super jade

Chapter 413 Brother-in-law Helps Me Pick Up Soap

The three girls were slightly taken aback, Chen Xiaofei pulled Li Yi, and said, "Have you ever bought a house here?"

"No, no! Who am I here to buy a house for?" Li Yi looked at the sales lady and coughed lightly, "Well, are you sure I bought a house here?"

Only then did the sales lady realize that Li Yi was still the same Li Yi, but the girls around him had changed. The last two times he brought a girl here, but this time there were three.What made her even more incredible was that each of these girls was more beautiful than the other. At this moment, the sales lady really wanted to know how Li Yi got along with so many girlfriends in harmony?

Of course, this is not what the sales lady cares about, she must keep her job.

The sales lady has sold houses here for several years, and she still has good eyesight. After she realized it, she said, "Sorry, I got the wrong person..."

"Well, we want to buy a villa, take us to see it!" Li Yi said.

Everyone got into the sales car, and the sales lady found a chance to whisper: "Mr. Li, are you paying this time, or are you calling our boss?"

The first time he came to buy a house for Fu Yiyu, Li Yi asked Du Haibo's father to give him a set, and the second time he bought it in full.

Although Li Yi wanted to ask for a few more houses, he was embarrassed to cheat the other party again when he thought of taking away the ** mansion.

"I'll buy it in full this time." Li Yi replied.

Everyone came to several villas to look at it, and soon, Chen Xiaofei took a fancy to one and said: "This house is not bad, how much can I buy it for?"

"This house is 1000 million. If you pay in full, you can get a [-]% discount." The sales lady replied.

"1000 million, so expensive!" Chen Xiaofei had never bought a house before, so she never thought that a villa would cost tens of millions.

Li Yi didn't want to buy this house because Wang Tiantian lived next door. He coughed lightly and said, "Xiao Fei, if you think it's expensive, we can take a look at those houses."

Chen Xiaofei hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and said, "Buy it! This house is near the lake and has a good view."

"Uh... do you really want this set?" Li Yi said so, but he was very depressed in his heart.

"Let's just set this up! Anyway, you are so rich, so you're not short of the money." Chen Xiaofei has participated in the auction meeting, and she knows that it is easy for Li Yi to earn money, and an ordinary pill can buy hundreds of dollars. Ten thousand.

Li Yi had no choice but to buy this set. He took out his card and said, "Swipe the card!"

"Mr. Li, when are you going to move in?" the sales lady said, "This house has been renovated. If you move in now, I'll get you the keys."

Before Li Yi answered, Chen Jiaojiao said: "Brother-in-law, I don't want to live in the dormitory anymore, so I can move here tonight!"

"Well! Go to the key!" Chen Xiaofei said to the sales lady, and then said to Li Yi, "This house is quite big, let's all live here from now on!"

"Okay!" What else could Li Yi say, if he said he didn't want to live here, how could he explain why he couldn't explain it to the three women?

Soon, the sales lady took back the card and key, handed them to Li Yi and said, "Sir, here are your card and keys. If you need anything, please call me."

The girls entered the villa, Chen Xiaofei chose a room, Chen Jiaojiao chose the next room, and Wang Shanshan took the last room on the second floor.

"Where do I live?" Li Yi smiled wryly.

Wang Shanshan giggled and said, "The master bedroom on the third floor, you should live there!"

"I live alone?" Li Yi asked.

"Hmph! Who else can you live with?" Chen Xiaofei blushed pretty, and said angrily, "If you're bored by yourself, you can go to Shining at night."

"No way! Li Yi will definitely look for you at night, you are his eldest wife." Wang Shan said with a smile.

Chen Xiaofei's pretty face turned even redder, she glared at Li Yi, and said, "I'm going back to my room." After speaking, she walked towards the room.

"Brother-in-law, you can still find me." Chen Jiaojiao said.

As soon as she walked to the door, Chen Xiaofei staggered when she heard this, she almost didn't fall to the ground, and said: "Little sister, don't talk nonsense, you go back to your room."

Chen Jiaojiao stuck out her tongue mischievously, and said, "Brother-in-law, I'm going back to my room to take a shower!"

Hearing this, black lines appeared on Chen Xiaofei's and Wang Shanshan's heads, the latter smiled wryly and said, "What do you want to eat tonight, I'll go buy vegetables and make them for you."

"Whatever you want." Li Yi said, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

"No, there is a supermarket nearby, and it will be there in a few minutes." Wang Shanshan walked out of the room after speaking.

Li Yi still followed, took her hand and said: "Let's go together! The community is so big, you have to walk for a long time, I will drive you there."

Wang Shanshan felt sweet in her heart, she didn't refuse, she nodded, "Yeah!"

When they came to the supermarket, they simply bought some vegetables and meat, and the two returned to the villa.

Just after parking the car in the underground garage, Li Yi sensed something, and said: "Xing Shan, you go back first, there is something wrong with the car, let me see what's going on."

"Well! If it can't be repaired, find someone to drag it away!" Wang Shanshan said.

Back at the villa, Wang Shanshan started to wash the vegetables. She is a child of an ordinary family and can do these housework.

Footsteps were heard upstairs, and Chen Jiaojiao ran over bouncingly, and said, "Sister Shanshan, where is brother-in-law?"

"He went to stop the car. Do you have anything to do with him?" Wang Shanshan asked.

Chen Jiaojiao rolled her eyes, waved her hand and said, "It's okay, you cook first! I'm starving to death." After taking a shower, she changed into a cute pink dress, sat on the bed and waited for a long time but did not get Li Yi comes in.Depressed, she decided to make an attack, and only then did she go downstairs to find Li Yi.

What is our classmate Li Yi doing at this time?

It turned out that when she came to the underground garage, she saw Wang Tiantian's Lotus sports car, and knew that the girl was back.

Li Yi wanted to ask Wang Tiantian for clarification, but as soon as he got to the door, he saw this girl walking out.

Wang Tiantian was also taken aback when she saw Li Yi, she ran over quickly, and threw herself into his arms, "Husband, I knew you would come to me, let's go in and do it!"

"What are you doing?" Li Yi wanted to say, I'm here to talk to you, what are you doing!But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted.

Wang Tiantian blushed, rolled her eyes at him, and said shyly, "Of course we are doing what we love."

"Tiantian, listen to me, I'm living here now, you..." Li Yi was so depressed that he didn't finish talking this time, and was interrupted by Wang Tiantian again.

Wang Tiantian jumped up excitedly. She hugged Li Yi tightly and said, "Husband, are you going to move here to live with me?"

"Uh... no." Li Yi smiled wryly.

Wang Tiantian was stunned for a moment, and said, "No?"

"I bought a villa here, and Xiao Fei and the others asked me to come and live here." Li Yi said briefly, "If I'm with them, don't come to me."

"Hmph!" Wang Tiantian was so jealous that she said angrily, "Got it!"

Li Yi knew that the girl was angry, and just about to coax her, he suddenly sensed something and pushed her away.

Wang Tiantian was furious immediately, before asking Li Yi what happened, the door of the villa next to her opened, and a girl shouted, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing?"

"Me, what am I doing?" Li Yi reacted quickly, bent down and said, "I'm picking up soap."

"Ah! Really?" Chen Jiaojiao ran over excitedly and chirped, "Brother-in-law, someone's soap has fallen off, I'll help you pick it up."

Li Yi took out Brother Yi's soap from the storage ring, handed it to Wang Tiantian and said, "This sister's has already been picked up."

Wang Tiantian took the soap and felt a little speechless. She wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it, and said, "Thank you! Next time I drop the soap, you will pick it up for me." After speaking, she held back her smile and walked towards the garage go.

Chen Jiaojiao came to her, her eyes kept rolling, and she suddenly said, "Brother-in-law, you like picking up soap!"

"'s okay!" Li Yi said awkwardly.

Chen Jiaojiao started giggling. As soon as she grabbed Li Yi's arm, she ran into the villa, "Brother-in-law, my soap has also fallen off. Help me pick up the soap."

Li Yi was forcibly pulled into the room by the girl, and then quickly ran to her room under Wang Shanshan's surprised eyes.

Wang Shanshan was stunned, she hesitated, and said, "Jiaojiao, what are you doing?"

"I want my brother-in-law to pick up soap for me." Chen Jiaojiao said.


Wang Shanxing's eyes widened. She knew that this was a popular word on the Internet recently, and said in her heart, "Isn't picking up soap the meaning of carrying the mountain? What are they trying to do? Wait, when picking up soap, men can attack from behind, If Jiaojiao bent down to pick up soap, wouldn't Li Yi be able to..."

Thinking of this, Wang Shanshan hurriedly ran to Chen Xiaofei's room, but hesitated before knocking on the door.

"Forget it, Li Yi has so many girlfriends, one more is not too many, one less is not too many, why should I destroy them?" Wang Shanshan thought of this, turned and walked downstairs.

At this time, Chen Jiaojiao and Li Yi had already entered the room. The girl dragged him to the bathroom, picked up a piece of soap and left it on the floor, "Brother-in-law, help me pick up the soap..."

Li Yi seldom used it, so he didn't know the meaning of picking up soap. He just heard this word from others, and he used it just now in a flash of inspiration.

Just like that, Li Yi didn't think much, bent down to pick up the soap, then handed it to Chen Jiaojiao, saying: "Here you..."

What Li Yi meant by picking up soap just now, this girl has been staring at Li Yi's back, with a wicked smile on her mouth.

"What are you laughing at?" Seeing this girl's weird smile, Li Yi was a monk of Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out.

"No, it's nothing..." Chen Jiaojiao quickly returned to her cute look, she threw the soap on the ground again, and said, "Brother-in-law, I'll pick it up this time..."

"You pick it up!" Li Yi felt bored and was about to walk out of the bathroom.

When Chen Jiaojiao bent down to pick up the soap, seeing that Li Yi was about to leave, she hurriedly said, "Brother-in-law, don't go..."

"What's wrong?" Li Yi was puzzled, "Why don't you stand up when you pick up soap?"

"Brother-in-law, you idiot, I'll give you a chance! Why don't you know how to grasp it?" Chen Jiaojiao pursed her lips, looking depressed.

Li Yi touched his head and said, "You give me a chance?"

"Brother-in-law, come here, come closer to me, yes, that's it, hug my waist from behind, yes, that's what it says in the book." Chen Jiaojiao likes to read online novels very much recently, and made up for the things between men and women , but she only understands the theory, but she doesn't know what is called sex between a man and a woman.

Li Yi knew what was going on when he hugged him like this, his big dick was right on Chen Jiaojiao's ass.

This posture is really evil, and Li Yi is a normal man again, and the big guy woke up unexpectedly.

Li Yi yelled inwardly that it was bad, and it was too late to get away, so he could only see the big guy stuck between Chen Jiaojiao's double slits, and there was a faint tendency to get in.

Chen Jiaojiao exclaimed, her body went limp, she almost didn't fall to the ground, she said aggrievedly: "Brother-in-law, you are necrotic, I asked you to hug me, but you hit me with a stick."

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