super jade

Chapter 376

Facing the south coast, Li Yi and his three daughters stood on a warship, looking at the endless sea ahead.

The soldiers on the warship all knew that Li Yi had a special status, and no one dared to disturb him, and looked around vigilantly with guns in hand.

These soldiers all want to know what Li Yi's identity is, and can he solve the crisis in the South China Sea?

What they couldn't understand the most was why there were three women following them, and what role could these three beautiful women play?

The warship sailed straight ahead, and a small island loomed in front of it, and soldiers were guarded on the island vaguely.

A national flag was hung in front of these soldiers. On the flag was a huge sun, which was the flag of the Island Self-Defense Forces.

Su Mengxi glanced at the small island in front of her, then looked at Li Yi beside her, and said, "Husband, how are you going to deal with these islanders this time?"

"Huh! They dare to invade our country's territory, and they should be punished." Li Yi's voice was not loud, but he carried a huge domineering air.

Su Mengxi was startled, and said, "How many of us are there?"

"You just need to stay on the warship, and I will deal with them." Li Yi replied.

All the women knew about Li Yi's powerful strength, but they didn't know that his cultivation base had improved. Liu Xiaolu worried: "It's too dangerous for you to go alone, and my cultivation base has increased a little, why don't I go with you!"

"No, you haven't reached the realm of high-altitude flight, and even if you go, it won't be of much help." Li Yi has reached the state of Dzogchen in the late stage of Jindan. The ground is a foot, even if you can't kill the opponent, you can retreat completely.

An hour later, when the warship came to Diaoyu Island, a soldier on the island shouted loudly in Chinese: "You have invaded the territory of the island country, please leave quickly, otherwise I will not be polite." He said three times in a row. Seeing that the warship hadn't left yet, he said coldly, "People from China, I think you are courting death."

After finishing speaking, the island soldier picked up the rocket launcher beside him and was about to attack the warship.

At this time, the faces of the people on the warship changed drastically, and they looked at Li Yi at the same time, wondering how he would deal with it.

"Sir, why don't we leave here first!" A soldier came over and said.

Li Yi waved his hand, gave him a don't worry look, and said, "You wait for me here." After speaking, he took a step, and his body flew into the air like an arrow from Li Xuan.

The soldiers on the warship all stared wide-eyed. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, who would believe that a person can fly?

Of course, what surprised them was still to come. Li Yi came to mid-air, and the bazooka also flew over.

At this moment, everyone held their breath again, they all wanted to know how Li Yi could resist the powerful bazooka.

The soldiers on the island sneered one by one. They looked at Li Yi as if they were an idiot. Some soldiers said with disdain: "The Chinese people are really stupid pigs, and they used their bodies to resist the rocket launcher."

"How did he fly? Is it the legendary strange man?"

"Hmph! Many supernatural beings can fly, and so can my warriors from the big island country."

"Even if he is a powerful strange man, his body can't resist the power of the bazooka!"

"It's not that he can't resist it, but that he can't resist it at all. He will be blown to pieces later."


At this time, all islanders think that Li Yi must die, but will the result really be like this?

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Li Yi's mouth, and he did not see him cast a spell. Although he raised his right hand, he just waved it casually, and a huge force was released from his palm.Under his control, this force headed straight for the bazooka. The oncoming bazooka stopped suddenly, and then flew towards the direction it came from at an astonishing speed.

The soldiers on the island stared wide-eyed. They couldn't imagine how the bazooka would fly back.

The bazooka was getting closer and faster, and it was about to come to them.

The soldiers on the island ran back in horror, trying to escape the attack range of the rocket launcher with all their strength, and at the same time shouted loudly: "No..."

However, no matter how fast the crowd was, they couldn't be faster than the bazooka. There was only a loud bang, and the bazooka exploded.

Under the huge explosive force, the island was slightly shocked, and the soldiers who were still mocking Li Yi just now died under the fire.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of soldiers from the island nation guarding the north were all dead, and the soldiers from the other directions also noticed something was wrong and hurried to this side.Ten minutes later, more than 30 soldiers came down to the north under the leadership of an officer. The officer held a long knife, looked at Li Yi who was suspended in mid-air, and roared: "Baga, the Chinese..."

"Did you call the Chinese people? Japanese dogs?" Li Yi smiled coldly, he suddenly raised his right hand, and saw a flash of light, and a big translucent hand went straight to the other party.

Then there was a slap, and a crisp slap sounded, and a blood-red slap appeared on the officer's cheek.

"Baga!" The island police officer roared in pain, waving his saber and shouted, "China people, get out of here, this is the territory of the big island country..."

Li Yi didn't answer his words, he moved his body, landed in front of the other party, and said, "What if I don't leave?"

"Ba Ga, kill him." The officer roared angrily.

More than 30 soldiers raised their guns at the same time and fired wildly at Li Yi.

However, the bullet could not land on Li Yi's body and passed him by.

"You still want to kill me with this marksmanship, the soldiers of your island country don't have time to train!" Li Yi suddenly said, "I see, you watch movies all day, how can you have time to practice marksmanship, even if you practice, it's just training between your legs. your pistol!" After speaking, he also glanced provocatively at the root of the other party's life.

"You, are you a strange man?" The island officer's expression changed. He knew that he had encountered a master, so he quickly whispered to a soldier beside him, "Quickly invite Mr. Koizumi."

After the soldier left, the island officer took a deep breath and said coldly, "My friend, if I'm not mistaken, you should be a legendary supernatural being!"

"So what if it is, so what if it's not?" Li Yi didn't make a move, he had already sensed that there was a master hidden on this island, and the other party was nearby.

"If it is, you have no right to kill us. The International Alliance of Magicians has a rule that no matter what kind of magic power you have, you cannot participate in wars between countries. If you kill us again, you will definitely be judged." The island police officer changed the subject, and continued, "I advise you to leave here as soon as possible!"

The island police officer did not lie, and Li Yi also knew about it. Unusual talents can only be assassinated, and cannot directly participate in the war.

The reason is very simple, all countries do not want to cause the war to be biased towards one side because of strange talents.

However, Li Yi did not join the so-called alliance of strange talents, and he did not take the alliance seriously, saying: "What if I don't leave here?"

"If you don't leave, the Alliance of Unusual Warriors will not let you go, and the empires will also want you, and you will have nowhere to escape." The island police officer said solemnly.

At this time, a man in black came over, with a black mask on his head, only his eyes were exposed.

What kind of eyes are those, cold and ruthless, with endless murderous aura exuding in the eyes.

"Mr. Koizumi, please kill this Chinese man." The island officer bent slightly, facing Koizumi, and cupped his fists and said, "Please..."

Koizumi Saburo nodded, walked up to Li Yi in a few steps, and said arrogantly: "Suicide! You are not my opponent."

Hearing this, Li Yi was happy. This guy had a big tone, squinted his eyes and said: "Dude, you have said all my lines, I have nothing to say!"

"Hmph! Do you think you can kill me?" It can be judged from the voice that Koizumi Saburo is a young man, about 30 years old.

"It's not that I can kill you, but I must kill you." Li Yi's eyes flashed with killing intent, and he said solemnly, "If you don't want to die, you can get out of here."

"Baga! You are looking for death." Saburo Koizumi suddenly put his hands in front of him, and choked a complicated spell, and said in a low voice, "Ninjutsu, escape!!!"

After the words fell, Koizumi Saburo's body flashed and disappeared on the flat ground.

The disdain at the corner of Li Yi's mouth grew stronger. The so-called ninjutsu is actually a part of the strange art of armoring for immortal cultivators, while the islanders have only learned a little bit, and its power cannot be compared with the real Taoism.That's the case, Li Yi's consciousness moved, and he soon found out where the other party was.

After Saburo Koizumi disappeared, he came to Li Yi's back in an instant, raised a samurai sword and chopped off Li Yi's neck.

Obviously, Koizumi Saburo's idea is very simple, he wants to kill Li Yi with one blow.

The moment the samurai sword was cut, Koizumi Saburo showed a disdainful smile. He felt that killing Li Yi was no different from crushing an ant.

But the next moment, Koizumi Saburo was stunned, because after the knife was cut, it was cut on the air.

Li Yi, who was still in front of him just now, disappeared, and no matter how he searched, he couldn't find the location of the other party.

Koizumi Saburo hurriedly raised his vigilance, and shouted in unfluent Chinese: "Chinaman, I know where you are, don't hide, come out and fight with me."

"Isn't your island country's ninjutsu very good?" Li Yi's voice came from not far away, and it was illusory in his ears, and he couldn't determine the specific location at all. You are the ancestor of ninjutsu, and you still want to use an ax in front of your ancestors?"

"Baga! Ninjutsu is a secret technique handed down from the Oshima Kingdom!" Saburo Koizumi roared angrily.

"Okay! Since you think so, I will give you 1 minute to find me. If you can find me, I can let you die." Li Yi changed the subject and said coldly, "If you can't find me , I'm sorry, you and your island soldiers will die here, for your yellow dog."

"Zina pig, I'm going to kill you." Saburo Koizumi searched for a long time but didn't find Li Yi. He got angry and raised his samurai sword to slash around.

"Okay, time is up, the game is over!"

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