my wife is the leader

Chapter 19 Not Easy

When Lin Dong was furious in the office, Li Mubai was sitting in Mei Ting's restaurant, but the person opposite him was not the proprietress Mei Ting, but the director of the police station, Xue Dong.

"Brother, this move is ruthless enough."

Xue Dong is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Before Li Mubai came, the relationship between him and Lin Dong was very close.However, these are superficial phenomena.In Chuntao Township, no one dared to target Lin Dong so unscrupulously.Now Li Mubai's appearance made Xue Dong's eyes light up.

Although his news is not very well-informed, his perspective on issues is very different from others.In short, he didn't want to offend Lin Dong, nor did he want to have any conflicts with Li Mubai.

"Director Xue, I don't understand what you said." Li Mubai would never admit that this matter was his bad idea, especially since he didn't know Xue Dong very well.In this strange environment, Li Mubai would not trust anyone easily.

"I heard that our party secretary may want to..." Xue Dong lowered his voice very low, very low. Even so, when he was talking about the key, he just stretched out a finger and pointed upward mysteriously.

"This has nothing to do with me, does it?" Li Mubai raised his hand to touch his nose, and said disapprovingly, "Who is here, aren't we all the same?"

Xue Dong wants to say something, so don't pretend, don't you know what he said to the emperor and courtiers?

However, seeing the determination in Li Mubai's eyes, Xue Dong thought too much.

Li Mubai's resume was very simple, but it was because of that simple resume that Xue Dong felt something was wrong.He secretly used his own relationship to inquire, but unfortunately, he didn't get any useful information.But the detachment shown by Li Mubai, not caring, is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

This is an intuition of more than [-] years in the police force. Otherwise, Xue Dong would never sit here and drink with him when he knew that the township chief was suppressing this guy.

Xue Dong didn't know that Li Mubai didn't rely on something, the key was that this guy didn't care about this issue at all.Who will be the party secretary does not seem to have any relationship with him.However, to his surprise, Xue Dong's news was confirmed the next day.

Everything came so abruptly that even the county only received the news yesterday.If just the reassignment of a township party committee secretary doesn't arouse more people's ideas, that level is really too low.

However, a secretary of the township party committee was parachuted from the city, which made people in the official circles of Xincheng County somewhat confused.Especially when I heard that the county magistrate who was about to take office was also airborne from the city.

All these signals showed that the city was dissatisfied with Xincheng County.Otherwise, he would never appoint a township party secretary across the county level. He would be nothing more than a department-level cadre.

The new secretary arrived at Chuntao Township at ten o'clock in the morning, and all members of the team were waiting for the new secretary's arrival at the entrance of Chuntao Township.

Accompanied by Dong Limin, Executive Deputy Director of the Organization Department of the County Party Committee, Luo Guanhua, the newly appointed Secretary of the Party Committee of Chuntao Township, met with the team members of Chuntao Township.

However, what is even more surprising is that at the same time, the new county party secretary Tang Jie also arrived in Xincheng County on the same day.If it is said that there is no necessary connection among them, no one will believe it.

For a while, the official circles in Xincheng County were foggy, and more people couldn't see the direction of the wind.

However, these didn't seem to have any impact on Li Mubai. On the second day after Luo Guanhua took office, Jian Chao's task assigned to Li Mubai was finally completed.

I don't know why, when Jian Chao handed over such a wad of money to Li Mubai, there was a feeling of relief in his heart.

"Leave a way out for yourself in everything."

Li Mubai didn't count the money on the table either, he picked it up and put it in his carry-on bag, and said seriously: "I'm doing this for your own good too, I often walk by the river, you know."


Jian Chao nodded in astonishment.

Although he was a bit older than Li Mubai, he didn't think there was anything wrong with Li Mubai's old-fashioned tone at this time.

Depend on!

It was more than ten minutes after Li Mubai walked out that he realized that he had ignored the most important question.Originally, he wanted to ask what kind of hole cards Li Mubai had in his hand, and it was not an obligation to collect money. In exchange, Li Mubai should hand over the hole cards in his hand, or in other words, his own handle.

However, that guy just said a few words without beginning or end.By the time Jian Chao chased him out, Li Mubai's figure had already disappeared from sight.

If it were anyone else, they would not send the fine to Lin Dong's office directly, it would be a death rhythm.But with the list in his hand, Li Mubai didn't even enter the family planning office, and went straight up to the third floor, Lin Dong's office.

"Do you have an appointment?"

There is also a small office outside Lin Dong's office, which belongs to his correspondent Ma Lu.

Although it is expressly stipulated that cadres below the county level are not equipped with secretaries, the cadres below have replaced the word secretary with correspondents.

"I'll report to Mayor Lin, so you go and report it." Li Mubai didn't answer Ma Lu's question, but said stiffly, "Can you still make decisions for Mayor Lin?"

Depend on!

Ma Chao has never seen such a bluster, such a stinky mouth.This Li Mubai still has the image of a government official, he is simply a fool, a country man!

Although there was a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, Ma Lu stood up obediently.He knew about the incident of fines in Chuntao Township. This man dared to confront the mayor. He was just a small correspondent, and he really didn't dare to make things difficult on purpose. It's not what he wants to consider.

"Comrade Li Mubai, Mayor Lin doesn't have time right now, let's talk about something tomorrow."

Ma Lu had expected this result a long time ago, but he also had to go through this procedure.

"He doesn't have time?" Li Mubai twitched his lips, and said loudly: "Then tell Mayor Lin, after I go back, I will find out all the lists of those who have owed fines over the years, and then clean them up."


Lin Dong heard it clearly in the office, this bastard was clearly threatening, yes, it was a naked threat!Immediately, the sound of teacups breaking echoed in the office building of the township government...

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