super jade

Chapter 356 We Are Really Fiancée

After eating for two days, I strolled around the nearby park for a while before heading to the school.

Li Yi was also afraid of being seen by Chen Xiaofei. Along the way, the power of his consciousness never stopped, and he kept sensing the surrounding situation.

When will such days end, Li Yi sighed, he should find an opportunity to explain the relationship between them.

The two came to the boy's dormitory, and just about to go in, an aunt came out and said, "You two stop for me, don't you know that girls are not allowed in?" She said, pointing to the sign next to her.

Inside the white sign, there are clearly lines of big characters: Girls are not allowed to enter.

Pets are not allowed in the dorms.

Do not bring dangerous items into the dormitory.


Wang Tiantian gave a wry smile, and said depressedly: "I wanted to go up and have a look, but I didn't think I couldn't get in."

"You really want to go in?" Li Yi said.

"You have a solution?" Wang Tiantian glanced at the aunt in the dormitory, her eyes seemed to say that she seemed to be difficult to handle.

Li Yi walked up to the aunt and said, "Auntie, how much money do you get for working here for a month?"

"Why do you ask this?" The aunt said angrily, "You don't pay me a salary."

Li Yi took out 3000 yuan from his pocket as soon as he heard something was going on, and said, "Auntie, my girlfriend wants to go up and help me wash my clothes, do you think it's okay?"

"Oh! Wash the clothes! Just say no." The aunt took the money and said, "It shouldn't take too long. I have agreed that you are not allowed to spend the night here."

"Auntie, don't worry, even if we want to stay overnight, we won't be in the dormitory." Li Yi waved to Wang Tiantian, and pulled her towards the dormitory.

"It's amazing! Is this done?" Wang Tiantian said with a smile.

"As long as the problem can be solved with money, it's not a problem. Didn't our big squad leader buy an official position with 100 million?" Li Yi said.

When the two came to the door of the dormitory, Li Yi knocked on the door and said, "There are no naked people in the room!"

"Boss, you're here!" Kan Hao ran over to check the door and said with a smile, "Everyone is a man, even if you saw my body, we won't sue you..."

As soon as he said this, Kan Hao saw that there was still a person standing behind Li Yi, and he was surprised: "I'll fuck it, how did you come up?"

"Hurry up and let them get dressed." Li Yi had already sensed with his spiritual sense that Yu Miao and Yu Lei were only wearing underwear.

After Kan Hao was startled, he hurriedly shouted to the two people in the room: "Put it on quickly, sister-in-law is here."

The dormitory was in a mess, and it took a long time to finish the work.

Li Yi and Wang Tiantian walked in. Everyone looked at Li Yi with envy and jealousy. Kan Hao gave a thumbs up and said, "Boss, you are too good."

"I just want to know how you brought it here, Boss." Yu Miao asked curiously.

"I said she was my girlfriend, so I brought her here." Li Yi looked at the three of them and said, "Do you remember what you said? You will invite me to dinner this month."

"Boss, you are awesome, we will definitely treat you to this meal." Yu Miao patted her head and said, "It's just that the meal card has not been processed yet, and we have to wait a few more days."

"Sister-in-law, do you have any good sisters in your bedroom, and introduce some to us." Yu Lei asked.

"Yes! I'll ask them later if I would like to know you." Wang Tiantian is very smart. She knows that she wants to be with Li Yi in a fair and honest way. The first step is to get rid of the classmates in the class. the reason.

"That's great! Let's set up a dormitory for marriage. In the future, students from the two dormitories will participate together." Yu Miao is indeed a master at picking up girls, and soon thought of a way to pick up girls.

Kan Hao slapped his thigh and said excitedly, "This is a good idea. I agree with both hands."

In the following time, everyone chatted well, and Wang Tiantian saw that it was getting late, so she left the dormitory.

The three ran in front of Li Yi, scrambling to ask questions, and Yu Miao was the first to ask: "Boss, you just met, how could she agree to be your girlfriend?"

"That's right! Boss, what sorcery did you use?" Yu Lei also asked.

Kan Hao was equally curious, and said, "Boss, we are still single, just tell us!"


Li Yi smiled mysteriously and said, "You really want to know?"

"Yeah!" The three of them nodded heavily.

"Actually, I have a legendary domineering aura in me. Those beauties were infected by my domineering aura when they saw me, and they were deeply attracted. They couldn't help falling in love with me." Li Yi changed the subject, and then Continued, "Now you know how I got them at ease?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless for a while, Yu Miao said: "You are selling medicine!"

Li Yi frowned, did this guy see through his identity, and said, "How do you know?"

"Tch, do you still need to think about it?" Yu Miao said, "You must be a drug addict. I have studied this stuff before, but it didn't work very well, and it's also against the law."

Li Yi was completely speechless. This guy has such a rich imagination that he can even think of love drugs.

Yu Lei and Kan Hao, two perverts, became interested, and the former said, "Can you really get this medicine?"

"I'm just joking with you, if I can get it, can I still use the fifth girl to solve it now?" Yu Miao rolled her eyes, looking at the two of them as if she was looking at an idiot.

Yu Lei snorted coldly, looked at Li Yi and said, "Boss, we all call you boss, you really don't tell us?"

"I just said, you don't believe it." Li Yi shrugged.

"Boss, you chased four beauties in one day, no one thinks it's credible!" Yu Miao said depressedly, "I even suspect that you must have known each other before and let them play a scene with you."

"Yu Miao, I don't agree with your point of view. How could the boss know the four beauties? And they are all disasters? The probability is lower than winning the lottery." Kan Hao disagreed.

Yu Miao thought about it too, and immediately thought of something, he laughed and said, "That's paying for the actors, Boss, how much do you think I'll pay them once to act!"

"One thousand!" Li Yi rolled his eyes straight. Since he doesn't believe the truth, he should just tell a lie.

Yu Miao patted her thigh, and said, "That's right, the boss is the boss, admit your mistakes bravely, it seems that I, Yu Miao, are the lover of this dormitory..."

Kan Hao stared at Li Yi for a long time, and finally said: "Boss, your impression in my heart is greatly reduced. After a long time, you are hiring an actor!"

At this time, there was a knock on the bedroom door, and Yu Miao asked, "Who is it?"

"It's me, is Li Yi in this dormitory?" A woman's voice came from outside the room.

Kan Hao was taken aback, was he looking for Li Yi again?He hurriedly opened the door, but saw a loli-like face.

"You are Li Yi's younger sister!" Kan Hao thought that the other party was only five or six years old. Such a little girl who came to Li Yi must be his little sister.

"No, I'm Li Yi's fiancée." Zhang Qianqian walked in quickly after seeing Li Yi. Her thoughts were the same as Wang Tiantian's, first get rid of Li Yi's friends.

"What, fiancée?" The three of them widened their eyes. Just as they figured out why Li Yi was able to pursue four beauties in one day, another fiancée appeared.

Yu Miao still didn't believe their identities. He rolled his eyes and said, "Li Yi, how much does it cost to invite a fiancée! Is one thousand enough?"

"Uh... She is really my fiancée. Let me introduce her name to Zhang Qianqian." Li Yi introduced, "She is also a student of ** University, Department of English."

Although the three of them did not speak, their eyes clearly said: Who are you lying to?Have a fiancée at such a young age?

Just like that, all three of them thought that this was an actor invited by Li Yi, whose purpose was to compete for the position of dormitory head.

"Li Yi, you said she is your fiancée, then you can show us one, so I will believe it." Yu Miao thought it was easy to find an actor, but it was impossible for an actor to do a fake show.

Zhang Qianqian blushed, she could do whatever she wanted with Li Yi in private, but she was a little embarrassed in front of outsiders.

The blush in the eyes of the three people has completely different meanings. They can be sure that the other party will not kiss Li Yi.

"Li Yi! Just tell us the truth! We won't blame you for how much it costs to hire a fiancée as an actor. At most, we will re-elect the head of the dormitory." Yu Miao didn't want to give up the position of head of the dormitory, because as I said before, whoever gave up The head of the dormitory is the boss of the other three, and the boss no longer needs to clean the dormitory.

Zhang Qianqian also heard that something was wrong. It turned out that they were doubting their identities, so she gritted her teeth and said, "Don't talk nonsense, we are really an unmarried couple."

"Who are you lying to? How old are you, and you've decided to get married?" Yu Lei didn't believe it.

Kan Hao nodded in agreement, and said Hanhan: "Yes! We get married late in our village, and most of them got engaged after graduating from college."

Zhang Qianqian knew that if she wanted to prove that she had to go all out, she suddenly pushed Li Yi beside her to her lips, and kissed his lips.

It took a full minute for this kiss before Zhang Qianqian stood up and said, "Do you believe it now?"

"Uh..." Everyone was dumbfounded. They thought Li Yi didn't dare to kiss each other, but they didn't expect the other party to kiss Li Yi on his own initiative, and for so long.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would believe that the big beauty forced Li Yi to kiss her.

Seeing that the three of them were silent, Zhang Qianqian snorted coldly, and then said softly: "Husband, I came this time to see which room you live in. I will come here often to see you when I have time. You don't need to change your clothes in person." Wash it, just put it in the basin, and I will wash it up for you."

Li Yi hasn't recovered from that kiss yet, when did this girl become so bold, and said: "Well, how did you come up?"

"I met my aunt when I came up, and he asked me who I was looking for, and whoever I was looking for you, he asked me your appearance, and after I told you, she let me in." Zhang Qianqian also felt strange at the time, not the boys' dormitory Is it difficult for girls to get in?However, she just wanted to see Li Yi quickly and didn't think much about it.

Li Yi didn't expect that the charm of 3000 yuan was quite great. He was just about to say that it would be fine to report my name later, when the phone rang.

"Honey, where are you?" Chen Xiaofei's voice came from the phone.

"I'm in the dormitory!" Li Yi had an ominous premonition that this girl couldn't find her here!

"Why did you go behind my back at noon?" Chen Xiaofei said, "You probably found another woman to have a room with!"

"Uh... how is it possible, am I that kind of person?" Li Yi said with a guilty conscience.

"I heard that a girl has gone to your dormitory. Don't wander around. I'll go up and find you later."

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