Temptation to get married, husband kisses gently

Chapter 121 Don't Compare You With Xiao Xiao, You Are Unworthy

At this moment, his cell phone vibrated, and he reached out to pick it up, and the voice of his assistant Lin Sen came over the phone: "President, all the kidnappers from Italy have been recruited."

"Well, I'll be there in a while."

There was no emotion in his voice, so Xiao Xiao didn't know what he was talking about.

He covered her with the quilt, but when he was about to get up, she hugged his neck: "Brother! Don't go!"

"Don't go!", his tone was extremely gentle, and he smiled charmingly, "However, I still like to hear you call me husband!"

"Husband..." She also laughed, because she couldn't help laughing because she was spoiled, "I, only you..."

"In this life, I will never abandon you first! Even if I get old and die, I will let you die first, because the one who lives must be the loneliest and most painful."

He held her face in his hands and spoke seriously, as if taking an oath.

She nodded with tears streaming down her face, "Well... I'll die first, I'm a woman, my heart is weak, I can't bear the pain of losing you..."

After she finished speaking, she leaned her head tightly into his arms, and he gently patted her on the back, sending her into a sweet dream like coaxing a child.

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When Yi Shuangshuang woke up from the hospital, the corners of her lips twitched slightly. Although her stomach still hurt a little, she seemed to feel relaxed. This time, the leader of the kidnapper kicked him so hard, he must be able to kick him off. Well, finally, she can get back her love without burden.

"Shuangshuang, how are you?" Lin Liwei walked in with the nurse.

"Liwei!" Yi Shuangshuang suddenly burst into tears, and spoke softly, as if she had been wronged by the heavens and was able to express her heart in front of her lover.

"Hey, don't cry. Fortunately, the baby is fine. I invited the most authoritative doctor and used the most advanced anti-abortion medicine. It took nearly five hours and I finally saved the baby."

Lin Liwei helped Yi Shuangshuang to sit up, and hurriedly told her the news, hoping that she would not be sad and despaired of losing her child.

After Yi Shuangshuang heard the news, she was shocked at first, and then her body trembled, her breathing was not smooth, her brain was in chaos, damn it, she wanted to kill someone, did she?

She spent such a big setback and spent 500 million. The purpose of the kidnappers she invited from Italy was to kill two birds with one stone. She not only insulted Yi Xiaoxiao, but also got rid of this difficult piece of flesh in her body. But what is going on now? ?Yi Xiaoxiao wasn't insulted, and the baby didn't even drop?

She was about to die, she really wanted to reach out her hand and grab this damned fetus out of her stomach and strangle it to death.

"Shuangshuang, what's wrong with you? You don't look very well, are you unhappy to hear the news?"

Lin Liwei was very surprised why Yi Shuangshuang reacted in such a panic.

"Ah?" She realized that she had lost her composure, and immediately changed her expression and said, "Hehe, no, I'm so shocked, our baby is fine, it's great."

"Well, this is my first child, Lin Liwei. No matter what, I won't let anything happen to it. I must protect it and watch it be born." As he spoke, he pointed at Yi Shuangshuang's lower abdomen. Touched.

From an angle that Lin Liwei couldn't see, Yi Shuangshuang's face became more and more frightened, turning pale, absolutely...absolutely...cannot let him watch the birth of this child.

At this moment, Lin Liwei's cell phone rang, and he picked up the phone, "Hello...Okay, I'll go to the company to deal with it right away."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Liwei turned around and said to Yi Shuangshuang, "I have something urgent to go to the company to deal with. I will send a nurse to take care of you. You should also pay attention to protect yourself and your child, even if it is for me."

He spoke meaningfully, but her eyes were hot when she heard it.

Since the reunion, she felt that this was the most beautiful sentence she heard from him. At least he knew that she loved him, right?Should have known!It's a pity, it's a pity, the child in her belly...cough!

Watching Lin Liwei walk out of the room, two lines of unwilling and regretful tears slipped across her pretty face.

I knew that she should never, never should have been tempted by that British man named Kerry, and she gave up Li Wei, but it didn't end well, but now she knew she was wrong, and when she came back, he His heart was completely occupied by another woman.

She knew that she was sorry for him. The moment Shan Junhao rescued her from the magic cave, she swore that she would use her whole life to make up for her betrayal to Lin Liwei, but it seemed that God... didn't want to give her this chance.

When she was learning from the pain, suddenly, the door of the ward was kicked open, and Shan Junhao imposingly led a few bodyguards, pressing down on the old Gao whose head was swollen from the beating, and at the same time The recessed leader of the kidnappers walked in.

Yi Shuangshuang was naturally guilty when she saw Shan Junhao, but she couldn't recognize the leader of the kidnappers.

She pretended to be calm and said, "Shan Junhao, what are you doing? He, who is he?"

Before Shan Junhao could speak, the leader of the kidnappers said first: "Shuangshuang, I have already confessed, we are old acquaintances, and I was your benefactor before, how could you cheat me like this? That Yi Xiaoxiao is Shan Junhao's wife, but you say she is a prostitute just like you, I want to know that she is Shan Junhao's wife, if I lend me ten guts, I dare not move!"

"What did you say?" Yi Shuangshuang panicked, she glanced at Shan Junhao with a guilty conscience, and immediately argued loudly, "What nonsense are you talking about, I don't know you at all..."

"Yi Shuangshuang..."

Shan Junhao suddenly spoke out, and his gloomy tone made people feel a chilling fear. Yi Shuangshuang knew that Shan Junhao must be angry.

Realizing that she couldn't hide it anymore, she immediately changed her face of regret, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just wanted to use this method to get rid of the child in my stomach, and didn't intend to really hurt Xiao Xiao. As for this man of……"

Her eyes flickered, and she suddenly came up with an idea, "Yes, it was him. He hurt Xiao Xiao because he fell in love with Xiao Xiao temporarily. It's none of my business. Trust me, how could I hurt my sister? ?”

"Yi Shuangshuang..." Shan Junhao spoke again, his tone a little colder than before, "In front of me, Shan Junhao, do you think you can play that trick? Even without his testimony, I can also guess your purpose, I brought him here just to prove to you that you really don't need to make unnecessary denials in front of me."

Turning his head, Shan Junhao said to several bodyguards, "You can take him away."

"Yes! President!"

After several bodyguards had gone out, Yi Shuangshuang immediately looked remorseful, she moved her body, and the pain in her lower abdomen made her frown, "Shan Junhao, I know I was wrong, please forgive me once, I will not make this mistake again in the future.”

Shan Junhao glanced at her, knowing that this woman is definitely not the kind of person who knows how to correct a mistake.

"Ah...well... sir, come on, five thousand dollars is very cheap, I will definitely serve you comfortably..."

A fluent recorded conversation in English suddenly came out.

"Stinky bitch, you're so good at seducing people, I'm going to kill you today... um..."

Yi Shuangshuang looked at Shan Junhao with a pale face, "Why...how did you have this recording?"

Shan Junhao suddenly hooked the corners of his lips coldly, and put his mobile phone in front of Yi Shuangshuang, "It's not a recording..."

It's a video!Yi Shuangshuang opened her mouth wide, she couldn't believe it.

In the picture, he is formally having sex with an old Italian man.

"Well... sir, your things are so big, it must be very cool to use..."

"Haha, you really can talk. I will serve you tonight. These are all yours."

The old Italian man raised his hand, and a large stack of US dollars fluttered down from the air.

Yi Shuangshuang stared at her bright eyes, smiled alluringly and charmingly, knelt on the ground, picked up dollar bills one by one and stuffed them into her bra, which was so low that she was almost naked.


She raised her head, and before she finished speaking, the old Italian man pinched her red lips, and stuffed his ugly, huge, and dirty penis into her mouth.

"Give you double the money, you have to have double the service, um..."


She couldn't help the nausea, she vomited out the remaining food in her stomach, and vomited the Italian man's crotch, and the Italian man immediately grabbed her hair angrily, and kicked her aside: "Damn, you're so sexless!" , the service is not good, so don’t take the money.”

This stingy man actually reached out to snatch the money that Yi Shuangshuang had picked up one by one in Yi Shuangshuang's hand. Yi Shuangshuang held on tightly to the money: "No, it's mine, it's mine."

"Get out!" The Italian man was angry, and kicked Yi Shuangshuang on the back again, and then stepped on her hand holding the money.

She finally couldn't bear the pain, and let go of the money. The money was snatched away by the old Italian man.

She lay on the ground in pain and cried loudly, "Bastard, bastard, all bastards, Liwei... Where are you Liwei? Come and save me, Liwei... I was wrong, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have betrayed you..."

Looking at the video on the screen, Yi Shuangshuang had already burst into tears, it was a painful memory like peeling and cramp.

"How did you get this video?"

At this moment, she was calm instead. She knew that she couldn't beat Shan Junhao, so fortunately, she opened up and said it.

Shan Junhao also said calmly as usual: "I can get you out of an Italian folk brothel, wouldn't it be easy to get a video."

"So that means that when I have sex with customers every night, that brothel has videos?"

Her tone was flat, but her pupils were constricted, revealing an incomparable pain.

"I ordered someone to delete it, and only this paragraph remained."

She suddenly opened her eyes wide, unable to believe that Shan Junhao would do this, "Really?"

"I don't need to lie to you, but don't get me wrong. I'm not for you, but because I'm afraid that Lin Liwei will stop accepting you after he finds out, which will affect my perfect plan." Shan Junhao lowered his eyes, his face was unpredictable.

Yi Shuangshuang swallowed, took a deep breath and said, "I know, it's to make your love-hunting plan more perfect... Sometimes I'm really jealous of Yi Xiaoxiao. are so obsessed with her, and I, she and I are sisters..."

"Please don't compare you with her, you are not worthy!" He suddenly interrupted her impassioned, "You are so different from her."

"I don't accept it. I'm not as good as her. Yes, I have been a prostitute, but I didn't do it voluntarily. I was cheated by Kerry and sold to a brothel. In a brothel, if I don't They beat me when they pick up customers, what do you think I can do as a woman?"

Thinking of that memory, she couldn't help feeling like tens of thousands of insects were biting her body, it was so itchy that it made people want to collapse.

Shan Junhao hooked the corners of his lips in disdain, "Since you are not convinced, then I will give you a chance to let you understand, what is the difference between you and Xiao Xiao?"

"Say it!" She had a stubborn look on her face, and she really couldn't think of anything other than that involuntary experience where she was not as good as Yi Xiaoxiao.

"First of all, Xiao Xiao won't be seduced by other men and betray me, but you were lured by Kerry's identity as the British royal family and betrayed Lin Liwei!"

"Why do you think that Yi Xiaoxiao won't betray you? If a British prince really appeared in front of her, maybe she would go with him right away. If...she was also sold to a brothel, she would be as low as me The prostitute, for money...to lick a man's...that." Her eyes were wet when she said this.

"She won't!" He said firmly!

"Why do you..."

"Just because she almost ran into the kidnapper's boat and died yesterday."

Yi Shuangshuang was a little confused, "What do you mean? Didn't Li Wei's people rescue her yesterday? How could she be on the kidnapper's boat?"

"There were so many kidnappers, and Lin Liwei's people couldn't take care of Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao was taken to the boat by the kidnappers. Just when the kidnappers were about to take Xiao Xiao by force, Xiao Xiao hit his head against the wall and suffered a concussion. He wanted to defend himself with death." My own Zhenjie, I know...she guards for me, do you think she will be tempted by the identity of the British royal family?"

Speaking of this matter, he was extremely excited in his heart, his Xiao Xiao was someone who was willing to love him with his life.

As expected, Yi Shuangshuang was also shocked. She really didn't expect that Xiao Xiao, who was always soft on the outside and strong on the inside, would turn out to be so hot-tempered at a critical moment.

That's right, compared to this, Xiao Xiao is simply too noble, and himself...

She shook her head as if she couldn't accept it, "No, there must be something wrong, women are good at disguising, she must have just suffered a head injury, and then said that on purpose...".

"Enough!" He suddenly said sharply, "Don't try to insult Xiao Xiao any more, just to find reasons for your dirty behavior."

His face was gloomy and cold, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, "I'm not here to discuss with you how noble she is or how dirty you are, I want to warn you...".

His voice suddenly became a bit chillier: "From now on, if you dare to move Xiao Xiao's hair again, I will...make you bald, and if you dare to move Xiao Xiao's finger again , I will...make you lose an arm, if you don't believe me, just think about Son Yejin's fate!"

Yi Shuangshuang's eyes widened again, today's shock was too much, "What did you say? Son Yezhen is you..."

Try to come back tomorrow morning!Come on, Chenchen encourages himself!Monthly tickets, rewards, and messages are all needed!thank you all! !

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