my wife is the leader

Chapter 391 The Arrival of Wolf 9

Li Mubai had just returned to the office when Liao Wei's call came in.During the phone call, Liao Wei provided Li Mubai with a piece of news. Although this news was not confirmed by Liao Wei, it was just a suspicion, but it attracted Li Mubai's attention.

Liao Wei told Li Mubai that recently that Ma Ziqiang had always been mysterious, leaving early and returning late, and he didn't know what he was busy with all day.

Originally, Ma Ziqiang was not a permanent resident in Xiangjiang this trip. According to his work, he should have returned to the capital.But he stayed in Xiangjiang and did not leave, and he was still mysterious. After being connected with the photo of Li Mubai that was revealed in the media, Liao Wei felt that there was a shadow of Ma Ziqiang in it.

Li Mubai had no good influence on Ma Ziqiang in the first place, and there was also news from Ding Yigen's side that although that guy had some relatives with the Ou family, they were not very close.

In other words, as long as Ding Yi made a phone call, Ma Ziqiang would definitely die a miserable death.But Li Mubai didn't intend to let Ding Yizhi come in, this is Xiangjiang, Li Mubai has his own ideas.

It has been a while since he came to Xiangjiang, and he has always shown a relatively gentle state.But he is very clear that as long as there are people, there are rivers and lakes.Although it is different from the officialdom, there are still many similarities in it.Li Mubai also needs someone who can stand up to him, since someone has come to his door, Li Mubai has no intention of continuing to be polite.

"Lang Jiu, how are the preparations over there?" Li Mubai picked up the phone and made a long distance call.

Since Lang Jiuzhi came back, he has been in a hidden state.But Li Mubai didn't let Lang Jiu really relax, he secretly asked Lang Jiu to gather those trusted retired comrades together and start a security company.

Although there are not many people, they are good enough.And Li Mubai also provided these former heroes with better living conditions and economic income.As a former soldier, Li Mubai had a natural affinity for these people.

But when he was in China, Li Mubai really didn't need them.Before he came to Xiangjiang, Lang Jiu planned to bring two people to go with Li Mubai.But Li Mubai didn't agree, even now, Li Mubai didn't intend to let all the people come over, he thought three or four people would be enough.

However, what Li Mubai didn't expect was that not only Lang Jiu came in person, but he also brought eight elite soldiers.

In the past, most of these people had heard of Li Mubai's name and heard about his deeds.And now, finally met the boss who had never met before.

"Wolf Nine, Brother Nine, do you need such a big fight?"

In a very secret villa arranged by Liao Wei, Li Mubai met the long-lost Lang Jiu and those eight strong and capable retired soldiers.

"Boss, I've already blocked more than a dozen people who wanted to come." The address between Lang Jiu and Li Mubai had already changed.

After Li Mubai paid a large sum of money to let Lang Jiu recruit his former comrades-in-arms, Lang Jiu's loyalty to Li Mubai has reached an unprecedented height.

Especially after he saw the situation of these comrades in arms after returning to society, he was even more grateful to Li Mubai for everything he had done for them.Without Li Mubai's money, these comrades might still work as porters at the dock, or as security guards in that hotel.Some even squatted in the vegetable market, living the kind of life they least wanted.

And now some of the family members of these comrades-in-arms have been arranged to work in Longteng Group, and they have also established a security company.It's just that this security company doesn't have any external tasks. Most of them are still training in the army before, and some of them are assigned to the security department of Longteng Group.

They knew very well that all this came from the boss whom they had never met, Li Mubai.The so-called raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while, now that the boss is calling, those who want to come to Xiangjiang are about to tear off the security company's house.

If Lang Jiu still had a high prestige among these people, it would be impossible for these nine people to come to Xiangjiang.

"Hi boss!"

The eight other than Lang Jiu gave Li Mubai the etiquette of a soldier.Military salute, for soldiers, is the highest etiquette.Although they are no longer soldiers, they have also heard that this little boss was also a soldier before, and his achievements are not inferior to these people.

Now that I see myself, besides being excited, there is more to be touched.But the man's touch is not expressed in words, a military salute contains all the respect for Li Mubai.

"Hello, comrades." Li Mubai straightened his clothes, stood at attention, and saluted.

Looking at the most lovable and loyal people in the Republic, Li Mubai suddenly seemed to have returned to the iron-blooded trenches of the past.A warm current flowed through my heart in an instant.

"Director Liao will resolve your identities. I hope you can get familiar with the environment here as soon as possible." After shaking hands with everyone, Li Mubai motioned for everyone to sit down and talk. "There is actually no danger here, but some gossip reporters in Xiangjiang are very annoying. Also, Lang Jiu, help me check this person, I want to know everything about him in Xiangjiang."

While talking, Li Mubai put Ma Ziqiang's photo in front of Lang Jiu.He also said: "Everyone, don't be nervous. This is Xiangjiang, not a battlefield. But since you are here, let's use your strengths and form an intelligence as much as possible. I don't need so many bodyguards around me. Keep The next two or four are enough, and the rest will be arranged by Renwolf Nine."

Going out with seven or eight bodyguards is a bit too flamboyant, Li Mubai has not reached that level yet.Moreover, the current period is relatively sensitive, and Li Mubai does not want to cause too much trouble.

And a part of it will have a greater effect if it is hidden, and it can also play the role of a hole card.

After speaking, Li Mubai took out a check, threw it to Lang Jiu and said, "Take the brothers to familiarize themselves with the environment first, how to start, you can decide, call me anytime you don't have enough money."

1000 million!

Although Lang Jiu knew that his boss was very rich, he was also surprised by the string of zeros on the check.

In the mainland, when the per capita income has not even reached [-], [-] is already an astronomical figure.However, Li Mubai tossed out tens of millions all at once, making Lang Jiu's mouth grow so big that he couldn't keep his mouth shut for a long time with the check in his hand.

Several other people also saw Lang Jiu's appearance, and at first they had some disdain for this guy.They also saw that what Li Mubai gave him was a check.However, when these few people saw the amount on the check, none of them were dumbfounded.

How much money does our boss have?This is 1000 million, not 1 yuan!

Even if these people are people who have seen life and death on the battlefield, people who have received strict training.But in the face of such a large sum of money, the head has become insufficient.

When these people changed gods, they found that Li Mubai had already left the room, leaving only this group of stunned elders behind.


"What does our boss do in Xiangjiang?" The guy with the shortest character and a Sichuan accent sat down on the sofa.

"Our boss is not reselling arms in Xiangjiang, killing people and setting fire, right?" Another guy with a northeast accent and a dark chest also sat on the sofa.He felt that all of this was a bit too unreal, more like a dream than a dream.

Even in their dreams, they never imagined that one day they would see such a huge sum of money.

"Fart!" Lang Jiu glared at the Northeast brother fiercely, and said angrily, "Our boss is making movies in Xiangjiang, you know, it's making movies, not selling arms!"

What Lang Jiu said next was almost shouting, and he was dizzy from the shock of Li Mubai's generous writing.

"From now on, you don't have names, and you all use code names." Lang Jiuqiang held back the shock in his heart, and said: "Look at all of you guys who are not good enough and have never seen the world, I will embarrass you. From today onwards, your code name is pigs, and all of you are pigs! Pig one, pig two..."

"Wolf Nine, don't go too far!" The one who was called out and code-named Zhu Yi immediately quit. Although these guys were all comrades-in-arms who couldn't be better friends, they couldn't tolerate Lang Nine like this. s arrangement.It's as if he wasn't shocked. If the guy wasn't dumbfounded at the beginning, everyone wouldn't have made a fool of himself.

"Excessive? If you have the ability to survive under my hands for 10 minutes, otherwise I can decide what code name it is!" Lang Jiu rolled his eyes and said arrogantly: "Otherwise, obey orders obediently!"

"How long do you think this guy can hold on with the eight of us together?" The guy called Pig One knew very well that fighting alone was definitely not the opponent of Wolf Nine.However, this guy directly committed public outrage.

Immediately, the other seven responded immediately, and they showed their arms and rolled up their sleeves one after another, as if they were going to fight the wolf nine together.

"You're ruthless!" Lang Jiu also knew that no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't stop the eight of them from being together, but in order to highlight his importance and uniqueness, he pondered for a while and said, "Then use what we did before. codenames, Kitty Hawk One to Eight."

These few people were all members of the sharp knife platoon of a certain field battalion. Although they came from all over the world, everyone has their own unique skills.Moreover, they have cooperated very well together all the year round.

In the end, Kitty Eagle No. 1000 to No. [-] were in charge of Li Mubai's safety and followed Li Mubai's side, while the other four were responsible for building intelligence.With this [-] million at the bottom, even if you spend money, you can still get a piece of information.

And Wolf Nine took the lead in commanding and coordinating, and this opinion was finally approved by everyone.As for the identity issue, with Director Liao, they don't need to worry about it at all.

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