super jade

Chapter 463 We want to change to a bigger house

Ten minutes later, Li Yi brought Xu Ruotong to his home community, and the former said: "You wait for me here, and I will come to you after I have dealt with the family affairs."

Xu Ruotong shook his head like a rattle and said, "No, I want to go with you."

"Fairy, this is to meet my parents, what are you going to do?" Li Yi said depressedly.

"I don't want to meet your parents, but to be with you. What if you run away after you get back?" Xu Ruotong said with reason, "Your cultivation base is higher than mine, if you really hide your breath and run away, Where can I find you? Don't forget, I haven't fully recovered my cultivation yet, and I still count on you to help me improve my cultivation!"

"Ahem! The monk I ran couldn't run away from the temple, are you still afraid of me running away?" Li Yi asked back.

Xu Ruotong suddenly grabbed Li Yi's hand to prevent him from slipping away, and said, "You are all gone, so what if I know where my uncle and aunt are, I can't let them take me to find the spirit stone!"

"I won't run, please believe me." Li Yi said seriously.

"No, I don't want to wait for you here. There are so many outsiders here, what should I do if they trick me away?" Xu Ruotong said, "If you don't take me there, I won't let you go."

"It's not that I don't want to take you there, but..." Li Yi was interrupted by Xu Ruotong before he finished speaking.

Xu Ruotong grinned and said, "Do you want to try the feeling of being attacked by Heavenly Tribulation?"

"You are very, can't I take you there?" Li Yi is really afraid of this girl, if she doesn't move, it will be a catastrophe. If there is a catastrophe, even if he can't be hurt, the community will be over.

In this way, Li Yi took Xu Ruotong's hand, or Xu Ruotong took Li Yi's hand and came home.

Opening the room, before the two entered the room, Zheng Xia heard the voice and came over, saying, "Li Yi, are you back?"

"Mom, I'm back." Li Yi said.

When the two entered the room, Zheng Xia was stunned when she saw a little girl beside Li Yi.

The girl in front of her, wearing a robe, looked like a fairy on TV.

"Did you just come back from filming?" Zheng Xia asked in surprise, "Is he also your girlfriend?"

"Uh... no, she is my friend." Li Yi explained.

Xu Ruotong bowed to Zheng Xia very politely, and said in a way unique to their world: "Hello, Auntie, my name is Xu Ruotong, nice to meet you..."

"I'm glad to see you too." Zheng Xia said, "When did you two get together?"

Li Yi felt a little dizzy. Why did his mother always ask him when he was together, and coughed lightly: "Mom, I just told you that she is my friend."

"Auntie, I'm really his friend, don't think too much about it!" Xu Ruotong said.

Can Zheng Xia not think too much?How can you bring a girl home and say it belongs to a friend? Is it possible?

Of course, Zheng Xia didn't say what was in her heart, and smiled knowingly: "Li Yi! I called you back this time to discuss something with you."

"Mom, what's the matter?" Li Yi called Xu Ruotong to sit on the sofa, and he sat beside his mother.

"That's it! Now we are rich, and your father's business is doing well. We want to change to a bigger house, do you think it's okay?" Zheng Xia asked.

Li Yi was startled, do you still have to ask him such a trivial matter?Without even thinking about it, he said, "Mom, let's change to a one with three bedrooms and one living room!"

"Three rooms are not enough!" Zheng Xia said with something in it.

"It should be enough!" Li Yi said.

Zheng Xia shook her head and said, "Not enough, three bedrooms and one living room are only a bit bigger, what if a guest comes?"

"We don't come to our house very often!" Li Yi always felt that his mother's question was a bit strange, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

"There were very few guests in the past, but it doesn't mean they won't come in the future. How about it, let's change to another villa!" Zheng Xia said.

Li Yi frowned and said, "Mom, you said you want to change the villa?"

Villas generally have three floors, plus basement and attic, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters.

Such a big house has surprisingly many bedrooms, at least eight or more.

Li Yi couldn't figure out why they lived in such a big house with only a few people in their family. He said, "Mom, there's no need to buy a house! Three bedrooms and one living room are very good."

"You're not allowed to take the money, why are you postponing?" Zheng Xia said with a straight face, "I just told you about it, so that it will be more convenient for you to bring friends in the future."

"Bring friends?" Li Yi asked puzzled, "I don't have many friends either! Besides, they don't come to my house either."

"Really?" Zheng Xia hesitated for a moment, and said seriously, "I ask you, what is your relationship with Chen Xiaofei, and that Wang Shanshan..."


Li Yi's eyes widened. How did his mother know their existence, and said, "Mom, do you know Wang Shanshan?"

"I met Wang Shanshan when I was shopping for vegetables these days, and she said she was also your girlfriend." Zheng Xia said, "You have two girlfriends outside, why don't you bring them back to show me?"

"Damn it, these two girls are crazy! They found it here." Li Yi thought so in his heart, but he understood the truth that fire can't be contained in paper. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mom, they and I really We are together, I thought you would object to us being together, so I didn't bring it back to show you."

Zheng Xia smiled slightly, satisfied with her son's answer, and said, "It's good if you can tell the truth, and I'll tell you what's on my mind too! Now we have everything in our family, except for a grandson. I'm fine at home now." , I really want to play with my grandson, how about it? When will you get married?"

"Uh... there will be a grandson sooner or later, don't worry." Li Yi said awkwardly, "Besides, we are still in college, so it's not good to get married!"

"Who said you can't get married when you go to college?" Zheng Xia asked back, "The old Wang next door has a grandson, and his son is only in high school. Why can't you compete with Bibi?"

"What's the comparison? That guy is a little bastard." Li Yi muttered.

Zheng Xia snorted coldly and said, "What did you say?"

"Uh... I mean, you're right, I'll go back and think about it." Li Yi said, "Actually, even if Qianqian and I have a child, it may not be a grandson, but maybe a grandson?"

"So! I want you to marry them all home." Zheng Xia squinted her eyes and said, "So many daughters-in-law have children together, one of them must be a grandson!"

"Mom, this is against the law." Li Yi reminded.

"I asked you to bring them back, but I didn't say to get the certificate with them." Zheng Xia said, "I can see that they like you very much. Don't think that Mom is old and doesn't know anything. Those rich people outside these days People, which one is not as good as several daughters-in-law, are we worse than him?"

"But our family has no money!" Li Yi said.

"You don't have any money, but your future father-in-law does! Didn't Wang Tiantian's father say that as long as you get married, he will give us [-] million yuan." Zheng Xia changed the subject, "Besides, our family's conditions are not bad now. Now, your father has a lot of assets after he became the owner of Tianfu Group, so what happened to marrying a few daughters-in-law?"

"Mom, you decide this, does my dad know?" Li Yi asked.

Zheng Xia waved her hand and said, "There's no need to let him know."

"This is not good! If you let your father know about this, he will definitely not agree." Li Yi doesn't want to get married so soon, and the better days are still to come!

"He dares. If he doesn't agree, I will drive him out." Zheng Xia said, "You come with me to buy a house, otherwise how can my future daughter-in-law live here."

Li Yi had no choice but to call Zhang Xiaoliang and ask him to drive them to a nearby house viewing.

Not long after, Zhang Xiaoliang drove up. When he saw Xu Ruotong, he was startled and gave Li Yi a thumbs up.

Although Zhang Xiaoliang didn't speak, his eyes clearly said: Brother Yi, ah!Got another one?

What else can Li Yi say, except for a wry smile, he really doesn't know how to change his father's mind.

After the three of them got into the car, Zheng Xia didn't talk nonsense, and said to Zhang Xiaoliang, "Is there a bigger villa nearby? Let's go and buy two connected ones..."

"Two sets?" Zhang Xiaoliang said.

"Our family has one set, and yours has one set." Zheng Xia said, "I have already discussed this matter with your mother, and you will be responsible for the decoration later."

"This, you buy?" Zhang Xiaoliang asked subconsciously.

Zheng Xia was a little unhappy, and said: "Of course I bought it, so can you let your family take the money?"

Zhang Xiaoliang really didn't mean that, he wanted to ask, should you buy it or brother Yi.

If Li Yi buys it, that's not a problem. If Zheng Xia buys it, she has enough money.

Of course, Zhang Xiaoliang didn't ask too much, he knew Li Yi would handle the matter well.

It was a coincidence that Zhang Xiaoliang brought them to the place where Wang Shanshan's parents lived at Peninsula No. [-], a well-known nearby villa area.

After everyone got out of the car, the sales lady greeted her with a smile, and said, "Guys, what kind of house do you want to buy? We have bungalows and villas here..."

"Don't look at bungalows, let's look at villas!" Although Zheng Xia has money, after decades of poverty, she still has a bit of a rural look.

The sales lady didn't judge people by appearance, she glanced at the two people behind Zheng Xia, and her attitude became more respectful, "Auntie, please come here, here are some good villas." She has been a sales lady for so many years, her eyesight Extraordinary, one can see that Li Yi and Xu Ruotong are definitely not ordinary people. Among other things, even the aura exuded by them cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

When Zheng Xia came to the sales map, he glanced briefly and said, "I want two of the largest villas, connected together, preferably well-decorated. Do you have any that meet the standards?"

"Yes! How many sets are here, how about I take the three of you to have a look?" the sales lady said.

"Let's go!" Zheng Xia turned around and said.

The sales lady followed and said, "Are you driving, or are you taking our car?"

"We have a car!" Zheng Xia pointed to the Mercedes not far away.

The sales lady looked up and gasped. It was a limited edition imported car.

At this moment, the sales lady was even more sure that these three were definitely not ordinary people, and this car cost several million dollars.

Peninsula No. [-] community is amazingly large and the environment is very good. There are trees, flowers and plants everywhere, like a park with elegant scenery.

When everyone came to the villa, both the environment and the decoration were unique, full of the flavor of European aristocrats.

Zheng Xia glanced at it, she was very satisfied, and said to the sales lady, "That's right, we want this house, is the one next door also decorated like this?"

"It's the same next door, do you want it now?" the sales lady asked.

"I want it now, can I swipe my card here?" Zheng Xia asked.

The sales lady smiled lightly and said, "Ma'am, of course, let's sign the contract right now!"

When I came to the sales office again, after the sales lady prepared the contract, she handed it to Zheng Xia, and said slowly: "Auntie, please read the contract. If you buy the full price, you can get a 850% discount. The total price is [-] million. Here is a gift Underground garage, free garden, free balcony, absolutely worth the money.”

Zheng Xia was stunned. She didn't understand what the other party was saying, and she said after a long time, "What did you say? These two houses cost more than 800 million?"

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