Temptation to get married, husband kisses gently

Chapter 120 You will always be the best male god in my heart

"Little girl, come with me, I will take you to Italy, follow me, I promise to make you delicious..."

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way..."

Xiao Xiao almost didn't even have the strength to speak, and a desperate darkness attacked her fiercely.

She tried hard to open her eyes and told herself, can't sleep, can't sleep!There is no hope in sleep!

Shan Junhao, damn it, aren't you a male god?Where are you?Don't you appear like a god every time I encounter difficulties?Don't let me down this time, okay?This time, I need you very much, no matter how many people call me shameless, I... really need you!

If you don't show up and I am really taken away by this person, then I will hate you to death and never see you again!

If he was taken away by this person, what face would he have to meet Shan Junhao!

Accompanied by such inner calling and despair, Xiao Xiao became more and more unconscious, and his eyelids couldn't be opened no matter how hard they opened their eyes. Slowly, unwillingly, they were forced to close...

The leader of the kidnappers left with Xiao Xiao on his shoulders, and the bodyguards behind him fought fiercely with the minions.

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After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Xiao felt dizzy and nauseated, and slowly woke up from the coma.

The bed she was lying on was a bit erratic, and she guessed it was on a boat.She was wearing a man's dress, and it smelled strongly of tobacco.

In a vague way, she heard the voice of a man talking outside.

"Brother, did that woman give us money?"

"Give it, give 500 million before doing things."

"Then shall we still take this woman? Are we really going to take her to Italy?"

"Well, this woman is a rare beauty. When we brothers have had enough fun, we can definitely sell it for a good price. She is more delicate than her sister."

"Brother still has economic sense, that, when you have had enough fun, this woman will give it to the younger brother."

"It depends on my mood, or how much I like her. Perhaps, I will always like her, and maybe I will always keep her by my side."

"Hehe, yes, yes, who doesn't know that elder brother knows how to be compassionate and cherish jade best."

Xiao Xiao couldn't quite hear what they were talking about, and probably guessed that they wanted to take her away. This time, if they took her away, she would never come back alive.

Because, she will not allow herself to be ruined, she would rather be broken than whole!This is her principle.

Suddenly, another man shouted in a panic from outside: "Brother, it's not good. The customs will conduct a random inspection. If you are caught, you will definitely go to jail. Why don't you throw that woman into the sea."

Xiao Xiao suddenly opened his eyes wide and pricked up his ears to listen carefully, but he didn't hear how the other man made his decision.

Her heart hung up, beating so frantically that she felt the fear of dying, she didn't want to die yet, she still had to wait for Shan Junhao to come, she was still holding on to her last hope! .

At this time, there were footsteps coming in, Xiao Xiao tried hard to make a sound: "Woo... woo..."

Her mouth was sealed, and she could only make a sound like a small animal.

Suddenly, as soon as a black shadow covered her eyes, after approaching, Xiao Xiao judged intuitively that he was the leader of the kidnapper. He was wearing stockings on his face before, but now the stockings had been taken off, and she stared wide-eyed in horror. , trying to shrink back.

The man said with a condensed and gloomy face: "Don't make a sound, I won't hurt you. If you are found by the coast guard, I will throw you into the sea directly. Do you understand, don't challenge my... patience!" He gritted his teeth and said the last two words.

Xiao Xiao knew that he was threatening her, and she couldn't resist him now, so she could only nod her head obediently.

Suddenly, the leader of the kidnappers picked up Xiao Xiao, threw her under the bed, and then found a big box in front of her, so that as long as she didn't make a sound, the police would never think that there was someone hiding under the bed.

Xiao Xiao was very cooperative and kept silent, but listened to the movement in the room tensely.

Someone walked in.

The leader of the kidnappers said softly, "Officer, we are legitimate businessmen, we just pass through here."

"Well..., it's just a routine inspection, just take out all the business procedures and have a look."

"Well, the procedures are all outside, I'll take you to get them."

When Xiao Xiao heard that it was really a policeman's voice, she mustered all her strength, kicked the box in front of her vigorously, and let out a "woo woo" desperately...

It's a pity that the bandit leader closed the door in time. No matter how hard Xiao Xiao tried, she couldn't let the police hear her voice. She was not reconciled, kicked and whimpered desperately, but in the end, after 5 minutes, the kidnapper leader was waiting.

The leader of the kidnappers gave her a ferocious look, pulled her out from under the bed, threw her on the bed roughly, and then threw himself on her, squeezed her sharp chin fiercely, and said through gritted teeth: " You're so nasty, so I'm going to... fuck you right now, and then throw you into the sea to feed the sharks."

Xiao Xiao desperately shook her head... Woo... Woo... There was extreme helplessness and sadness in her eyes.

The leader of the kidnappers ignored her, and pulled off the coat on her body, leaving her underwear. The leader's rough hands covered her chest, and pulled off her underwear again. In an instant, the dark cabin Inside, the white, tender, and full. Quite brightly, trembling out, almost dazzled the eyes of the leader of the kidnappers.

His eyes dimmed, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing an evil smile: "Sure enough, if you serve me comfortably, I really don't want to leave you. Come on, don't be shy."

"Woo... woo..." Xiao Xiao couldn't help shrinking back, but she knew that no matter how much she shrinks, it won't help. She stared at her eyes full of tears and terrified, and could only wail as if she was about to die...


She watched the man's lips peck her bare shoulders like an eagle's beak. She was terrified all over her body, trembling so much that she almost lost her mind, "Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..."

The man's kisses on her body became more and more crazy, and seeing her abused pear blossoms with rain also stimulated his animal nature, he lowered his head, and he moved towards her cherry lips...

At this moment, Xiao Xiao suddenly kicked his lower abdomen, and the man hid in pain, but because of this, he reached out his hand even more angrily and wanted to tear her pants, but unexpectedly, Xiao Xiao's almond eyes stared angrily, Unrestrained by his body for a moment, he slammed into the wall suddenly, and his head was hit hard.

She bumped so hard that blood rushed down her forehead immediately!

The leader of the kidnappers didn't seem to have expected Xiao Xiao to be so strong, and he felt a surge of feelings in his heart at the moment. He admired her courage and hated her for being bad. If she was good, he really didn't want to hurt her, he just had feelings for her. *, I just want her.

But seeing her like this, he was still angry. He hugged her and said angrily: "Even if you die, I want you to be my woman before you die."

"Bastard..." Xiao Xiao was already very weak, and no longer had the ability to resist her, "You throw me... into the sea."

The leader of the kidnappers tightly shackled her body, which was struggling desperately but had no strength, and just lowered his head to kiss her, when suddenly, there were several screams from a man outside the door.

"Ah... who are you? Ah... my eyes."

With a "bang", the door of the room was kicked open. Xiao Xiao saw Shan Junhao's tall and mighty figure, and finally stood in front of her. With the last bit of my strength, I saved Zhen Jie and waited for him.

"Who are you? Get out."

Shan Junhao is like Satan, with the chill from hell emanating from all over his body, his face is ashen, his expression is ferocious, his teeth are "cracking" when he bites, his fist is clenched like a hammer, and there is a "bang" It hit the kidnapper leader hard on the head.

In an instant, only the sound of bones breaking was heard. Shan Junhao's finger was broken, and the skull of the kidnapper leader was also broken, and a piece of his head was dented on the side that was hit.

The leader of the kidnapper wobbled around, touched his head in a daze, opened his mouth wide in an instant, and shouted in horror: "Ah... ah... ah..." Then he passed out, maybe he was knocked out, Still stunned by the dent in his head.

"Xiao Xiao..." Shan Junhao called her deeply, "My baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm late, it's all my fault."

Tears swirled in his eyes, and he hugged Xiao Xiao tightly in his arms, his heart was so painful that he was about to suffocate, "Baby...my baby..." The big palm kept groping on her back, as if not Know how to express the sharp distress for her!

Xiao Xiaowo smiled in his arms, she smiled so reassuringly, she stretched out her hand to wipe Shan Junhao's tears, "Don't cry, you came just in time, I have nothing to lose, I am still the original me, If you came later... I might..."

"Don't say it, don't say it..."

"In that case, I don't have the face to see you, so it's just right now, don't blame yourself, you will always be the best male god in my heart, and the protector sent by God to me... I am so happy to say ,hehe……"

After laughing a few times, Xiao Xiao finally passed out again amidst extreme exhaustion. This time, the corner of her mouth was always smiling... It turned out that even passing out in this man's arms, she was still happy!

"Ah! Xiao Xiao, where are you, Xiao Xiao? How are you doing?"

Jin Xiaoyu's eager voice came from outside the cabin. She couldn't contact Xiao Xiao, so she called Shan Junhao. Shan Junhao told her that Xiao Xiao might be kidnapped, so she followed all the way. Zhong Lixing learned that Shan Junhao was everywhere. Looking for Xiao Xiao, he also brought a group of people to help.

Outside the door, Jin Xiaoyu just wanted to open the door of the cabin, but was punched by the kidnapper on the shoulder.

"Ah!" She fell to the ground in pain.

Seeing that she was injured, Zhong Lixing ran over immediately, kicked the kidnapper over, and helped Jin Xiaoyu up with one hand, "Are you all right? I'll tell you what a woman looks like when she comes out."

"I'm worried about Xiao Xiao!"

At this time, Shan Junhao came out holding Xiao Xiao in his arms, escorted by two bodyguards beside him, and he said to Zhong Lixing: "Leave this to you first, and I will send Xiao Xiao to the hospital first."

"Don't worry, brother!"

Shan Junhao left and took a few people with him. The rest of the kidnappers fought against Zhong Lixing's men, but Zhong Lixing had his hands tied when he fought with the kidnappers because he wanted to protect Jin Xiaoyu.

He kept his eyes on Jin Xiaoyu all the time, but he ignored that someone behind him was about to throw a stool at him. Jin Xiaoyu saw it, sneaked around behind the kidnapper, picked up a smashed table leg, pre-emptively hit the man with a table leg fainted.

Zhong Lixing clenched his fists and opened his boxing stance, but smiled at Jin Xiaoyu and said, "Okay, it's not free."

Jin Xiaoyu raised her smug face, "Of course, I was the number one bodyguard around Xiao Xiao back then, and I have defeated many male classmates who wanted to pursue Xiao Xiao."

Her small face at the moment was filled with incomparable vitality, with fine sweat oozing from the tip of her nose, she looked more and more mischievous and pretty. For a moment, it seemed that Zhong Lixing's eyes were dazzled, and she had never seen such a beautiful and attractive side of her.

Jin Xiaoyu also smiled at him.

While looking at each other, Zhong Lixing suddenly saw a kidnapper holding a shiny knife and stabbing Jin Xiaoyu in the back. In the nick of time, Zhong Lixing had no time to think, and threw Jin Xiaoyu down. , and the kidnapper's knife just stabbed Zhong Lixing's shoulder.

"Ah..." Enduring the pain, Zhong Lixing kicked the gangster backwards.

"Ah...ah..." Jin Xiaoyu screamed in fright when she saw Zhong Lixing's shoulders that were instantly stained red with blood, "Zhong Lixing, how are you? Will you die? Don't..."

"I won't die...", he panted heavily, "Help me up!"

Jin Xiaoyu helped Zhong Lixing up, and Zhong Lixing immediately endured the severe pain in his shoulders, pulled away his fighting posture, and protected Jin Xiaoyu behind him like an old hen protecting its cubs.

At this moment, Jin Xiaoyu burst into tears, not only because she felt sorry for him, but also because she was moved by his uncontrollable behavior.

Just when Zhong Lixing was about to attack the kidnappers again, the police car whistled and the police arrived.

The kidnappers were taken away, and Jin Xiaoyu hurriedly sent Zhong Lixing to the hospital.

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When Xiao Xiao woke up from the hospital, she opened her eyes and saw Shan Junhao's eager and handsome face.

The corners of Xiao Xiao's mouth couldn't help laughing, moisture came out of his eyes, and his voice was so soft, serene, gentle, and slow, "Brother! Open your eyes...it's great to see you, it's like... spring flowers blooming !"

Shan Junhao was taken aback for a moment, and then a warm and charming smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Why did you remember calling me brother, it seems like you haven't called me like that for a long time?"

"I don't know, I just want to call it that way, I just think it's more intimate."

She rubbed her little head against his arm like a kitten, as if enjoying the smell and temperature from his body.

He fondled her messy, not smooth, like rusty hair, without the slightest dislike, lowered his head, and kissed her deeply.

She quickly avoided, "Don't kiss, dirty!"

"I'll wash it for you!" He said softly.

"No, I'm not a child!"

She was a little shy, being spoiled by this man made her feel a little unreal, every day was like a dream.

"I want, I will wash your hair from now on." His tone was gentle, but decisive, beyond doubt.

"I don't want to get up now, I'm so tired, I can't go to the bathroom." She told the truth, she really didn't want to move.

"You don't need to get up, I have a solution."

As he said that, he got up and walked towards the bathroom. When he came out, he fetched a basin of hot water.

"I don't want to sit up either, so I don't want to wash it yet. At worst, don't kiss me!" She was a little embarrassed, but she really didn't like to move.

"You don't need to sit down, come, listen to me."

He walked to her side, took a stirrup and put it at the end of her bed, put the basin full of water on the stool, then he picked her up, turned her body in one direction, her head was facing At the end of the bed, remove a little more...

Her head was hanging in the air, and he supported it with his big warm palm, and with his other broken hand, he kept a palm-arching posture and splashed water on her head.

Xiao Xiao didn't say a word, but the tears from the corners of his eyes slipped down, and along with the stream of water he raised, they slid into her temples together.

"What's the matter? You don't need to be so moved. I'm your husband, and I love you so much that I can't extricate myself from it, so I should do these things."

He smiled and spoke calmly, and there were bursts of tingling pain in the palm of his hand, which made his forehead sweat, but he didn't hesitate to wash his hair, because he didn't want her to find out that he was hurt, and the happiness on his face Not a single cent.

"No, it's just that in my impression...my mother washed my hair like this when I was a child, and I felt so happy... so happy..."

Tears gushed out like a hot spring, and flowed into his palm along with her temples, as if ironing into his heart.

"Then, suddenly one day, my mother jumped off the building..."

Xiao Xiao's emotions were a little uncontrollable and agitated. Maybe it was the previous misfortune that made her think of her mother's misery. Maybe it was Shan Junhao's actions that evoked her nostalgia for her mother.

Her teary eyes were full of tears, and she couldn't control her tears and said: "She didn't say a word, I'm still so young, how could she have the heart to leave me, and just left, she was so cruel, so cruel, isn't she... Brother! You Did you say... woo..."

Shan Junhao never said a word, and let her cry like venting. He just silently supported the back of her head with one hand, and wiped her tears with the other stiffly, and then washed her hair.

She was tired from crying, and he finished washing. He picked up the towel that had been prepared beside him, dried her hair very carefully, and then hugged her again and turned her around to let her lie down.

At this moment, his cell phone vibrated, and he reached out to pick it up, and the voice of his assistant Lin Sen came over the phone: "President, all the kidnappers from Italy have been recruited."

Sorry, sorry!I was too anxious when I was writing this chapter before, and lost the role of Zhong Lixing and Jin Xiaoyu in the outline. Chenchen felt that it had to be added, otherwise the plot would not be able to develop further, and it would cause trouble for everyone. Chenchen sincerely said Sorry!I hope everyone will forgive me!Thank you for your support!Ask for a monthly pass!

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