super jade

Chapter 465 This Is Really Immortal Art

Chapter 460 This Is Really Immortal Art

Li Yi is completely speechless, my wife's imagination is too rich!Can think of gasoline.

The flame fell on the ground and dissipated in a short time, leaving no impurities on the ground.

Zheng Xia glanced at the talisman in her hand, and said, "Are these talismans filled with gasoline?"

"Mom, you just took the flame talisman, and flames will naturally appear. This is your ice and snow talisman. After you cast it, there will be a blizzard." Li Yi said, "But this spell is extremely lethal, so don't cast it in the room. If you throw it out of the window, you will know that your son has not lied to you."

"Li Yi, do you read too many novels, and spells can cause blizzards?" Zheng Xia knows her son too well. Ever since that incident hit her son, he has been ignorant and even went out to smoke and drink, sometimes holding a few novels in his arms. Books come home.He knew that his son was not in the mood to study, and he read such books during that time.

However, Zheng Xia was also surprised by her son's current achievements, and she also wanted to know whether what her son said was true.

These thoughts flashed through her mind, she took a deep breath, picked up the spell and threw it out the window.

Still the same as before, the talisman flew out like Li Xuan's arrow as if ordered, and then burned itself in mid-air.

After the talisman was completely burned, a dark cloud appeared out of thin air, and the surrounding temperature suddenly cooled down, reaching minus ten degrees in an instant.

As the cold air blew, Zheng Xia took a step back subconsciously, and said in astonishment: "So cold?"

"Mom, if it's not cold, how can there be a blizzard?" Li Yi explained.

It was sunny outside the window just now, but suddenly there was a strong wind and snowflakes were flying all over the sky.

No, this can no longer be said to be snowflakes, but fist-sized snowballs.

These snowballs contained enormous power, roaring down, hitting the ground and the nearby cars.

I only heard the sound of bang bang coming continuously, and wherever the snowball hit, the eyes were full of desolation.

The car is full of holes the size of fists, and so is the ground, with deep potholes smashed in many places.

The two security guards on the first floor stared wide-eyed, unable to believe the scene in front of them.

"Damn it, I read it right! Is it snowing in October?"

"Today's first snow is much earlier than in the past. This is a bit nonsense!"

"I also think it's nonsense, it's even more nonsense than June Feixue."

"Ah! My car, won't it be smashed if it goes on like this?" The security guard said and was about to run out to protect his beloved Chery car.

Another security guard stopped him and said, "You are crazy, you will die if you continue like this."

"I don't care, it's all my belongings."

"You go! Later your head will be the same as a watermelon, and you will die on the spot."

"Ah! I, I won't go."


On the third floor, in the general manager's office, Zheng Xia also widened her eyes and said, "This, is this really the power of a spell?"

"Mom, how could I lie to you, your son is really a fairy." Li Yi said, "I still have many secrets about me, and I will tell you slowly later."

Zheng Xia couldn't believe this scene, but the blizzard outside the window proved that all this was true.

It took a long time for Zheng Xia to recover from her surprise. She looked at Xu Ruotong and said, "Li Yi, tell mom the truth, is she a fairy?"

"She is a fairy, a fairy in the sky." Li Yi babbled.

"There are really immortals in this world. I heard that immortals can fly. Can she fly?" Zheng Xia said excitedly. She never expected to meet immortals one day.

Li Yi nodded to Xu Ruotong. The latter understood, and his feet slowly left the ground, suspended in mid-air.

Zheng Xia was even more excited, she didn't want to say anything, she said incoherently: "Son, I heard that immortals can live forever, is this true?"

"Well!" Li Yi said.

"Then you tell me to practice Fa Jue, and your father and I will also practice." Zheng Xia said madly.


Li Yi was stunned. How could he tell his mother to practice magic arts? He couldn't say that practicing magic requires men and women to practice together!

Zheng Xia frowned and said, "You don't want to tell me how to practice Fajue!"

"Mom, what are you thinking about! How is it possible." Li Yi said.

"Since it's not, then take it out, I want to practice with your father." Zheng Xia said, "It would be great if your grandfather was alive, and they can live forever..."

Li Yi was thinking about how to refuse, when Xu Ruotong came over and said, "Auntie, I have the Immortal Cultivation Art here."

"Really, give it to me quickly." Zheng Xia said.

Li Yi's face changed drastically, she wouldn't be that kind of practice method!Busy voice transmission asked: "Your method is definitely not something that men and women can practice together!"

Xu Ruotong gave Li Yi a look of not worrying, took out a jade slip and said, "Auntie, there is a practice method here, just practice according to the above."

"What is this, I can't read the words?" Zheng Xia asked in confusion.

Xu Ruotong thought for a while, picked up a pen and paper from the table, said it quickly, and asked Li Yi to write it down.

When the Jue was finished, Zheng Xia was ecstatic, and said: "I'll go back to practice now, son, your spells are not bad, give me some more..."

Li Yi could only take out the spell again. This time he learned to be smart and dared not use the powerful spell again.

Just a joke, if the parents are not happy, if a spell is thrown out, the whole community will be ruined.

"By the way, after practicing this spell, what are the benefits?" Zheng Xia asked.

Xu Ruotong explained: "This method is definitely a qi training technique, which mainly absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and breathes it out. As long as you practice for a period of time, you can wash your tendons and cut your veins, and eliminate all diseases. When your cultivation base is improved again, your body will be as strong as a tiger. Light as a swallow. If you practice for a while, your lifespan will increase, and you will be able to fly in the air..."

Zheng Xia couldn't understand most of these words, and said, "It means that I have cultivated to a certain level and am very powerful."

"It's not just very powerful, it's quite powerful." Xu Ruotong replied imitating the tone of the earthlings.

"Then I don't worry, I'll go back to practice." Zheng Xia just wanted to go back quickly, she waved to Li Yi, "Just let Xiaoliang drive me back, and you can stay here to deal with the company's affairs !"

Zhang Xiaoliang's car was not damaged by the blizzard. This is not to say that he was lucky, but that Li Yi secretly cast a spell to protect it.

After Zheng Xia left, there were only three people left in the office. Sun Hanyue finally relaxed her tense nerves and said, "Honey, don't we have something to do?"

"Uh... now?" Li Yi hadn't practiced for several days, and he really thought about it.

"Yes! You have a fairy sister, don't forget about me, let's serve you together!" Sun Hanyue was very courageous. After pulling the curtains, she began to take off her clothes, and said with a smile, "Honey, you haven't Try doing this in the office! This time I'll let you have a good time..."

Seeing that the clothes on Sun Hanyue's body were becoming less and less, leaving only thin underwear, Xu Ruotong hurriedly asked, "What are you doing, don't you think so?"

"Don't you want to?" Sun Hanyue asked back, she still didn't know the relationship between the two.

Xu Ruotong's pretty face was flushed, and she stomped her feet and said, "I don't want to! If you think about it, you can go here or that! I, I'll go out and wait for you, hurry up..." After finishing speaking, the girl blushed and ran out.

Sun Hanyue was stunned. She walked up to Li Yi, sat on his lap, and said, "Husband, where did you find the fairy! So shy?"

"She's not shy, she's really a fairy." Li Yi said.

"A fairy in the fairy world?" Sun Hanyue asked in surprise.

"I don't know which world she is from, anyway, she is not from our world." Li Yi said.

Sun Hanyue was even more puzzled, and said: "Even if she doesn't make our world, she can be with us!"

"I dare not, this girl is a wonderful thing." Li Yi said.

"How strange, is it possible that the body structure of women in other worlds is different from ours?" Sun Hanyue squinted her eyes and giggled.

"Uh... I haven't seen her body, and I don't know." Li Yi said.

Sun Hanyue was startled again, and said in surprise: "No way! You brought her to see her mother-in-law, and you haven't taken her down yet?"

"I also want to take it down, but the key is that I can't take it down." Li Yi smiled bitterly, and then explained in detail the back and forth of Xu Ruotong's acquaintance.

Sun Hanyue gasped, and said in disbelief: "Fuck me, kissing will cause catastrophe, this is too nonsense!"

"It's just such nonsense, but it's still true." Li Yi put his hands on Sun Hanyue's body, stroking her body gently, "Come on! Quick battle."

The flames were as fierce as they were, and they were out of control. It didn't take long for gasps to echo in the room.

Three hours later, the battle was over. Sun Hanyue leaned against his chest and said, "Honey, do you have something to do later? Why don't we have dinner together tonight?"

Only then did Li Yi remember the promise to Xu Ruotong. It's been three hours, and that girl must be getting impatient!

"No, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first." Li Yi quickly put on his clothes and left the office.

At this moment, Xu Ruotong was standing in the corridor, muttering depressedly: "Dead Li Yi, bad Li Yi, why don't you come out, what are you doing?"

"Are you thinking of me?" Li Yi appeared from behind and patted her on the shoulder.

"I miss you, tell me, what did you do just now?" Xu Ruotong questioned.

Li Yi coughed lightly and said, "Well, you know what I did, why ask me?"

"Who are you lying to! How long have you guys been able to do this?" Xu Ruotong didn't believe it.

"I can't explain it to you. When we are together, you will know how powerful my husband is." Li Yi laughed.

Xu Ruotong blushed pretty, and snorted coldly: "Whoever wants to be with you, ignore you." Then, blushing, he was about to throw it away.

"Can't you ask for Lingshi?" Li Yi asked.

"Don't you dare to help me find it, or I will turn your company into ruins?" Xu Ruotong raised her small mouth, showing a gesture of coming over for a kiss.

"No, can't I just take you to find the spirit stone?" Li Yi hurriedly stepped aside.

A few minutes later, the two flew through the air and headed straight for the nearby mountains.

There is a jade mine nearby. Although the quality of jade is not very good, it is jade.

Before the two came to the jade mine, there was another company mining ore here, and the workers were busy in the cave.

"How about the Lingshi here?" Li Yi asked.

Xu Ruotong's consciousness radiated out, and he quickly sensed it, then shook his head and said, "No, the spiritual power of the spirit stones here is too little, is there a better place?"

"Yes, I'll take you there right now." Li Yi thought of a place where the mountains near Zheng's house were all high-quality Hetian jade.

"Wait." Xu Ruotong held him back.

Li Yi frowned and said, "Didn't you say that Lingshi is not good here?"

Xu Ruotong smiled, and said mysteriously: "Fly legs are also meat, after I absorb the spiritual power here, it won't be too late to go to other places."

Li Yi did not expect that after he entered the mine, his fate would undergo a huge turning point.

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