super jade

Chapter 414 Brother-in-law, Are You Swollen?

Chen Jiaojiao didn't know if she really didn't understand the meaning of the words, or she pretended not to understand, her little butt even twisted a few times, and said: "Brother-in-law, it feels so strange, you quickly take the stick away."

"Uh..." Li Yi was completely speechless, this girl doesn't understand anything!He hurriedly took a step back and said awkwardly, "Well, I'm going out first!"

Chen Jiaojiao turned around quickly, grabbed Li Yi's hand, and stared at his lower body for a while, wondering: "Brother-in-law, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I was stung by a bee just now, it may be swollen!" Li Yi regretted it after saying this, this is a joke he overheard, how can he say it!

Chen Jiaojiao exclaimed, and hurriedly said, "Ah! It's really swollen, do you want to take off your pants?"

Hearing this, Li Yi really didn't know what to say, this is the second time Guoguo made him commit a crime!

"That, no need, I have to go out beforehand." Li Yi ran towards the door as he spoke, but when he got to the door, he heard a sentence that made him vomit blood.

"Brother-in-law, you are so swollen, you must be poisoned, why don't I use my mouth to suck the toxin out of your body!" Chen Jiaojiao quickly chased him out.

Li Yi is so depressed!If this goes on like this, I will definitely not be able to control it, I waved my hand and said, "No need..."

The two came to the door one after the other, and as soon as they went out, they saw a person coming out from the next room.

"Li Yi, what are you doing in my little sister's room?" Chen Xiaofei's face darkened, her eyes full of ominous premonition.

"Well, I'm going to help my little sister pick up things, yes, just pick up things." Li Yi was afraid that Xiao Fei would think too much, so he changed the subject, "Well, I'll go down and help Shining cook."

Seeing Li Yi running downstairs in a hurry, Chen Xiaofei was even more puzzled. She was about to chase down, but saw Chen Jiaojiao running out.

Chen Jiaojiao ran out of the door out of breath, and shouted: "Brother-in-law, don't go! I'll suck it out for you..." At this point, she saw Chen Xiaofei who was walking quickly, and quickly changed her words: "Mr. Sister, my brother-in-law is swollen, he must be poisoned, if I don't suck the poison out, my brother-in-law will definitely die..."

Chen Xiaofei couldn't understand what the little girl was talking about, she frowned and said, "Where did he get poisoned?"

"Brother-in-law's place is poisoned." Chen Jiaojiao pointed to her lower body, "Old sister, you didn't see it just now, the clock in brother-in-law's place is so big, it's like a small tent."

Chen Xiaofei is not a little girl who doesn't understand anything, how could she fail to understand the meaning of her words, and said angrily and shyly: "Little sister, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Old sister, where am I talking nonsense? My brother-in-law is really swollen." Chen Jiaojiao said innocently.

Chen Xiaofei is so angry!Whether the girl really didn't understand or pretended not to understand, she grabbed her hand and walked into the room, "Come in, I have something to ask you."

"Ah! You're not going to save brother-in-law?" Chen Jiaojiao said, "Even if you are not married yet, brother-in-law is your boyfriend, so you can't do nothing!"

"You have to save him, I want to die." Chen Xiaofei said coldly.

Chen Jiaojiao scratched her head, puzzled and said, "I'm going to save my brother-in-law, do you want to die?"

"Hmph! Let me ask you, what did you do just now?" Chen Xiaofei felt that she would go crazy if this continued. "You are not allowed to lie, tell me every word."

"No, it's nothing! I just asked my brother-in-law to help me pick things up." Chen Jiaojiao lowered her head and played with the hem of her clothes.

"Pick up something?" Chen Xiaofei asked curiously, "What kind of thing do you pick up?"

"That, this, it's really nothing." Seeing the old lady's fierce look, Chen Jiaojiao knew that she would not be able to pass this test if she didn't tell her. "Just let him pick up the soap for me."

"What, you asked him to pick up soap for you?" Chen Xiaofei raised her voice several times, her little face flushed with anger.

Chen Jiaojiao stuck out her tongue mischievously, and said: "Old sister, don't be so fierce, I read that if a woman is too fierce, she will not be beautiful."

"Reading those messy books again, I ask you, why did you let him go to your room to pick up soap?" Chen Xiaofei said angrily, she felt that the little girl's thoughts were not pure.

Chen Jiaojiao hesitated for a moment before she said: "I read in the book that if two men pick up soap together, they will fall in love with each other. I think men can stay together because of this. If I ask my brother-in-law to help me pick up soap, he should also Will fall in love with me! Who knew that my brother-in-law would be poisoned after picking up the soap."

"What logic, don't let him pick up some soap in the future." Chen Xiaofei said angrily.

"Brother-in-law can pick up soap for others, why can't he pick it up for me?" Chen Jiaojiao pouted, "I'm still his sister-in-law! It's only natural for him to help me pick up soap."

Chen Xiaofei's face darkened, and said, "Who did he pick up soap for?"

"The big sister next door! I saw her soap drop just now, so my brother-in-law picked it up for him." Chen Jiaojiao said.

"Big sister next door?" Chen Xiaofei's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly asked, "Do you know that girl?"

Chen Jiaojiao shook her head and said, "I don't know her, but that sister is very beautiful."

"I see." Chen Xiaofei was full of doubts, turned and walked out of the room.

"Old sister, brother-in-law is poisoned, if you don't suck it out, you will definitely die." Chen Jiaojiao shouted.

"I'll help him suck it out!" Chen Xiaofei regretted it after saying this, how could she not know the meaning of sucking it out, didn't she ask Li Yi to do it?

Thinking of this, Chen Xiaofei blushed pretty. When she came to the kitchen, she saw Li Yi cooking and asked in surprise, "You know how to cook?"

"Uh... who stipulates that only women can cook, the dishes I cook should not be too delicious!" Li Yi hates cooking the most, but he has no choice to avoid this disaster.

"I also want to try your handicraft. If you are not satisfied, you will die." Chen Xiaofei snorted coldly, then went to the living room to watch TV.

Li Yi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and began to cook delicious dishes according to the cooking method he remembered.

Wang Shanshan had been standing by his side, seeing that Chen Xiaofei would not come in again, she lowered her voice and said, "Honey, did you go to Jiaojiao's room just now?"

"Well! What's the matter?" Li Yi asked.

"Are you trying to take her down?" Wang Shan said, "Don't worry, I won't tell you about you."


Li Yi was stunned for a moment. It is undeniable that Chen Jiaojiao is indeed a little beauty, but she is so small that she never thought of taking it now.

Wang Shanshan giggled and said, "Don't think I don't know, there are many girlfriends of yours in this neighborhood."

"Really? Aren't you all my girlfriends?" Li Yi said with a smile.

"Besides us, there are other girlfriends." Wang Shanshan said with certainty, "According to the sales lady, she will call you Mr. Li when they meet. How does he know your surname is Li? Didn't you meet once?"

Li Yi sighed, he knew he couldn't hide it, and said, "Have you guessed it?"

"Well! I knew from the time I entered your dormitory that you have other girlfriends besides us." Wang Shanshan said, "Tell me, how many more?"

"I can tell you, but you must not tell it." Li Yi said, "You also know Xiao Fei's temper. She is jealous. If she knows that I have other girlfriends, she will definitely break up with me."

"Sister Xiaofei's position in your heart is very important!" Wang Shanshan said enviously.

Li Yi took a deep breath and said slowly: "When I was at my worst, she was still willing to be with me. I can't give up on her in this life."

"I know, so I didn't tell her these things." Wang Shanshan is a smart girl, she knows what can be said and what can't be said.

"Actually, besides the three of you, I have six girlfriends." Li Yi did the math, Su Mengxi, Liu Xiaolu, Sun Hanyue, Bayongjie, Zhang Qianqian and Wang Tiantian.Except for these six, the rest of the girls, although they have extraordinary relationships, are not together yet and cannot be regarded as girlfriends.

Wang Xianxing's eyes widened, she gasped and said, "What are you talking about, you still have six girlfriends?"

"Why, less?" Li Yi laughed and said, "I want to build a big harem. There are too few girlfriends, so I have to keep working hard!"

Wang Shanshan rolled his eyes and said depressedly: "Add me and we already have nine, how many girlfriends are there?"

"Uh... I think it's a bit small." Li Yi said proudly instead of ashamed.

"Then how much more do you want?" Wang Shan said.

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "At least one hundred and eighty!"

"I don't care how many girlfriends you get. Anyway, I'm not a big wife." Wang Shanshan said with a chuckle, "I just want to know how you will explain to Miss Xiaofei..."

Thinking of this, Li Yi was also very annoyed, and sighed: "Let's take one step at a time! It's too tiring to think about it now."

It didn't take long for the meal to be ready, three dishes and one soup.

Everyone was sitting at the dining table. Chen Jiaojiao was so hungry that she picked up a piece of shredded pork with her chopsticks and put it in her mouth.

But as soon as it entered her mouth, before chewing it a few times, Chen Jiaojiao spat it all out with a wow, and hurriedly asked, "It's so unpalatable, who made this dish?"

"Is it so unpalatable?" Li Yi was cooking for the first time. He just did it according to his memory, and he didn't know how to put the seasoning at all.Ever since, he picked up a piece of shredded pork and put it in his mouth, and he knew what was going on in a blink of an eye. I'll fuck it, it's too salty!Tougher than cured bacon.

However, Li Yi didn't spit it out, and swallowed it forcefully, saying: "That, it's pretty good..."

Chen Jiaojiao widened her eyes and said in surprise, "Brother-in-law, have you eaten all of it?"

"I think this dish is very good. If you don't eat it, I will eat it alone!" Li Yi didn't want to leave a bad impression on the two girls, so he picked up the plate and put it in front of him.

Chen Jiaojiao was very puzzled. She suddenly thought of something, looked at Wang Shanshan and said, "Sister Shanshan, is this dish made by brother-in-law?"

"Yeah!" Wang Xingyan replied.

"Wow, brother-in-law, you can cook! Isn't it a bit salty! I'll help you eat." Chen Jiaojiao ran to Li Yi and sat down, picked up chopsticks and ate with big mouthfuls.

However, these dishes could not be swallowed in her mouth, and Chen Jiaojiao spat them out again with a wow.

Seeing this scene, Wang Shanshan and Chen Xiaofei were speechless for a while, the latter coughed lightly and said, "Don't eat if it's difficult, let's eat other dishes!"

Wang Shanshan's craftsmanship is very good, the saltiness is moderate, and the taste is similar to that made in restaurants.

After the meal, Chen Xiaofei called Li Yi into the room, and as soon as he entered the door, Li Yi hugged him in his arms and said: "The ancients said, hunger and cold steal your heart, warm and full of thoughts..."

"Missing you!" Chen Xiaofei noticed that Li Yi's hands were touching her body dishonestly. The feeling was both numb and anticipating, and she was out of breath after a while.If this continues, he will definitely roll on the bed, Chen Xiaofei pushed him away, and said coquettishly, "I ask you, do you want to do that with my sister-in-law?"

"Which one to do! I didn't do anything!" Li Yi said and walked to her side again, holding her in his arms again.

Chen Xiaofei struggled symbolically a few times, seeing that Li Yi didn't make any further moves, secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and continued to ask: "If you don't want to have sex with her, why go to her room to pick up soap?"

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