super jade

Chapter 510 Are you sure this is my reward?

Chapter 510 Are you sure this is my reward?

Huiling Pill, a second-grade elixir, can quickly restore the consumption of immortal power after swallowing.

Immortal Emperor Dongfang was stunned. He looked at the void and couldn't believe it and said, "Taixu Test Messenger, the reward you gave me is the second-grade elixir, Huiling Pill?"

"That's right, it's the spirit pill!" Taixu Nishang said.

Dongfang Immortal Emperor almost didn't vomit blood. As one of the Four Great Immortal Emperors, he was the most powerful existence among the Immortal Emperors. Pills below the seventh rank had no effect on him at all, and he didn't even bother to look at them.But now, the reward is such an ordinary thing, Immortal Emperor Dongfang felt that he had been tricked, and said angrily: "Envoy Taixu, you are not joking with me! You actually gave me a useless second-grade elixir?"

When speaking, Immortal Emperor Dongfang deliberately emphasized the words of the second-grade elixir to vent his dissatisfaction.

Taixu Nishang snorted coldly, and said: "If you don't want it, you can return it to me."

Thinking of the purpose of this time, thinking of what he wanted to get, Immortal Emperor Dongfang gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I want it, I accept this thing." He said this, but a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he said in his heart: "Envoy of Taixu, just wait for me. When I get that fairy weapon, there will be no opponent in the fairy world. Both you and the envoy of rules will die in my hands."

After the Eastern Immortal Emperor entered here, the second one to enter was not the Northern Immortal Emperor. No one expected that just as the Northern Immortal Emperor was about to enter, Zhang Desheng grabbed his hand and released a powerful momentum. Under the momentum, the Northern Immortal Emperor took a few steps back abruptly before stabilizing his body.

Everyone around was stunned, and couldn't believe their eyes. The Northern Immortal Emperor said in horror: "Zhang, Xianjun Zhang, your cultivation has broken through again?"

Zhang Desheng laughed out loud, he answered irrelevant questions, and said, "Northern Immortal Emperor, do you know why Eastern Immortal Emperor has the highest cultivation level among the Four Great Immortal Emperors?"

"Why?" Northern Immortal Emperor asked.

Not only the Northern Immortal Emperor wanted to know the answer, but everyone present wanted to know the reason.

"It's very simple. You have entered into a misunderstanding in your cultivation. You think that becoming an immortal emperor and mastering the Immortal Transformation Pond is the most powerful existence in the immortal world." Zhang Desheng paused, then continued, "But you are wrong, Immortal Emperor Xianjun seems to be a division of cultivation bases, but in fact he is a surrender."

After talking for a long time, everyone didn't understand, and the Northern Immortal Emperor said: "Zhang Xianjun, you haven't told us why the Eastern Immortal Emperor is so powerful!"

"Do you want to know?" Zhang Desheng narrowed his eyes and asked.

"miss you!"

Zhang Desheng smiled, he suddenly raised his right hand, and punched that fairy king.


I saw a fist shadow released, came to the other party at an astonishing speed, and went straight to his chest.

At such a fast speed, the Immortal King had no time to dodge, and forcibly used an Immortal Shield to resist.

However, just when everyone thought that Xiandun could block this attack, an unexpected scene appeared.

The shadow of the fist landed on the fairy shield, and with a bang, the fairy shield collapsed, turning into bits of aura and disappearing into the world.

At the same time, the shadow of the fist also fell on the body of the fairy king, falling on his chest.

Under the huge force, the opponent's body flew straight out, fell heavily on the ground a hundred meters away, and spit out a mouthful of blood after landing.Looking at his condition again, his face was as pale as paper, his physical and spiritual strength almost collapsed, and his breathing was extremely weak, as if he would die at any moment.

The Northern Immortal Emperor's face changed drastically, he glared at Zhang Desheng, and said word by word: "Zhang Xianjun, what do you mean?"

"Northern Immortal Emperor, do you want to become the next him?" Zhang Desheng laughed loudly, the aura exuding from him was even bigger, and after everyone sensed his size, they all felt like they were on their backs.It was as if if Zhang Desheng used his supernatural powers, none of them could block them, and they would probably be instantly killed.

Northern Immortal Emperor's heart skipped a beat, he took a few steps back, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Zhang, have you become an Immortal Emperor too?"

"Hmph! There are only four immortal emperors in the fairy world. If you give me the position of the northern immortal emperor, I can help you become this immortal emperor." Zhang Desheng said playfully.

The Northern Immortal Emperor's expression changed drastically, and he said in panic, "Brother Zhang, don't make such a joke."

"Haha! I'm not interested in the position of your Immortal Emperor. Let me tell you the truth! I can reach this level of cultivation because I accidentally discovered a secret, a way to continue to practice." Zhang Desheng said, "As long as you master the With the power of the rules, practice the supernatural powers of the rules, and the cultivation base can continue to increase."

Hearing this, everyone looked happy, and the Northern Immortal Emperor hurriedly asked: "Brother Zhang, how can I cultivate the power of rules?"

"Do you want to know?" Zhang Desheng looked at the crowd and asked.

Who doesn't want to improve their cultivation these days, who doesn't want to become stronger, everyone said without even thinking about it: "I want to!"

Zhang Desheng didn't answer, his son Zhang Zhifeng came out and said: "As long as you cooperate with my father, after this matter is completed, my father will tell everyone the method of cultivating the power of rules. Of course, you can also choose not to talk about it. The end will be the same as him, a corpse."

"Everyone, you have to think about it. Don't think that this place is too illusory. If you can't use supernatural powers, I can't kill you." Zhang Desheng said coldly, "The power of rules I have comes from the emptiness. Under this rule, the Taixu Envoy can't do anything about me, so I'll give you a moment to think about it."

In this case, if you don't agree, you will die. Who wants to die here?

Everyone didn't want to die, so Northern Immortal Emperor was the first to stand up and said, "Brother Zhang, how do you want us to cooperate?"

"It's very simple, help me kill the Eastern Immortal Emperor!" Zhang Desheng said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes. How powerful is Immortal Emperor Dongfang, what is the difference between killing him and committing suicide?

The Northern Immortal Emperor shook his head like a rattle, and said with a wry smile: "Brother Zhang, you are not joking with me! Eastern Immortal Emperor's cultivation base is higher than mine, how can we kill him?"

"That's right! We're afraid he'll kill us before we kill him." Western Immortal Emperor said, "Besides, after I cast the bloodline secret technique, I'll rely on him to kill that kid!"

"I didn't ask you to kill him, but to sneak attack when he was fighting with that kid." Zhang Desheng changed the subject and said seriously, "Don't underestimate that guy, he can survive in the hands of Immortal Emperor Dongfang. He has an unusual relationship with the envoy of the rules, and with such a mystery, it is not easy for Immortal Emperor Dongfang to kill him."

Northern Immortal Emperor was silent for a while, and said: "Even if we sneak attack, the chance of success is not high!"

"As long as you do what I say, that kid and the Immortal Emperor Dongfang will die in the realm of too illusory." Zhang Desheng patted the storage bag on his waist, sacrificed a bottle of medicine pill, and handed it to the Northern Immortal Emperor, "Take these The elixir is distributed, each person swallows one, and if anyone dares not to swallow it, I will make him die right now."

Everyone had no choice, after they swallowed the elixir, Zhang Desheng laughed three times, turned around and entered the teleportation array.

Not long after, Zhang Desheng came to the realm of too illusory, and the place where he appeared was a valley.

As soon as he landed on the ground, Zhang Desheng clasped his fists at the void and said, "Messenger of Taixu, I am the third to come in. According to this rule, I should be rewarded."

In the Illusory Realm, the top three entrants can all get treasures, a rule that has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Zhang Desheng hadn't cultivated the power of rules before, so he couldn't enter the top three. Every time he went out, he heard Immortal Emperor Dongfang boasting in front of him, what treasures he got, and what rewards he got.After Zhang Desheng mastered the power of the rules, he vowed that one day he would become stronger and be rewarded by the Illusionary Realm. He waited for this day and was extremely excited.

Taixu Nishang had just walked over to Immortal Emperor Dongfang, she still didn't show her figure, she hid in the void and said: "I've prepared your reward."

Zhang Desheng was startled, and said in surprise, "Didn't you let me choose something?"

"No." Taixu Nishang said.

"Well, isn't it like this in previous years, choose one of the three?" Zhang Desheng asked.

Taixu Nishang snorted coldly, and said: "The previous years are the previous years, but this year has changed."

Zhang Desheng didn't think too much, and continued to ask: "There is no choice this year, so the rewards are better?"

"You'll know later." As soon as Taixu Nishang finished speaking, a stream of light quickly streaked down the void, and then turned into a parabola and landed in front of Zhang Desheng.

Zhang Desheng subconsciously held it in his hand, and when he saw what it was, he was stunned, and said for a long time: "Taixu Messenger, are you sure this is a reward for me?"

"This is your reward, you accept it!" Taixu Nishang said.

"No, this thing is immortal jade, the most common immortal jade, and there are a lot of it in the fairy world." Zhang Desheng said speechlessly, "Messenger of Taixu, did you make a mistake?"

"That's right, this is a good thing, there is a mystery in it, you can study it slowly!" Taixu Nishang's voice became more and more indistinct, she had already left this void.

Zhang Desheng stared at Xianyu for a long time, but didn't see why, so he put it in the storage bag depressed.

At this time, Taixu Nishang returned to Li Yi's side, gave him a settled expression, and said, "Okay, where are we going now?"

Just as Li Yi was about to answer, Chen Jiaojiao gave her an unfriendly look and said, "Brother-in-law, who is she?"

"She is your future sister-in-law!" Li Yi said.

"What, you're looking for another girlfriend!" Chen Jiaojiao asked chirpingly after knowing that she was her own, "How did you guys meet? How long have you known each other? Do you have that?"

"We just met, do you think we can do that?" Li Yi said with a smile.

Chen Jiaojiao rolled her eyes and said via voice transmission: "Brother-in-law, do you want to have sex with her? I can help you."

"Oh! How can you help me?" Li Yi asked curiously.

Chen Jiaojiao gave Li Yi an expression of waiting to enjoy. She walked up to Taixu Nishang and said, "Hi, my name is Chen Jiaojiao, Li Yi's sister-in-law."

"I know!"

Taixu Nishang has never left the Taixu illusion, and she doesn't understand the world, and she doesn't know that after the other party introduces her identity, she will also tell her own situation.

"Actually, my brother-in-law and I have a very good relationship." Chen Jiaojiao said in embarrassment.

"I know!" Taixu Nishang said.

Chen Jiaojiao was speechless, how could this girl know to say this, she couldn't help but said: "I said, don't you have anything to say to me?"

"No!" Taixu Nishang said.

"Well, what do you think of my brother-in-law?" Chen Jiaojiao asked.

"He's just..." Taixu Nishang originally wanted to say something bad, but thought that the other party was her fiancé, so there's no way to say that a fiancé is bad, so she temporarily changed her words, "Not bad!"

"What do you mean he is not bad, brother-in-law is the best man I have ever met." Chen Jiaojiao continued to ask, "Then do you want to live with her for the rest of your life?"

"That depends on his performance." Taixu Nishang said.

Chen Jiaojiao was startled, and understood in a blink of an eye, and said, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Taixu Nishang." Taixu Nishang frowned, puzzled, "Why do you call me little sister, I seem to be much older than you."

"I'm also my brother-in-law's girlfriend, so you are my little sister." Chen Jiaojiao said.

Taixu Nishang was puzzled, and said: "Aren't you his sister-in-law?"

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