super jade

Chapter 464 Actually Your Son Is Rich

The sales lady didn't know why the other party had such a big reaction, but she still said: "Yes! The villas here are all [-] square meters."

"Wait, this isn't the city center, so the housing prices aren't that high!" Zheng Xia came out to buy a house for the first time, and she didn't know much about the housing prices here.

"The rooms here are really not expensive. If you live in the urban area, it will cost at least [-] yuan, and there is no such a good environment." The sales lady said, "Auntie, have you noticed that there are lakes and trees here, and the environment is particularly good? It is very suitable for retirement, and many people have bought houses here, which is definitely worth the money.”

"This kind of environment is really good, but don't ask for such a high price!" The sales lady said, "Don't think that I don't buy houses very much, so you are just fooling me! I have heard that the holiday here is only seven or eight thousand I look like you, but you tell me [-], do you really think I don’t understand anything?”

The sales lady smiled wryly, and said, "Seven or eight thousand is a bungalow, and a villa is another price."

"Why isn't it the same price, can you sell Qiba or not?" Zheng Xia asked.

The sales lady shook her head and said, "I can't buy it at this price."

Zheng Xia only stayed for more than 500 million yuan and couldn't afford a house here, so she got up and said, "Let's go!"

Li Yi didn't get up, and said, "Mom, if you like it, buy it!"

"How to sell, I don't have enough money!" Zheng Xia lowered her voice.

"You don't have money, but I have it!" Li Yi took out a supreme black card from his arms, then handed it to the sales lady, and said, "You go through the formalities!"

The sales lady is a person who knows the goods. When she saw this card, she knew that there was a lot of money in it, and said: "Wait a minute, I will go through the formalities."

Zheng Xia was stunned, and looked at her son in surprise, as if looking at an outsider.

"Mom, what do you see me doing?" Li Yi asked.

"Do you have more than 800 million in your card?" Zheng Xia couldn't help asking, "Your future father-in-law gave it to you? You are not married yet, so you take his money?"

"Mom, I earned this money myself." Li Yi felt that there were some things that she should tell her parents, not to mention that she also wanted to tell her parents about her current identity earlier.

"You earn it yourself? You are a student, where did you get so much money?" Zheng Xia knew that her son was capable, but how did she earn so much money at once?

Li Yi thought for a while and said, "Mom, do you know Tiandao Pharmaceuticals?"

"I know!" Zheng Xia said.

"Actually, that company belongs to me." Li Yi said.

Zheng Xia widened her eyes and said, "What, is that your company?"

"Well! That's my company. If you don't believe me, I can take you to Tiandao Pharmaceutical for a visit." Li Yi said.

Needless to say, Zheng Xia really didn't believe it, and said sternly: "Okay, later you take me to Tiandao Pharmaceutical, I want to know that you lied to me, so don't even think about going back to this home."

It didn't take long for the house formalities to be completed, and Zheng Xia's name was written on both houses.

After getting the contract, Zheng Xia believed her son's words a little bit, but she didn't show it, and said, "Let's go, let's go to Tiandao Pharmaceutical."

The three got into the car and arrived at Tiandao Pharmaceutical Company not long after. Sun Hanyue received the notice in advance and waited in front of the door early.

The security guards in front of the door were very curious. They had never seen Sun Hanyue come to pick up someone in person, and they began to discuss in a low voice, "Who is Mr. Sun picking up! Very important person?"

"What an important person! I heard that the governor came, but Mr. Sun didn't go to pick him up." Another security guard said.

"What is the governor? Tiandao Pharmaceuticals is very famous. If those nobles want to get the pills, they all have to look at Mr. Sun's face."

"That's right, if Mr. Sun is unhappy, they don't want to get Zhuyan Pill!"


The Mercedes-Benz was parked in the company, Sun Hanyue walked over, opened the car door and said, "Auntie, Mr. Li, hello."

"Could it be that the pharmaceutical industry is really a big company, and the reception ladies are so beautiful." Zheng Xia got out of the car and nodded to Sun Hanyue, obviously very satisfied with her performance.

Sun Hanyue was speechless and embarrassed, not knowing how to speak.

Li Yi came over and helped her out: "Mom, her name is Sun Hanyue, the general manager here."

"So it's your general manager! I'm sorry." Zheng Xia apologized.

"Auntie, you're being polite. I'm just a migrant worker in your eyes." Sun Hanyue is very good at talking. This is her future mother-in-law, so she must not offend her.

"Look at your sweet mouth, let me ask you, what is our family Li Yi's position here?" Zheng Xia went straight to the point, she had to figure out the identity of her son.

"President Li is our chairman, he has the final say here." Sun Hanyue said.

Zheng Xia nodded and said, "Is what he said really true?"

"Hmm!" Sun Hanyue said.

"Then I want two Zhuyan Pills, can he give them to me?" Zheng Xia asked.

Sun Hanyue was startled, as if she didn't expect her to say this, and even forgot to answer.

Zheng Xia's heart skipped a beat. Could this be an actor hired by her son to fool her on purpose?

Looking up, the security guard not far away also looked a little weird, Zheng Xia was even more worried, and said, "Don't tell me, my son, as the chairman, can't even get Zhuyan Dan."

Sun Hanyue came to her senses and hurriedly said, "Auntie, it doesn't matter how much you want, I'll get it for you right away."

"No, let's go get it together!" Zheng Xia said and walked towards the Tiandao Pharmaceutical Building first.

After everyone entered the building, the two security guards chatted again, and the one who had just arrived said: "Brother, who is that aunt! President Sun is so polite to her?"

"You didn't know the situation here just now, did the young man know him?" another security guard said.

"Is that the one who drove the car?"

"No, the person next to the beauty is the chairman of the board."

"Ah! Is he the legendary Brother Yi?"

"The auntie is his mother. If you want to meet your future mother-in-law, can Mr. Sun be disrespectful?"

"What did you say, Sun is always Brother Yi's woman?"

"Damn it! Why are you talking so loudly, don't talk nonsense!"

"Brother Yi is really good! I heard that he has many girlfriends, all of whom are very beautiful. I believe it today."

"That woman is indeed beautiful, she is still wearing ancient clothes, she is as beautiful as a fairy, if only I had such a daughter-in-law."

"Let's stop daydreaming, if such a beautiful woman is given to us, do we dare to take it?"

"Well, that's what I said."


Everyone came to the second floor to run the company. After Zheng Xia sat down, Sun Hanyue served tea and water, like a hardworking little daughter-in-law.

"Go get the pill, two Zhuyan pills." Zheng Xia wants to see who has the final say here.

Sun Hanyue made a phone call and asked her subordinates to deliver two beautifully packaged boxes, and handed it to Zheng Xia, "Auntie, this is the Zhuyan Pill you want."

"I'll take it first." Zheng Xia put it away, drinking tea by herself.

Everyone didn't bother her. Standing aside, Sun Hanyue said via voice transmission: "Husband, why did you call mother-in-law here?"

"I don't want to shout either! But paper can't contain fire, Xiaofei and the others played too big this time." Li Yi briefly explained what happened just now.

Sun Hanyue was stunned, and said: "Xiaofei and the others are so smart, they know how to take down the future mother-in-law first, so that they will occupy the people's peace."

"They are also afraid of fighting with you, so let's lose the wind!" Li Yi said, "You all have companies in your hands. If you really compete, they are not your opponents."

Sun Hanyue smiled inwardly, and continued to transmit voice: "Husband, if you want me to reveal my identity, I will say that I am your secretary. You often do..."

"Fuck me, don't hurt me." Li Yi rolled his eyes and said.

Sun Hanyue almost laughed out loud, and said: "I don't mean that much, you want to say it, I mean you often let my secretary do things."

"Why do you want to do it, can't you do it?" Li Yi said.

"Are you doing something?" Sun Hanye said, "You've got a lot of knowledge about doing things. What do you want me to do as a secretary? Work, or do that?"

"Come on, don't say anything, it's not time to tell her, just wait!" Li Yi sighed, if all his girlfriends went to find his mother, he really didn't know how to deal with it.

Half an hour later, Zheng Xia finished her tea and believed her son's words when she saw that no one came in to drive them away.

"Son, when did you get so rich?" Zheng Xia said, "Tell me, how did you create this company, and where did you get this prescription?"

Li Yi knew that if he didn't tell the reason, he would never try to deceive his mother. He remembered what he had said to Chen Ping at the beginning, and said bravely: "Mom, you know from reading history that there were many emperors in the Tang Dynasty who liked to make alchemy and cultivate immortality. Because they believe that their ancestor Lao Tzu did not die, but became immortal. In fact, what outsiders don't know is that Lao Tzu is indeed the ancestor of our lineage, and I am also his descendant."

Having said that, Li Yi paused for a moment, and continued to talk, "Before the ancestors of the immortal clan became immortals, the descendants of the descendants got a copy of the "Tao Te Ching". There are three books in this book, except for the one known to the world. There is also a book on cultivating immortals, and a book on alchemy. For some reason, the book on cultivation has been lost, but the book on alchemy has been passed down.”

Zheng Xia graduated from junior high school, so she doesn't know much about history, she has watched a lot of TV dramas, and said: "Don't tell me those useless things, I know that Tang Chao's surname is Li, what does it have to do with me whether they practice or not? Yes, you said that you are the descendant of the direct line, how come I don't know the secrets of cultivating immortals and alchemy?"

"Mom, you forgot. When grandpa passed away, didn't he leave behind a lot of relics?" Li Yi deliberately pulled away. He felt that his mother could not remember all these years.

"You mean, there are treasures in those relics?" Zheng Xia was surprised, "But even if there are treasures in those relics, how do you know that those things are real?"

"I'm also slowly groping and researching, and now I've figured out the trick, and I'm half a cultivator." Li Yi took out some spells from the storage bag, handed them to his mother, and said, "Mom, this is the spell I refined. , you can defend yourself, if there are bad guys who are against you, you can throw them out."

"Really, you won't be like those liars, fooling me!" Zheng Xia had been deceived by charlatans before, and asked for many spells, but she later found out that those things were all lies.Now that her son took out these things again, how could she believe it, so she naturally suspected that her son would buy fake medicine again.

Li Yi hesitated, pointed to the spell and said, "Mom, if you don't believe it, take out one and throw it out."

Zheng Xia didn't believe this at all, she didn't think there were immortals in this world, and said: "Okay, I want to see how powerful your spell is."

Picking up the talisman, Zheng Xia threw it forward as Li Yi said, and at the same time said sharply: "Go..."

As if hearing an order, the talisman flew out like Li Xuan's arrow, and then ignited by itself.

Zheng Xia found it strange, but she still didn't believe in such tricks. After all, such tricks were also reported on TV.

When the talisman turned into a fist-sized flame, Zheng Xia suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Son, have you spilled gasoline on these yellow papers?"

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