super jade

Chapter 412 Do You Know Who I Am?

Half an hour later, Yang Gang and Sun Xiaoli were almost done drinking. The former drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, shook his head and said, "Why haven't they come yet?"

"Could it be an accident, do you want to go and have a look?" Sun Xiaoli said.

"Hmm! You wait here for me, I'll go out for a while." Yang Gang staggered towards the door, just as he opened the door, a man appeared in sight.

Seeing the other party, Yang Gang was taken aback, and said, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, are you Yang Gang?" This man is none other than Li Yi who came here.

"Hmph! Did you also call me my name?" Yang Gang said disdainfully, "You are the third brother's subordinate! Call the third brother here, I have something to ask him."

"Don't look for him anymore, he won't come to see you." Li Yi suddenly raised his right foot, only to hear a bang, and the other party was kicked into the room.

After landing, Yang Gang's throat was sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. He also woke up a little bit from the wine, and scolded angrily: "I'll wipe it! Who the hell are you?"

Li Yi snorted coldly, walked into the box step by step, and said, "You want to catch my girlfriend, but you actually ask who I am?"

"If I wanted to know who you are, I would have destroyed you a long time ago." Yang Gang said arrogantly.

At this time, Sun Xiaoli also saw the situation in front of the door. Seeing Yang Gang being kicked away, she exclaimed and ran over quickly, "Honey, how are you..."

As soon as she came to Yang Gang, she saw Li Yi. Sun Xiaoli's face darkened, and she said, "Li Yi, why are you here?"

"You have a conflict with Xiaofei, so you use this method to retaliate against her?" Li Yi asked.

Sun Xiaoli didn't deny it either, she snorted coldly and said, "I just want to mess with her, what can you do to me?"

"Hmph! She is my woman. If you dare to touch her, don't blame me for being rude." Li Yi's eyes flashed with murderous intent. He walked up to Yang Gang and kicked him at the root of his life.


A scream echoed, and Yang Gang fell to the ground in pain.

"You, you dare to kill?" Sun Xiaoli panicked, "This is third brother's territory, you beat my husband here, you can't get out of here alive..."

"Third brother?"

Li Yi doesn't know the third brother at all, he only contacts the boss of one party, and the third brother is not a name in Tiandao Gang.

"The third brother is Qin San, don't you know him?" Sun Xiaoli said, "He is a member of the Tiandao Gang, the foreman here, offending him is no different from courting death."

Li Yi smiled, turned around and shouted to the door: "Call Qin San here."

Sun Xiaoli was startled, unable to figure out Li Yi's identity for a while, and said, "Who are you?"

Li Yi didn't answer her, went to sit on the sofa, lit a cigarette and started smoking.

Not long after, Qin San came in. He knelt down in front of Li Yi with a plop, and said, "Brother Yi, this matter has nothing to do with me. I told Brother Hong a long time ago."

Li Yi received a text message from Hong Rui just now. After knowing the whole story, he would not blame Qin San, and said: "Get up! I called you here to let you tell them who I am!"

Yang Gang also heard the conversation between the two, his face changed, and he said in horror: "Third brother, who is he?"

At this time, the two also guessed Li Yi's identity. Qin San knelt down to him. Could it be that he is also a member of the Tiandao Gang?

"He's Brother Yi!" Qin San snorted coldly.

"Brother Yi?" Yang Gang subconsciously asked, "Which Brother Yi?"

"Damn it! How many Yi brothers are there in ** City?" Qin San said angrily.

Yang Gang really thought of a person, but when he thought of the identity of the other person, his face became even uglier, his body trembled, and he said in horror: "He, he is that brother Yi above?"

"Hmph! You offended Brother Yi, even the gods can't save you." Qin San said coldly, "Let's think about the future!"

Yang Gang knew Brother Yi's name and his status even more. He knelt down and ran in front of Li Yi, and said willingly, "Brother Yi, I have no eyes, please forgive me!"

Qin San took a step forward, kicked Yang Gang away with one kick, and roared angrily: "I'm so stupid, I called him Brother Yi, and you also called him like that?"

"Grandpa, ancestor, I know I was wrong." Yang Gang pointed to Sun Xiaoli beside him, and said, "She asked me to do this, it has nothing to do with me..."

"She asked you to do this, and you did it?" Li Yi sneered.

Yang Gang gritted his teeth, slapped Sun Xiaoli, and said, "Why are you still in a daze, you haven't explained to Brother Yi yet."

Sun Xiaoli was confused by the situation in front of her. She glanced at Yang Gang, then at Li Yi, and Zheng Heng said, "Husband, isn't he a college student at ** University? Then he becomes Brother Yi?"

"I'll wipe your mouth, aren't you also a student of ** University? But it's like a broken bus, anyone can get on it if they want." Yang Gang roared, "I ask you, do you apologize?"

"I apologize, I apologize." Knowing that Yang Gang was angry, Sun Xiaoli knelt down and kowtowed, "Brother Yi, I know I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Li Yi didn't think about killing them this time. He stood up and said to Sun Xiaoli, "Go back and apologize to Xiaofei."

"I apologize, I must apologize." Sun Xiaoli said hastily.

Li Yi looked at Yang Gang again, and said solemnly: "I don't want to see you again, get out of ** City, if I see you appear again, you will know the result."

"Thank you Brother Yi, thank you Brother Yi." Yang Gang kowtowed.

Li Yi didn't even look at them, got up and left the box, and drove to ** University.

An hour later, Sun Xiaoli also returned to school. After entering the dormitory, she knelt down in front of everyone, "Miss Xiaofei, please forgive me!"

Kneeling suddenly, Chen Xiaofei was stunned, and said, "What are you doing?"

"I know I was wrong, I don't blame you, I'm a beast." Sun Xiaoli raised her hand and slapped her a few times, and in a blink of an eye, her white and tender cheeks were blood red.

"Okay, I forgive you, get up!" No matter how stupid Chen Xiaofei was, she guessed that she had something to do with Li Yi.

Sun Xiaoli's face brightened, and she said excitedly, "You, you really forgive me?"

"Hmm! Get up!" Chen Xiaofei left the dormitory, found an empty place and made a call, "Husband, she just scolded me a few times, you are doing too much!"

"If she only scolded you, I wouldn't treat her like this. She asked her boyfriend to take you away, and then you knew." Li Yi said, "If I didn't stop you, you would be in danger."

Chen Xiaofei's heart skipped a beat, she took a deep breath and said, "My husband, thank you."

"We can't live in the dormitory, let's buy a villa outside the school!" Li Yi suggested, "As long as you are all by my side, I can be sure of your safety."

Chen Xiaofei didn't refuse, she knew what would happen if they lived together, so she hesitated and said: "Okay, I promise you."

Li Yi didn't expect Chen Xiaofei to agree so quickly. While excited, he said, "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning, but we'll buy a villa together then."

Back in the dormitory, Kan Hao and the others hadn't rested yet and were playing with their phones.

Seeing Li Yi coming back, Kan Hao took out his newly purchased mobile phone and said, "Boss, what you said in the afternoon woke me up. You are right, I will never buy foreign products again."

Li Yi glanced at Kan Hao's mobile phone, and said with a wry smile: "Don't you have an Apple?"

"Boss, are you sure this is an Apple phone?" Kan Hao smiled, opened the cover of the phone, and took out the battery, "Have you ever seen an Apple with dual SIM cards, dual standby, and two batteries?"


Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "That's an apple too!"

"Hmph! Even if it's Apple, it's a domestic copycat, much better than they use Samsung and Apple." Kan Hao looked at Yu Miao and Yu Lei, rolled his eyes and said, "When will you change your phone?"

"Uh... I also want to change, but there are no good mobile phones in China!" Yu Lei explained.

Yu Miao also nodded, and said, "We only change when the boss changes, and we have to follow the boss's pace."

Only then did Kan Hao remember that Li Yi was also using Apple, and he said depressedly: "Boss, you keep saying that you are patriotic, why don't you change to a domestic mobile phone?"

"I changed." Li Yi said.

Kan Hao obviously didn't believe it, and said, "Then take it out and let me have a look."

Li Yi handed the phone to the other party and said with a smile, "How is it?"

Kan Hao glanced at it and was completely speechless. This phone is exactly the same as Apple, but the logo on the back is different.

The Apple mobile phone is a bitten apple, but Li Yi's mobile phone has become a character, the word "Dao" in a Chinese character.

"Damn it, what kind of phone is this! Why haven't I seen it before?" Kan Hao said in surprise.

Yu Lei and Yu Miao also surrounded him, also speechless, Yu Lei said depressedly: "Boss, this is not a counterfeit mobile phone, is it? It looks good, how much is it?"

"Five hundred!" How did Li Yi know how much this phone cost? This is a sample phone he asked Bayongjie to make, and it hasn't been officially sold yet!

Bayongjie completed the task very quickly. Li Yi only announced the plan in the morning, and asked someone to change the phone at night.

Li Yi was also speechless when he first got the phone. Except for the casing, the rest of the phone has not changed.

After unlocking it, Yu Lei played for a while, then his eyes widened, and he said, "Damn, boss, your phone is so good, it's no different from a real Apple." After he finished speaking, he found something, and his eyes widened even more , "Fuck me, this is not an ios system, what is it called a Tiandao system, where did you get this phone?"

"Do you know Tiandao Company?" Li Yi asked.

The three of them have been in ** City for a few months. Of course the famous Tiandao Company knew about it. Kan Hao said, "Is that the company that sells elixirs?"

"This is Tiandao's mobile phone, a gift from a friend." Li Yi said.

"Really?" Kan Hao obviously didn't believe it. He turned on the computer to check it, and said with a wry smile, "Boss, you have been cheated. Tiandao Company doesn't have a mobile phone at all..."

"It hasn't been officially released yet, but it's coming soon." Li Yi explained.

What Yu Miao didn't care about was mobile phones. He was more interested in Tiandao Company, and said, "Boss, since you are familiar with the people of Tiandao Company, help me get some pills!"

"What pill do you want?" Li Yi asked.

"Strengthening the body pill is the pill that won't fall down after taking it." Yu Miao didn't blush and her heart didn't beat when she spoke, which shows how thick-skinned he is.

As soon as these words came out, both Kan Hao and Yu Lei wanted to look at each other, and there was an indescribable strangeness in their eyes.

"What are you looking at, you don't want this pill?" Yu Miao said depressedly.

"Our kidneys are not weak, what do we need that elixir for?" Yu Lei laughed and said, "Dude, don't tell me that you have a health problem and need this elixir to save your life."

"Save your head, what woman doesn't want her husband to last longer, I call it precautionary." Yu Miao snorted coldly, "What do you two little kids know?"

Everyone joked for a while, fell asleep one after another, and had nothing to say all night, and Li Yi left the dormitory the next morning.

The four made an appointment to meet outside the school, had a simple breakfast, and Li Yi drove them to the nearby villa area.

**community, one of the most famous neighborhoods nearby, except for a few bungalows, most of them are luxury villas, the price is very high, it can be said that every inch of land is very expensive.This is a place where rich people live, even if ordinary people pass by here, they dare not go in and take a look.

Everyone came to the sales office. Just after entering the door, a sales lady walked over quickly.

Li Yi yelled inwardly, but it was too late to stop him, so he could only turn his head to the side.

Sure enough, the sales lady smiled sweetly and said hello: "Mr. Li, you are here again! Do you need a villa or a bungalow this time?"

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