super jade

Chapter 375 This Is Your Task

Three days later, Kenji Matsumoto was sent back to the island country by two of his subordinates, and he was already dumbfounded.

The person in charge of the Mitsubishi Club who came to pick up the plane saw Kenji Matsumoto laughing non-stop, and couldn't help but ask, "Kenji Matsumoto, what are you laughing at?"

At this time, Matsumoto Kenji took out a stack of CDs from his pocket, and said mysteriously: "This is my new film, are you interested in watching it?"

The person in charge frowned and said, "What film?"

Kenji Matsumoto chuckled, and said after a while, "Don't you know it after reading it?"

Seeing that he couldn't find out why, the person in charge asked the two subordinates: "What happened, why did Kenji Matsumoto become like this?"

"We don't know either. We didn't take part in this mission. We have been waiting in the consulate for Mr. Matsumoto to come back." One of them replied, "He was sent to the consulate by mysterious people last night, and he was like this when he came back. By the way, We watched the film, Mr. Matsumoto and a man..."

After this guy didn't know how to say the following words, he moved his mouth a few times and swallowed the following words.

"He and a man?" The person in charge said, "Since when did Kenji Matsumoto become interested in men?"

"I suspect that someone else set the trap, and Kenji Matsumoto was also fooled by that person. If I'm not wrong, the opponent should be the same person who stole the treasure of the Sanben Group." The guy said, "Brother Muto, we What should we do now, the Prime Minister will definitely blame us for the failure of this mission."

Muto Xiaoyuan took a deep breath, clenched his fists and said: "Baga, he is forcing us to fight, I will go back and tell the chairman."

An hour later, Muto Xiaoyuan came to a villa in Jingdong, and briefly explained the whole story, "Master Chairman, do you want to start a war?"

"The people in China are getting more and more excessive. If you don't show them some color, they really think they are the hegemony of Asia." Hidei Tojo, the president of the Mitsubishi Club, snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "America has been set aside this time. Together, it just gives us a chance to develop our military, don't they also want to use us to deal with the Celestial Empire?"

Muto Xiaoyuan was overjoyed, and quickly asked: "Can we have weapons?"

"Weapons and equipment have long been manufactured in private factories, but they have been hidden, and everyone doesn't know that's all." Tojo Yingwei said coldly, "Now we want to show the world the strength of our island country, you go down first I'm going to find the Prime Minister and declare war on the Chinese Empire."

"This is a declaration of war, what about the United States?" Muto Komoto asked.

"Didn't I just say that? Their things were stolen, and they have been looking for the whereabouts of that person, but they have never found it. We can use this incident to tell them that the person who stole the treasury is in the Qinglong Gang. Wouldn't it be enough for the Celestial Dynasty to put pressure on him to let him go?" Hidei Tojo said with a smile.

On the afternoon of the same day, the island's military ship sailed to Diaoyu Island in China, forcibly drove away the fishermen nearby, occupied the small island, and declared Diaoyu Island to be the territory of the island country.At the press conference issued by the Celestial Dynasty, the spokesperson severely condemned the aggression of the island country and demanded that the Japanese warships leave immediately, but it did not have the slightest effect.

The United States also released news afterwards that Diaoyu Island belongs to an island country and told China not to mess around.

The same is true of the European Union, which warned China that if it uses force against the island country, it will send troops to razed China to the ground.

For a while, the Celestial Dynasty entered an isolated situation, and the top military officials didn't know what to do for a while.

That night, Chief No. [-] found Su Jianguo and asked him to contact Li Yi to find a way to deal with the matter.

After Su Jianguo received the order, he also knew that Li Yi could only rely on Li Yi, so he called Li Yi immediately.

What is our Li Yi doing at this time?He has been playing with Bayongjie in Tianhai City for the past few days.

Bayongjie was always in a bad mood. She knew a lot of inside information, but she couldn't tell it.

With a feeling of guilt, Bayongjie has been by Li Yi's side all the time. She knows that once the country allows him to participate in this matter, it will be bad or bad.Every night, I took the initiative to double cultivate with Li Yi. In the end, Li Yi thought that there was something wrong with the girl's brain, and the body couldn't stand the double cultivation like this!

However, Li Yi didn't think much about it. The cultivation base in his body increased rapidly, and he realized new magical powers.

Shrunk to size! ! !

This is an extremely powerful supernatural power in Xianxia novels. Li Yi didn't expect to be able to master it before reaching the Nascent Soul Stage.

The two of them just lay on the bed, before they had time to practice double cultivation, they received a call from Su Jianguo.

Li Yi picked up the phone and was stunned, because the other party never took the initiative to call him, and now he must perform a task when he opens it.

"Father-in-law, do you need me?" Li Yi asked.

"Hmph! It's not just something, you're making a big fuss." Su Jianguo snorted coldly, "Where did you go? I asked Mengxi, and she said she hadn't seen you for several days."

"Uh...I don't have anything to do recently, I'm going out to play for a few days." Li Yi didn't dare to tell Su Jianguo that I was looking for other women outside behind your daughter's back.

"Have you gone to Tianhai City!" Su Jianguo asked.

Li Yi was startled, and subconsciously said: "How do you know?"

"Not only do I know that you are in Tianhai City, but I also know that you have offended the Mitsubishi Club. This group is not something you can offend." Su Jianguo said earnestly.

Li Yi didn't think so, he didn't care and said: "What will happen to Mitsubishi, he bullied the people of our country, can't I teach them a lesson?"

"Do you know how many companies Mitsubishi Corporation owns? You may only know superficially, but how much do you know about Mitsubishi Heavy Industries in private?" Su Jianguo paused, "They are a company that manufactures weapons for the island country, and you offended them , They must have declared war on our country for various reasons.”

Li Yi never put the island country in his eyes. If it weren't for peacetime, he would have been destroyed to the island country long ago, and sighed: "My father-in-law, the island country has been saved peacefully, otherwise the island country would have disappeared from this world long ago."

"Oh! Are you not afraid of island countries?" Su Jianguo asked.

"I'm afraid of wool! If they dare to mess around, I'll kill them." Li Yi said arrogantly, and his current strength also has the capital of arrogance.

Su Jianguo smiled, he was just waiting for this sentence!Said: "No. [-] asked me to find you. You know about the island country's invasion of our territory recently, right?"

Li Yi has been eating, drinking and having fun these days. How can he know the important affairs of the country, and said: "Nimma! The small island country has become arrogant, and this is why you came to me this time?"

"Well! Our country doesn't want to use force, because once it does, other countries will also intervene." Su Jianguo said seriously, "The United States has already investigated, and the last incident has a lot to do with you, but there is not enough evidence. If you want to add more crimes, why do you have no excuses? Once they start a war against our country, they will..."

Li Yi knew what Su Jianguo meant. He thought for a while and said, "Leave this matter to me. As long as the island country is scared, who would dare to help?"

"I understand what you mean, but the key is can you destroy the island country alone?" Su Jianguo knew part of Li Yi's strength, but he didn't know that Li Yi's cultivation base had increased several times.

"I will not make things difficult for the country. If the island country cannot be destroyed, I will bear all the responsibilities alone." Li Yi said majesticly.

Su Jianguo sighed and said, "You have great courage. Now that you have made a decision, the country will cooperate with you. How many people do you need for this mission?"

"Three is enough." Li Yi thought for a while.

Su Jianguo was taken aback, and said, "Are you sure there are only three?"

"Well!" Li Yi is most afraid of overdrawing his spiritual power. As long as his spiritual power is endless, destroying the island country is not a matter of one sentence.

"Okay! Are those three people from Longya?" Su Jianguo asked.

"Father-in-law, stop teasing me. What do I need a group of men for?" Li Yi smiled wryly, "Mengxi, Liu Xiaolu, Sun Hanyue, the three of them are fine."

"Ahem! Are you going to perform a mission, or take your wife on a trip!" Su Jianguo was really curious why Li Yi chose beautiful women to go out every time.

"Hey! You're right, I'm in Haitian District, Tianhai City, you can arrange for them to come over!" Li Yi said a few more words and hung up the phone.

Li Yi didn't carry Bayongjie behind his back when he called. She knew it and heard it. When she hung up the phone, she said: "Li Yi, I'm sorry, I shouldn't hide it."

Li Yi knew what the girl said a long time ago, but he didn't point it out. He was also curious about what would make him go and never return.

After a long time, it turned out to be this matter, Li Yi asked: "Are you afraid that the country will hand me over?"

"Well! You offended Mitsubishi for me, I'm afraid..." Li Yi interrupted Bayongjie before he finished speaking.

Li Yi waved his hand, gave her a look of not worrying, and said, "Don't worry! I haven't put the island country in my eyes yet, so you just wait here for my good news!"

"Are you really sure?" Bayongjie recalled what was on the phone, and said decisively, "I want to go with you too, if we die together, I'm not afraid..."

"I'm not going to die." Li Yi rolled his eyes and explained, "I won't let you go, because ** City still wants you to sit in town. They are fine, so I took them there."

"But, what are you taking them to do?" Bayongjie still doesn't know all the secrets about Li Yi, and she really can't understand what effect Li Yi can play by taking the three girls there.

Li Yi hesitated for a moment, briefly said his secret, and said, "Now you know what I took them to do! I need spiritual power."

Bayongjie suddenly realized, and said: "No wonder you have so many girlfriends, so you came to us to improve your cultivation!"

Li Yi smiled, hugged Bayongjie in his arms, and said, "I participated in the national war because of you, and you have to help me improve my cultivation!"

After a night of double cultivation, the next morning, there was a knock on the door of the villa.

Bayongjie opened the door, was startled when she saw the three women, and said, "You guys, you guys are here..."

Sun Hanyue giggled, winked and said: "Sister Ba, now you know how strong Li Yi is in combat! Will there be any in three hours..."

Bayongjie blushed pretty, and said, "Well, you guys come in first!"

After the three came in, they sat on the sofa. Not long after, Li Yi came out with a stack of documents, and said solemnly: "Three, do you know what task you are going to perform this time?"

Seeing Li Yi's awe-inspiring look, the three daughters were taken aback. Su Mengxi, who was a policeman, got up and saluted, and said, "Chief Li Yi, what are we going to do?"

"Hey!" Li Yi changed his awe-inspiring look just now, and laughed badly, "You just need to serve me well, this is your task."

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