you sleepy?"

Wang Tiantian didn't feel sleepy at all, she smiled slightly and said, "Let's chat for a while."

"Ahem! In the future, there will be a lot of time, let's do what we should do!" Li Yi began to caress her body dishonestly.

Wang Tiantian felt her body being touched, she blushed slightly and said, "What time is it?"

"Twelve o'clock sharp." Li Yi glanced at the phone, puzzled, "Why are you asking this?"

"Hee hee! Didn't you rush to do that with me just now? I heard that men don't do this for long, so I want to know how long you can last." Wang Tiantian said with a smile.


Li Yi was a little speechless, tore off the clothes on her body, and pressed his hands on the pair of little white rabbits.

Wang Tiantian closed her eyes, looking forward to the next tenderness, and the first night that she had nowhere to imagine.

Li Yi didn't take her body rudely, and then bent down and kissed her little white rabbit, smelling from her chest to the earrings, and then to her mouth.The two embraced each other, kissed passionately, and rolled their tongues together.I don't know how long it took, Li Yi gently took off the beauty's panties, and the dragon went out to sea, and it was about to go deep into the quagmire.

Wang Tiantian suddenly turned to Li Yi's shoulder, panting coquettishly, and whispered in a voice that only she could hear: "Honey, wait a little bit..."

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