super jade

Chapter 509 Powerful Divine Forbidden Technique

Chapter [-] Powerful Forbidden Magic

On the surface of the lake, a blue dragon suddenly appeared. He was [-] meters long and covered with thick scales.Qinglong roared at Li Yi, but he didn't see him cast a spell. The raindrops in the air contained huge power, and they hit Li Yi like hail.

Li Yi couldn't catch it, his clothes were torn, and blood flowed out quickly.


There was another roar, and the thunder and lightning struck Li Yi's head in an instant.

This time, Li Yi used the fairy shield, but he couldn't place such a powerful attack power.


With a loud noise, the fairy shield collapsed, and the thunder and lightning fell on Li Yi.

Li Yi's body trembled, and he felt that the three souls and seven souls were about to leave his body, and his physical body was on the verge of collapse.

"This is impossible. How can there be such a powerful beast in the realm of too illusory? Is this the Qinglong deity?" Li Yi sensed the crisis of death for the first time. He stood up with difficulty, not believing that the other party could kill him. Three generations of god kings, the most powerful existence in the future world, how could they die here.

"Come on! If you have any powerful magical powers, just show them!" Li Yi thought about it, sacrificed the heavenly jade, and the phantoms of the four great beasts appeared at the same time.

Seeing the four great beasts, Qinglong still roared with louder and louder voices.

Taixu Nishang was startled, she guessed something, and shouted loudly: "Don't forcefully resist, think about what I just said, and you will understand."

Li Yi knew what she was talking about, turned around and said: "This is an illusion, right! But even if it is an illusion, I will destroy him."

"You are crazy, if you are strong, he is also strong, you are not his opponent, think of another way." Taixu Nishang shouted.

Li Yi couldn't think of a good way. He remembered the supernatural powers in the Jade Bi of Heaven, and shouted: "Thundercloud storm!"


The sky was clear just now, but suddenly it was covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning flashed, and countless flashes danced in the clouds.

At this moment, the rain fell faster, and it all fell on Li Yi.

Li Yi's body gained momentum, blood continued to flow, staining his clothes red, and suddenly he looked like a blood man.

"Stop, you will die if you continue like this, you are not a god now, you can't resist such a powerful attack." Taixu Nishang shouted, "These raindrops contain the soul-killing technique, you can't sense it now, when The blood on your body will flow in, and you will really be out of your wits."

Taixu Nishang yelled for a long time, but seeing that Li Yi didn't answer, she ran over quickly, trying to stop Li Yi from casting spells.

However, Taixu Nishangyao was surprised to find that there was a huge force around Li Yi, and she couldn't get close.

Seeing Li Yi raise his right hand, Taixu Nishang was really anxious, and said: "No, please don't..."

In any case, the relationship between the two is an unmarried couple, and she doesn't want it to end before it starts.

Li Yi didn't seem to be able to hear Taixu Nishang's words, his eyes were deep and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.He saw his right hand raised, pinching Fa Jue quickly, the speed became faster and faster, when the speed reached a certain level, he didn't know how many times he pinched in total.Li Yi struggled with such a complicated decision for 3 minutes, and it can be seen how earth-shattering this magical power will be.

This is a powerful magical power called Thunder Cloud Storm, which Li Yi could use when he was on Earth. His cultivation base was too low to release all his power.But now it is different, his cultivation base has increased countless times, and he has revived the soul of the Heavenly Dao Jade Bi. This spell is fully cast, and its power can no longer be described by magical powers, but more powerful magical powers.

The so-called forbidden technique can only be performed by gods or using artifacts, and Li Yi already meets this standard.

"With my life, the thunder clouds will condense, and with my power, I will land the thunder calamity!"

As soon as the sixteen words were read out, a huge force was released from Li Yi's body, and the immortal power in his body also dissipated at an alarming speed, and he was overdrawn in a blink of an eye.But just like that, this supernatural forbidden technique was cast out, the wind gusts between the sky and the earth, the dark clouds roared, countless lightning fell out of thin air, and instantly landed on Qinglong's body


These flashes are all purple-red, and each one is as thick as an adult's body, and the attack power contained in it can be imagined.

The loud noise reverberated and landed on Qinglong's body in a flash. The mighty Qinglong couldn't get out of place, and was seriously injured within a few breaths.Qinglong roared, and just about to return to the water, another thicker and redder flash fell down. Amidst the rumbling sound, the sky and the earth were full of red light, which could be clearly seen for thousands of miles away.

The green dragon was struck by lightning, its huge body collapsed and slowly sank into the water.

Seeing such a scene, Taixu Nishang's eyes widened. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't imagine that Li Yi hadn't become a god, and he could perform supernatural powers. When it was even more exaggerated, the invincible phantom beast in Taixu Killed by lightning.At this moment, Taixu Nishang clearly realized how powerful the god is. Li Yi has such a cultivation level before he becomes a god. How about after becoming a god?

Taixu Nishang smiled, it was a happy smile, she never thought that one day she would marry an aunt.

This is something that I didn't even dare to think about before, but now it really happened in my own world, within reach.

"Li Yi, are you okay!" Taixu Nishang crazily threw himself in front of Li Yi, hugging his body.

Li Yi's face was pale, and his power was overdrawn. He said weakly: "I'm fine, where is she?"

"You can see her later." Taixu Nishang said.

As soon as the words were finished, there was only a click, like the sound of glass breaking.

The surrounding situation changed in an instant. The sky, which was still covered with dark clouds just now, returned to its original state in an instant.

Li Yi's injuries recovered, the immortal power in his body recovered, and even his clothes were intact.Looking at the lake in front again, it was as calm as before, and the fish could be seen swimming in the water during the game.Thinking about the situation just now, it seemed like a dream and an illusion, it never happened.

"Hey, what's going on?" Li Yi asked.

"You broke this illusion, everything is over." Taixu Nishang said.

Li Yi smiled and said: "This will break the illusion, so will I still encounter this illusion when I come here in the future?"

"No, the same illusion only appears once, and you won't encounter the phantom of the blue dragon when you come here in the future." Taixu Nishang hesitated, and continued, "If you break the environment in this way, the next illusion will be Getting stronger and stronger, you still have so many girlfriends, how can you save them?"

"There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and every step counts. If I can't beat me, I will perform a few magical forbidden techniques." Li Yi shrugged, and said indifferently, "Anyway, everything will return to the original after it is performed, and I don't worry about it." Xianli is overdrawn. Besides, don't you still have you by my side?"

Taixu Nishang blushed pretty, and said: "What does this have to do with me?"

"It doesn't matter, you are the master here. If I am killed, can you just leave me alone?" Li Yi held Taixu Nishang's hand with his backhand.

Taixu Nishang was just about to speak, when suddenly she sensed something and said, "It's been three days, and I'm going to let them in."

"Ah! It's been three days?" Li Yi said, "Can you not let them in?"

Taixu Nishang giggled, raised his head and pointed at the void and said, "If you can break the sky and change the rules of the world here, I might be able to do what you say, but not now."

Li Yi looked up at the void, and said in a concentrated voice: "One day I will break this sky."

The voice was not loud, but she was very sure, Taixu Nishang was stunned, and said: "I believe you can do it." After speaking, her figure disappeared.

The water on the lake was rippling, and a figure came riding on the waves, and came to the shore in a blink of an eye.

"Brother-in-law, it's me, brother-in-law..."

I don't know if it's a coincidence, or it's God's will, but the first one to be rescued is the eccentric classmate Chen Jiaojiao.

"Are you okay!" Li Yi walked over and said.

Chen Jiaojiao sobbed, threw herself into Li Yi's arms, choked up and said, "I'm not good at all, we were brought here by a huge force some time ago, and I was locked up before I figured out what was going on. In this sudden place, if you hadn't killed that broken dragon, I wouldn't be able to get out."

"Do you know where Xiaofei and the others are?" Li Yi asked.

Chen Jiaojiao nodded and said, "I know!"

"Where are they?" Li Yi asked hurriedly.

However, Chen Jiaojiao's answer left Li Yi speechless, and she only heard her say: "They are near here."


Li Yi smiled bitterly and said, "Do you know the specific place?"

"I don't know, this place is so big, how do I know where they are!" Chen Jiaojiao said, "However, I believe that brother-in-law's ability will definitely save them."

"Yeah!" Li Yi nodded.

Chen Jiaojiao rolled her eyes and said, "Brother-in-law, the scenery here is beautiful, should we do something?"

"What do you want to do?" Li Yi smiled badly and hugged her in his arms.

It's been three years, and he hasn't touched a beautiful woman for three years, so he has to get back some feelings quickly.

Chen Jiaojiao looked around and said, "Of course I will do what I want to do."

"Then, what do you want to do?" Li Yi asked.

"I want my brother-in-law to hold me and ride the waves." Chen Jiaojiao said.

Li Yi was stunned, and said very depressed: "That's it?"

"Yes! My request is very simple!" Chen Jiaojiao said with a grin.

"Uh... Before stepping on the waves, should we do something else?" Li Yi's hands became dishonest, and he slowly touched Chen Jiaojiao's body.

Chen Jiaojiao tensed up, and said, "Brother-in-law, I know what you want to do, but I can't."

"Why?" Li Yi asked puzzled.

"When you rescue my sister, let's go together. This is what we all agreed." Chen Jiaojiao said with a grin, "Let's go! Let's go find your sisters."

"No, we have to wait for someone." Li Yi said.

"Who are you waiting for?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

Li Yi didn't answer, but smiled mysteriously, and said, "You'll know later."

At this time, Taixu Nishang came outside the valley, sent everyone out of the Taixu illusion, and took away their admission tickets.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang was the first to come in, and he landed on a grassland after entering, and he cupped his fists against the sky and said: "Messenger of Taixu, I am the second to come in, so there should be a reward!"

Taixu Nishang did not appear, her voice echoed in the sky, saying: "There is a reward."

"Thank you messenger." Immortal Emperor Dongfang said.

A stream of light flew from the sky and landed in front of Immortal Emperor Dongfang. He held it and found it was a pill, and said, "Master Messenger, what's in it?"

"A pill!" Tai Xu Nishang said

Immortal Emperor Dongfang was completely speechless after opening it, it turned out to be a red pill.

The immortal power of this pill is very weak, it looks like an ordinary thing at first glance, Immortal Emperor Dongfang looked a little ugly, and said: "Master Messenger, did you make a mistake, No.2 is the reward?"

"If you don't want it, you can return it to me." Taixu Nishang said so, but his heart was full of joy.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but said: "Didn't you come here to give advanced pills?"

"That was before, but now the rules have changed." Taixu Nishang said.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang put it away as if resigned to his fate, and he thought of something again, and hurriedly asked: "May I ask what kind of elixir this is."

"Second Grade Pill, Returning Spirit Pill!!!"

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