super jade

Chapter 354

Li Jianwei glanced at the classmates in the class, and continued: "Sociology is a very profound knowledge. It is affirmation for me that everyone can apply for this major. I hope that everyone can do it in the four years of college after my family. Acquire knowledge and enrich yourself." After speaking, he waited for the applause of his classmates, but after waiting for a long time, no one applauded.

Li Jianwei was so depressed!He coughed lightly and said, "Students, don't you have anything to say?"

At this moment, Du Haibo stood up and said, "Director, I have something to say."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Li Jianwei's mouth, finally someone wanted to praise what he said just now, and said, "Do you think what I just said is very good?"

Du Haibo shook his head and said, "Instructor, when shall we choose the squad leader?"

"Damn it! You don't applaud, and you still want to choose the monitor?" Li Jianwei thought so in his heart, but said, "Don't worry about choosing the monitor, you can wait."

"Okay then! I'll wait." Du Haibo said and sat down.

Li Jianwei looked a little embarrassed, and continued: "Students, do you have anything to say?" He was anxious!Didn't any of these brats agree with what he just said?

"Instructor, I just want to know when the squad leader will be elected." Hu Duocheng got up and asked after Du Haibo's hint.

Li Jianwei rolled his eyes and said, "You want to be the squad leader so much?"

"Instructor, it's not that we want to choose a squad leader, I think it's a big deal to choose a squad leader, and we should choose it quickly." Hu Duocheng said.

"Which one of you wants to be the squad leader?" Li Jianwei asked.

Du Haibo stood up again, and said, "Mentor, I think I'm more suitable. I have been the class monitor from elementary school to high school, and I organize all the activities in the class by myself."

Hearing this, Li Jianwei nodded. He also knew Du Haibo's situation, and he was indeed suitable to be the squad leader. "Is there anyone else who wants to run for the squad leader?"

Kan Hao stood up and said, "Director, I think..."

"You want to be the squad leader?" Li Jianwei asked.

Kan Hao shook his head. He pointed to Li Yi who was sitting in the front seat and said, "I would like to recommend someone, Li Yi's classmate in our dormitory. He has a full score in the college entrance examination. No one is more suitable than him."

"Hmm! What you said makes sense, but grades can't represent a person's ability." Li Jianwei changed the subject, "Who else thinks that he is suitable to be a monitor."

I don't know why, but no one stood up. Li Jianwei said in a deep voice, "How about it! You two come to the office with me, and I will decide who will be the monitor." After speaking, he was about to walk outside the classroom.

"Instructor, I give up being the squad leader." Li Yi said suddenly.

Li Jianwei was startled, and said, "You don't want to be the squad leader?"

Li Yi really didn't want to be the class monitor. He didn't have time to manage his classmates. He said, "I'm a lazy person, and I don't have time to organize activities in the class."

Du Haibo said coldly, "You know your ability is too weak, so you can give up on your own initiative."

As soon as this remark came out, some people were not happy, Wang Tiantian stood up and said, "How do you know that his ability is too poor?"

"If he is capable, why would he give up on his own initiative?" Du Haibo asked rhetorically.

Wang Tiantian glanced at Li Yi, lowered her voice and said, "My husband, go and play with him."

"Okay!" Li Yi hesitated, got up and walked outside the classroom.

Soon, the two came to the office. Li Jianwei asked Du Haibo to come in first, and said, "Do you really want to be the monitor?"

"Instructor, I think I have this ability, and the squad leader must be me." The reason why Du Haibo wanted to be the squad leader was very simple, and he wanted to use this status to punish Li Yi.

"Well! Xiao Du! Not everyone wants to be a squad leader. You must at least show your strength!" Li Jianwei said, counting money with his right hand.

Du Haibo had already found out that this guy was very greedy for money, so he quickly took out a bank card from his pocket, and said, "Mentor, this is my little idea."

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Li Jianwei's mouth, he took the card and asked, "How much money is here?"

"One hundred thousand!" Du Haibo didn't take out too much, he felt that 10 yuan was already a high position for a squad leader.

Li Jianwei's expression changed, and he said, "Is one hundred thousand enough?"

"Damn it! I'm really greedy, one hundred thousand is not enough." Du Haibo thought so in his heart, but said, "I have one million here, I don't know if it is enough?"

After saying this, Du Haibo's face changed drastically, it was not he who said this.

To put it simply, he wanted to say that I would give you another hundred thousand at most, but after he opened his mouth, it turned into this sentence.

"What's going on?" Du Haibo's heart skipped a beat, but he couldn't think of the reason.

Li Jianwei smiled happily. He got up and walked in front of Du Haibo, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Little Du! You can come up with 100 million, which shows that you are a capable person. The position of squad leader belongs to you." Said After finishing, his eyes stayed on Du Haibo's pocket, his eyes seemed to say: What are you still doing, give me the money!

Du Haibo can take out 100 million, but this is the private money he has accumulated for many years, he still can't bear it, and said: "Director, I can't take out so much money."

"What, are you kidding me?" Li Jianwei's face changed suddenly, and anger flashed in his eyes.

"No, I can take it out, I was just joking with you just now." Du Haibo wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, how could he not see that if he didn't take out the money, he would never be able to become the monitor.

"That's right, you are not allowed to make such jokes in the future." Li Jianwei took the card from Du Haibo, waved his hand and said, "You go out first! Let Li Yi come in..."

Du Haibo moved his mouth a few times, as if he wanted to say something, finally sighed and walked out the door.

Compared with financial resources, it is impossible to compete with Li Yi. It seems that the 100 million is going to be in vain.

When he came outside the office, Du Haibo still wanted to fight, and said: "Li Yi, I advise you not to compete with me for the position of squad leader. You are not my opponent. The instructor has already promised me."

"Hey! I am a poor man, but I have no money to buy an official position." Li Yi sighed.

"You, how do you know that I bought it?" Du Haibo regretted it after he finished speaking. Isn't this just a self-inflicted gesture?

Li Yi didn't answer his words, he pushed the door and walked in, saying, "Instructor!"

Li Jianwei nodded, took out the bank card in his arms, and said, "Xiao Du just gave me 100 million to buy him the position of monitor. Do you think I am like this kind of person?"

"Director, how could you give up your principles for 100 million?" Li Yi replied.

"That's right, I haven't paid attention to a mere 100 million." Li Jianwei continued, "Li Yi! Do you want to be the monitor of this class? As long as you can prove that you are better than him, I will let Nian be the monitor of this class."

The meaning of these words couldn't be more obvious. Li Jianwei is reminding Li Yi that if you want to be the monitor, you have to spend more money.

Li Yi will not spend this money to buy the position of squad leader. The reason why he came here is firstly to give Wang Tiantian face, and secondly to let Du Haibo spend more money, "Director, I am indeed better than him... "

"How to prove it?" Li Jianwei asked.

"I can prove it when I become the monitor." Li Yi didn't like such a mentor at all. Since the other party loves money so much, he simply teased the other party.

" may not understand what I mean." Li Jianwei coughed softly, "I always think that a person's ability is directly proportional to his economic base."

"Instructor, I think so too." After Li Yi finished speaking, there was no further text.

Li Jianwei was anxious!Do you want him to say that you have to pay to be the monitor? This is obviously not his style.

"Li Yi! Are you rich?" Li Jianwei asked sideways.

"It's okay, a few million can still be taken out." Li Yi replied.

Li Jianwei was overjoyed and said, "Then do you want to support the mentor's career?"

"No!" Li Yi replied quite simply.

Li Jianwei was startled, and said, "You don't want to be the monitor anymore?"

"Instructor, the squad leader is a proof of a person's strength. I think it's too mundane if measured by money?" Li Yi asked back.

Hearing this, Li Jianwei was so angry!Unable to refute: "You go down first! I will think about who I want to be the squad leader!"

Li Yi left the office, Li Jianwei snorted coldly, and said: "You don't need money to choose a monitor, that's an idiot, if you count on my little salary, how can I take care of my little sister?"

When he returned to the classroom, Du Haibo had already received a text message from Li Jianwei. He said excitedly on the podium: "From today onwards, I will be your monitor. I hope you can support my work. Of course, the task of the monitor is also very heavy. For example, the sanitation problem in the class still needs to be cleaned every day..."

At this time, Li Yi just walked to the door, Du Haibo rolled his eyes and said: "Student Li Yi, although you failed in the election for class monitor, don't be discouraged. I will give you an official position! The labor committee is more suitable for you. From today From now on, I will leave it to you to take care of the hygiene in the class!"

"Really give it to me?" Li Yi asked.

"Could it be that you can't even take care of the simplest health problems?" Du Haibo sarcastically asked.

Li Yi was not angry either. He walked to the podium, walked in front of Du Haibo, and said, "Thank you, sir, for your kindness. Since the squad leader trusts me so much, I can't let the squad leader down." He paused, and suddenly patted Du Haibo's Du Haibo was startled, and just about to ask Li Yi what he was doing when he patted him on the shoulder, but what Li Yi said next left him completely speechless.

"Starting today, the hygiene in the class will be handed over to the monitor. I believe the monitor can do it."

"Wait, Li Yi, I'm entrusting you with the responsibility." Du Haibo hurriedly asked, "What do you entrust to me?"

"You asked me to be in charge of this matter, and I asked you to clean it yourself. The two don't mean the same thing. Can you understand what I mean?" Li Yi turned to Wang Tiantian without even looking at him. Seats go.

Du Haibo is so angry!But the words had been said, and he couldn't change his words, so he gave Li Yi a resentful look.

University life is quite simple, there are no classes at all on the first day, and many students leave the classroom early.

Wang Tiantian also took Li Yi's hand and left. On the way, the girl couldn't help asking: "Husband, since you're gone, why don't you run for class monitor?"

"Squad leader is thankless, so I'm not interested." Li Yi waved his hand, and changed the subject, "Besides, it's not an election! Whoever has money can be the leader." Then he briefly talked about the situation at that time.

"Fuck me, being a squad leader will also be subject to unspoken rules!" Wang Tiantian giggled, she put her arm around Li Yi's shoulders, and asked expectantly, "Where shall we go next?"

"Go back to the dormitory!" Li Yi replied.

Wang Tiantian was not happy anymore, pouted her small mouth, and said coquettishly: "No! Let's wait to get a room."

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