super jade

Chapter 411 What Are You?

After leaving the Taekwondo Club, Li Yi asked Kan Hao and others to go back first, and then walked on the campus holding the hands of the two women.

Chen Xiaofei was a little uncomfortable. After all, this is a school. She said, "Li Yi, you better stop holding my hand. It's not good for others to see it."

Wang Shanshan giggled, narrowed his eyes and said: "Sister Xiaofei, you are still afraid of being seen by others, who doesn't know that we are Li Yi's girlfriend?"

"It's one thing to know, but it's another thing for others to see it." Chen Xiaofei took the initiative to let go of her hands because of her low face.

From this point of view, Li Yi and Wang Shanshan are the couple, and Chen Xiaofei is more like a big light bulb.

The three of them walked to the edge of the woods and found a bench to sit down. Wang Shanshan suddenly said, "My husband, you are right. We shouldn't worship foreigners. I'll change my phone later."

"But what brand of mobile phone should we change to?" Chen Xiaofei said, "People don't like to buy domestic mobile phones because the quality of the mobile phone is not very good."

"That's right! There really aren't many mobile phones available in China." Wang Shanshan nodded.

Li Yi's eyes lit up, and he said, "Then let's get a domestic brand."

"How?" The two girls asked curiously.

"Aren't Samsung and Apple very good now? Let's get their technology and make our own mobile phone." Li Yi said his thoughts.

"Ah! Isn't this an infringement?" Wang Shanshan said.

Li Yi didn't think so, and said: "America and Bangziguo don't have a good thing, and it's okay for us to use it. It's a big deal to improve it."

"How to improve?" The two women asked.

"The foreign satellites are all broken, and they can only use our country's positioning system in the future. They have no choice." Li Yi said.

The two women didn't know about the satellite, and they were slightly taken aback. Wang Shanshan asked, "Can satellites be broken?"

"Of course, only things are broken." Li Yi didn't elaborate. If he went on, he would definitely talk about the moon, and he was going to surprise the two of them!

The three women didn't chat for a long time. Suddenly, a girl ran over and said out of breath, "Brother-in-law, sister, you are too much, you didn't call me to watch the game."

"You sleep like a pig, I can't scream even if I want to." Chen Xiaofei rolled her eyes and said.

" can use other methods!" Chen Jiaojiao said.

Chen Xiaofei really couldn't think of a good solution, and said with a smile: "I can't wake up even if I am struck by thunder, what can I do?"

"You can say, brother-in-law is here, isn't that all right?" Chen Jiaojiao said with a grin.

Chen Xiaofei was speechless for a moment, snorted coldly, and said, "Stop talking, let's go eat first!"

"Old sister, you probably don't have time to eat, that crazy woman is telling you to go back!" Chen Jiaojiao said, "She said that if you don't go back, she will throw all your things out."

"She's going to throw something at me again?" Chen Xiaofei said angrily.

"No, we don't know how to offend her, she did too much." Chen Jiaojiao said angrily.

Li Yi frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I can take care of this matter, I'll go back first." Chen Xiaofei got up and said, "You and Shining go to dinner first, and I'll find you when I'm done."

Just like that, Chen Xiaofei and Chen Jiaojiao returned to the dormitory, while Li Yi and Wang Shanshan went to have dinner outside the school.

When he came to a Chinese restaurant, Li Yi said, "What's going on?"

"Miss Xiao Fei and the others have a socialite in their dormitory. They have changed many girlfriends. Last time a boy came to look for her outside the dormitory. He happened to meet Miss Xiao Fei. That man is a rich second generation. He seems to have taken a fancy to you Wife, I just want that girl to help her pursue it." Wang Shanshan said with a wry smile, "That woman seems to know that the other party will not want him if she catches up with Miss Xiaofei, and she often makes trouble for Miss Xiaofei. dislike; despise."

"Do you want me to make a move?" Li Yi said.

Wang Shanshan waved his hand and said, "Forget it, let's see again! If that woman goes too far, it's not too late for you to take action."

When Chen Xiaofei returned to the dormitory, a woman wearing a red dress and heavy makeup was losing her temper, "Thiefs, they are thieves, they even stole my bag..."

"Who do you say is a thief?" Chen Xiaofei entered the door and asked.

This girl's name is Sun Xiaoli, she looks about seventeen or eighteen years old, and her appearance is not bad, but she is not as good as Chen Xiaofei and other girls.

"Let's talk about you, you dare to steal my things, and you still won't let me tell?" Sun Xiaoli pinched her waist and said, "Tell me, did you steal my Chanel bag?"

"Hmph! Do I need to steal your bag?" Chen Xiaofei asked.

"That's right, brother-in-law is so rich, and still needs to steal your things?" Chen Jiaojiao also said, "Even if you give us your broken bag, we won't take it seriously."

"Hehe! Really? That Li Yi can buy you such a good bag?" Sun Xiaoli obviously didn't believe it, and said disdainfully, "Don't brag in front of me, he will know that he is a poor second generation." She knew Li Yi's situation Very few, but I have heard others say in private that Li Yi is dressed in general, so he is considered a poor ghost.

"If I want it, is there anything I can't afford?" Chen Xiaofei knew Li Yi's financial strength, she didn't like to show off, so she didn't have any luxury around her.

"You can afford it, but he didn't buy it for you! As soon as you spread your legs, the things will come?" Sun Xiaoli sneered.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaofei's face changed greatly. She is also a girl with a temper, and she just raised her hand and slapped her face.

There was a slap, and a clear slap was left on Sun Xiaoli's face. She covered her cheek and said, "You, you dare to hit me?"

"I'll just hit you, who told you to frame me?" Chen Xiaofei's face flushed with anger, if she wasn't in the same dormitory and didn't want to make the relationship tense, she would have asked Li Yi to kick him out a long time ago.

"I framed you?" Sun Xiaoli gritted her teeth, "Okay, even if I framed you, what's the matter? If you dare to beat my old lady, I'll let you go without food."

"Jiaojiao, let's go." Chen Xiaofei glared at her, then pulled Chen Jiaojiao out of the bedroom.

Walking out of the dormitory, Chen Jiaojiao asked: "Old sister, why don't you let brother-in-law take action?"

"I won't let him trouble him with such a small matter. I don't want him to think that I'm a useless girl. I can't handle such a small matter well." Chen Xiaofei is very strong, she has her own ideas in doing this.

Chen Jiaojiao twitched her eyebrows slightly, and said, "But I don't think you can handle it well."

"Are you looking for a fight?" Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, "You even doubt my ability."

In the dormitory, Sun Xiaoli escaped from her mobile phone, made a call, sobbed and said, "Young Master Yang, someone is bullying me, can you help me out?"

Yang Shao's name is Yang Gang. His father is the owner of a 4S shop in the city. His family produces tops. He is a well-known rich second generation.

Yang Gang is a nouveau riche. It is said that a few years ago when his family was so poor that he could hardly eat, he bought ten lottery tickets with the same number. I don’t know if he was lucky, but this guy actually won the first prize.After he had the money, he opened a 4S shop and handed it over to his subordinates to take care of it.But I eat, drink and have fun all day long, and so does his son, who gives up his studies and goes to night schools to find beautiful women when he has nothing to do.

"My little baby, who bullied you? Tell me." Yang Gang and Sun Xiaoli didn't know each other for long, but under the temptation of money, they were together soon, and it can be said that they have done everything that should be done.

If he hadn't met Chen Xiaofei by accident, he would have needed Sun Xiaoli to help him set up a relationship. With Yang Gang's character, he would have broken up with her long ago.

"Hmph! The girl you fancy stole my bag, you have to help me out!" Sun Xiaoli said aggrievedly.

"What? Didn't I ask you to establish a good relationship with her and introduce her to me?" Yang Gang said depressedly, "If you do this, how can I still chase her?"

"Husband, I don't want to do this either, but she is too much." Sun Xiaoli rolled her eyes, and a plan quickly formed. If she knew that Li Yi had beaten Jin Tae-ki into a vegetable in the morning, she would not have mentioned this plan at all, "Don't you Do you just want to get her body? You find a few people to grab her, and then we..."

"Damn it! This is against the law." Yang Gang said in surprise.

"Husband, you want money and people, can't you do this?" Sun Xiaoli wanted revenge, but now there is only one way to get revenge.

These words reached Yang Gang's heart. After he became the rich second generation, he was already in high spirits, and said, "You're right, I'll ask my friend to bring her here."

"Honey, I also want to watch from the side when you do that to her." Sun Xiaoli said coquettishly, "If you want, we can go together."

"Shuangfei?" Yang Gang laughed loudly, and said, "Okay, come to Black Rose Bar to find me later."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Gang found a brother of Black Rose, and told the reason for his visit, "Third brother, help me bring her here, no problem!"

"It's all trivial, let's talk! What's the girl's name." Qin San picked up a glass of wine and drank it.

"Her name is Chen Xiaofei, a student at ** University." Yang Gang said.

Hearing this, Qin San spouted all the wine in his mouth, and sprayed Yang Gang all over his face.

"Third brother, what's wrong with you?" Yang Gang didn't dare to get angry. Although he has a little money, he is nothing compared to the powerful Tiandao Gang.

"No, it's nothing, do you have a photo of that girl?" Qin San said so, but said coldly in his heart, "Boy, if the person you ask me to arrest is really a sister-in-law, brother, I can't help you, you are court death."

Yang Gang took out his mobile phone, clicked on a photo, and said, "That's the girl."

Qin San only glanced at it, and said, "Brother, leave this matter to me." After finishing speaking, he added, "Drink more wine later, otherwise there will be no chance in the future."

Yang Gang was taken aback, unable to understand the meaning of the words, and said, "Third Brother, is the bar going to be dirty?"

"You'll know in the evening." After Qin San finished speaking, he found the owner of the bar and told what happened just now.

It didn't take long for Li Yi to know the news, his eyes flashed coldly, and he told the other party how to execute it.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Black Rose Bar, in a luxurious box.

Yang Gang and Sun Xiaoli were sitting in the private room drinking, the former told her what happened in the afternoon, and said, "Don't worry, I will vent my anger on you tonight, that woman will also become my woman, haha..."

Sun Xiaoli's whole body stuck to him, and she deliberately pulled the neckline open, revealing the snow-white deep groove, "Husband, I knew you were the best, why don't we have a shot?" As she said, she put both hands on Yang Gang's thigh She quickly stroked the room, her technique was very good, and Yang Gang soon felt it.

Yang Gang couldn't bear it anymore, but when he thought of waiting, he pushed her away and said, "Stop making trouble..."

Sun Xiaoli froze for a moment, pouted her small mouth and said coquettishly, "Honey, what are you doing?"

"You don't know that I don't have many bullets. If I hit you, how can I enjoy it later?" Yang Gang took out a pill from his arms, swallowed it with his drink, and then waved to her, "Don't be angry. Well, after I do that with her, I will come with you again, and I promise to make you comfortable to death."

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