my wife is the leader

Chapter 390 Strong Press Conference

Li Mubai knocked on the microphone, and seeing that the reporters below were no longer making noise, he cleared his throat and said, "First of all, thank you friends from the media for coming."

"Here, I want to say two things." After a pause, Li Mubai said: "For the readers and movie fans who care about me, I would like to express my gratitude once again. My new book will be published on Ming Pao the day after tomorrow. I also hope that all book fans will join in. In addition, the previous two books have been published, and friends who like these two books will be able to buy them in a few days."

Hearing this news, many reporters applauded one after another.

In addition to reporters from some gossip tabloids, there are also reporters from newspapers and magazines that compare Zheng Kui.And many of them are fans of Li Mubai's book, this news is undoubtedly the best news for them.

Since I said two things before, and the first one is finished, then the second one should be about the scandal!

At this moment, almost all the reporters waited with full attention, they were afraid of missing every word Li Mubai said next.

"The second thing is related to movies. My new script has been finalized and I will cooperate with Golden Harvest. This is a movie with an investment budget of 5000 million, and it has entered the preparatory stage. The director and starring roles have been finalized. I believe it will be used In a few days, everyone will receive the news of the start-up." Although the second thing Li Mubai said made everyone very interested, it obviously did not satisfy most reporters.

Especially those gossip reporters, the purpose of coming here today is to collect news about Li Mubai's scandal, but this one is too uncooperative, he didn't even mention a single word, how can he write about it when he goes back?I can't just make up things without saying anything. If it is really written out, then the problem will be really big.Xiangjiang is an independent society. Although gossip is allowed, it must be close to the side and reliable.

"Mr. Li, is the protagonist of this new movie one of the two daughters who went to candlelight dinner with you?"

Not even a second after Li Mubai's voice fell, a reporter raised a question loudly.

"Mr. Li, it is said that one of the actresses is from the mainland, and she came here to join Mr. Li. What is the relationship between you two?"

After the first reporter raised a question, those reporters seemed to have forgotten Li Mubai's silence at the beginning. Several reporters asked questions in a chaotic manner, hoping to get an answer from Li Mubai.

However, Li Mubai stood there quietly with a slight smile on his face, but he didn't say a word.

It took less than 3 minutes for everyone to understand that although people just don't talk, but such random questions will definitely not get a piece of news.

When the reporters in the audience calmed down, Li Mubai looked around, and then said in a leisurely manner: "Since friends from the media are very concerned about this matter, I think if I don't answer, you will not be able to talk to the boss after I go back today. Make up the difference."

Li Mubai said with a smile: "In this case, I will first satisfy everyone's curiosity. But I hope that the friends from the media present will cooperate. If I ask questions in a chaotic manner, I can't hear clearly, and I don't know which one to answer. Then go on. I will leave 10 minutes for friends from the media to ask questions, if there is a chaotic situation, then I'm sorry, today's press conference will come to an end."

Although Li Mubai's tone was calm, there was an undeniable feeling in it.

The reporters present did not doubt at all that Li Mubai was joking. He has the right to answer your question, but he also has the right to refuse to answer it.If the blind-eyed reporter really booed at this time, then it would be tantamount to making enemies with all his colleagues.

The purpose of coming here today is to get the desired news, and Li Mubai's action immediately made all the reporters see his means.

Very strong!

After that, all the reporters understood what to do. In an instant, the reporters off the court raised their hands one after another, expressing that they had questions to ask.

Although some reporters disdain Li Mubai's threat, they reluctantly raised their hands after thinking about the consequences of making trouble.But in his heart, he scolded Li Mubai a thousand times, ten thousand times!

Li Mubai looked down, and there was a reporter with the Ming Pao logo standing in the front row. He pointed at the Ming Pao reporter, indicating that he could ask questions.

For a long time, Li Mubai had a cooperative relationship with Ming Pao, so it was not surprising that he selected Ming Pao's reporters.

And that reporter was also very smart, and didn't ask about such gossip.He knew that if he wanted to get exclusive news, it would never be possible on this occasion.

He pondered for a while, and then asked: "Mr. Li, hello, I'm a reporter from Ming Pao. May I ask what the theme of your new film is, and who is the director and starring role?"

Li Mubai smiled knowingly, this Ming Pao reporter is smart and knows how to cooperate.

"The director of the new film is Mr. Wu Yusen, who recently signed to our Oriental DreamWorks, and the lead actor in this film is Brother Cheng Long, who everyone is very familiar with and loves. At the same time, I am also a fan of Brother Cheng Long. His movie I like all of them very much. As for the subject matter, I would like to keep a secret here, and when it is launched, I think it will definitely satisfy everyone’s curiosity.”

After answering the first question, Li Mubai looked around.He was not very familiar with these media in Xiangjiang, so he casually pointed to a female reporter and said that he could ask questions.

The female reporter never thought that she was so lucky. She didn't react until the colleague next to her jealously poked her and said that if you don't ask, I will ask for you.

"Mr. Li, there are many rumors that you have unspoken rules for actresses. I don't think Mr. Li should be that kind of person. I like the novels you wrote and the movies you directed, and I am also your loyal reader and reader. Movie fans. However, I think more people don’t know the truth, what explanation does Mr. Li have for this matter?”

That female reporter still has some professional ethics. Although she asked a very sensitive question that everyone was very concerned about, the organization of the language was relatively soft, at least it made Li Mubai not so harsh after hearing it.

"Thank you for your support." Regardless of whether what the female reporter said was true or not, Li Mubai expressed his gratitude.After all, he is considered a public figure now, so he still needs to be polite.

"I think you asked a question that all the media friends present are more concerned about. To be honest, I really didn't pay attention to it at the beginning. I think this may be a characteristic of Xiangjiang, and there is nothing too strange. "Speaking of this, Li Mubai suddenly paused, and his face darkened, "However, I found that some unscrupulous media have become so arrogant that they can act recklessly."

"Here, I also have a question. I want to ask my friends in the media. Is it true that as long as the opposite sex eats or goes shopping together, there must be something dirty? Or is it even if the same sex eats together? Would it be considered something more nasty if we got together?" Li Mubai's voice gradually became colder and harsher: "My friends from the media, friends from other entertainment circles, and people who have never met on the street Like those people, they are all normal people with seven emotions and six desires. Even passer-by A and passer-by B have the right to protect their own **, and when our ** is violated, I would like to appeal here, that is Use the law to protect our rights!"

Li Mubai has always given people the impression of being very gentle, no matter in words, deeds or expressions.There is always a faint smile on his face, like a big boy next door, very sunny.However, at this moment, his face was frosty, and he exuded a compelling aura, which immediately made the media reporters off the court aware of it.This talented screenwriter is really angry, and it seems that the consequences will be serious.

"Just before I held this press conference, I had already reported the case to the Kowloon Police Station to investigate the unhealthy media that wantonly slandered and slandered. At the same time, I appeal to all colleagues in the film and television industry and friends in the entertainment industry , we will block those unscrupulous media, never accept their interviews, so that there is no news in their newspapers. At the same time, I also hope that those bosses will not publish an advertisement in such unscrupulous tabloids, and put them All the back roads are cut off, and the Hong Kong media will be given a blue sky!"

After speaking, Li Mubai didn't care what the reporters would report, and strode out on the stage with his chest straight.

This is really a special press conference!

No reporter would have expected Li Mubai to be so strong.And this is a declaration of war in front of almost all the media reporters in Xiangjiang.This is not just anger, it also requires courage.

There are too many gossip tabloids in Xiangjiang, but can this kind of gossip really be eliminated?

Obviously, that's not possible.

But more reporters have realized a serious problem, that is, the life of the tabloids that reported indiscriminately at the beginning may not be easy.

Sure enough, less than two hours after the end of Li Mubai's press conference, big-name stars and directors in the Xiangjiang film and television industry expressed their support and solidarity with Li Mubai's statement.

If it's just that the weight of these stars and directors is still a little insufficient, then the spokesperson of the Xiangjiang Police Headquarters said that they would rectify the notices of newspapers and magazines, so that the bosses of those tabloids realized that this time they played too big!

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