In the past two days, the teacups in Lin Dong's office were changed frequently, and the correspondent Ma Lu actually admired Li Mubai somewhat.At least since he has been working in Chuntao Township for so long, he is the first one who can make Lin Dong go crazy like this.

However, when Lin Dong received that Li Mubai had actually walked towards the new secretary Luo Guanhua's office, his palms on the desk turned red.Does he really not know that if he offends himself, he will die miserably?

Lin Dong had never felt so angry before, even leading him to hate Jian Chao.That bastard is also a coward, Li Mubai is only 20 years old, and he hasn't even arrived in Chuntao Township for a week. You, the biggest bastard in Chuntao Township, can't even deal with such a little guy. Does the face say that he is a gangster?

"Hmph, you don't have the weight to join the new secretary!" Lin Dong subjectively thought that Li Mubai must have gone to the new secretary to chew his tongue. Besides, he couldn't think of any reason for Li Mubai to go See Luo Guanhua.

The Party Committee of Chuntao Township and the government are in the same office building, with the government to the east and the Party Committee to the west.However, when Li Mubai walked to the door of Luo Guanhua's office, he did not go in, but stood at the door for about 3 minutes, then turned around and walked to the stairs, and walked down slowly.

Knowing that Li Mubai did not enter Luo Guanhua's office, Lin Dong felt relieved that he did not come.Even he himself didn't understand why that bastard would bring him such a feeling.

However, just when he thought that Li Mubai didn't dare to offend him too deeply, and came to his senses, the secretary knocked on the door and came in to inform that that guy didn't enter Luo Guanhua's office, but asked about the exact location of the county committee.

Second Olympic!

Lin Dong even forgot how many years he had not uttered such foul language.

That bastard is not awakened, but wants to make this matter bigger!

Although Lin Dong knew very well that even if this guy went to the county party committee, he might not even be able to enter the gate.However, if this matter gets to the higher authorities, where will he put his face as the head of the township?

Even a small clerk under him can't handle it, what else can he do as a township head?

Lin Dong looked at the desk, there was no teacup on it, the village head really didn't know what to break to vent his anger.

The only way to stop Li Mubai now is to stop him, but just now he had to report to work, but Lin Dong didn't even see him.

"Find me Li Mubai!" Lin Dong gritted his back molars, these words were squeezed between his teeth.

Although he wanted face, compared with the position under his buttocks, face seemed insignificant.

Seeing Lin Dong's pale face with anger, Ma Lu dared to ask Li Mubai why he came back, so he quickly flashed out of the office in response.

He went fast and came back fast.Before and after 5 minutes, Ma Lu knocked on the door of Lin Dong's office.

"Where's Li Mubai?" Lin Dongqiang suppressed his anger, controlled his emotions, and asked in a deep voice.

"He He……"

Ma Lu really didn't know how to report it. He spent a long time without saying anything.

"What is he? What's the matter?" Seeing Ma Lu's suffocated face, Lin Dong also guessed a little bit.That guy was already an arrogant master, and it was impossible for him not to take his correspondent seriously.

"That guy Li Mubai is really an asshole." Ma Lu pondered for a long time before mustering up all his courage, first put a big hat on that guy, and then said: "He said that he is off work now, what work do you have?" , talk about it tomorrow!"

Lin Dong was so angry that he didn't know what to say. The 2b pencil he was holding was broken by him.As if it was not a pencil, but Li Mubai.

Seeing that Lin Dong's face was pale and he remained silent, Ma Lu quietly retreated out of the office with great interest.

"If you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

After 5 minutes of silence, Lin Dong dropped half of the pencil on the desk, picked up the phone, pressed a number of numbers, and dialed out.

However, he didn't know that when he was calling, Li Mubai actually got on the last bus to the county.

This guy really went to the county!

After hearing the news, not only Lin Dong wanted to scold her, but even Mei Ting shook his head.

Why is this kid so reckless?


The shuttle bus bumped all the way, and when it arrived in the county, the lights were already on.

Li Mubai found a small restaurant and had a casual bite.He didn't come to the county as everyone thought, he was going to the county party committee.But when Jian Chao came out, he accidentally got a piece of news about Wolf Nine.

Li Mubai is very interested in this Wolf Nine.Besides his skills, he believed that guy must know many dirty things that Jian Chao had done.However, he was not very interested in those things. He wanted to find evidence about Lin Dong's participation through these things.

Now that his face has been torn apart, Li Mubai is not naive enough to think that there is any room for maneuver.

After some inquiries, he found the place where Jian Chao met Lang Jiu.

This is an unremarkable small courtyard, even a bit dilapidated, even the walls of the courtyard are peeling off a lot.

However, just when Li Mubai was about to knock on the door, a girl screamed from the other end of the alley.


Without even thinking about it, Li Mubai rushed to the other end of the alley like a galloping cheetah upon hearing the cry for help.

"Shout, shout hard, even if you break your throat, it's useless."

A young man wearing a plaid shirt with open arms said with a smirk.

Opposite him were two tall men holding a girl tightly.

The girl's clothes had been torn in many places, her hair was messed up, and even her screaming voice became very hoarse.

"Little sister, don't be afraid, as long as I am satisfied with my service, I will let you eat and drink spicy food in the future."

The man in the checkered shirt still had a cigarette dangling from his mouth, and when he was talking, he sprayed a puff of cigarette straight onto the girl's face.

"Go home and let your mother serve you!" Although the girl was tightly held by the arms of the two men, she did not admit defeat at all.Just as the man in the plaid shirt raised his hand to touch the girl's chest, the girl suddenly raised her right foot and kicked the man's crotch viciously...

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