super jade

Chapter 355 You Are My Childbirth Tool

**University, outside the Department of Civil Engineering, Du Haibo is waiting outside the door for school.

At this time, Hu Duocheng ran over and panted, "Young Master Du, I'm here."

"Well! How are you tracking, is there any progress?" Du Haibo clenched his fists and said coldly, "Li Yi! Li Yi, I don't believe I can't kill you."

"Young Master Du, I just can't figure it out. Why did you spend money to buy the position of squad leader? It seems a little uneconomical." Hu Duocheng said.

Du Haibo snorted coldly, and said, "What do you know? We can only take revenge when we become monitors."

"But we didn't take revenge! Li Yi even asked you to clean the classroom." Hu Duocheng said.

Du Haibo is so angry!It's true which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted, and said sharply: "You can't think about the good? By the way, where did Li Yi and Wang Tiantian go?"

"They're going to open a house." Hu Duocheng.

"What?" Du Haibo shuddered at Hu Duocheng's head, and snorted coldly, "Why didn't you tell me such an important matter earlier?"

"Young Master Du, you didn't ask just now, so I didn't say anything." Hu Duocheng said with his head down.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Du Haibo waved his hands and said, "You and Wang Haisheng continue to follow, and I'll go over later."

Not long after Hu Duocheng left, Chen Xiaofei and Chen Jiaojiao walked out of the classroom, Du Haibo rushed over and said, "Xiaofei, why did you get here?"

"I'm here for class, what do you want from me?" Chen Xiaofei's eyes flashed disgust, and he didn't want to see this guy.

"I saw Li Yi going to have a room with a girl just now." Du Haibo said.

Thinking of what happened last time, Chen Xiaofei sneered, "Could it be the girl you found again!"

"This time, that girl is a classmate in our class. I didn't expect Li Yi to be so good. She won it on the first day we met, and even went to the house behind your back." Du Haibo was furious, as if Li Yi was driving the house behind his back. .

Chen Xiaofei's expression changed, and he said, "Are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

"Xiaofei, I also hope that you will be happy. Li Yi is too much. If I had you, I would have broken up with him." Du Haibo said earnestly.

"Hmph! It's not your turn to worry about my affairs. Take me where they are." Chen Xiaofei said, "I warn you, if you lie to me again, I won't trust you anymore."

"Xiao Fei, I really didn't lie to you." Du Haibo said, "They're in ** Hotel, let's go there now!"

On the way, Chen Jiaojiao suddenly asked, "How do you know they are in the hotel?"

"Uh... yes! How do I know." Du Haibo said to himself, then slapped his forehead and said, "My friend just drove to open a room, so..."

"I see, you are lying." Chen Jiaojiao said, "You must want to open a room, and you came to tell us about it after seeing Li Yi."

"I don't, I only love Xiao Fei." Du Haibo explained, "How could I do such a thing behind her back?"

"That's not necessarily true. Don't men like the life of three wives and four concubines?" Chen Jiaojiao changed the subject and said suddenly, "I see, you are not a man..."

Du Haibo was completely speechless, he felt that he couldn't understand this girl, so he simply stopped answering.

**Hotel is a property owned by ** Group. After Du Haibo came, Hu Duocheng ran over and said, "Young Master Du, they are in Room 1107."

"Xiao Fei, shall we go up now?" Du Haibo asked.

Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, got on the elevator with her younger sister, and soon came to the room.

After knocking on the door, but no one answered, Chen Xiaofei questioned, "Didn't you say they were in the room?"

"Yes! They are in the room." Du Haibo asked Wang Kaisheng who was beside him, "Have they ever left?"

"No! They have been in the room all the time, and I have never left here." Wang Kaisheng waited here after seeing Li Yi enter.

Du Haibo nodded, and said, "I see, they must have seen us through cat's eyes, so they didn't open the door."

"Huh! You called me here and let me wait for them to come out?" Chen Xiaofei felt that she was cheated by this guy again, even if Li Yi went to open the room, it was impossible for these three idiots to find out.

"Xiaofei, wait a minute, I'll ask the waiter to come and open the door." After all, Du Haibo is the young owner of this hotel, so he called the manager to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Du Haibo rushed in and shouted loudly: "If you haven't come out yet, where are you guys hiding?"

There were two people lying on the bed, because they covered their bodies and couldn't see their faces.

However, Du Haibo can be sure that the men and women on the bed are Li Yi and Wang Tiantian.

Just as Chen Xiaofei was about to go in, she suddenly heard a man's voice from inside, "Police, this is our first time, please don't arrest us..."

"Police?" Chen Xiaofei knew that the person inside was not Li Yi, because the voice was a middle-aged man, so she pulled Chen Jiaojiao away and left.

Du Haibo also heard that the voice was wrong, but the voice was very familiar, and said, "Who are you?"

At this time, the quilt was lifted, and the faces of the two appeared in sight.

The man looked like he was in his 40s, with fat on his face, and the woman looked about [-] or [-] years old, and her appearance was not bad.


Seeing the man's appearance clearly, Du Haibo was dumbfounded. The middle-aged man on the bed was his father, Du Chengfeng.

Du Chengfeng was startled when he saw his son, and said, "Why did you get here?"

"Dad, go ahead, I'm going out first." Du Haibo hurriedly ran out of the room.

Recently, Du Chengfeng was not going well in the shopping mall, and under tremendous pressure, he wanted to come out to relax.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or it was God's will, but he actually came to the hotel in front of ** University.

I wanted to find a room to rest, but I didn't expect to find a woman after lying down. The woman was very similar to his first love.

Du Chengfeng didn't know what was wrong, but he agreed to have sex with the other party. After the two parties negotiated the price, they started having sex.

Unexpectedly, just in the middle of the intercourse, both of them felt lighter, and then returned to normal.

In fact, neither of them knew that when they were having sex, Li Yi used his invisibility technique to force a shift and exchange positions with them secretly.That's why the scene just happened when everyone broke in. Li Yi and Wang Tiantian fought for [-] rounds in the next room.

Du Chengfeng was not in the mood to continue this sudden farce. He put on his clothes and found his son, and said, "Why are you running here when you have nothing to do?"

"Dad, I thought Li Yi was in the room." Du Haibo bowed his head.

"Fuck! Do you think I'm Li Yi?" Du Chengfeng roared angrily, "Didn't I tell you to keep a low profile and don't trouble that kid, did you ignore my words?"

"Dad, I didn't expect this to happen." Du Haibo said.

Du Chengfeng snorted coldly and said, "This month's pocket money is gone."

"Dad, I know I was wrong. If you don't give me money, how can I go to college?" Du Haibo said anxiously, "You also know that during college, you have to spend money everywhere."

"There's no money, you can find a way to go by yourself." Du Chengfeng walked towards the elevator without knowing it.

As soon as he walked to the elevator door, Du Haibo gritted his teeth. He knew that this was his last chance, and said, "Dad, it's fine if you don't give me the money. I'll tell my mom what happened today..."

Du Chengfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he said, "Wait, I was joking with you just now."

Hearing this, Du Haibo secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Dad, I want a car, it doesn't have to be too fancy, just an Audi."

"No problem, I'll transfer you 100 million later." Du Chengfeng left after finishing speaking.

Du Haibo felt a little regretful, he knew it would be better if he asked for more, but he also knew that if he asked for more, his father would definitely turn against him.

Let's talk about Li Yi's side. After the two people's double cultivation was over, Wang Tiantian lay in his arms and said, "Husband, the two people who came here just now are your girlfriends! That Chen Xiaofei is your first lady?"

"Xiaofei is my second girlfriend after you left." Li Yi thought of Zhou Yuyan, wondering what happened to this girl after Wang Meng died.

"What about the first one?" Wang Tiantian was puzzled, "Why isn't she the first lady?"

"She left me not long after we were together. At that time, I had no money. She was with a rich second generation." Li Yi replied.

"She is so stupid! Can't you see that you are a potential stock?" Wang Tiantian said, "How is that girl doing now, does she regret leaving you?"

"I don't know, maybe I regret it! Her rich second-generation boyfriend is dead." Li Yi didn't elaborate, but changed the subject and said with a smile, "Didn't your father also see my potential stocks back then?" ?”

"He didn't see it, but I saw it, otherwise why would I fall in love with you at such a young age?" Wang Tiantian giggled, their relationship at that age was very pure, and there was no relationship with Li Yi at all.At that time, she and Li Yi were not together for any reason, but she felt that Li Yi had good grades and they were very happy together.

"By the way, that little girl called Miss Chen Xiaofei just now. What's her name?" She knew the name of Li Yi's current girlfriend, just to prevent her from saying the wrong thing when they met one day.

"Her name is Chen Jiaojiao, a quirky little girl." Li Yi smiled, and every time he thought of what this girl said, he found it very interesting.

Wang Tiantian was startled, and said, "She doesn't seem to be your girlfriend."

"She is my sister-in-law." Li Yi replied.

"No way! It's too ruthless for you to even attack your sister-in-law!" Wang Tiantian said in surprise, "However, it seems good to fly together with the sisters."


Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "I don't have that kind of relationship with her."

"Hee hee! Not now, it's hard to say in the future." Wang Tiantian felt a little hungry after speaking, she quickly put on her clothes, and the two walked out of the hotel holding hands.

On the street in front of the university, there are snack restaurants everywhere, and of course there are many hotels.

But after searching for a long time, she couldn't find anything she wanted to eat. Wang Tiantian frowned and said, "Hey! It seems like some desserts, but unfortunately there are none here."

"Hehe! Your dad is so rich, why not let him invest here." Li Yi said with a smile.

Wang Tiantian's eyes lit up, and she said, "Yes! I'm going to buy this place. All the shops belong to our family, so we can eat whatever we want. After eating, we can open a room, and after we open the room, we can come to eat. .” She fantasized about a bright future, suddenly giggled, and said, “The most important thing is that you don’t need to spend money on eating, drinking and sleeping.”

Li Yi smiled wryly, and said: "Then what am I, I can eat and play with you."

Wang Tiantian shook her head, and suddenly said seriously: "No, you are my child-bearing tool, haha!"

Li Yi was speechless for a moment. He knew that the girl was joking, and as soon as he hugged him in his arms, he was about to walk into the hotel.

"Honey, what are you doing? This is on the street." Wang Tiantian said in surprise.

"Hey! Now this tool is going to be used, so please cooperate!"

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